frames- [ARG1 The Chicago company 's beverage carrier] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 meant *-2 to replace cardboard trays at concession stands and fast-food outlets] , [rel resembles] [ARG2 the plastic loops used * on six-packs of beer] , [ARGM-ADV only the loops hang from a web of strings] .
- Some 30 balloon shows are held *-65 annually in the U.S. , including the world 's largest convocation of ersatz Phineas Foggs -- the nine-day Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta that *T*-86 attracts some 800,000 enthusiasts and more than 500 balloons , [ARG1 some of which] *T*-1 are fetchingly shaped *-2 to [rel resemble] [ARG2 Carmen Miranda , Garfield or a 12-story-high condom] .
- It is time-consuming -LRB- the abortion part alone lasts three days , and the clinical part comprises a week 's worth of visits -RRB- , bloody -LRB- one woman in a Swedish trial required a transfusion , although [ARGM-ADV for most] [ARG1 it] [rel resembles] [ARG2 a menstrual period] , [ARGM-MNR with bleeding lasting an average of 10 days] -RRB- , and painful -LRB- many women require analgesic shots *-1 to ease them through -RRB- .
- * Add the fact that any one of them , including Pa , could be her attacker , and you have [ARG1 a setting] that *T*-1 does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel resemble] [ARG2 small-town America , or even Hollywood 's nightmare of small-town America] , [ARGM-ADV so much as a paranoid feminist dystopia like Margaret Atwood 's `` The Handmaid 's Tale , '' 0 *T*-2 itself soon to be -LRB- you guessed it -RRB- a Hollywood movie] .
- Ms. Chung 's program is just one of several network shows -LRB- and many more in syndication -RRB- that *T*-1 rely on the controversial technique of * reconstructing events , using [ARG1 actors] who *T*-2 are supposed *-3 to [rel resemble] [ARG2 real people , living and dead] .
- Although [ARG1 some of the study 's recommendations] [rel resemble] [ARG2 those of similar projects] , the makeup of the task force was unusually diverse , * adding significance to the effort .
- [ARGM-TMP At the moment] , [ARG1 Poland] [rel resembles] [ARG2 19th-century Pittsburgh] [ARGM-ADV more than a modern industrial society] -- [ARGM-MNR with antiquated production , inadequate environmental management , and little ecological awareness] .
- And [ARG1 the sets] are wider , *-1 [rel resembling] [ARG2 the dimensions of a movie screen] .
- [ARG1 The neighborhood around Alexander Haagen Co. 's Vermont-Slauson Shopping Center in the Watts section of Los Angeles] [rel resembles] [ARG2 the crime-ridden , deteriorating sections of many inner cities] and certainly is n't the sort of area 0 one would choose *-2 to visit *T*-1 .
- So often *ICH*-1 are government statistics revised that [ARG1 they] seem *-2 to [rel resemble] [ARG2 a spinning weather vane] .
- He believes that the task facing Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan is so difficult that [ARG1 it] [rel resembles] `` [ARG2 * juggling a double-bladed ax and a buzz saw] . ''
- [ARG1 Many plant floors] [ARGM-TMP currently] [rel resemble] [ARG2 a Tower of Babel] , [ARGM-MNR with computers , robots and machine tools that *T*-1 generally speak their own language and have trouble *-2 talking to each other] .
- [ARG1 What Sotheby 's is doing *T*-1] [ARGM-MNR closely] [rel resembles] [ARG2 an underwriting by an investment bank] .
- The most popular style is [ARG1 the stretched `` Family] , '' which *T*-1 [rel resembles] [ARG2 a Ford Bronco or Chevy Blazer] .
- Nor does [ARG1 it] [ARGM-MNR at all] [rel resemble] [ARGM-ADV -LRB- despite what some executives think *T*-1 -RRB-] [ARG2 the more intimate variety offered * at specialty parlors in bad parts of town] .
- [ARG1 The messages] [rel resemble] [ARG2 the Business Traveler , a daily dose of travel tips developed * by Mr. Bear and sponsored * by travel agencies in several major cities] .
- * Do n't say 0 the TV sitcom , because that happens *-2 to be [ARG1 a genre] that , [ARGM-LOC in its desperate need * to attract everybody and offend nobody] , *T*-1 [rel resembles] [ARG2 politics] [ARGM-ADV more than it does *?* comedy] .
- [ARG1 His products] are n't exact copies of Sony 's but [ARGM-MNR strongly] [rel resemble] [ARG2 them] [ARGM-MNR in size , shape and , especially , color] .