frames- [ARG0 The Allianz statement] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel reinforced] [ARG1 the belief that the takeover battle could be a long one] .
- The ministry said 0 the swap , details of which *T*-2 were disclosed *-1 last Thursday , will allow [ARG0 both state-controlled companies] to [rel reinforce] [ARG1 operations in their main markets] and argued that the move shows the dynamism of France 's state-sector concerns .
- [ARG0 Waning demand reported * by importers , retailers and even fancy restaurants] [ARGM-ADV all] [rel reinforce] [ARG1 a profile of a community that *T*-1 is sharply tightening its belt] .
- Although the polyester and rayon markets remain mostly bleak , Akzo has high hopes for some emerging fiber businesses , such carbon fibers and aramid , [ARG2 extremely strong fibers] used * *-1 to [rel reinforce] [ARG1 tires and metals] and to make such products as bullet-proof vests .
- That produced [ARG0 little reaction from his boss] , * [rel reinforcing] [ARG1 speculation 0 the government would use its two conditions as a pretext for * avoiding full EMS membership] .
- Graham Beale , manager of foreign-exchange operations at Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp. in New York , added that [ARG0 Mrs. Thatcher 's comments] [rel reinforced] [ARG1 the market 's growing confidence about sterling] and compounded the unit 's later decline .
- `` The only response to the challenge being presented * to us by the East , '' Mr. Mitterrand told *T*-1 the European Parliament in Strasbourg yesterday , `` is [ARG0 *] to [rel reinforce] and accelerate [ARG1 the union and cohesion of the European Community] . ''
- Instead , [ARG0 they] are spending *-2 to [rel reinforce] [ARG1 the identity that they believe 0 *T*-1 attracts their customers] .
- But [ARG0 it] could also accelerate `` marketization '' by *-1 [rel reinforcing] [ARG1 industrial accountability] , breaking up state monopolies , giving managers a stake in solutions , and ensuring that modernization is not reversible for failure * to address environmental effects .
- While the market expects little reaction from news of U.S. durable goods orders , scheduled * for release today , participants note that [ARG2 the figures] will probably serve *-1 to [rel reinforce] [ARG1 this bearish sentiment] .
- [ARG0 *-1] To [rel reinforce] [ARG1 employees ' dedication] , Mr. Smith pays well .
- Sung Won Sohn , chief economist at Norwest Corp. , Minneapolis , holds that [ARG0 the recent stock-market volatility] `` increases the possibility of economic recession and [rel reinforces] [ARG1 the bad news '' from recent trade deficit , employment and housing reports] .
- For instance , some investors have sworn off stocks since the 1987 market crash ; [ARG0 last Friday 's debacle] [ARGM-ADV only] [rel reinforced] [ARG1 those feelings] .
- He said : `` We know of no technology that *T*-1 exists anywhere in the world that *T*-2 would allow [ARG0 us] to '' [rel reinforce] [ARG1 the columns] .
- [ARG0 New York Times Co. 's third-quarter earnings report] is [rel reinforcing] [ARG1 analysts ' belief that newspaper publishers will be facing continued poor earnings comparisons through 1990] .
- One Southern California aerospace firm , for example , two months ago asked Location Management *-1 to compare the costs of [ARG0 *] [rel reinforcing] [ARG1 its current building] [ARGM-MNR against earthquakes] with the cost of * building a new structure elsewhere .
- `` It 's going *-1 to set things back for a period , because [ARG0 it] [rel reinforces] [ARG1 the concern of volatility] , '' says *T*-2 Jeffrey B. Lane , president of Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc .
- But as for safety , he says 0 double-deck freeways built * today with the [ARGM-MNR heavily] [rel reinforced] [ARG1 concrete] and thicker columns required * after the Sylmar quake should withstand a calamitous temblor of 7.5 to 8 on the Richter scale .
- [ARG0 Caltrans] [rel reinforced] [ARG1 the highway] [ARGM-TMP in 1977] [ARGM-PNC as part of a $ 55 million *U* statewide project] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 using steel cables *-2 to tie the decks of the freeway to the columns and prevent the structure from *-3 swaying in a quake] .
- Ironically , [ARG0 Caltrans] this year began *-1 working on a second round of seismic reinforcements of freeways around the state , *-1 this time wrapping freeway columns in `` steel blankets '' *-2 to [rel reinforce] [ARG1 them] .
- [ARG0 *] [rel Reinforcing] [ARG1 such old building stock] , Mr. Johnson said 0 *T*-1 , `` comes down to money .
- But [ARG0 the figures] [rel reinforced] [ARG1 the view *ICH*-1 of many private analysts that the improvement in the U.S. trade deficit has run out of steam] .
- [ARG0 Industrial production] declined 0.1 % in September , * [rel reinforcing] [ARG1 other signs that the manufacturing sector continues its slowing trend] .
- [ARGM-DIS On the other hand] , [ARG0 a decision * to increase the IMF 's capital] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel reinforce] [ARG1 the central economic role of multilateral institutions in developing countries] .
- `` [ARG0 It] [ARGM-ADV further] [rel reinforces] [ARG1 the concept that Blue Arrow is a thing of the past] , '' said *T*-1 Doug Arthur , an analyst at Kidder Peabody & Co. in New York .
- However , Jeffrey B. Lane , president of Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. , said that Friday 's plunge is `` going *-1 to set back '' relations with customers , `` because [ARG0 it] [rel reinforces] [ARG1 the concern of volatility] .
- `` The disadvantage at this point is that [ARG0 anything 0 you do *T*-2 that *T*-1 looks like you are doing too much] tends *-4 to [rel reinforce] [ARG1 a sense of crisis] , '' said *T*-3 one government official , insisting on anonymity .