frames- 1 -RRB- Voters can `` buy '' one of two brands *ICH*-1 when they select their political agents *T*-4 -- a Republican brand that *T*-2 believes in the minimalist state and in the virtues of private markets over the vices of public action , and [ARG0 a Democratic brand] that *T*-3 believes in big government and in public intervention * to [rel remedy] [ARG1 the excesses attendant to the pursuit of private interest] .
- Nationwide Health said 0 [ARG0 it] has `` numerous financing activities '' under way *-1 to [rel remedy] [ARG1 the problem] and will make up the dividend payment later if possible .
- [ARG0 Mr. Jobs] moved *-1 to [rel remedy] [ARG1 a couple of his computer 's drawbacks] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] [ARGM-MNR by *-2 lowering the entry-level price for a Next machine by $ 1,500 *U* , or 23 % , if the buyer chooses a hard-disk drive as an alternative to Next 's optical-storage device] .