frames- South Korea registered [ARG2 a trade deficit of $ 101 million *U*] in October , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 the country 's economic sluggishness] , according to government figures released * Wednesday .
- [ARG2 The protracted downturn] [rel reflects] [ARG1 the intensity of Bank of Japan yen-support intervention since June , when the U.S. currency temporarily surged above the 150.00 yen level *T*-1] .
- [ARG2 The newly fattened premiums] [rel reflect] [ARG1 the increasingly global marketing of some country funds] , Mr. Porter suggests 0 *T*-1 .
- LSI Logic Corp. reported a surprise $ 35.7 million *U* third-quarter net loss , including [ARG2 a special restructuring charge] that *T*-145 [rel reflects] [ARG1 a continuing industry-wide slowdown in semiconductor demand] .
- [ARG2 The charge] [ARGM-MNR partly] [rel reflects] [ARG1 a switch from older five-inch *ICH*-1 to more-efficient six-inch *ICH*-1 silicon wafers with which * to fabricate chips *T*-2] .
- Common wisdom suggests [ARG2 a single-digit rate] of growth , [rel reflecting] [ARG1 a weakening in the economy and corporate profits] .
- [ARGM-DIS In part] , [ARG2 this] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel reflect] [ARG1 the fact that ` she speaks a more progressive language ' than her husband *?* , as Columbia 's Prof . -LCB- Ethel -RCB- Klein puts it] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG2 the legislation] [rel reflected] [ARG1 a compromise agreed to * on Tuesday by President Bush and Democratic leaders in Congress , after congressional Republicans urged the White House *-2 to bend a bit from its previous resistance * to compromise] .
- [ARGM-DIS In part] , [ARG2 prices] [rel reflect] [ARG1 development of a market structure based * on such variables as the number of prints] .
- The 32 % state-owned DSM had [ARG2 eight million guilders of extraordinary charges] in the latest quarter , [ARGM-ADV mainly] * to [rel reflect] [ARG1 one-time losses in connection with the disposal of some operations] .
- [ARG2 Investors] switched trading focus quickly as they did Tuesday , *-1 [rel reflecting] [ARG1 uncertainty about long-term commitments to any issue or sector] , traders said 0 *T*-2 .
- A Reuters spokesman said 0 [ARG2 the departure] [rel reflects] `` [ARG1 no change in strategy or profits] . ''
- [ARG2 The results] [rel reflected] [ARG1 a 24 % gain in income from its finance businesses , and a 15 % slide in income from insurance operations] .
- It said 0 [ARG2 insurance profit] [rel reflected] [ARG1 a $ 6 million *U* loss from Hurricane Hugo] .
- Ralston Purina Co. reported [ARG2 a 47 % decline in fourth-quarter earnings] , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 restructuring costs as well as a more difficult pet food market] .
- [ARGM-LOC In the case of copper] , he said 0 *T*-2 , [ARG1 the upbeat mood of stocks] was [rel reflected] *-1 in [ARG2-in demand for futures contracts] [ARGM-CAU because a stronger economy means greater buying interest for the metal] .
- [ARG2 The rise in the stock 's price] [ARGM-MOD may] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel reflect] [ARG1 the fact that USX 's steel segment fared better than some other steelmakers '] .
- Then , as if *-1 to show that he could play fast as well , he offered the second movement from Saint-Saens 's Sonata for Clarinet , [ARG2 a whimsical , puckish tidbit] that *T*-17 [rel reflected] [ARG1 the flip side of the Stoltzman personality] .
- [ARG2 The Conservative government 's decision] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel reflect] [ARG1 its desire * to shed a politically sensitive issue well before the next election , expected * in late 1991] .
- Metromedia Co. said 0 its Metromedia Long Distance unit has been renamed *-58 Metromedia-ITT Long Distance , [ARG2 *] [rel reflecting] [ARG1 acquisitions from ITT Corp. , which *T*-82 licenses its name to closely held Metromedia] .
- [ARG2 The move] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel reflects] [ARG1 Coke 's eagerness * to have a hand in * developing the soft-drink markets in Pacific Basin countries] .
- [ARG2 The increase] follows the company 's report of strong earnings for the third quarter , and [rel reflects] [ARG1 what American Brands called *T*-113 its `` tradition of * sharing earnings growth '' with shareholders] .
- [ARGM-ADV While his case may be extreme] , [ARG2 it] [rel reflects] [ARG1 the vulnerability of many small communities to domineering judges] .
- [ARG2 The attitude of the Wisconsin Investment Board] [rel reflects] [ARG1 a growing receptivity to time-limited poison pills on the part of institutional investors] , [ARGM-ADV as * shown *-1 by the discussions at recent meetings of the Council of Institutional Investors and my informal survey of several retirement plans with large stock positions] .
- Critics say 0 [ARG2 Mitsubishi Estate 's decision * to buy into Rockefeller] [rel reflects] [ARG1 the degree to which companies are irritated *-2 by the pressure * to act for the good of Japan *T*-1] .
- He is n't convinced , though , that [ARG2 the price decline] [rel reflects] [ARG1 falling demand] because the world economy remains relatively strong .
- LTV confirmed the price-increase plan , *-1 saying 0 [ARG2 the move] is designed *-2 to [ARGM-MNR more accurately] [rel reflect] [ARG1 the value of products] and to put steel on more equal footing with other commodities .
- Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. said 0 [ARG2 unconsolidated pretax earnings in the fiscal first half] surged 79 % to a record 63.25 billion yen -LRB- $ 445.7 million *U* -RRB- , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 strong demand for a variety of products] .
- Traders and analysts alike said 0 [ARG2 the market 's surge] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel reflected] [ARG1 an easing of concerns about volatility because of moves *ICH*-1 by a number of brokerage firms * to curtail or cease stock-index arbitrage] .
- [ARG2 The upgrade] [rel reflected] [ARG1 the 20 % decline in shares of the bank since the firm lowered its rating in early October , based on the belief 0 the stock had become expensive] .
- But nobody did such a piece , [ARG2 *] [rel reflecting] [ARG1 a contemporary axiom : the more a scandal has * to do with a congressman 's duties as a congressman , the less likely *ICH*-2 it is *?* *-1 to catch the fancy of a network] .
- [ARG2 Courtaulds ' spinoff] [rel reflects] [ARG1 pressure *ICH*-1 on British industry * to boost share prices beyond the reach of corporate raiders] .
- A spokesman for New York City Comptroller Harrison Goldin said 0 [ARG2 the high rates] [rel reflect] [ARG1 investors concerns about the city 's financial health and political uncertainties] .
- He said 0 [ARG2 the change in sentiment] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel reflected] [ARG1 perceptions that the slate of economic statistic due this week will be `` conducive to a bond market rally] . ''
- [ARG2 Both] [rel reflect] [ARG1 the dismissal of lower-level and shorter-tenure executives] .
- [ARG2 It] [rel reflects] [ARG1 values of a generation that *T*-1 wants more time for families and personal interests] , says *T*-3 John H. Moxley III , who *T*-2 directs physician-executive searches for Korn\/Ferry International .
- Moody 's said 0 [ARG2 its rating changes actions] `` [rel reflect] [ARG1 CS First Boston 's aggressive merchant banking risk as well as the risk profile of its current merchant banking exposures] . ''
- [ARG2 The decision] [rel reflects] [ARG1 the Fed 's tougher stance on * enforcing the Community Reinvestment Act , a federal law passed * in 1977 * to help low-income residents obtain loans] .
- [ARG2 Allianz 's entry] [rel reflects] [ARG1 the increasing eagerness *ICH*-3 of West German companies , looking ahead to the reduction in European Community internal barriers in 1992 , * to get involved in what *T*-2 until now were considered *-1 internal French affairs] .
- The plan calls for the company to buy back 2,250,000 shares , [ARG2 which] *T*-3 [rel reflects] [ARG1 a 3-for-2 stock split this year] .
- [ARG2 The loss in the fourth quarter of 1988] [rel reflected] [ARGM-DIS in part] [ARG1 expenses for an unsuccessful bid for Federated Department Stores Inc. , as well as the restructuring of some of its department store operations] .
- [ARG2 Sales for both years] [rel reflect] [ARG1 12-month performances for each year of I. Magnin , Bullock 's , and Bullocks Wilshire] .
- [ARG2 Aetna Life & Casualty Co. 's third-quarter net income] fell 22 % to $ 182.6 million *U* , or $ 1.63 *U* a share , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 the damages from Hurricane Hugo and lower results for some of the company 's major divisions] .
- [ARG2 The year-earlier results] have been restated *-1 *-2 to [rel reflect] [ARG1 an accounting change] .
- [ARG2 Profit for its commercial insurance division] fell 30 % to $ 59 million *U* , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 higher catastrophe losses and the price war in the property\/casualty market for nearly three years] .
- Howard Rubel , an analyst with C.J. Lawrence , Morgan Grenfell Inc. in New York , said 0 [ARG2 the shift] [rel reflects] [ARG1 Boeing confidence in Mr. Pinick , described * by Mr. Rubel as an expert on * doing business with the military] .
- [ARG2 *-1] [rel Reflecting] [ARG1 the concern] , Unisys stock fell a further 75 cents to $ 16.25 *U* in composite trading Friday on the New York Stock Exchange .
- Through the first nine months , the company had [ARG2 a loss] of $ 484 million *U* , [ARGM-EXT largely] [rel reflecting] [ARG1 the closing of its supercomputer unit] .
- [ARG2 The increase] [rel reflects] [ARG1 spending on the S&L rescue as well as payroll and Social Security checks normally issued * in October that *T*-2 were issued *-1 in September this year because Oct. 1 fell on a Sunday] .
- Dealers said 0 [ARG2 the turnover , largely confined * to the 100-share index stocks ,] [ARGM-EXT partly] [rel reflected] [ARG1 the flurry of activity typical at the close of a two-week trading account and the start of a new account] .
- [ARG2 The results] [rel reflect] [ARG1 a reversal in the fortunes of the regions] [ARGM-TMP during the past two years] .
- Because [ARG2 the stock prices of some paper companies] [ARGM-TMP already] [rel reflect] [ARG1 an expected profit slump] , PaineWebber 's Mr. Ross says 0 he thinks that next year the share prices of some companies may fall at most only 5 % to 10 % *U* .
- Lockheed Corp. said 0 it will trim its Aeronautical Systems work force in California and Georgia by several hundred workers , [ARG2 *] [rel reflecting] [ARG1 the defense industry 's decline] .
- Separately , Innopac reported [ARG2 a fourth-quarter loss of about C$ 2.6 million *U* , or 18 Canadian cents a share] , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 inventory write-downs] .
- [ARG2 The stock 's advance] [rel reflected] [ARG1 ongoing speculation that Pennzoil is accumulating a stake in the company , according to Dow Jones Professional Investor Report] .
- Skeptics say that if that 's the case , [ARG2 temperatures] should have risen fairly uniformly over the past century , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 the increase in carbon dioxide] .
- [ARG2 The views expressed *] do [ARGM-NEG not] [rel reflect] [ARG1 the official policy of the Department of Defense] .
- [ARG2 Sales by category] rose 24 % to 35.23 billion yen , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 increased production in automobile , airconditioner and electric machine industries , which *T*-1 are major users of wire and cable products] .
- One attraction for oil operators here and in other fields is [ARG2 the bargain-basement cost of drilling and equipment] , [rel reflecting] [ARG1 service companies ' hunger for work] .
- Specifically , the law says 0 [ARG2 the rates] [ARGM-MOD must] [ARGM-MNR closely] [rel reflect] [ARG1 what the company 's actual expenses have been *T*-1 * to replace damaged cars] .
- [ARG2 A large part of the long-term appreciation of assets] [rel reflects] [ARG1 inflation] , and the taxation of inflation-created capital gains is confiscation .
- Under the initial proposal , for example , banks would have been required *-2 to disclose [ARG2 that portion] of allowances for loan losses that *T*-1 [rel reflects] [ARG1 specific letters of credit for which customers had defaulted *T*-3] .
- [ARGM-ADV While his public statements have at times been confusing] , [ARG2 Mr. Dinkins 's position papers] have [ARGM-MNR more consistently] [rel reflected] [ARG1 anti-development sentiment] .
- [ARGM-ADV Increasingly] , [ARG2 the financial markets] are [rel reflecting] [ARG1 the gloom] .
- [ARG2 Said 's story] [rel reflects] [ARG1 the souring of socialism under Nasser , whose dictatorial rule *T*-1 replaced the monarchy overthrown * in 1952] .
- [ARG2 The indirectness of his later work] [rel reflects] [ARG1 both an appetite for new genres and the hazards of art in the Arab world] .
- [ARG2 This] [rel reflects] [ARG1 the restoration of wage cuts in the steel and other industries as well as higher wages granted nurses who *T*-1 work in health-care facilities *] .
- [ARG2 The market 's pessimism] [rel reflects] [ARG1 the gloomy outlook in Detroit] .
- Compaq Computer Corp. said that [ARG2 its net income] rose 51 % in the third quarter , *-1 bolstered * by unusual gains from its investment in a disk-drive maker and * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 continued growth in its European operations] .
- [ARG2 The earnings-per-share figures] [rel reflect] [ARG1 a 25 % stock dividend in June 1989] .
- [ARG2 The August rate] was 0.6 percentage point lower than in the like month a year earlier , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 the pickup of activity in the 15 countries] .
- General Motors Corp. 's big defense and automotive electronics unit , GM Hughes Electronics , said 0 [ARG2 net income] fell 22 % in the third quarter , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 declining military spending and slumping GM vehicle production] .
- [ARG1 That decline] was [rel reflected] *-1 in [ARG2-in revenue for the GM Hughes unit , which *T*-2 edged down to $ 2.58 billion *U* from $ 2.63 billion *U*] .
- [ARG2 Earnings for GM common stock] , *-1 [rel reflecting] [ARG1 the performance of GM 's core automotive operations] , will be disclosed *-1 this morning .
- [ARG2 PWA 's long-term debt and capital lease obligations] rose to C$ 1.24 billion *U* at the end of the second quarter , nearly double the year-earlier figure , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 debt absorbed * under the Wardair purchase] .
- [ARG2 Comments from the audience] [rel reflected] [ARG1 widespread , if wistful , agreement with those conclusions] .
- V.H. Van Horn , National Convenience president and chief executive officer , said 0 [ARG2 the move] [rel reflects] [ARG1 the company 's realization that the industry 's poor performance stems from its failure * to give customers what they want *T*-1 -- rather than from increasing competition from gasoline stations and 24-hour grocery stores] .
- Analysts and competitors said 0 [ARG2 the move] [rel reflects] [ARG1 a growing need *ICH*-2 by the stores * to expand their customer base beyond the traditional blue-collar worker who *T*-1 pops into a convenience store for a sandwich , cigarettes , soda or beer] .
- `` [ARG2 Lower yields] are [ARGM-ADV just] [rel reflecting] [ARG1 lower short-term interest rates] , '' said *T*-1 Brenda Malizia Negus , editor of Money Fund Report .
- Thrift officials said 0 [ARG2 the $ 300 million *U* reserve] will be adjusted *-1 quarterly and [ARGM-MOD will] [rel reflect] [ARG1 the rate of dispositions and market conditions] .
- Previously , Columbia did n't have *-1 to adjust [ARG2 the book value of its junk-bond holdings] * to [rel reflect] [ARG1 declines in market prices] , because it held the bonds as long-term investments .
- [ARG2 The quarterly results] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel reflected] [ARG1 $ 21.4 million *U* in non-recurring losses from commercial real-estate activities in California] .
- The $ 2.85 billion *U* measure comes on top of $ 1.1 billion *U* appropriated * after Hugo struck the Carolinas and Caribbean last month , and [ARG2 these totals] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel reflect] [ARG1 the additional benefit of low-interest disaster loans] .
- [ARG2 Revenue in the latest quarter] fell 17 % to $ 44 million *U* from $ 53.2 million *U* , the company said 0 *T*-1 , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 poor utilization of the company 's facilities and its behavioral medicine contracts] .
- The Senate voted *-1 to authorize $ 4.5 billion *U* for SDI spending in the current fiscal year , but the House , [ARG2 *-2] [rel reflecting] [ARG1 a dramatic erosion of support for the program] , earmarked only $ 3.1 billion *U* .
- Revenue totaled [ARG2 $ 1.01 billion *U* , a 43 % increase from $ 704.4 million *U*] , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 the company 's acquisition of Emery earlier this year] .
- Benjamin Franklin Federal Savings & Loan Association said 0 it plans *-1 to restructure in the wake of [ARG2 a third-quarter loss of $ 7.7 million *U* , or $ 1.01 *U* a share ,] [rel reflecting] [ARG1 an $ 11 million *U* addition to loan-loss reserves] .
- [ARGM-ADV Unlike the quarter 's results , which *T*-2 were based *-1 on roughly equal shares outstanding] , [ARG2 nine-month per-share figures] [rel reflect] [ARG1 an increase in average common shares outstanding to 51.9 million from 47 million] .
- For the nine months , [ARG2 profit] skidded about 35 % , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 charges taken * in this year 's second quarter and the effect of translations of weaker foreign currencies into the stronger U.S. dollar] .
- The Akron , Ohio-based company said 0 [ARG2 pretax operating income in its tire segment] jumped about 31 % to $ 196.2 million *U* from $ 150.2 million *U* a year earlier , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 improvements in raw material costs , sales of replacement tires and pricing] .
- Some dealers said that [ARG2 the market 's strong reaction to Wall Street] [rel reflects] [ARG1 a general uneasiness about the dollar] .
- [ARG2 Net income at Sears 's Dean Witter Financials Services group] , meanwhile , rose nearly 32 % to $ 35.7 million *U* , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 improvements in its basic stock brokerage and Discover credit card businesses] .
- New orders for durable goods fell back slightly in September after *-1 shooting up the month before , [ARG2 *-1] [rel reflecting] [ARG1 weakening auto demand after a spurt of orders for new 1990 models] , the Commerce Department reported 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG2 A budget] that *T*-1 [rel reflected] [ARG1 the real costs of lending] would eliminate incentives * to convert spending or lending programs to guarantees and would let taxpayers know what Congress is committing them to *T*-2 .
- As long as we believe that all Americans , of every race and ethnic background , have common interests and can live together cooperatively , [ARG2 our political map] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel reflect] [ARG1 our belief] .
- As part of its offer , Manville said 0 it requested changes in some covenants between it and the trust * to allow [ARG2 Manville] to `` [rel reflect] [ARG1 a more typical corporate ownership and financial structure] . ''
- [ARG2 The 321-99 roll call vote] [rel reflected] [ARG1 broad support for the disaster assistance] , but the cost to the Treasury is sure *-1 to aggravate budget pressures this year and next under the Gramm-Rudman deficit reduction law .
- [ARG2 The year-ago per-share earnings] are adjusted *-1 to [rel reflect] [ARG1 a 2-for-1 stock split last May] .
- But analysts focused more on [ARG2 the drop] in revenue , to $ 1.04 billion *U* from $ 1.07 billion *U* , [rel reflecting] [ARGM-EXT in part] [ARG1 a continuing drop in sales of the controversial credit-reporting services] .
- An employer leaves itself open to a great deal of liability if [ARG2 its employee manuals] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel reflect] [ARG1 the most recent laws] , he says 0 *T*-1 .
- Only CDs sold * by major brokerage firms posted significant increases in average yields in the latest week , [ARG2 *-1] [rel reflecting] [ARG1 increased yields on Treasury bills sold * at Monday 's auction] .
- [ARG2 The small changes in averages] [rel reflect] [ARG1 generally unchanged yields at many major banks] .
- Increasingly , economists say 0 [ARG2 the big deficit] [rel reflects] [ARG1 the slipping competitive position of British industry] .
- [ARG2 Last year 's results] [rel reflected] [ARG1 a gain of $ 28.2 million *U* on disposition of assets and a $ 165 million *U* pretax provision mainly from costs of * completing certain waste-to-energy and other power plants] .
- I believe 0 [ARG2 that number] [rel reflects] [ARG1 a slowing economy] . ''
- William Kaiser , president of the Kaiser Financial Group in Chicago , said 0 the decline was almost certainly influenced *-2 by [ARG2 the early sell-off] in the stock market , which *T*-1 [ARGM-ADV partly] [rel reflected] [ARG1 a weakening economy] .
- Ms. Raptopoulos thought 0 [ARG2 yesterday 's price action] [rel reflected] [ARG1 weakness in the stock market and the dollar] .
- `` [ARG2 The high ratio] [rel reflects] [ARG1 the fact that silver is still regarded as about a half-industrial metal] and its price lagging relative to gold says that traders are expecting a weakening economy , '' he said *T*-1 .
- [ARG2 Rubbermaid Inc.] , [rel reflecting] [ARG1 strong earnings growth] , boosted its quarterly dividend 18 % , to 13 cents a share from 11 cents .
- The company said 0 there was [ARG2 an additional increase in loss and loss-expense reserves of $ 71 million *U*] [rel reflecting] [ARG1 `` higher than expected '' development in claims legal expenses from to prior periods] .
- [ARG2 The ratio] , which *T*-1 [rel reflects] [ARG1 the number of bids 0 the Treasury receives *T*-2 for each bid accepted *] , is used *-3 *-4 to gauge investor demand .
- [ARG2 Durable goods orders] slipped 0.1 % in September , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 weakening auto demand] [ARGM-TMP after a spurt of orders for new 1990 models] .
- [ARG2 GM 's interest in Jaguar] [rel reflects] [ARG1 a desire * to help diversify the U.S. company 's products in the growing luxury-car segment of the market] .
- Sun said 0 [ARG2 some of the growth] [rel reflects] [ARG1 higher earnings in the oil sands operation of Suncor , a majority-owned Canadian subsidiary] .
- [ARG2 Shell 's chemical earnings] fell by $ 67 million *U* , to $ 137 million *U* , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 lower margins and less demand for commodity chemicals] .
- Asarco said 0 [ARG2 the gain] [rel reflected] [ARG1 continued strength in prices for refined copper , lead and zinc , and higher equity earnings in Mexico Desarrollo Industrial Minero S.A. , a Mexican mining company in which Asarco has a 34 % stake *T*-1] .
- Jay Marcus , president , said 0 [ARG2 the move] `` [rel reflects] [ARG1 the confidence of our board and management in Halsey 's long-term prospects and our desire * to provide our shareholders with an attractive return on their investment] . ''
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG2 some of the activity] , he says 0 *T*-1 , [ARGM-MOD may] [rel reflect] [ARG1 a rush 0 *T*-2 to get `` numbers in order '' for end-of-year reports] .
- [ARG2 Part of the problem] , [ARGM-DIS though] , [ARGM-MOD may] [rel reflect] [ARG1 a general unwillingness * to work with the urban poor] .
- [ARGM-DIS Rather] , [ARG2 they] [rel reflect] [ARG1 the Bank 's time-tested , pragmatic approach , which *T*-1 aims at * ensuring that developing countries put their scarce resources to the best possible use] .
- A former executive agreed that [ARG2 the departures] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel reflect] [ARG1 major problems] , *-2 adding : `` If you see any company that *T*-1 grows as fast as Reebok did *?* , it is going *-3 to have people coming and going . ''
- [ARG2 The resignations by the two executives , considered * hard-charging and abrasive by Reebok insiders ,] [rel reflect] [ARG1 a difference in style with Paul Fireman , chairman and chief executive ,] [ARGM-ADV according to several former executives] .
- [ARG2 *-1] [rel Reflecting] [ARG1 better growth prospects abroad] , McDonald 's noted that as of Sept. 30 more stores *ICH*-2 were under construction overseas than a year ago , while the opposite was true for domestic expansion .
- Compared with the first nine months of last year , [ARG2 average franchisee store sales this year] were down nearly $ 3,200 *U* , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 a fierce discounting war among fast-food chains] .
- [ARG2 The truck sales slowdown] [rel reflects] [ARG1 the general slowing in sales of consumer goods] , he said 0 *T*-1 , and the latest reports show a slight improvement rather than any indication of a downward spiral .
- Some traders said 0 [ARG2 the sell-off of technology stocks on low volume] [rel reflected] [ARG1 a lack of conviction by investors] .
- [ARG2 Figures for the period ended Sept. 30 for the four largest brokerage firms -- Nomura Securities Co. , Daiwa Securities Co. , Yamaichi Securities Co. and Nikko Securities --] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel reflected] [ARG1 a changeover to a fiscal year ending March 31 , replacing the 12-month term formerly finishing Sept. 30] .
- Time Warner Inc. reported [ARG2 a third-quarter net loss] of $ 176 million *U* , or $ 2.88 *U* cents a share , [rel reflecting] [ARG1 acquisition costs for a 59.3 % stake in Warner Communications Inc. and the purchase method of * accounting for the transaction] .
- Time Warner said 0 its cable division turned in [ARG2 a 77 % increase in operating cash flow] , to $ 166 million *U* from $ 94 million *U* , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 higher per-subscriber revenue] .
- In addition , the 1988 results included [ARG2 a $ 20 million *U* charge] [rel reflecting] [ARG1 a reserve for relocation related expenses at American Television & Communications Corp] .
- Moody 's also said 0 it raised [ARG2 its rating on the Deposit Insurance Bridge Bank , now known * as Bank One , Texas N.A.] , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 the support of other banking affiliates and substantial assistance for the FDIC] .
- [ARG1 All cleanup costs from last spring 's Alaskan oil spill] were [rel reflected] *-1 in [ARG2-in earlier results] , it said 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG2 Chemical earnings] fell 10 % , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 softening of demand] .
- Although Paribas denies it , analysts say 0 [ARG2 the new bid] [ARGM-EXT in part] [ARGM-ADV simply] [rel reflects] [ARG1 the continuing rivalry between France 's two largest investment banking groups] .
- [ARG2 It] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel reflects] [ARG1 the broader pressure *ICH*-1 on companies in Europe * to keep up as the European Community prepares *-2 to reduce internal trade barriers by 1992] .
- [ARGM-DIS Additionally] , [ARG2 the full-year profit] [ARGM-TMP last year] [rel reflected] [ARG1 an after-tax restructuring charge of $ 22.8 million *U* , or $ 1.04 *U* a share] .
- TW Services Inc. posted [ARG2 a $ 3.3 million *U* third-quarter net loss , compared with a $ 24.9 million *U* profit] , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 $ 60 million *U* of expenses related * to its much-publicized proposed takeover by Coniston Partners] .
- Time Warner reported [ARG2 a $ 176 million *U* loss for the third quarter] , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 the cost of the recent merger and a method of * accounting for the deal] .
- [ARG2 Union Carbide 's earnings] plunged 35 % in the third quarter , *-1 [rel reflecting] [ARG1 weakness in the company 's core chemicals and plastics businesses] .
- [ARG2 *] [rel Reflecting] [ARG1 the new-found interest] , more than 140 U.S. companies are taking part in a Moscow exhibition organized * by Mr. Forrester 's trade group .
- The latest drop shows 0 [ARG1 the narrowing] in the nation 's trade gap [rel reflected] * in [ARG2-in successive full monthly reports] is continuing .
- [ARG2 The comments] were the ministry 's first detailed public statement on the subject , and [rel reflect] [ARG1 the ministry 's concern that foreigners will think 0 Japan is using its tremendous financial power * to control events in foreign markets] .
- The ratings service said 0 [ARG2 the downgrades] [rel reflect] [ARG1 the continued slide in the company 's financial condition] .
- The company said 0 the general financial performance of its U.S. brewing operations , G. Heileman Brewing Co. , was `` disappointing , and [ARG1 this] has been [rel reflected] *-1 in [ARG2-in the results] . ''
- [ARG2 That] [rel reflects] [ARG1 the huge drop a week ago Friday , last Monday 's rebound and the dips and blips that *T*-1 followed] .
- [ARG2 *-1] [rel Reflecting] [ARG1 airline takeover activity] , however , both the Fidelity Select Air Transportation Portfolio and the National Aviation & Technology fund posted better-than-average returns for the the year to date : 30.09 % for the Fidelity Air Transportation fund and a whopping 47.24 % for National Aviation & Technology .
- [ARG2 Mr. McDonough 's first professional project] 0 [ARGM-MNR fully] *T*-1 to [rel reflect] [ARG1 his environmental ardor] was his 1986 design for the headquarters of the Environmental Defense Fund in New York .
- [ARG2 Neither the Quilted Giraffe nor the Paul Stuart renovation] [rel reflects] [ARG1 much of Mr. McDonough 's environmental concern] .
- [ARG2 Pittston Co. 's third-quarter net income] plunged 79 % , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 the impact of a prolonged and bitter labor strike at its coal operations] .
- [ARG2 Brink 's operating profit] was about flat with the year-earlier period , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 continued pricing and cost pressures] .
- [ARG2 Net] sank to $ 3.1 million *U* , or eight cents a share , * including $ 789,000 *U* , or two cents a share , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 a tax-loss carry-forward] .
- In the year-ago quarter , net totaled [ARG2 $ 14.7 million *U* , or 38 cents a share] , * including $ 4 million *U* , or 10 cents a share , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 a tax-loss carry-forward] .
- Mr. Stein said 0 he expects [ARG2 profit] to be higher in 1990 than in 1989 , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 a number of measures taken * since the acquisition of Ekco Housewares in late 1987] .
- [ARG2 The year-earlier periods] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel reflect] [ARG1 results of the company 's Woodstream Corp. unit , acquired * last January ,] but include some Canadian operations that *T*-2 were sold *-1 at the end of 1988 .
- They also want [ARG2 U.S. trade policy] to [rel reflect] [ARG1 the Pentagon and Commerce department 's concern over their future] .
- [ARG1 That contrast] was [rel reflected] *-1991 in [ARG2-in the smaller weekly percentage gains recorded * by the broader averages] .
- It said 0 [ARG2 the reduced dividend] [rel reflects] [ARG1 the low price for precious metals] .
- But with much of the inefficiency squeezed * out of the freight-transport system , [ARG1 rising costs] are likely *-2 to be [rel reflected] *-1 [ARGM-MNR directly] in [ARG2-in higher freight rates] .
- Trucking , shipping and air-freight companies have announced [ARG2 rate increases] , scheduled * for this fall or early next year , [rel reflecting] [ARG1 higher costs and tightened demand for freight transport] .
- He remains an executive vice president , the company said 0 *T*-1 , and [ARG2 his new position] [rel reflects] `` [ARG1 the growing importance of the world automotive market as a market for A. Schulman 's high performance plastic materials] . ''
- Trucking , shipping and air-freight firms are all planning [ARG2 rate increases] , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 higher costs and tightened demand] .
- [ARG2 Winnebago] posted a widened quarterly loss and slashed its dividend in half , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 the deepening slowdown in recreational vehicle sales] .
- A 10 % gain in operating profit in the quarter was offset *-1 by [ARG2 a 21 % boost] in interest expense , [rel reflecting] [ARG1 higher consolidated borrowings and interest rates] .
- [ARG2 *] [rel Reflecting] [ARG1 the impact of lower semiconductor prices and cuts in defense spending] , Texas Instruments Inc. said 0 third-quarter net income fell 31 % and sales dropped slightly from a year earlier .
- [ARG2 That] [ARGM-ADV largely] [rel reflects] [ARG1 the heavy stockholdings] .
- But one price paid * for the higher expected return is [ARG1 greater short-term volatility] , as * [rel reflected] *-2 in [ARG2-in the higher standard deviation that Seidman estimates *T*-1 for the younger couple 's portfolio] .
- [ARG1 This] is [rel reflected] *-1 in [ARG2-in a built-in mortality cost -- in effect , your share of the company 's estimated liability in * paying off beneficiaries of people who *T*-2 had the effrontery * to die while * under its protection] .
- [ARG2 The adjustments] [rel reflect] [ARG1 the increase in the consumer price index for urban wage earners and clerical workers from the third quarter of last year to the third quarter of this year] .
- A Labor Department spokesman said 0 [ARG2 the unusually high number of initial claims for state unemployment benefits] [rel reflects] [ARG1 the impact of Hurricane Hugo on southern states , particularly North Carolina and South Carolina] .
- [ARG2 The figure] [ARGM-DIS also] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel reflect] [ARG1 initial claims filed * by striking Nynex Corp. workers who *T*-1 have become eligible for unemployment benefits] , the official said 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG2 Westridge Capital 's frenetic trading] [rel reflects] [ARG1 the changes sweeping through the previously sleepy world of indexing] .
- Although [ARG2 a substantial short position] [rel reflects] [ARG1 heavy speculation that a stock 's price will decline] , some investors consider an increase in short interest bullish because the borrowed shares eventually must be bought *-1 back .
- `` [ARG2 The paper] [rel reflected] [ARG1 the truth] .
- Mr. Johnson said 0 [ARG2 the first-quarter loss] [ARGM-DIS also] [ARGM-MNR heavily] [rel reflected] [ARG1 a rapid change in graphics technology that *T*-1 left reseller channels with too many of the old computer graphics boards and too few new monitors compatible with the new graphics boards] .
- Analysts noted that [ARG2 the disappointing results] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel reflect] [ARG1 lower prices for steel products] .
- [ARG2 Current quotations] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel reflect] [ARG1 the combined financial judgment of all market participants -- not just those of intermediaries who *T*-1 become extremely risk-averse during times of crisis] .
- [ARG2 The gain] [rel reflects] [ARG1 fresh economic evidence that inflation is moderating while the economy slows] .
- The previous reports were based *-1 on remarks by British Air 's chief financial officer , Derek Stevens , who *T*-2 said 0 any revised bid would have *-3 to include [ARG2 a lower purchase price] * to [rel reflect] [ARG1 the sharp drop in UAL 's stock in the past week] .
- For the first six months , wholesale sales rose 12.3 % from the year before , [ARG1 *] [rel reflecting] to [ARG2-to a 11.5 % jump in domestic sales and a 14.6 % boost in foreign sales] .
- It said 0 [ARG2 the reduction] [rel reflects] [ARG1 impaired business prospects and reduced financial flexibility caused * by continuing losses at the maker of Winchester disk drives] .
- [ARG2 Revenue] dropped 4.3 % to $ 2.3 billion *U* from $ 2.4 billion *U* , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 declines in its consumer-telephone sector , long-distance carrier business and diversified division] .
- [ARG2 The jump] [rel reflected] [ARG1 record results in Las Vegas , Nev. , and Atlantic City , N.J. , as well as a full quarter 's results from Harrah 's Del Rio in Laughlin , Nev] .
- [ARG2 Sales] dropped 6 % to $ 2.58 billion *U* from $ 2.74 billion *U* , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 eight fewer business days in the latest quarter] .
- Hasbro Inc. , the nation 's largest toy maker , reported 0 [ARG2 third-quarter earnings] increased 73 % from a year earlier on a 9.4 % sales gain , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 improved margins] .
- American Brands Inc. said 0 [ARG2 third-quarter net income] rose 13 % , *-1 [rel reflecting] [ARG1 strong gains in its tobacco and distilled spirits businesses] .
- [ARG2 Year-earlier results for the quarter and the nine months] were restated *-1 *-2 to [rel reflect] [ARG1 a change in accounting standards] .
- [ARG2 The decline] [rel reflected] [ARG1 the expense of * buying three magazines , lower earnings from the forest-products group , and what *T*-1 is proving *-2 to be a nagging major problem , continued declines in advertising linage at the New York Times , the company 's flagship daily newspaper] .
- Second , if the key assumption is valid , Democrats should have lower attendance rates on roll-call votes than Republicans do to the extent that [ARG2 such votes] [rel reflect] [ARG1 national policy making] and that * participating in such votes takes away from the time 0 a legislator could otherwise devote to local benefit-seeking *T*-1 .
- [ARG2 Both accounts] [rel reflect] [ARG1 significant increases from fiscal 1989] , [ARGM-ADV although the amount for peace-keeping shows a 27 % cut from the administration 's request] .
- The group noted that [ARG2 75 million francs of the advance] [rel reflected] [ARG1 a one-time gain from the June offering by its United Westburne unit in Canada] .
- The international specialty chemical company 's earnings were hurt *-1 by [ARG2 an accrual] for stock-appreciation rights that *T*-2 [rel reflected] [ARG1 a 19 % increase in the stock price , and higher interest expenses] .
- Some analysts said 0 [ARG2 the consumer price index] [rel reflects] [ARG1 a more significant slowdown in the U.S. economy than * earlier indicated *-1] .
- Storage , Louisville , Colo. , which *T*-1 makes data-storage devices for mainframe computers , said 0 [ARG2 the huge increase in net] [rel reflects] [ARG1 `` strong sales '' of its tape products , particularly the 4400 Automated Cartridge System , which *T*-2 holds a library of tape cartridges] .
- In addition , investors ' desire * to hold stocks -- directly and through mutual funds -- has held *-1 surprisingly steady ; [ARG2 stocks ' importance among assets] [ARGM-ADV largely] [rel reflects] [ARG1 the ups and downs of the stock market , and not a shift in stock-holding preferences] .
- [ARG2 An earnings disappointment] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel reflect] [ARG1 a situation that *T*-1 's short-term] .
- [ARG2 Most of the earnings decline] [rel reflected] [ARG1 an increase in the company 's effective tax rate to 44 % from 37 % in the year-ago third quarter when nonrecurring tax credits were recorded *-1 *T*-2] , the company said 0 *T*-3 .
- [ARG2 Year-earlier earnings] [rel reflected] [ARG1 costs of $ 14.3 million *U* related to the acquisition of IMS International] .
- But [ARG2 revenue] declined more than 2 % , * [rel reflecting] [ARGM-EXT in part] [ARG1 a continuing drop in sales of credit services in the wake of controversy over the company 's sales practices] .
- [ARG2 Investment banking revenue] fell 32 % to $ 205 million *U* , * [ARGM-EXT in part] [rel reflecting] [ARG1 the continued slowdown of the underwriting business] .
- The company said 0 [ARG2 the improved performance from a year ago] [rel reflects] [ARG1 higher commissions and revenue from marketmaking and trading for its own account] .
- American Home Products said 0 net income benefited from [ARG2 a `` lower effective tax rate] , '' [rel reflecting] [ARG1 a reduction of foreign tax rates] , and additional operations in Puerto Rico .
- The foes of abortion hold the strong whip hand in Pennsylvania , where abortion-rights activists are so much *ICH*-1 on the defensive that their strategy is less *ICH*-4 * to fight the proposed legislation than it is * to stress how [ARG2 the state legislature] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel reflect] [ARG1 the viewpoints of the state 's citizens] *T*-2 *T*-3 .
- [ARG2 The short-term shift in the political climate surrounding abortion] [rel reflects] [ARG1 two factors that *T*-1 are likely *-3 to govern the debate in the next several months : the reawakening of the abortion-rights movement as a potent force after years of lassitude , and the ability *ICH*-2 of each side * to counter the other 's advance in one arena with a victory of its own elsewhere] .
- `` It *EXP*-2 's great * to feel good for once in 15 years , '' says *T*-1 [ARG2 Harrison Hickman , a consultant to abortion-rights advocates] , *-3 [rel reflecting] [ARG1 the relief of his compatriots] [ARGM-TMP after last week 's victories , the first major events since the Supreme Court , in its July 3 Webster decision , permitted the states to enact restrictions on abortions] .
- The new B.A.T will be a smaller tobacco and financial-services hybrid [ARG2 whose price-earnings ratio] *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD may] [ARGM-MNR more closely *ICH*-3] [rel reflect] [ARG1 the lower-growth tobacco business] than the higher-multiple financial-services business , these holders believe 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG2 Champion International Corp. 's third-quarter profit] dropped 17 % , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 price declines for certain paper products , operating problems at certain mills , and other factors] .
- The Fort Worth , Texas , company is generally regarded *-1 as one of the best-run in the business , and [ARG1 its difficulties] are likely *-2 to be [rel reflected] *-3 [ARG2 industrywide] [ARGM-TMP as other major carriers report third-quarter results over the next several days] .
- Mr. Butz said 0 [ARG2 the divergence in the two measures] [rel reflects] [ARG1 changes in family size and structure , including the rising number of female-headed families and a sharp increase in income reported * by Americans who *T*-1 are n't living in families] .
- [ARG2 Money-fund assets] have been rising at an average rate of $ 1.6 billion *U* a week in recent months , Ms. Negus said 0 *T*-2 , *-1 [rel reflecting] [ARG1 the relatively high yields] .
- [ARG2 WCRS 's restructuring] [rel reflects] [ARG1 the growing importance of media buying in Europe , where the only way 0 * to get a good price on advertising time and space *T*-1 is * to buy it in bulk] .
- `` [ARG2 The high score] [rel reflects] [ARG1 the attempts * to make underwear more of a fashion image business for both men and women] . ''
- [ARG2 *-1] [rel Reflecting] [ARG1 that logic] , insurance-company stocks posted strong gains .
- [ARG2 a] - [rel reflects] [ARG1 2-for-1 stock split effective Dec. 30 , 1988] .
- [ARG2 b] - [rel reflects] [ARG1 extraordinary loss of five cents a share for early debt retirement] .
- [ARG2 c] - [rel reflects] [ARG1 extraordinary loss of five cents a share and extraordinary gain of 14 cents a share from cumulative effect of accounting change] .
- President Bush told reporters : `` Whether [ARG2 that -LCB- the leadership change -RCB-] [rel reflects] [ARG1 a change in East-West relations] , I do n't think so .
- [ARG2 The latest financial results at the troubled utility and thrift holding company , based * in Phoenix , Ariz. ,] [rel reflect] [ARG1 continuing problems at MeraBank and losses in real-estate , venture-capital and uranium-mining operations] .
- [ARG2 *-1] [rel Reflecting] [ARG1 concerns about Commodore 's outlook] , its stock has plunged more than 50 % since May , *-1 closing yesterday *-2 unchanged at $ 8.875 *U* a share in composite trading on the New York Stock Exchange .
- [ARG2 Philip Morris Cos.] posted a 20 % jump in third-quarter profit on a 45 % revenue increase , *-1 [rel reflecting] [ARG1 strength in the company 's cigarette , food and brewing businesses] .
- For the nine months , net increased 4.4 % to $ 2.08 billion *U* , or $ 2.25 *U* a share , *PPA*-2 from $ 2 billion *U* , which *T*-1 included [ARG2 $ 273 million *U*] [rel reflecting] [ARG1 the effect of an accounting change] .
- [ARGM-TMP For the rest of 1989] , Mr. Hagen said 0 *T*-2 , [ARG2 Conrail 's traffic and revenue] `` [ARGM-MOD will] [rel reflect] [ARG1 the sluggish economy] , but Conrail will continue *-1 to take steps * to control and reduce costs . ''
- Arkla said 0 it will report [ARG2 $ 179 milllion *U* in one-time charges against continuing operations for the third quarter] , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 settlement of certain natural gas contracts] .
- It said 0 it will take [ARG2 a $ 10 million *U* fourth-quarter charge against discontinued operations] , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 certain write-downs and the planned sale of a unit] .
- [ARG2 The decline] [ARGM-ADV primarily] [rel reflected] [ARG1 the dilution from * acquiring McCall 's , Golf World -LRB- U.S. -RRB- and Sailing World magazines ; lower equity earnings from the forest-products group because of price discounting and an unfavorable exchange rate , and an 8.7 % decline in advertising linage at the New York Times , the company 's flagship newspaper] .
- Robert I. Toussie , general partner of the investment group , said 0 [ARG2 the Lionel response] [rel reflected] [ARG1 management 's entrenched position] , *-1 saying 0 officials had failed *-2 to come up with a better alternative to his group 's offer .
- Meanwhile , Bear Stearns 's 650 stock and bond salesmen saw thinner paychecks over the past year , [ARG2 which] the company says 0 *T*-1 [rel reflected] [ARG1 lower commission revenue caused * by a decline in investor activity in the markets] .
- Yesterday 's buyers favored real estate , construction and other large-capitalization issues , [ARG2 *] [rel reflecting] [ARG1 the fact that many Tokyo investors now feel safer with domestically oriented stocks] , analysts said 0 *T*-1 .
- Though [ARG1 *] [ARGM-NEG not] [rel reflected] *-3 in [ARG2-in the table] , an investor should know that the cost of the option insurance can be partially offset *-1 by any dividends that the stock pays *T*-2 .
- [ARG2 August 's decline in exports] [rel reflected] [ARG1 decreases in sales of industrial supplies , capital goods and food abroad and increases in sales of motor vehicles , parts and engines] .
- [ARG2 Per-share figures] [ARGM-TMP this year] [rel reflect] [ARG1 $ 6.8 million *U* in preferred-share dividends] ; the 1988 quarter did n't have such a payout .
- [ARG2 Nine-month per-share figures for 1989] [rel reflect] [ARG1 $ 12.9 million *U* in preferred dividends that *T*-1 had no counterpart in the year-earlier quarter] .
- Valhi said 0 [ARG2 the articles] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-MNR accurately] [rel reflect] [ARG1 Valhi and its affiliates ' intentions toward Lockheed] .
- The move followed [ARG2 a round of similar increases by other lenders against Arizona real estate loans] , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 a continuing decline in that market] .
- In addition to the increased reserve , the savings bank took a special charge of $ 5 million *U* representing general and administrative expenses from staff reductions and other matters , and it posted [ARG2 a $ 7.6 million *U* reduction in expected mortgage servicing fees] , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 the fact that more borrowers are prepaying their mortgages] .
- [ARG2 The declines] [ARGM-ADV mainly] [rel reflected] [ARG1 widespread weakness in durable goods , those intended * to last more than three years] .
- [ARGM-ADV While some are renegade riders who *T*-3 simply scorn regulations] , [ARG2 much bad riding] [ARGM-ADV simply] [rel reflects] [ARG1 ignorance that *T*-2 can be corrected *-1 through `` education and peer pressure] , '' says *T*-4 Jim Hasenauer , a director of the International Mountain Biking Association .
- [ARG2 The cross-border loan portfolio] [rel reflected] `` [ARG1 adjustment problems and episodic payment patterns , '' the bank said 0 *T*-1 no interest payments from Argentina in the nine months and none from Brazil in the third quarter] , [ARGM-ADV while Venezuela brought itself `` substantially current] . ''
- [ARG2 The revival of the real estate mortgage investment conduit market] [rel reflected] [ARG1 the relative calm in the mortgage market after two days of volatile trading] .
- The newspaper Leninskoye Zamya said 0 the committee decided 0 [ARG2 the plan * to parcel out economic powers previously exercised * by Moscow to the country 's 15 republics] `` does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel reflect] [ARG1 the radical changes in the Soviet federation] . ''
- [ARG2 The move] [rel reflected] [ARG1 the growing confidence of the revamped Supreme Soviet] .
- [ARG2 Compaq Computer] gained 2 1\/8 to 103 3\/4 on two million shares , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 market optimism about the prospects for its newly introduced notebook-sized computer] .
- [ARG2 The August figure] [rel reflected] [ARG1 a 6.4 % rise in imports and a 0.2 % drop in exports] .
- Matra said 0 [ARG2 the sharp improvement in net profit] [ARGM-ADV partly] [rel reflected] [ARG1 a decline of 59 million francs in the group 's net loss from nonrecurring items in the first half of this year to 104 million francs from 163 million a year earlier] .
- Microsoft officials said 0 [ARG2 the strong results] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel reflected] [ARG1 continuing high demand for its software applications and operating systems] .
- It requires that `` discharges of pollutants '' into the `` waters of the United States '' be authorized *-1 by [ARG2 permits] that *T*-2 [rel reflect] [ARG1 the effluent limitations developed * under section 301] .
- Whatever *T*-1 may be the problems with this system , [ARG2 it] [ARGM-ADV scarcely] [rel reflects] [ARG1 `` zero risk '' or `` zero discharge] . ''
- [ARG2 The latest earnings] [rel reflect] [ARG1 an increase of about 5.5 million in common shares outstanding] .
- However , * excluding the year-earlier charge for recall of steering gear , [ARG2 operating profit in the latest quarter] declined 14 % , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 higher start-up and product development expenses in passenger-restraint systems] .
- In addition , IBM 's growth in software in the third quarter was just 8.8 % , well below historical levels even when [ARG2 *] adjusted *-1 to [rel reflect] [ARG1 last year 's payment from Fujitsu and the stronger dollar] *T*-2 .
- NCR said 0 [ARG2 revenue] declined both in the U.S. and overseas , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 a world-wide softening of the computer markets] .
- [ARG2 Income from sources other than interest] climbed 12 % to $ 414 million *U* , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 higher corporate-finance and other fees and gains on sales of investment securities] .
- J.P. Morgan , as * expected *-1 , posted [ARG2 a $ 1.82 billion *U* net loss for the quarter] , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 the New York bank 's decision *ICH*-2 last month * to add $ 2 billion *U* to reserves for losses on loans to less-developed countries] .
- NCNB said 0 [ARG2 its third-quarter results] [rel reflect] [ARG1 100 % of earnings of the Texas operation since Aug. 1] .
- The company said 0 [ARG2 the gain] resulted mainly from a $ 54 million *U* increase in net interest income , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 a 33 % increase in real estate loans -LRB- mainly residential -RRB- , and a 19 % rise in consumer loans] .
- Separately , PaineWebber posted [ARG2 net income for the third quarter of $ 16.8 million *U* , or 41 cents a share ,] * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 a `` broad-based improvement '' in the company 's core businesses] .
- [ARG2 The firm 's drop in net] [rel reflected] [ARG1 weaker revenue in transactions for its own account -- a decline of 19 % to $ 314.6 million *U* on reduced revenue from * trading fixed-income securities] .
- [ARG2 Gray Friday] [rel reflects] [ARG1 a panic mainly by the takeover arbitragers , rather than the small investor] , [ARGM-ADV as their highly margined investments in the `` deal '' stocks are jeopardized *-1 by the unexpected drying up of the lubricant for deal financing] .
- To the extent that [ARG2 Friday 's sell-off] [rel reflected] [ARG1 a sudden reappraisal of the excesses of leverage] , the message is that Wall Street and the private markets are fully capable of *-1 imposing the appropriate incentives and sanctions on corporate behavior .
- The company said 0 [ARG2 revenue] rose 138 % , to $ 10.9 million *U* from $ 4.6 million *U* , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 the success of its movies `` Gorillas in the Mist '' and `` Rainman , '' as well as the box-office smash `` Batman] .
- [ARG2 The setback , in which Treasury bond prices plummeted *T*-1 ,] [rel reflected] [ARG1 a rebound in the stock market and profit-taking] .
- Mr. Simmons said 0 [ARG2 the third-quarter results] [rel reflect] [ARG1 continued improvements in productivity and operating margins] .
- As recently as 1975 , [ARG1 the stock market] -- as * [rel reflected] *-3 in [ARG2-in the Standard & Poor 's index of 500 common stocks] -- was rated *-1 by the National Bureau of Economic Research as the best of the 12 leading indicators that *T*-2 then made up the Commerce index .
- J.P. Morgan posted [ARG2 a $ 1.82 billion *U* loss for the third quarter] , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 a big addition to loan-loss reserves] .
- The company said 0 [ARG2 the $ 3.1 million *U* reserve] was created *-2 *-3 to [rel reflect] [ARG1 doubt about the collectability of receivables owed * to National Heritage by some of the real estate partnerships 0 it manages *T*-1] .
- [ARG2 Commodity futures prices] [ARGM-ADV generally] [rel reflected] [ARG1 the stability of the stock market] following its plunge Friday .
- [ARGM-TMP Finally] , [ARGM-ADV according to Mr. Cardillo] , [ARG1 the impact of the strong dollar] [ARGM-MOD should] be [rel reflected] *-1 in [ARG2-in reduced exports in the August merchandise trade deficit] , [ARGM-TMP when the figures are released *-2 today *T*-3] .
- The British version shows `` a handful of pounds of net worth '' following the 1987 write-off of good will , while [ARG2 the American version] [rel reflects] [ARG1 `` $ 1 billion *U* of net worth] [ARGM-CAU because almost none of -LCB- the good will -RCB- has been written *-1 off] . ''
- Quantum described the payout at the time as a way 0 for it to share the bonanza with its holders *T*-1 , because [ARG2 its stock price] was [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel reflecting] [ARG1 the huge profit increases] .
- [ARG2 The lower results] , Mr. Pierce said 0 *T*-1 , [rel reflect] [ARG1 a 12-month decline in industry sales of privately owned pay telephones , Elcotel 's primary business] .
- And some said 0 [ARG2 it] [rel reflected] [ARG1 the growing debate in Washington over * pursuing free trade with Japan versus some kind of managed trade] .
- Major oil companies in the next few days are expected *-1 to report [ARG2 much less robust earnings] than they did *?* for the third quarter a year ago , [ARGM-ADV largely] [rel reflecting] [ARG1 deteriorating chemical prices and gasoline profitability] .
- The Bush administration has sent [ARG2 conflicting signals about its export-control policies] , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 unhealed divisions among several competing agencies] .
- [ARG2 The drop in profit] [rel reflected] , [ARGM-EXT in part] , [ARG1 continued softness in financial advertising at The Wall Street Journal and Barron 's magazine] .
- [ARG2 The results , which *T*-1 are in line with analysts ' estimates ,] [rel reflect] `` [ARG1 a continued improvement in our U.S. business] , '' said 0 *T*-2 James Treybig , Tandem 's chief executive officer .
- [ARG2 The amended filings] were required *-1 because of the new agreement between Axa and Hoylake , and * to [rel reflect] [ARG1 the extension that Sir James received *T*-2 last month under British takeover rules * to complete his proposed acquisition] .
- It is widely known *-1 that `` too many cooks spoil the broth , '' but [ARG2 that wisdom] does [ARGM-NEG not] [ARGM-ADV necessarily] [rel reflect] [ARG1 the view of the cooks] , [ARGM-ADV especially if they are senators] .
- Still , it said 0 it expects [ARG2 sales for all of 1989] to be on the order of 20 billion francs , * [rel reflecting] [ARG1 anticipated billings for two large contracts in the second half of the year] .