frames- [ARG0 Commonwealth Edison Co.] was ordered *-1 *-2 to [rel refund] [ARG1 about $ 250 million *U*] to [ARG2-to its current and former ratepayers] [ARGM-CAU for illegal rates collected * for cost overruns on a nuclear power plant] .
- The Illinois Supreme Court ordered [ARG0 the commission] *-1 to audit Commonwealth Edison 's construction expenses and [rel refund] [ARG1 any unreasonable expenses] .
- In August , the commission ruled that [ARG1 between $ 190 million and $ 195 million *U* of the plant 's construction cost] was unreasonable and [ARGM-MOD should] be [rel refunded] *-1 , [ARGM-MNR plus interest] .
- [ARGM-TMP Last year] [ARG0 Commonwealth Edison] had *-1 to [rel refund] [ARG1 $ 72.7 million *U*] [ARGM-PNC for poor performance of its LaSalle I nuclear plant] .
- [ARG0 The network] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel refund] [ARG1 money] to [ARG2-to the advertisers] and loses considerable revenue and prestige .
- Despite yesterday 's modest bond market gains , economists say 0 investors are anxious about the Treasury 's huge quarterly [rel refunding] of [ARG1-of government debt] , the timing of which *T*-1 depends on Congressional efforts * to raise the debt ceiling .
- Pending Shelby County , Tenn. -- $ 80 million *U* of [rel refunding] [ARG0 bonds] , Series 1989 , via a First Tennessee Bank group .
- Beverly Hills , Calif. -- $ 116,385,000 *U* of [rel refunding] [ARG0 certificates] of participation -LRB- civic center improvements project -RRB- , due 1990-2004 , 2007 , 2016 and 2019 , tentatively priced * by a Goldman , Sachs & Co. group *-1 to yield from 6 % in 1990 to 7.19 % in 2016 .
- San Antonio , Texas -- $ 640 million *U* of [ARG0 gas] and electric revenue [rel refunding] bonds , via a First Boston group .