frames- The efforts [ARG0 *] to get to the people who *T*-3 are addicted , try *-1 to [rel rehabilitate] [ARG1 them] ; if they can not be rehabilitated *-2 , at least * to contain them ; * to educate people , * to strongly discourage use of drugs by people who *T*-4 are casual users and first users , * to stop this process among the young -- all of these things I think 0 *T*-5 are extremely important .
- The efforts * to get to the people who *T*-3 are addicted , try *-1 to rehabilitate them ; if [ARG1 they] [ARGM-MOD can] [ARGM-NEG not] be [rel rehabilitated] *-2 , at least * to contain them ; * to educate people , * to strongly discourage use of drugs by people who *T*-4 are casual users and first users , * to stop this process among the young -- all of these things I think 0 *T*-5 are extremely important .
- Enthusiasts assume that national service would get important work done cheaply : forest fires fought *-1 , [ARG1 housing] [rel rehabilitated] *-2 , students tutored *-3 , day-care centers staffed *-4 .