frames- [ARG0 Ports in the Great Lakes and Atlantic Coast] [ARGM-MOD can] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel relieve] [ARG1 pressure on New Orleans] .
- Slightly more , like [ARG0 Leslie Sherren , a law librarian in San Francisco who *T*-1 attends dance aerobics five times a week] , exercise *-2 to [rel relieve] [ARG1 stress] .
- [ARG0 It] does [ARGM-NEG not] [rel relieve] [ARG1 the need for our market-opening efforts for both goods and services] , but it does suggest that it is our exports of services , and not just borrowing , that *T*-1 is financing our imports of goods .
- `` The World Series is brought *-4 to you by Lexus , who *T*-1 urges [ARG0 you] *-2 to help *-5 [rel relieve] [ARG1 the suffering caused * by the recent earthquake] ... , '' the game announcer said *T*-3 .
- `` One man said 0 [ARG0 you] act as a stimulant , '' a prostitute tells him *T*-1 , `` a diversion * to [rel relieve] [ARG1 people 's boredom] . ''
- But despite more than two years of research showing 0 [ARG0 AZT] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel relieve] [ARG1 dementia and other symptoms] [ARGM-LOC in children] , the drug still lacks federal approval for use in the youngest patients .
- Research shows 0 [ARG0 AZT] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel relieve] [ARG1 dementia and other symptoms in children , 1,859 of whom *T*-1 are known *-2 to have been infected *-3] .
- And Tina Brown , editor of Conde Nast Publications Inc. 's Vanity Fair , said 0 advertisers are frequently asked *-1 *-2 to take advertising positions in the back of her magazine [ARG0 *] to [rel relieve] [ARG1 ad clutter] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Wall] [rel relieved] [ARG2 them] of [ARG1-of responsibility for * supervising Lincoln] [ARGM-TMP in 1988] .
- Although the East German news agency ADN claimed 0 [ARG2 Mr. Honecker] had asked *-2 to be [rel relieved] *-1 of [ARG1-of his duties] [ARGM-CAU for `` health reasons] , '' West German government sources said 0 the 26-man Politburo had asked for his resignation at a separate meeting late Tuesday .
- ADN said 0 [ARG2 Mr. Honecker , a hard-line Stalinist who *T*-2 in 1961 supervised the construction of the Berlin Wall ,] [ARGM-DIS also] was [rel relieved] *-1 of [ARG1-of his title as head of state and his position as chief of the military] .
- [ARG2 Both men] were [ARGM-DIS also] [rel relieved] *-1 of [ARG1-of their duties] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] .
- Bay Financial , which *T*-1 said 0 it may be forced *-2 to file under Chapter 11 if it ca n't reach [ARG0 an agreement *ICH*-3] with its lenders * to [rel relieve] [ARG1 its debt burden] , plunged 1 3\/8 to 2 1\/8 .