frames- [ARG0 Corporate executives] [rel resent] [ARG1 that their company 's stock has been transformed *-75 into a nameless piece of a stock-index basket] .
- [ARG0 Many specialist firms] [rel resent] [ARG1 the Big Board 's new `` basket '' product that *T*-143 allows institutions to buy or sell all stocks in the Standard & Poor 's 500-stock index in one shot] .
- One East Coast manufacturing executive , *-2 faced *-3 with [ARG1 a job transfer] 0 [ARG0 his wife] [rel resented] *T*-1 , found that counseling helped them both come to grips with the move .
- [ARGM-TMP Eventually] [ARG0 viewers] [ARGM-MOD may] grow bored with the technology and [rel resent] [ARG1 the cost] .