frames- Mr. Koskotas is fighting [ARG0 extradition proceedings] that *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel return] [ARG1 him] to [ARG2-to Greece , where he is charged *-1 with *-4 embezzling more than $ 250 million *U* from the Bank of Crete *T*-3] .
- With regard to Greece 's long-bubbling bank-looting scandal , Mr. Papandreou 's principal accuser remains George Koskotas , former owner of the Bank of Crete and self-confessed embezzler , now residing in a jail cell in Salem , Mass. , from where he is fighting [ARG0 extradition proceedings] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel return] [ARG1 him] to [ARG2-to Greece] *T*-2 .