frames- `` [ARG1 Such research] [ARGM-MOD may] [ARGM-TMP ultimately] [rel result] in [ARG2-in the ability * to regenerate damaged tissues or * to turn off genes that *T*-114 cause cancer '' or * to regulate genes that *T*-115 cause Down 's syndrome , the leading cause of mental retardation , according to an NIH summary] .
- Michael Ross , a New York lawyer who *T*-132 heads the ABA 's grand jury committee , said that lawyers are prohibited *-1 by the ABA 's code of ethics from *-1 disclosing information about a client except where a court orders it *T*-3 or *-1 to prevent the client from *-4 committing [ARG1 a criminal act] that *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD could] [rel result] in [ARG2-in death] .
- But in the letters sent * in recent days , Christopher J. Lezovich of the IRS computing center in Detroit , told attorneys that `` [ARG1 * failing *-1 to voluntarily submit the requested information] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel result] in [ARG2-in summons enforcement action being initiated *-2] . ''
- In September , the custom-chip maker said 0 [ARG1 excess capacity and lagging billings] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel result] in [ARG2-in an estimated $ 2 million to $ 3 million *U* net loss for the third quarter] .
- At the same time , dealers said 0 the U.S. unit has been locked *-1 into a relatively narrow range in recent weeks , in part because [ARG1 the hefty Japanese demand for dollars] has been offset *-2 by the mark 's strength , * [rel resulting] in [ARG2-in a stalemate] .
- A spokesman for Temple estimated that [ARG1 Sea Containers ' plan] [ARGM-ADV -- if all the asset sales materialize --] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel result] in [ARG2-in shareholders receiving only $ 36 to $ 45 *U* a share in cash] .
- `` Each day that Congress fails *-1 to act *T*-2 ... will cause [ARG1 additional disruption in our borrowing schedule] , * [ARGM-ADV possibly] [rel resulting] in [ARG2-in higher interest costs to the taxpayer] , '' Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady said *T*-3 in a speech prepared * for delivery last night to a group of bankers .
- The U.S. Chamber of Commerce , *-1 still opposed to any mininum-wage increase , said 0 [ARG1 the compromise plan * to lift the wage floor 27 % in two stages between April 1990 and April 1991] `` will be impossible for many employers to accommodate and [ARGM-MOD will] [rel result] in [ARG2-in the elimination of jobs for American workers and higher prices for American consumers] .
- The [rel resulting] [ARG2 company] would be the largest forest-products concern in the world with combined sales of more than $ 13 billion *U* .
- Labor Secretary Elizabeth Dole said , `` The magnitude of these penalties and citations is matched *-1 only by [ARG2 the magnitude] of the hazards to workers which *T*-14 [rel resulted] from [ARG1-from corporate indifference to worker safety and health , and severe cutbacks in the maintenance and repair programs needed * to remove those hazards] . ''
- According to Dr. Wright , homelessness is `` simultaneously a housing problem , an employment problem , a demographic problem , a problem of social disaffiliation , a mental health problem , a family violence problem , a problem created * by the cutbacks in social welfare spending , [ARG2 a problem] [rel resulting] from [ARG1-from the decay of the traditional nuclear family] , and a problem intimately connected to the recent increase in the number of persons living below the poverty level . ''
- The department would be required *-1 to block the buy-out if the acquisition is likely *-2 to financially weaken a carrier so that safety would be impaired *-27 ; its ability * to compete would be sharply diminished *-3 ; it would be put *-28 into foreign control ; or if [ARG1 the transaction] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel result] in [ARG2-in the sale of airline-related assets] -- [ARGM-ADV unless * selling such assets had an overriding public benefit] .
- The House approved an amendment offered * by Rep. Peter DeFazio -LRB- D. , Ore. -RRB- that *T*-1 would , in addition to the previous criteria , also require the department to block the acquisition of an airline if [ARG1 the added debt incurred *] were likely *-2 to [rel result] in [ARG2-in a reduction in the number of the carrier 's employees , or their wages or benefits] .
- The language of the appropriations rider implies that [ARG1 any nomination to any position of a rejected nominee] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel result] in [ARG2-in the president being denied *-55 funding 0 * to pay that person 's salary *T*-1] .
- Some Democrats in Congress are warning that [ARG1 a complicated new funding device for the two federal antitrust agencies] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel result] in [ARG2-in further cutbacks in a regulatory area already reduced sharply in recent years] .
- [ARGM-ADV Whereas conventional securities financings are structured *-3 to be sold *-1 quickly] , [ARG1 Wall Street 's new penchant for leveraged buy-outs and junk bonds] is [rel resulting] in [ARG2-in long-term lending commitments that *T*-2 stretch out for months or years] .
- The truck maker said 0 [ARG1 the significant drop in net income] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel result] in [ARG2-in lower earnings for the fiscal year] .
- Travelers estimated that [ARG1 the California earthquake last month] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel result] in [ARG2-in a fourth-quarter pre-tax charge of less than $ 10 million *U*] .
- She said 0 [ARG1 the move] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel result] in [ARG2-in a after-tax charge of less than $ 4 million *U* 0 *T*-2 to be spread *-1 over the next three quarters] .
- Property\/casualty insurance has been a tough business in recent quarters , as pricing has been cutthroat and [ARG1 natural disasters such as Hurricane Hugo and the California earthquake] have [rel resulted] in [ARG2-in huge payments] .
- Upjohn Co. said 0 it will offer an early retirement package to as many as 1,100 employees in [ARG1 a cost-cutting move] expected * to [rel result] in [ARG2-in a fourth-quarter charge] .
- But the pharmaceutical company said 0 it `` anticipates 0 [ARG2 the long-term savings] [rel resulting] from [ARG1-from the plan 's implementation] will more than offset short-term costs . ''
- In countries such as Taiwan , South Korea and Singapore , economies are growing , [ARG1 *] [rel resulting] in [ARG2-in a rise in disposable income that consumers can use *T*-111 for soft drinks] .
- [ARG2 The charge] [rel resulted] from [ARG1-from a settlement approved * yesterday by the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities] .
- The lumber , insulation and fireproofing concern said 0 [ARG1 the transaction , which *T*-149 includes a swap of other timber interests ,] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel result] in [ARG2-in a $ 13.5 million *U* after-tax gain , 0 *T*-1 to be recorded *-123 in the fourth quarter] .
- [ARGM-ADV Unfortunately] , [ARGM-ADV according to Webster 's Biographical Dictionary] , `` [ARG1 His policies] went beyond his control and [rel resulted] ... in [ARG2-in riots and disturbances] '' and later a renewed campaign of civil disobedience `` resulted in rioting and a second imprisonment . ''
- Unfortunately , according to Webster 's Biographical Dictionary , `` His policies went beyond his control and resulted ... in riots and disturbances '' and [ARGM-TMP later] [ARG1 a renewed campaign of civil disobedience] `` [rel resulted] in [ARG2-in rioting and a second imprisonment] . ''
- Another arbitrator is hearing [ARG2 another pay parity case] between Eastern and its pilots , [rel resulting] from [ARG1-from a similar set of circumstances involving a separate pay raise granted * another union] .
- The head trader of Chemical Banking Corp. 's interest-rate options group has left the company , following [ARG1 valuation errors] that *T*-9 [rel resulted] in [ARG2-in a $ 33 million *U* charge against its third-quarter results] .
- Some competitors maintain 0 [ARG2 the interestrate option loss] , [ARGM-DIS in particular] , [ARGM-MOD may] have [rel resulted] [ARGM-ADV more] from [ARG1-from Chemical 's taking large and often contrarian positions] than a valuation problem .
- [ARG2 That injunction] [rel resulted] from [ARG1-from litigation between Temple and Sea Containers last May] .
- Company officials said 0 [ARG1 the current robust domestic demand that *T*-106 has been fueling sustained economic expansion] helped push up sales of products like ships , steel structures , power systems and machinery and [rel resulted] in [ARG2-in sharply higher profit] .
- Another factor weighing on the Frankfurt market involves fears about [ARG1 the impending wage talks] between the IG Metall metal-workers union and industry representatives , which *T*-209 [ARGM-MOD could] [rel result] in [ARG2-in a wave of strikes next spring] , traders said 0 *T*-1 .
- But everyone agrees that [ARG2 Mr. Gorbachev 's problems] [rel result] from [ARG1-from the failure of his own system] .
- Most of the crimes incorporated * in the Thurmond bill *ICH*-2 are exceedingly rare -- * killing a Supreme Court justice , for instance , or deliberately causing [ARG1 a train wreck] that *T*-3 [rel results] in [ARG2-in a death] .
- Thomas Boyd , a senior Justice Department official , says 0 [ARG1 the new federal drug-related crimes punishable by death since last November] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel result] in [ARG2-in a jump in capital sentences] , [ARGM-ADV though that has n't happened so far] .
- Within the alliance it is supposed *-3 to act as a balancing force , *-3 guarding against excessive control by government or abuse of its economic position by business , for [ARG1 either] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel result] in [ARG2-in a deterioration of its living standards] -LRB- under the new resolutions , workers councils may demand that a cooperative be closed *-1 or its prices be reduced *-2 -RRB- .
- [ARG1 His efforts * to get back the stolen strips] had [rel resulted] in [ARG2-in recovery of just three] .
- The bank said 0 [ARG2 the talks] [rel resulted] from [ARG1-from solicitations by its financial adviser] .
- [ARG1 A third-quarter charge of $ 3.5 million *U* related * to planned restaurant closings] [rel resulted] in [ARG2-in a net loss for the quarter] .
- [ARGM-DIS Moreover] , Mr. Shrontz added *T*-2 , [ARG1 production-rate increases that *T*-1 have been implemented *-3 on the 737 , 747 , 757 and 767 programs] have [rel resulted] in `` [ARG2-in serious work force skill-dilution problems] . ''
- The [rel resulting] [ARG2 haunted] house tends *-1 to reward followership , not leadership , it creates guilt about * wearing the uniform , and raises doubt about * having the will * to fulfill the ghosts ' role , i.e. , * to be able *-2 to win if * called on *-3 .
- Late last week , representatives of Dow Jones and Telerate began negotiations about the terms of the offer , but [ARG1 those talks] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel result] in [ARG2-in any changes in the offer] .
- [ARGM-ADV While there are no easy low-cost solutions] , [ARG1 * simply ignoring our problems] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel result] in [ARG2-in their severity increasing and spreading throughout the state , the nation and the world] .
- Both can be extremely aggressive at * pricing such products as soaps and diapers -- to the extent that some industry consultants predict 0 [ARG2 cents-off coupons for mascara] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel result] from [ARG1-from their entry into the field] .
- At the end of the very week in which Mr. Korotich was called *-1 to the Central Committee *T*-3 , Ogonyok was again demonstrating its independence by *-4 printing a poll that *T*-2 showed that 35 % of the Soviet population , a plurality , believed that [ARG1 Mr. Gorbachev 's economic reforms , perestroika ,] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel result] in [ARG2-in only insignificant change] .
- Among the types of cases 0 the in-house litigators handle *T*-2 are *T*-1 disputes involving companies doing business with GM and product-related actions , including one in which a driver is suing GM for [ARG2 damages] [rel resulting] from [ARG1-from an accident] *T*-3 .
- Insurers may see [ARG2 claims] [rel resulting] from [ARG1-from the San Francisco earthquake] totaling nearly $ 1 billion *U* -- far less than the claims 0 they face *T*-1 from Hurricane Hugo -- but the recent spate of catastrophes should jolt property insurance rates in coming months .
- Insurers buy this insurance protection for themselves by *-3 giving up a portion of the premiums 0 they collect *T*-2 on a policy to another firm -- a reinsurance company , which , in turn , *T*-1 accepts a portion of [ARG2 any losses] [rel resulting] from [ARG1-from this policy] .
- Quite the contrary -- [ARG2 it] [rel results] from [ARG1-from years of work by members of the National Council on the Handicapped , all appointed * by President Reagan] .
- In 1987 , it sold a 2.5 % stake in the Veslefrikk field to the Swedish national oil company , [ARG1 *] [rel resulting] in [ARG2-in a $ 7 million *U* after-tax gain] .
- Against this backdrop , [ARG2 one thing] that *T*-1 does n't seem likely *-2 to [rel result] from [ARG1-from 1992] is a single European stock market .
- Poughkeepsie also expects *-1 to post [ARG1 a one-time charge of $ 8.3 million *U*] , * [rel resulting] in [ARG2-in a net loss for the third quarter] .
- The company said 0 the situation in the U.S. is still uncertain as [ARG1 reduced production in the country 's automotive industry] has [rel resulted] in [ARG2-in weakened demand for rolling bearings] .
- -- `` [ARG1 The pressure *ICH*-1 put * on us * to win at all times] has [rel resulted] in [ARG2-in physical violence , such as punching and slapping by coaches] .
- The Tokyo Regional Taxation Office declines *-1 to comment , and Mr. Kori , the tycoon 's secretary , says 0 [ARG2 the problem] [ARGM-ADV simply] [rel resulted] from [ARG1-from a difference of opinion over what *T*-2 was considered *-3 income] .
- [ARG1 These problems] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel resulted] in [ARG2-in Sun reporting a $ 20.3 million *U* loss for its fourth quarter ended June 30] .
- Mr. Greenspan also said that although he favors * cutting capital-gains taxes as sound economic policy , he would oppose such a move if [ARG1 it] [ARGM-MOD would] undo the political compromise embodied * in the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and [rel result] in [ARG2-in higher marginal income tax rates] .
- Under Massachusetts tax laws , corporations must pay 9.5 % of [ARG2 estimated profits] [rel resulting] from [ARG1-from business transactions in the state] if the company conducts a variety of non-sales activities , including warranties , customer complaints and relations with independent dealerships .
- At the same time , production costs , compared with a year ago , were boosted *-1 by [ARG2 higher raw material and employment costs] , which *T*-2 [rel resulted] from [ARG1-from the company 's new labor pact effective June 1] .
- [ARG2 The adjustments] [rel result] from [ARG1-from the recently passed thrift-industry bailout legislation , which *T*-1 requires thrifts to divest all high-yield bond investments by 1994] .
- First Hospital advised Comprehensive Care that an agent for the financial institutions providing financing of its acquisition is scheduled *-1 to make a final credit determination tomorrow , and that [ARG1 a favorable determination] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel result] in [ARG2-in a reorganization at Comprehensive Care `` by the end of October] . ''
- He said that [ARGM-ADV if little cocoa actually has arrived at the ports] , [ARG2 shipping delays] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel result] .
- The ratings concern said 0 [ARG1 the acquisition] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel result] in [ARG2-in pretax losses from operations] [ARGM-ADV because of increases in interest expense and charges for depreciation and amortization] , but that it expects the losses to be reduced *-1 through productivity gains and above average growth of the company 's hospitals .
- But advancing issues topped decliners by 784 to 700 on the Big Board despite [ARG2 the late sell programs] , [rel resulting] from [ARG1-from stock-index arbitrage] .
- McCaw wants *-2 to buy 22 million shares of LIN for $ 125 *U* each , or $ 2.75 billion *U* , [ARG1 which] *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel result] in [ARG2-in McCaw 's owning 50.3 % of LIN] .
- The company also disclosed 0 its financial operations had increased reserves for bankrupt accounts , [ARG1 *] [rel resulting] in [ARG2-in a $ 40 million *U* pretax charge for the third quarter] .
- The environmental services company said that [ARG1 the discontinuation of unsuccessful product lines and an increase in baddebt reserves] [ARGM-ADV probably] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel result] in [ARG2-in charges of $ 2.5 million to $ 4 million *U* , most of which *T*-2 will be taken *-1 against third-quarter results] .
- The [rel resulting] [ARG2 scandal] led to the firing of James N. von Germeten as Boston Co. 's president and to the resignations of the company 's chief financial officer and treasurer .
- [ARG2 Individual prosperity] [ARGM-MNR inevitably] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel result] .
- For one , Axa plans *-2 to do away with [ARG1 certain tax credits] that *T*-1 have [rel resulted] in [ARG2-in more than $ 600 million *U* paid * to the Farmers exchanges during the past few years * to offset underwriting losses] .
- [ARG2 Those credits] [rel result] [ARGM-CAU because of taxes that Farmers , as the management company , has paid *T*-2] , and have `` proved *-1 to be very important for the exchanges , '' a Farmers spokesman said 0 *T*-3 .
- The bank said 0 [ARG1 the C$ 1 billion *U* in reserves] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel result] in [ARG2-in a charge of C$ 595 million *U* against earnings] but said 0 it still expects *-1 to report a profit for the year ending Tuesday .
- [ARG1 Gains in advertising revenue] , [ARGM-DIS however] , [rel resulted] in [ARG2-in operating profit of $ 78.4 million *U* -- up 20 % from $ 65.6 million *U*] .
- [ARG1 That reassessment] [rel resulted] in [ARG2-in continuing asset sales , as well as write-offs exceeding A$ 1.1 billion *U* last fiscal year] .
- [ARG1 Payout of preferred dividends] [rel resulted] in [ARG2-in a net loss of five cents a share] [ARGM-TMP in the most recent quarter] .
- The experiment , applicable to many genetic disorders , involved beta-thalassemia , [ARG2 a severe blood anemia] [rel resulting] from [ARG1-from a missing hemoglobin gene] .
- Anthony Wang , president , attributed the drop to [ARG2 the disruption] of the company 's business [rel resulting] from [ARG1-from the prolonged process of * acquiring Cullinet] .
- But there is not one shred of evidence that , [ARGM-ADV other things being equal] , [ARG1 salary differentials] [rel result] in [ARG2-in educational differentials] .
- In 1985 , a new price index for computers adjusted * for changes in performance characteristics was introduced *-1 , and [ARG1 that] [rel resulted] in [ARG2-in a significantly larger increase in real outlays for durable goods than the earlier estimates had showed *?*] .
- Inco said 0 [ARG2 the drop in earnings] [rel resulted] [ARGM-ADV mainly] from [ARG1-from lower nickel prices for the period and a temporary cut in nickel output at the company 's Manitoba operations due to high levels of arsenic in the ore] .
- David Boren , the Intelligence Committee chairman , is upset that someone leaked a letter to the committee from the Reagan administration suggesting that the U.S. would undertake *-2 to warn Panamanian thug Manuel Noriega if it got wind of [ARG1 an impending coup] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD might] [rel result] in [ARG2-in his assassination] .
- The Ashland , Ky. , oil company reported [ARG2 a $ 38 million *U* charge] [rel resulting] from [ARG1-from settlement of a 10-year dispute with the National Iranian Oil Co. over claims that Ashland did n't pay for Iranian crude 0 it had received *T*-1] .
- Exxon said in its suit that it will seek reimbursement from the state for [ARG2 that part] of the cleanup costs and damage claims 0 it says 0 *T*-1 [rel resulted] from [ARG1-from the state 's conduct] .
- McCaw is offering *-2 to buy 22 million shares of LIN for $ 125 *U* each in cash , [ARG1 which] *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel result] in [ARG2-in McCaw owning 50.3 % of the cellular-phone and broadcasting concern] .
- The [rel resulting] [ARG2 stockpiling] has depressed the market .
- In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission , the group said 0 it sold 1,325,900 Anacomp common shares from Aug. 31 to last Wednesday for $ 4.48 *U* to $ 5.84 *U* a share , [ARG1 *] [rel resulting] in [ARG2-in a drop in its holdings to 1,351,662 shares] .
- The life-insurance holding company said 0 [ARG1 the sale] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel result] in [ARG2-in an after-tax gain of about $ 32 million *U* , or $ 3.09 *U* a share] , [ARGM-TMP in the first quarter of]
- [ARG1 The change] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel result] in [ARG2-in a charge of about $ 8.5 million *U* , or 82 cents a share ,] [ARGM-CAU because of an increase in deferred income-tax liability] .
- Lep Group PLC of Britain , which *T*-1 holds a 62.42 % stake in Profit Systems Inc. , said 0 it is considering [ARG1 courses] of action that *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD could] [rel result] in [ARG2-in its having `` active control '' of the company] .
- Inmac recently disclosed a $ 12.3 million *U* write-off related * to [ARG1 a corporate restructuring] that *T*-1 [rel resulted] in [ARG2-in the company 's posting a $ 6.4 million *U* net loss *ICH*-2 for the year ended July 29 , compared with year-earlier profit of $ 9.7 million *U* , or $ 1.02 *U* a share] .
- They note that most of the new plants will come on line in 1992 , when the current import trade restraint program ends *T*-2 , [ARG1 which] *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD could] [rel result] in [ARG2-in more imports] .
- [ARG2 The award] [rel results] from [ARG1-from the Navy 's exercising of an option in an earlier contract 0 it awarded Avondale *T*-1] .
- Early intervention into these types of problems can apparently save businesses long-term expense associated * with [ARG2 hospitalization] , which *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP sometimes] [rel results] [ARGM-TMP when these problems go untreated for too long *T*-2] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG1 the compounded effects of `` seniors only '' taxes] [rel result] in [ARG2-in truly catastrophic marginal tax rates] .
- But other analysts expressed disappointment that [ARG1 the cost-cutting move] [ARGM-MOD wo] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel result] in [ARG2-in even greater earnings growth] .
- Mr. Gross said 0 he had hoped that [ARG1 a cost savings of $ 450 million *U*] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel result] in [ARG2-in even greater growth than the 20 % annual earnings increase 0 AT&T has told analysts 0 it expects *T*-1 in the future] .
- [ARG1 This decision] [rel resulted] in [ARG2-in at least some drugs entering the United States] [ARGM-ADV as a hidden cost of the war] . ''
- [ARG1 The earthquake that *T*-1 hit the San Francisco Bay area] is n't likely *-2 to [rel result] in [ARG2-in wholesale downgrading of bond ratings] , officials at the two major rating agencies said 0 *T*-3 .
- [ARG1 Panic] [ARGM-TMP frequently] [rel results] in [ARG2-in irrational behavior] .
- [ARG1 Last Friday 's market gyrations] did [ARGM-NEG not] [rel result] in [ARG2-in severe `` aftershocks] . ''
- California expects *-1 to rely on federal emergency funds and its $ 1.06 billion *U* in general fund reserves *-2 to meet the estimated $ 500 million to $ 1 billion *U* in [ARG2 damages] [rel resulting] from [ARG1-from the quake] , according to a state official .
- In the current-coupon sector , [ARG2 a shift in the Treasury yield curve] [rel resulting] from [ARG1-from the better performance of long-dated issues over short-dated securities] hurt major coupons because it *EXP*-1 will become more difficult * to structure new derivative securities offerings .
- [ARG2 The slowdown] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel results] from [ARG1-from chronic energy and raw-materials shortages that *T*-1 force many factories to restrict operations to two or three days a week] .
- The charges consist of : a $ 25 million *U* after-tax charge 0 *T*-1 to cover cost overruns in Ashland 's Riley Consolidated subsidiary ; [ARG2 a previously announced $ 38 million *U* after-tax charge] [rel resulting] from [ARG1-from a $ 325 million *U* settlement with National Iranian Oil Co.] and a $ 15 million *U* after-tax charge from the previously announced sale of its Ashland Technology Corp. subsidiary .
- Richard Carrion , who *T*-1 is currently president and chief executive officer of Banco Popular , said 0 [ARG1 the merger] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel result] in [ARG2-in a `` larger and stronger locally based bank] . ''
- Mattel said 0 [ARG1 the company 's sale of rights to land and buildings at its Hawthorne , Calif. , headquarters] [rel resulted] in [ARG2-in a $ 13 million *U* charge to third-quarter operating profit] .
- Oakland officials were still uncertain about the magnitude of structural damage late yesterday ; a section of I-880 , a twotiered highway , collapsed in Oakland , * causing a majority of [ARG2 the deaths] [rel resulting] from [ARG1-from the quake] .
- In a joint statement , the two companies , whose combined holdings *T*-2 equal 52.7 % of Sun Life 's ordinary shares , said 0 their agreement is aimed *-1 at * reducing `` [ARG2 the uncertainty and instability] for Sun Life that *T*-3 has [rel resulted] from [ARG1-from two major shareholders owning '' a controlling interest in the company] .
- [ARG2 The gain] [rel resulted] from [ARG1-from the sale of Grace Equipment Co. , the initial public offering of a one-sixth interest in Grace Energy Corp. and an adjustment in the carrying value of certain natural resource assets not part of Grace Energy] .
- [ARG2 The rise] [rel resulted] from [ARG1-from the transfer to non-accrual status of $ 96 million *U* `` owed * by two national borrowers and one local commercial real-estate customer] , '' First Fidelity said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 The project] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel result] in [ARG2-in the U.S. taking more than 10 % of its natural gas supplies *ICH*-1 from Canada , up from about 5 % currently] .
- UAL Corp. 's difficulty in * obtaining bank financing for its leveraged buy-out and its [rel resulting] [ARG2 price] plunge is a tip-off to what *T*-1 's going *-2 to happen to `` takeover stocks , '' says 0 *T*-3 Mr. Canelo .
- A second provision passed * by the Senate and House would eliminate a rule allowing companies that *T*-1 post [ARG2 losses] [rel resulting] from [ARG1-from LBO debt] to receive refunds of taxes paid * over the previous three years .
- State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. , the largest home and auto insurer in California , believes 0 the losses from the earthquake could be somewhat less than the $ 475 million *U* in damages 0 it expects *-1 to pay *T*-2 out for [ARG2 claims] [rel resulting] from [ARG1-from Hurricane Hugo] .
- [ARG1 The volume] [rel resulted] in [ARG2-in dial-tone delays that *T*-1 were as short as 15 seconds and as long as five minutes] .
- Jack Byrne , the chairman of Fireman 's Fund Corp. , which *T*-2 is based *-1 in Novato , Calif. , estimates 0 [ARG2 insured losses] [rel resulting] [ARG1 the earthquake] could total $ 2 billion *U* .
- A company spokesman said 0 [ARG2 the decision * to eliminate the dividend] [rel resulted] from [ARG1-from a quarterly appraisal] and that circumstances had changed since the December announcement .
- Trinova Corp. , Maumee , Ohio , said 0 it is launching an extensive restructuring of its core business , and took [ARG1 a charge] that *T*-1 [rel resulted] in [ARG2-in a loss of $ 29.7 million *U* , or 87 cents a share , for the third quarter] .
- The panel also warned Rep. Bates that [ARG1 any further violations] `` [ARGM-MOD may] [rel result] in [ARG2-in a recommendation that disciplinary action be considered *-1] . ''
- Fleet also noted that , unlike other banking companies in the Northeast , it has been only marginally hurt *-1 by [ARG2 nonperforming loans] that *T*-2 have [rel resulted] from [ARG1-from the slumping regional real estate market] .
- The Shreveport , La. , natural gas company said 0 [ARG1 the charges] , [ARGM-ADV though *-1 partially offset *-2 by a one-time gain from the offering] , [ARGM-MOD will] [rel result] in [ARG2-in a full-year after-tax loss] .
- Arkla said 0 [ARG1 its initial offering of 18 % of Arkla Exploration Co.] is expected *-2 to [rel result] in [ARG2-in a net gain of about $ 90 million *U* , which *T*-1 will be used *-3 *-4 to pay down Arkla debt] .
- `` I think that you will see [ARG1 a significant improvement in the budget formulation and execution process] which , in turn , I believe 0 *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD will] [rel result] in [ARG2-in a significant increase in revenue] , '' he said *T*-2 .
- [ARG1 Further investigation] , he said 0 *T*-2 , [ARGM-MOD may] [rel result] in [ARG2-in further actions against Lincoln 's executives , said 0 *T*-2 Mr. Seidman , `` including fraud actions] . ''
- Sen. Lloyd Bentsen -LRB- D. , Texas -RRB- was outraged after [ARG1 a private word to John Motley , lobbyist for the National Federation of Independent Business] , [rel resulted] in [ARG2-in a news release saying that the Senate Finance Committee chairman would recommend repeal of Section 89] .
- [ARG2 Lack of liquidity] [ARGM-MOD can] [ARGM-ADV also] [rel result] from [ARG1-from exchange `` reforms] . ''
- Although [ARG1 legislative lines] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel result] in [ARG2-in under-inclusion] -LRB- which *T*-1 explains why the SEC has long resisted a legislative definition of insider trading -RRB- , judicial lawmaking inevitably creates uncertainty because of the shadowy outer edges and implications of most judicial decisions .
- [ARGM-DIS At least] [ARGM-TMP when the stakes are high *T*-1] , [ARG1 uncertainty in turn] [rel results] in [ARG2-in overinclusion] , [ARGM-ADV as individuals do not dare *-2 to approach an uncertain line closely] .
- The Bush administration is seeking an understanding with Congress 0 *T*-2 to ease restrictions on U.S. involvement in [ARG1 foreign coups] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD might] [rel result] in [ARG2-in the death of a country 's leader] .
- Honeywell said 0 its Defense and Marine Systems group incurred [ARG1 delays] in * shipping some undisclosed contracts during the third quarter , [rel resulting] in [ARG2-in lower operating profit for that business] .
- The CFTC said 0 it will propose the restrictions after the release of a study that *T*-1 shows [ARG2 little economic benefit] [rel resulting] from [ARG1-from dual trading] and cites `` problems '' associated * with the practice .
- However , the lower prices 0 these retail chains are now expected *-1 to bring *T*-2 should make it easier for managers to raise the necessary capital and pay back the [rel resulting] [ARG2 debt] .
- Last month the FDA and Contact Lens Institute cautioned users that [ARG2 serious eye infections] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel result] from [ARG1-from * wearing lenses more than seven days at a stretch] .
- Observers also wonder whether Judge Mazzone will use the lost-profits method of * determining damages , which Polaroid favors *T*-1 because [ARG1 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel result] in [ARG2-in a larger award] , or the reasonable royalty method .
- Quotron said 0 [ARG2 that snafu , which *T*-2 lasted nine minutes ,] [rel resulted] from [ARG1-from a failure * to adjust for a 4-for-1 stock split at Philip Morris Cos] .
- `` With the FBI around here , bragging rights are a thing of the past , '' said *T*-1 one trader , *-2 referring to [ARG1 the federal investigation] of futures trading that [ARGM-TMP so far] *T*-3 has [rel resulted] in [ARG2-in 46 indictments lodged * against individuals on the Merc and the Chicago Board of Trade] .
- `` I believe that the perception that legislation in this area may be hastily approved *-1 contributed to the collapse of the UAL transaction , and the [rel resulting] [ARG2 disruption] in the financial markets experienced * this past Friday , '' Mr. Trump wrote members of Congress *T*-2 .
- The bill would allow the secretary to reject a buy-out if sufficient information has n't been provided *-1 , or if [ARG1 the buy-out] is likely *-2 to weaken the carrier financially , [rel result] in [ARG2-in a substantial reduction in size of the airline] [ARGM-MNR through disposal of assets] , or give control to a foreign interest .
- The deterioration in credit quality offset strong loan growth of 17 % in NCNB 's Southeast operations , as well as [ARG2 a 28 % growth] in deposits [rel resulting] from [ARG1-from an aggressive marketing campaign] .
- The company said 0 [ARG2 the gain] [rel resulted] [ARGM-ADV mainly] from [ARG1-from a $ 54 million *U* increase in net interest income] , [ARGM-ADV * reflecting a 33 % increase in real estate loans -LRB- mainly residential -RRB- , and a 19 % rise in consumer loans] .
- The U.S. trade representative declined *-1 to put a dollar estimate on [ARG2 the losses] [rel resulting] from [ARG1-from the Canadian export restrictions] .
- Though Mr. Colton says 0 [ARG1 * expanding FHA lending] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel result] in `` [ARG2-in no cost to the government] , '' the mere diversion of funds from other parts of the economy and from other forms of housing -LRB- such as low-income -RRB- to the single-family home market would result in a major expense .
- [ARGM-ADV Though Mr. Colton says 0 * expanding FHA lending would result in `` no cost to the government] , '' [ARG1 the mere diversion of funds from other parts of the economy and from other forms of housing -LRB- such as low-income -RRB- to the single-family home market] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel result] in [ARG2-in a major expense] .
- He described Friday 's plunge in the U.S. as [ARG2 a `` fleeting '' event] [rel resulting] [ARGM-ADV in part] from [ARG1-from excessive merger and acquisition activity] .
- It said 0 [ARG2 the loss] [rel resulted] from [ARG1-from startup and introduction costs related * to a new medical ultrasound equipment system] .
- Enron Corp. , Houston , said 0 [ARG1 the sale of preference units of its newly formed Enron NGL Partners L.P. master limited partnership subsidiary] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel result] in [ARG2-in an undetermined gain in the fourth quarter] .
- The company said 0 a portion of the $ 32 million *U* realized * from the sales will be used *-1 *-2 to repay its bank debt and [ARG2 other obligations] [rel resulting] from [ARG1-from the currently suspended air-charter operations] .
- The partnership runs the risk that it may not get the approvals for development , but in return , it can buy land at wholesale rather than retail prices , [ARG1 which] *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD can] [rel result] in [ARG2-in sizable savings] , said 0 *T*-1 Bruce Karatz , president and chief executive officer of Kaufman & Broad .
- It said 0 [ARG2 the delay] [rel resulted] from [ARG1-from difficulties in * resolving its accounting of a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission] .
- [ARG1 All these actions] , Mr. Atherton said 0 *T*-1 , [ARGM-MOD will] [rel result] in [ARG2-in a loss of $ 125 million *U* to $ 150 million *U* for the third quarter] .
- [ARG1 That action] , CityFed said 0 *T*-1 , [ARGM-MOD will] [rel result] in [ARG2-in a charge against third-quarter results of approximately $ 30 million *U*] .
- The company said 0 it is beginning *-2 to see [ARG1 some shipping-rate improvements *ICH*-3] in both the intergrated-steel and steel-service-center segments , which *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD should] [rel result] in [ARG2-in improved results for the fourth quarter] .
- In July , the company reported that [ARG1 booming sales of new personal computers from Apple and IBM] had [rel resulted] in [ARG2-in net income more than doubling for its fourth quarter ended June 30 to $ 7.4 million *U* , or 23 cents a share] .
- The [rel resulting] [ARG2 decline] in interest rates and the value of the dollar could reinvigorate American business -- indeed , the entire economy .
- -LRB- In court papers , Sony says 0 it has spent more than $ 3 million *U* *-1 to promote the line , with [rel resulting] [ARG2 sales] of over a million units . -RRB-
- When Denver 's regional economy begins *-1 to grow faster *T*-2 -- such a recovery could occur as early as next year -- business and consumer confidence will return , and the [rel resulting] [ARG2 explosion] of real-estate activity will dwarf the general economic rebound .