frames- Nekoosa 's poison pill allows [ARG0 shareholders] to vote *-2 to [rel rescind] [ARG1 it] , but Georgia-Pacific is n't likely *-1 to pursue such a course immediately because that would take 90 to 120 days , and would n't affect the provisions of the Maine law .
- [ARGM-TMP When] [ARG0 a House-Senate conference on yesterday 's bill] [rel rescinded] [ARG1 $ 11.8 million *U* in unexpended funds for a Fort Worth , Texas , economic development project backed * by former Speaker James Wright] *T*-1 , Sen. Phil Gramm -LRB- R. , Texas -RRB- insisted last week that the money be preserved *-2 .
- But as legislative action , [ARG1 they] would carry greater weight and would be more difficult 0 * to [rel rescind] *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-TMP Soon after *-2 taking over last June] , [ARG0 Mr. Corry] [rel rescinded] [ARG1 a pay cut imposed * on clerical workers] , [ARGM-ADV a move that Mr. Roderick had n't made *T*-1 in spite of improved earnings] .
- [ARG0 President Bush] would do himself and the country a favor by *-1 [rel rescinding] [ARG1 the order] [ARGM-MNR as an ambiguous intrusion on his ability * to defend America 's national security] .
- There are of course good reasons 0 [ARG0 the U.S.] should n't get into the assassination business *T*-1 , but * [rel rescinding] [ARG1 the executive order] is not the same thing as * saying 0 the U.S. should start *-2 passing out exploding cigars .
- And in a footnote to the fall of House Speaker James Wright this year , [ARG0 the conference] voted *-2 to [rel rescind] [ARG1 $ 11.8 million *U* in unspent EDA funds for a Fort Worth , Texas , stockyards project that *T*-1 figured in ethics charges against the former Democratic leader] .
- Instead it 's a form of `` enhanced rescission , '' giving [ARG0 a President] a chance * to [rel rescind] , or strike , [ARG1 specific spending items that *T*-1 just go too far] .
- After *-2 receiving complaints from egg producers , this branch got [ARG0 the other branch] to [rel rescind] [ARG1 its approval] , *-2 thus limiting the machine 's potential market to bakeries and restaurants and other establishments that *T*-1 are n't regulated *-3 by the USDA .
- The networks still are `` uninhibited in their authority '' over what shows *T*-1 get on the air , charges Motion Picture Association President Jack Valenti , the most vociferous opponent of [ARG0 *] [rel rescinding] [ARG1 the rules] .