frames- The company said 0 [ARG0 local authorities] held hearings on the allegations last spring and had [rel returned] [ARG1 the plant] to `` [ARG2-to routine inspection] '' [ARGM-TMP in August] .
- [ARG0 The drug , called * adenocard ,] [rel returns] [ARG1 the heart] to [ARG2-to a normal rhythm] [ARGM-TMP within seconds] , [ARGM-ADV according to Lyphomed] .
- The 48-year-old Mr. Corr was hired *-1 largely because [ARG0 he] was credited *-2 with *-3 [rel returning] [ARG1 Trans World Airlines Inc.] to [ARG2-to profitability] [ARGM-TMP while he was its president from 1986 to 1988] .
- Mr. Carpenter says 0 [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel return] [ARG1 Kidder] to [ARG2-to prominence as a great investment bank] .
- `` I am convinced that [ARG0 a monetary policy] for this country that *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel return] [ARG1 interest rates] to [ARG2-to the historical level of 4 % or 5 %] would have not only an immediate impact on housing starts , the housing stock , our industry in America , the refurbishing of our industrial system , it would help the Third World economies considerably and it would particularly have a favorable impact upon our budget deficit , '' Mr. Kemp said *T*-1 .