frames- But the New York Stock Exchange chairman said 0 [ARG0 he] does n't support * [rel reinstating] [ARG1 a `` collar ''] on [ARG2-on program trading] , *-1 arguing that firms could get around such a limit .
- A spokesman for Sen. Edward M. Kennedy -LRB- D. , Mass . -RRB- says 0 [ARG0 Mr. Thornburgh] would be required *-2 to [rel reinstate] [ARG1 the units] [ARGM-TMP next year] if an proposed omnibus crime bill is passed *-1 .
- [ARG0 A state appellate court] [rel reinstated] [ARG1 the 1987 convictions of Pymm Thermometer Corp. and two of its executives on charges of assault for * exposing workers to toxic mercury vapors] .
- CMS ENERGY Corp. said 0 management would recommend to its board today that [ARG1 its common stock dividend] be [rel reinstated] *-1 at [ARG2-at a `` modest level ''] [ARGM-TMP later this year] .
- Most importantly , the Senate traded away [ARG1 the Bush administration 's controversial plan * to finance the bailout] , which *T*-2 was [ARGM-ADV partly] [rel reinstated] *-1 [ARGM-TMP later] .
- In the Missouri case , unforeseen consequences may have arisen because [ARG0 the high court] [rel reinstated] [ARG1 the preamble of the state 's 1986 abortion law] .
- `` All our efforts are now focused *-1 on * improving earnings to [ARGM-LOC the point] where [ARG0 we] [ARGM-MOD can] fund additional new-country development , continue *-2 to invest in the business and [rel reinstate] [ARG1 the dividend] *T*-3 , '' he added *T*-4 .
- [ARG0 Charitable groups] are trying *-2 to [rel reinstate] [ARG1 the write-off for contributions made * by individuals who *T*-1 do n't itemize their deductions] .
- And [ARG0 heavy-industry lobbyists] are quietly discussing the possibility of * [rel reinstating] [ARG1 the investment tax credit] .