frames- [ARG0 Mr. Stronach] will direct an effort * to [rel reduce] [ARG1 overhead] and curb capital spending `` until a more satisfactory level of profit is achieved and maintained *-1 , '' Magna said 0 *T*-2 .
- Second , [ARG0 they] channel monthly mortgage payments into semiannual payments , *-1 [rel reducing] [ARG1 the administrative burden on investors] .
- [ARG0 The company] recently said 0 it would sell some operations and lay off 4 % of its work force , [ARGM-MNR altogether] *-1 [rel reducing] [ARG1 employment] to [ARG4-to less than 16,000] from [ARG3-from about 18,000] .
- The [rel reduced] [ARG1 dividend] is payable Jan. 2 to stock of record Dec. 15 .
- He also said that [ARG0 the group] [rel reduced] [ARG1 its offer] [ARGM-CAU because it was n't allowed *-1 to see Georgia Gulf 's confidential financial information without *-2 agreeing that it would n't make an offer unless it had Georgia Gulf 's consent] .
- The ailing company , which *T*-236 has reported net losses for 16 consecutive quarters , said 0 [ARG0 it] wo n't manufacture network computer systems any more and [ARGM-MOD will] [ARG2-MNR greatly] [rel reduce] [ARG1 its costly direct sales force] .
- Commodity prices have been rising in recent years , with the farm price index hitting record peaks earlier this year , as [ARG0 the government] curtailed production with land-idling programs *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 price-depressing surpluses] .
- [ARGM-ADV As more managers pursue the index-arbitrage strategy] , [ARG1 these small opportunities between markets] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel reduced] *-1 and , eventually , eliminated *-1 .
- All arguments against program trading , even those pressed * without fact , conclude with three expected results after `` reforms '' are implemented *-1 : 1 -RRB- [rel reduced] [ARG1 volatility] , 2 -RRB- a long-term investment focus , and 3 -RRB- a level playing field for the small investor .
- [ARG0 *] [rel Reducing] [ARG1 volatility] .
- If [ARG0 * slowing things down] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel reduce] [ARG1 volatility] , stone tablets should become the trade ticket of the future .
- Some Democrats in Congress are warning that a complicated new funding device for the two federal antitrust agencies could result in further cutbacks in [ARG1 a regulatory area] [ARGM-TMP already] [rel reduced] [ARG2-MNR sharply] [ARGM-TMP in recent years] .
- But Rep. Don Edwards -LRB- D. , Calif . -RRB- responded that [ARG0 a recession] could stifle merger activity , *-1 [rel reducing] [ARG1 the amount of fees collected *] .
- As a part of overall efforts [ARG0 *] to [rel reduce] [ARG1 spending] , Congress cut by $ 30 million *U* the Bush administration 's request for antitrust enforcement for fiscal 1990 , which *T*-81 began Oct. 1 .
- Moreover , [ARG0 we] 've probably been the most aggressive firm on the Street in * [rel reducing] [ARG1 costs , which *T*-1 are down around 40 % over the last six months] .
- But Moody 's warned that Shearson 's commercial paper rating could be lowered *-1 soon , [ARG0 a move] that *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel reduce] [ARG1 Shearson 's profit margins on its borrowings] and signal trouble ahead for other firms .
- `` Public policy favors the development and marketing of beneficial new drugs , even though some risks , perhaps serious ones , might accompany their introduction because [ARG0 drugs] [ARGM-MOD can] save lives and [rel reduce] [ARG1 pain and suffering] , '' the unanimous court said *T*-1 .
- Travelers Corp. 's third-quarter net income rose 11 % , even though [ARG0 claims stemming from Hurricane Hugo] [rel reduced] [ARG1 results] [ARG2-EXT $ 40 million *U*] .
- [ARG0 Reliance] acquired a 7 % UAL stake early this year at an average cost of $ 110 *U* a share , and [rel reduced] [ARG1 its stake] to [ARG4-to 4.7 %] [ARGM-TMP after UAL accepted the bid at prices higher than $ 282 *U* a share] .
- The parent of Younkers , after *-1 failing * to find a buyer for the chain of Midwestern department stores , said 0 [ARG0 it] will sell a stake in the chain to management and take other steps *-2 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 its investment in retailing] .
- He said 0 [ARG0 Equitable] hopes *-1 to [ARGM-ADV eventually] [rel reduce] [ARG1 its stake in Younkers] to [ARG4-to less than 50 %] .
- But it said that [ARG0 severance payments to those executives not staying with the company] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel reduce] [ARG1 First of America 's operating results for 1989] by [ARG2-by $ 3 million *U*] to [ARG4-to $ 4 million *U* , or 15 cents to 20 cents a share] .
- That 's almost $ 10 *U* of equity for each Columbia share , including convertible preferred shares , though [ARG0 more junk markdowns] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel reduce] [ARG1 the cushion] .
- In a few weeks , many barges probably wo n't be able *-2 to operate fully loaded south of St. Louis because [ARG0 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers] is beginning *-3 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 the flow of the Missouri River , which *T*-1 feeds into the Mississippi River] .
- Because [ARG0 the drought] [rel reduced] [ARG1 U.S. stockpiles] , they have more than enough storage space for their new crop , and that permits them to wait for prices to rise .
- [ARG0 Proceeds of that sale] are *-1 to be used *-2 * to [rel reduce] [ARG1 debt] and buy back shares .
- The company noted that [ARG0 it] has [rel reduced] [ARG1 debt] by [ARG2-by $ 1.6 billion *U*] [ARGM-TMP since the end of 1988] and bought back about 15.5 million shares of common stock since the fourth quarter of 1987 .
- *-1 Testifying before a House subcommittee , Mr. Mulford said that if [ARG0 the Treasury] had n't intervened in foreign-exchange markets in September and early October *-2 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 the dollar 's value] , the plunge in the stock market might have provoked a steep fall in the currency that *T*-97 might have `` unhinged financial markets . ''
- Analysts expect [ARG0 Armstrong] to use proceeds of the sale *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 debt] , buy back stock or perhaps finance an acquisition .
- The Commerce Department said that [ARGM-CAU as a result of a new adjustment to the formula used * * to calculate the index] , [ARG1 the influence of this component] has been [rel reduced] *-95 .
- David Mullins , assistant secretary of the Treasury , said that the working capital is necessary [ARG0 *] to [rel reduce] [ARG1 the final costs of the bailout] , [ARGM-MNR by *-1 allowing the agency to sell savings and loans without their bad assets] , then hold the assets [ARGM-TMP until they can be sold *-108 under favorable conditions] .
- [ARGM-DIS In addition] , [ARG0 further packaging of mortgage-backed securities , such as Blackstone 's fund ,] have [rel reduced] [ARG1 the effects of prepayment risk] and automatically reinvest monthly payments so institutions do n't have *-1 to *?* .
- These critics are backed *-172 by several academic studies showing that [ARG0 the adoption of poison pills] [rel reduces] [ARG1 shareholder values] [ARGM-TMP not merely in the short run , but also over longer periods] .
- According to veteran watchers of Unificationist affairs , such as Dr. J. Gordon Melton , director of the Institute for the Study of American Religion , [ARG1 almost all operations] are being [ARG2-MNR drastically] [rel reduced] *-1 [ARGM-TMP as Mr. Moon now concentrates more on *-2 developing his empire in the Far East] .
- The bill would require the agency to block the acquisition of 15 % or more *U* of an airline 's stock if [ARG0 the purchase] threatened safety , [rel reduced] [ARG1 the carrier 's ability * to compete] , or put the airline under foreign control .
- Sea Containers added that [ARG0 the recapitalization plan] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel reduce] [ARG1 its debt] by [ARG2-by more than $ 500 million *U*] .
- `` * To slow the rise in total spending , it *ICH*-1 will be necessary [ARG0 *] to [rel reduce] [ARG1 per-capita use of services] , '' the NAM warns *T*-2 in a policy statement .
- During the third quarter , [ARG0 the company] charged about $ 46 million *U* against earnings in * [rel reducing] [ARG1 goodwill] , added $ 20 million *U* to its general loan loss reserves and established a $ 30 million *U* reserve for its high-yield bond portfolio .
- The company said 0 [ARG1 its junk-bond portfolio] [ARGM-TMP after these moves] had been [rel reduced] *-1 to [ARG4-to less than 1 % of assets] .
- [ARG1 Senior members of the House Budget Committee] are [rel reduced] *-1 [ARGM-ADV in frustration] to [ARG4-to * raising doomed parliamentary obstacles to individual bills] , yet admit that much of the disorder now stems from the fiscal legerdemain associated * with their own summit agreement with the White House this past spring .
- And while [ARG0 customers such as steel service centers] are continuing *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 inventories] through the fourth quarter , they eventually will begin stocking up again , he notes 0 *T*-2 .
- Richard D. Lewis , president of the 47-store chain , defended the company 's pricing campaign , *-1 saying 0 it did n't use `` the misleading expression ` [rel reduced] from [ARG3-from original prices] . ' ''
- Mr. Lewis said 0 [ARG0 the company] marked price tags and advertised at its `` lowest possible prices '' for all its merchandise *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 public confusion] .
- It currently costs $ 750 *U* , though Mr. Sinyard thinks 0 [ARG1 the price] [ARGM-MOD can] be [rel reduced] *-1 [ARGM-TMP within three years] to [ARG4-to between $ 200 and $ 250 *U*] .
- Mr. Simonds-Gooding said 0 the additional financing may leave British Satellite owned *-1 by about 20 investors , including Australian entrepreneur Alan Bond , [ARG1 whose nearly 36 % stake] *T*-201 [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel reduced] *-2 to [ARG4-to as little as 20 %] .
- Officials also disclosed 0 it *EXP*-1 's possible that [ARG0 NEC] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel reduce] [ARG1 domestic production of one-megabit chips] to [ARG4-DIR five million a month] from [ARG3-from six million] , [ARGM-ADV * beginning January] , because of deteriorating market prices .
- Economists , businessmen and some politicians agree that the answer is an orthodox economic austerity program including [rel reduced] [ARG1 state] spending ; * focusing spending on vital areas such as education , health and welfare ; * turning state companies private ; * reforming the tax system , * raising public service rates * to match costs ; and possibly a temporary wage and price freeze and a devaluation of the cruzado .
- [ARG0 Proceeds from the planned sale of the 250,000-square-foot building] `` will help *-2 [rel reduce] [ARG1 the debt incurred * as a result of our July 1988 recapitalization] , '' said *T*-1 a USG official .
- [ARG0 * Narrowing the penalty in this fashion] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-MNR clearly] [rel reduce] [ARG1 whatever deterrent effect it now has *T*-1] .
- Within the alliance it is supposed *-3 to act as a balancing force , *-3 guarding against excessive control by government or abuse of its economic position by business , for either could result in a deterioration of its living standards -LRB- under the new resolutions , workers councils may demand that a cooperative be closed *-1 or [ARG1 its prices] be [rel reduced] *-2 -RRB- .
- Mazda and Ford said 0 a combination of limited crankcase ventilation and improper maintenance could cause engine oil in some of the Mercury Tracers and Mazda 323s to deteriorate more rapidly than normal , * causing increased engine noise or [rel reduced] [ARG1 engine] life .
- [ARG0 He] should do more *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 tax rates on wealth and income] , in recognition of the fact that those cuts yield higher , not lower , revenues .
- U.S. and Soviet negotiators opened talks in New York aimed * at * resolving differences in proposals [ARG0 *] to [rel reduce] [ARG1 chemical-weapons arsenals] .
- Nixdorf Computer AG , *-2 citing continued profitability problems , said 0 [ARG0 it] will have *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 personnel] [ARG2-MNR further] , [ARGM-LOC notably in research and development sectors] .
- The troubled West German computer company said , in a statement to its employees , that [ARG1 the number of persons working in product development] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel reduced] *-1 [ARGM-LOC world-wide] to [ARG4-to 2,440] from [ARG3-from 2,888] [ARGM-TMP by the end of 1990] .
- Bio-Technology , a New York maker of genetically engineered products for human and animal health care , said 0 [ARG0 it] made the exchange offer *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 its interest payments] .
- That acquisition , which *T*-1 also included the assumption of $ 135 million *U* in debt , was designed *-2 *-3 to allow [ARG0 Georgia-Pacific] to capitalize on the strong demand for softwood pulp , as well as [rel reduce] [ARG1 its exposure to the housing market] .
- General Mills Inc. , the food giant , launched a breakfast cereal called * Benefit , containing psyllium , oat , wheat and beet bran ; the words , `` [ARG0 *] [rel reduce] [ARG1 cholesterol] '' were prominently displayed *-1 on its package .
- That is because Sidhpur has a near-monopoly on the world 's supply of flea seed , also known * as flea wort or , in Western parlance , psyllium : [ARG0 a tiny , tasteless , obscure seed] that , [ARGM-ADV according to early research] , *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD may] [rel reduce] [ARG1 cholesterol levels in the blood] .
- The company said 0 [ARG0 it] amended its shareholder rights plan by *-2 [rel reducing] to [ARG4-to 10 %] from [ARG3-from 20 %] [ARG1 the level of ownership by an outsider that *T*-1 would trigger the issuance to other holders of rights * to buy additional shares of Nashua common at half price] .
- [ARG0 *-1] To [rel reduce] [ARG1 the danger of such pricing cycles] , Akzo has invested heavily in specialty chemicals , which *T*-2 have highly specific industrial uses and tend *-3 to produce much higher profit margins than do *?* bulk chemicals .
- This can not be solved *-1 by * provoking a further downturn ; [ARG0 *] [rel reducing] [ARG1 the supply of goods] does not solve inflation .
- [ARG0 Catastrophe losses] [rel reduced] [ARG1 Aetna 's net income] by [ARG2-by $ 50 million *U* , including $ 36 million *U* from Hugo] .
- The team even created a points system 0 *T*-2 to identify [ARG0 those couriers and subgroups] that *T*-1 were doing the most 0 *T*-4 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 package-sort cycle time] .
- `` Monitoring shows that [ARG0 the Natick team 's new system] [ARGM-ADV really] does [rel reduce] [ARG1 cycle time for the morning package sort] , '' reports *T*-1 James Barksdale , chief operating officer at Federal Express .
- [ARG0 A cross-functional team at Union Carbide 's Tonawanda , N.Y. , facility , which *T*-1 produces air-separation plants ,] followed a similar path *-2 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 manufacturing cycle time] .
- [ARGM-LOC At Grumman 's Aircraft Systems Division] , [ARG0 a cross-functional team] [rel reduced] [ARG1 the cycle time required * * to produce a new business proposal for an important government contract] .
- [ARG0 They] effectively lead team efforts * to [rel reduce] [ARG1 cycle time] .
- The study also says that advent of new communications technologies makes `` an explicit congressional definition of the legal status of home copying more desirable in order [ARG0 *] to [rel reduce] [ARG1 legal and market uncertainties] and * to prevent de facto changes to copyright law through technology , '' and says that * finding an `` appropriate balance of harms and benefits is a political decision , not a technical one .
- [ARG0 All of the changes] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel reduce] [ARG1 its overhead] and streamline operations , Boeing said 0 *T*-1 .
- In addition , Unisys said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel reduced] [ARG1 computer inventories] [ARG2-EXT a further $ 100 million *U*] [ARGM-TMP during the quarter] , [ARGM-ADV * leaving it within $ 100 million *U* of its goal of a reduction of $ 500 million *U* by the end of the year] .
- [ARG0 Thermo Electron] acquired some 6 % of Milton Roy 's common stock before *-1 throwing in the towel and [rel reducing] [ARG1 its stake] [ARGM-TMP in early September] .
- `` [ARG0 We] 'd like *-2 to continue *-3 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 debt] , '' President Lawrence Perlman said *T*-1 .
- And *-2 to protect their [rel reduced] [ARG1 capital] investment from *-4 eroding further , market makers became quicker *-2 to lower price quotes when sell programs are in progress *T*-3 .
- U.S. and Soviet officials are *-1 to open a new round of talks today *-4 aimed *-2 at [ARG0 *] [rel reducing] [ARG1 chemical-weapons arsenals] [ARGM-LOC amid superpower differences over whether * to stop *-3 making the gases] .
- But the researchers found that while children 's household tasks eased the mother 's burden appreciably , [ARG0 the husband 's helping hand] `` appears *-1 to lighten the children 's load almost on a one-for-one basis and to [rel reduce] [ARG1 the wife 's responsibility] [ARGM-MNR only modestly] . ''
- Under the proposed settlement , customers with valid claims -- 0 *T*-2 to be submitted *-1 by Dec. 15 -- will receive `` valuable bank services , '' such as credit cards with [rel reduced] [ARG1 finance] charges , for two years .
- Signs of growing weakness in the economy , paired * with indications that inflation is staying well under control , have caused them to wonder why [ARG0 the Fed chairman] is so grudging in *-2 [rel reducing] [ARG1 rates] *T*-1 .
- Moreover , if the Fed holds tight , [ARG0 it] may be able *-2 [ARGM-MNR gradually] to [rel reduce] [ARG1 inflation] , [ARGM-ADV *-3 moving toward the zero-inflation goal that the Fed chairman embraced *T*-1 in testimony to Congress last week] .
- But Mr. Tonkin said 0 [ARG0 dealers] should slash stocks to between 15 and 30 days *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 the costs of *-2 financing inventory] .
- American Pioneer , parent of American Pioneer Savings Bank , said 0 [ARG0 the sale] [ARGM-MOD will] add capital and [rel reduce] [ARG1 the level of investments in subsidiaries] [ARGM-ADV for the thrift holding company] .
- [ARG0 Bond Corp. , a brewing , property , media and resources company ,] is selling many of its assets *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 its debts] .
- Proceeds will be used *-1 [ARG0 *-2] to [rel reduce] [ARG1 short-term debt at the beer and food concern] , said Robert Vaux , vice president , finance .
- Leaseway Transportation Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] will restructure $ 192.5 million *U* of certain subordinated debentures *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 its debt obligations and interest expense] .
- The spokeswoman confirmed that [ARG0 the bank] has [ARG2-MNR significantly] [rel reduced] [ARG1 its muni holdings] , but could n't immediately confirm the amount .
- [ARG0 Both the House and Senate bills] 0 *T*-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 the cost and coverage of the catastrophic-care plan] would eliminate the cap on doctor 's bills .
- Management advised employees Friday that [ARG0 it] was going *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 employment] [ARGM-LOC in production operations of the group] by [ARG2-by 8 % , or 400 people] .
- [ARGM-DIS For instance] , [ARG1 employment in Denver] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel reduced] *-1 to [ARG4-to 105] from [ARG3-from 430] .
- In particular , advisers say 0 *T*-2 , investors may want *-3 to look at [ARG0 securities] that *T*-1 [rel reduce] [ARG1 the risk that CD holders are confronting *T*-5 right now , of * having *-4 to reinvest the proceeds of maturing short-term certificates at lower rates] .
- SharesBase Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel reduce] [ARG1 its 221-person work force] by [ARG2-by about 25 %] , [ARGM-TMP effective tomorrow] , [ARGM-PNC in an effort * to stem continuing losses] .
- This scenario has been the rough position of the U.S. Senate since 1985 , and [ARG0 it] [rel reduces] [ARG1 the baseline] by [ARG2-by $ 106 billion *U*] [ARGM-TMP between 1990 and 1994] .
- [ARG0 This] [rel reduces] [ARG1 the baseline] by [ARG2-by $ 229 billion *U*] .
- [ARG0 It] [rel reduces] [ARG1 the baseline] by [ARG2-by $ 169 billion *U*] .
- [ARGM-TMP Finally] , [ARG0 Scenario 4] [rel reduces] [ARG1 the budget] by [ARG2-by 2 % per year *ICH*-1] [ARGM-TMP for the next five years] -- [ARGM-ADV a total reduction of $ 287 billion *U*] .
- He was succeeded *-1 by John Major , who *T*-2 Friday expressed a desire for a firm pound and supported [ARG0 the relatively high British interest rates] that he said `` *T*-3 are working exactly as intended '' in *-4 [rel reducing] [ARG1 inflation] .
- Oil ministers now hope *-3 to solve the issue for good through [ARG0 an Iranian proposal] that *T*-1 gives a larger share of output to countries with surplus capacity and [rel reduces] [ARG1 the shares of those that *T*-2 ca n't produce more anyway] .
- [ARG0 Bond Corp. , a brewing , property , media and resources concern controlled * by financier Alan Bond ,] is selling many of its assets *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 an A$ 6.9 billion *U* debt] .
- Moreover , [ARG0 your hypothetical investor] has forsaken the gains 0 *T*-2 to be had *-1 in * [rel reducing] [ARG1 risk] [ARGM-MNR by * diversifying his portfolio] .
- You lead readers to believe that [ARG0 the House] [rel reduced] [ARG1 the capital-gains tax] [ARGM-TMP for two years only] .
- Defenders say 0 futures make markets more efficient and provide [ARGM-MNR ways] 0 for [ARG0 investors] to [rel reduce] [ARG1 risks] *T*-1 .
- The Knight Foundation , of Akron , Ohio , has established a national commission 0 *T*-1 to look into college-sports reform , and the NCAA Presidents Commission earlier this month recommended [ARG0 *] cutting spring football practice in half , moving the start of basketball practice back by a month and [rel reducing] [ARG1 maximum schedules in that sport] to [ARG4-to 25 games] from [ARG3-from 28] .
- [ARG0 Such moves] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARG2-MNR greatly] [rel reduce] [ARG1 the power of government ministries , who now *T*-1 jealously guard their turf and are seen *-2 as one of the major obstacles blocking economic reform] .
- [ARG1 The maximum allowable property holdings for insurance companies] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel reduced] *-1 to [ARG4-to 10 % of their total asset value] , [ARGM-ADV down from 15 % currently] .
- [ARG0 Doubts about the quality of state credit guarantees] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel reduce] [ARG1 the competitive strength of Finnish companies in world markets where financing often is the key to * winning orders *T*-1] , analysts warn 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 That] , [ARGM-DIS in turn] , [ARGM-MOD could] [ARG2-MNR substantially] [rel reduce] [ARG1 the value of the television assets] .
- [ARG0 More carefully targeted intervention] [ARGM-MOD might] [ARGM-ADV actually] [rel reduce] [ARG1 the need for government action] .
- He noted that [ARG1 some minimum margin requirements] have been [rel reduced] *-1 to [ARG4-to levels below those before the 1987 crash] .
- [ARG0 Proceeds of the offering] will be used *-1 *-2 to redeem C$ 264 million *U* of preferred shares and *-2 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 short-term debt] , the company said 0 *T*-3 .
- [ARG0 Telos] responded by *-1 combining three of its five divisions *-2 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 expenses] and `` bring more focus to potentially fewer bidding opportunities , '' says *T*-3 Lin Conger , Telos chairman and controlling shareholder .
- Bostik is the first Emhart Corp. unit 0 *T*-1 to be sold *-2 as part of [ARG0 the power-tool manufacturer 's] effort * to [rel reduce] [ARG1 debt] and consolidate operations [ARGM-TMP after it acquired Emhart earlier this year] .
- Company officials have said 0 [ARG0 they] plan *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 that ratio] to [ARG4-to less than 50 %] [ARGM-TMP over the next 2 1\/2 years] .
- [ARG0 The gross proceeds from the sale of the notes , which *T*-1 will be due on Nov. 1 , 2004 ,] will be used *-2 * to [rel reduce] [ARG1 existing debt] and for general corporate purposes , the company said 0 *T*-3 .
- `` [ARGM-MNR The only way] 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel reduce] [ARG1 the costs] *T*-2 is * to say 0 we do n't want *-1 to pay the bill , '' said *T*-4 Rep. Neal Smith -LRB- D. , Iowa -RRB- , who *T*-3 taunted President Bush 's party to back up his campaign promise of * supporting the claims of $ 20,000 *U* per individual .
- [ARG0 The Packwood proposal] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel reduce] [ARG1 the tax] [ARGM-ADV depending on how long an asset was held *-1 *T*-2] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-TMP in 1986] [ARG0 Congress] [ARG2-MNR sharply] [rel reduced] [ARG1 the number of people who *T*-1 could qualify for its benefits] and IRA tax-deductions slowed their roaring growth .
- In April , Hoechst , the largest producer of CFCs in West Germany , said 0 [ARG0 it] wanted *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 production of the product] by [ARG2-by 50 %] [ARGM-TMP by 1993] .
- Some of America 's biggest trading partners gave a quick thumbs-down to a U.S. proposal [ARG0 *] to liberalize world trade and [rel reduce] [ARG1 farm-product subsidies] .
- Should the green light 0 Judges Alarcon and Hall have given *T*-1 to the fabrication of quotations become standard practice , [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-MNR notably] [rel reduce] [ARG1 the value of journalism for historians -- and for citizens] .
- Profit at the unit fell to $ 110.6 million *U* , or 37 cents a share , from $ 142.4 million *U* , or 45 cents a share , largely because of a $ 24 million *U* one-time charge associated * with [ARG0 Hughes 's] previously announced plan * to [rel reduce] [ARG1 employment] by [ARG2-by at least 6,000 people] [ARGM-TMP by year end] .
- [ARG0 Most of the plans] have [rel reduced] [ARG1 bids] [ARGM-PNC in case the plant fails *-1 to get a license from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission] .
- Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan told Congress that the Fed can wipe out inflation without *-1 causing a recession , but he said * doing so will inflict some short-term pain and will require [ARG0 *] [rel reducing] [ARG1 the federal deficit] [ARG2-MNR sharply] .
- But Mr. Greenspan , who *T*-2 has repeatedly said 0 [ARG0 the Fed 's] goal is * to [rel reduce] [ARG1 inflation] , added that `` whatever losses *T*-3 are incurred *-1 in the pursuing of price stability would surely be more than made up *-4 in increased output thereafter . ''
- Rep. Neal 's bill originally called on [ARG0 the Fed] *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 the inflation rate] by [ARG2-by one percentage point a year] [ARGM-TMP for five years] and to maintain a zero inflation rate thereafter .
- Competition could be maintained *-2 -- and stadiums probably would remain full -- if [ARG1 schedules] were [rel reduced] *-3 and the games returned *-5 to the students , we said 0 *T*-4 .
- New America High Income Fund recently said that [ARG0 it] plans *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 its leverage position] [ARGM-MNR by *-2 buying back $ 5 million *U* in preferred stock and notes from investors] .
- [ARG0 The Packwood-Roth proposal] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel reduce] [ARG1 the tax] [ARGM-ADV depending on how long an asset was held *-1 *T*-2] .
- The leveraged buy-out firm of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. , which *T*-1 owns 46 % of the common equity of SCI TV , indicated in the debt plan that [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel reduce] [ARG1 its equity stake] to [ARG4-to 15 %] , [ARGM-ADV * giving the rest of its stake to bondholders in the restructuring] .
- `` Most want cardiovascular conditioning ... the No. 1 way of [ARG0 *] [rel reducing] [ARG1 risk of heart disease] . ''
- Dealers said 0 [ARG0 they] also took profits *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 holdings in their own account] at the end of the October transaction period .
- [ARG1 The price] was [rel reduced] *-1 [ARGM-TMP last August] from [ARG3-from an indicated value of $ 76 million *U*] .
- [ARG0 FEDERAL COURTS] URGED *-1 *-3 to cut costs *RNR*-2 and [rel reduce] [ARG1 delays *RNR*-2] of civil suits .
- *-1 To take advantage of local expertise and custom , the study said 0 *T*-2 , Congress should require [ARG0 each of the 94 federal district courts] to adopt its own plan * to speed the handling of civil suits and to [rel reduce] [ARG1 the high costs in civil cases] .
- The ratings concern said 0 the acquisition should result in pretax losses from operations because of increases in interest expense and charges for depreciation and amortization , but that it expects [ARG1 the losses] to be [rel reduced] *-1 [ARGM-MNR through productivity gains and above average growth of the company 's hospitals] .
- Earlier this month IMA , an investment group that *T*-1 includes Chicago 's Pritzker family and First Boston Corp. , submitted a [rel reduced] [ARG1 bid] for American Medical after it could n't finance its initial offer .
- Disappointment with the company 's earnings for the quarter led [ARG0 Prudential-Bache Securities] to [rel reduce] [ARG1 its 1989 and 1990 earnings estimates] , according to Dow Jones Professional Investor Report .
- Some major U.S. trade partners quickly rejected a compromise proposal *ICH*-1 by Bush [ARG0 *] to liberalize trade and [rel reduce] [ARG1 farm-product subsidies] .
- A Coors spokesman said 0 the company does n't believe 0 [ARG0 the move] [ARGM-MOD will] further increase William Coors 's influence or [rel reduce] [ARG1 the influence of Jeffrey Coors , Peter Coors or Joseph Coors Jr. , who *T*-1 run the company 's three operating units] .
- And [ARG1 the total amount of junk financing] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel reduced] *-1 .
- Lawyers also say 0 [ARG0 an erratic stock market and uncertain financing conditions] have [ARG2-MNR sharply] [rel reduced] [ARG1 the number of lucrative big deals likely * to be proposed *-1] .
- Total tire segment sales were up only about 1 % to $ 2.2 billion *U* , and the company said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel reduced] [ARG1 manufacturing levels] [ARGM-LOC at some of its U.S. tire plants] [ARGM-CAU because of inventory adjustments and slackened production by auto makers] .
- In the past five years , [ARG0 USX] has turned steel into a profit maker by *-1 closing several plants and [rel reducing] [ARG1 labor costs] .
- Sears said 0 [ARG0 claims from the storm] , [ARGM-DIS as * expected *-1] , [rel reduced] [ARG1 its third-quarter net] by [ARG2-by $ 80 million *U* , or 23 cents a share] .
- [ARG0 The buy-back , coupled * with a nearly completed earlier purchase of 20 million shares ,] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel reduce] [ARG1 shares outstanding] by [ARG2-by more than 26 %] .
- A retired electrical engineer 0 we 'll call *T*-1 Ben works part-time as a consultant , but he does n't want *-2 to earn so much that [ARG0 Social Security] [rel reduces] [ARG1 his benefits] .
- [ARG0 *-2] To [rel reduce] [ARG1 the risks] [ARGM-TMP while *-3 still retaining the legitimate benefits 0 these programs can provide *T*-1] , credit policy must : 1 . Use credit *-2 to improve the operation of capital markets , not to provide subsidies .
- [ARG0 This program , combined * with cash grants to needy students ,] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel reduce] [ARG1 program costs] and much more effectively target the intended beneficiaries .
- [ARG0 *] [rel Reducing] [ARG1 those rates] [ARG2-MNR moderately] [ARGM-ADV -LRB- say , to 75 % -RRB-] would still provide substantial assistance to borrowers .
- But it would also encourage lenders to choose more creditworthy customers , and go a long way toward [ARG0 *] [rel reducing] [ARG1 defaults] .
- For example , [ARG0 the Small Business Administration] has had reasonable success in *-1 [rel reducing] [ARG1 both guarantee rates and default rates] in its Preferred Lenders ' Program .
- [ARGM-MNR By *-1 converting an expenditure or loan to a guarantee] , [ARG0 the government] [ARGM-MOD can] ensure the same flow of resources and [rel reduce] [ARG1 the current deficit] .
- [ARG0 * Establishing these practices] [ARGM-MOD would] permit earlier identification of emerging financial crises , provide better information for loan sales and budgeting decisions , and [rel reduce] [ARG1 fraud] .
- The proposal reiterates the [ARG0 U.S.] desire * to scrap or [rel reduce] [ARG1 a host of trade-distorting subsidies on farm products] .
- The company estimated that [ARG0 losses from Hurricane Hugo] [rel reduced] [ARG1 net income] by [ARG2-by 32 cents a share] [ARGM-TMP in the most recent quarter] .
- Manville Corp. said 0 it offered *-1 to buy $ 500 million *U* of its convertible preferred stock from the Manville Personal Injury Settlement Trust in [ARG0 a move] that *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD would] improve the trust 's liquidity and [rel reduce] [ARG1 the potential number of Manville shares outstanding] .
- Individuals familiar with Mobil 's strategy say that [ARG0 Mobil] is [rel reducing] [ARG1 its U.S. work force] [ARGM-CAU because of declining U.S. output] .
- This would be a second round of cuts by [ARG0 Mobil] , which [ARGM-ADV along with other oil producers and refiners] *T*-1 [rel reduced] [ARG1 its work force] by [ARG2-by 15 % to 20 % *U*] [ARGM-TMP during the mid-1980s] [ARGM-ADV as part of an industrywide shakeout] .
- [ARG0 He] cut his rating to a short-term hold from above-average performer and [rel reduced] [ARG1 his 1990 earnings estimate] .
- Last week , Sen. Malcolm Wallop -LRB- R. , Wyo . -RRB- held hearings on a bill 0 *T*-1 to strengthen [ARG0 an existing law] designed * to [rel reduce] [ARG1 regulatory hassles] [ARGM-ADV for small businesses] .
- Mr. Miller repeated that in the next six months [ARG0 he] plans *-1 to sell another $ 200 million to $ 300 million *U* of assets *-2 to repay debt and [rel reduce] [ARG1 interest costs at Wang , a minincomputer maker in Lowell , Mass] .
- [ARG0 David Owen , U.K. economist with Kleinwort Benson Group ,] [rel reduced] [ARG1 his growth forecast for 1990] to [ARG4-to 0.7 %] from [ARG3-from 1.2 %] and termed the risk of recession next year `` quite high . ''
- The FTC said 0 it `` had reason * to believe that [ARG0 the proposed acquisition] [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-MNR substantially] [rel reduce] [ARG1 competition '' in the production of certain image intensifier tubes , which *T*-1 are important components of night-vision devices sold * primarily to the defense industry] .
- *-1 To try *-2 to combat the traffic slowdown , [ARG0 airlines] started *-1 [rel reducing] [ARG1 fares] ; average fares rose only 1.7 % in August , in contrast to increases of 16 % each in February and March .
- He predicted 0 [ARG1 the debt] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel reduced] *-1 by [ARG2-by another A$ 3.8 billion *U*] [ARGM-TMP this fiscal year ending June 30 , 1990] , but did n't explain how this will be achieved *-2 *T*-3 .
- And a spokesman for [ARG0 Reliance Group Holdings Inc.] , which *T*-1 had held 7 % of UAL before the first buy-out bid but [ARGM-TMP later] [rel reduced] [ARG1 its holdings] below [ARG4-below 5 %] , would n't comment .
- But though a weakening economy implies [rel reduced] [ARG1 demand] , Mr. Kaiser said that Third World copper-producing countries have n't any choice but * to sell copper .
- They would both give part of their combined $ 50 million *U* in common equity in SCI TV to holders of SCI TV 's $ 488 million *U* of junk bonds , as a carrot 0 *T*-2 to persuade them *-3 to accept [ARG0 new bonds] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD might] [rel reduce] [ARG1 the value of their claims on the company] .
- NATO defense ministers opened a two-day meeting in Portugal 0 *T*-1 to assess the alliance 's nuclear-weapons needs amid [rel reduced] [ARG1 East-West] tensions .
- The ministers ordered a study on the strategic role of nuclear arms in Western Europe once [ARG1 Soviet conventional weapons] are [rel reduced] *-1 [ARGM-LOC in the East bloc] .
- [ARG0 The repurchase , coupled * with an earlier buyback ,] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel reduce] [ARG1 the firm 's shares outstanding] by [ARG2-by over 26 %] .
- The Justice Department alleges that [ARG0 the company] `` engaged in various forms of misrepresentation '' with the goal of *-1 [rel reducing] [ARG1 the appraised value of employees ' homes] .
- With [rel reduced] [ARG1 exports] and rising imports , South Korea 's trade surpluses with the U.S. and Europe between January and September fell sharply from a year ago , the Customs Administration said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Lazard and other primary underwriters] have [rel reduced] or eliminated [ARG1 their exposure] [ARGM-MNR by *-1 sub-underwriting the issue among U.K. institutional investors] .
- And instead of *-1 buying the UAL stake , [ARG0 the U.K. carrier] will be able *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 its high debt level] and build an acquisition war chest .
- But most economists doubt 0 the streamlining would cut deeply into [ARG0 Conasupo government subsidy] , which *T*-1 largely goes *-2 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 consumer prices for corn and milk] .
- [ARG1 The cash payout] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel reduced] *-1 by [ARG2-by 40 % of any amount by which the weighted mean price of Ramada 's common stock exceeds $ 14 *U* on the day 0 the transaction closes *T*-2 *T*-3] .
- But ozone creation is a very large-scale natural process and the importance of human-generated CFCs in [ARG0 *] [rel reducing] [ARG1 it] is largely a matter of conjecture .
- Bishops usually are worth slightly more than knights , but [ARGM-LOC in this case] Mr. Kasparov was left *-1 with a very dangerous knight and [ARG1 D.T. 's surviving bishop] was [rel reduced] *-2 to [ARG4-to passivity] .
- The company said 0 [ARG0 the plant] will ensure that it has adequate energy for the mill and [ARGM-MOD will] [rel reduce] [ARG1 the mill 's energy costs] .
- Prudential-Bache Securities analyst Leslie Steppel said 0 [rel reduced] [ARG1 labor] costs helped *-1 boost margins , although she doubted `` 0 that kind of performance is sustainable . ''
- Third-quarter sales in Europe were exceptionally strong , *-1 boosted *-2 by promotional programs and new products -- although [ARG0 weaker foreign currencies] [rel reduced] [ARG1 the company 's earnings] .
- Mr. Sheridan , who *T*-1 had been expecting quarter profit of about $ 1.25 *U* a share , says 0 [ARG0 he] is [rel reducing] [ARG1 his estimate for the year] to [ARG4-to the area of $ 5.70 *U* a share] , from [ARG3-from his previous estimate of $ 6.10 *U*] .
- [ARG0 Eli Lustgarten] of PaineWebber Inc. , who a couple of weeks ago *T*-1 [rel reduced] [ARG1 his 1989 estimate] to [ARG4-to $ 5.70 *U* a share] [ARGM-CAU because of the weakening truck market] , says 0 he will make another cut to about $ 5.50 *U* a share in light of the third-quarter report .
- But the implications of such a shift to market approaches go well beyond the fact that Poland is already working on [ARG0 nationwide emissions trades] 0 *T*-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 smelter pollution] , or that the Soviets plan *-2 to introduce marketable pollution permits in some republics next year .
- In its bankruptcy-law petition , filed * in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan , Eagle said 0 its problems began in 1987 and early 1988 when [ARG0 its then-senior lender , Bankers Trust Co. ,] [rel reduced] [ARG1 its credit line] .
- [ARGM-PNC Largely *-1 to meet tougher new capital requirements] , [ARG0 thrifts] [rel reduced] [ARG1 their assets] [ARG2-EXT $ 13.4 billion *U*] [ARGM-TMP in August] , [ARGM-MNR by *-1 selling such assets as mortgage-backed securities and loans] .
- [ARGM-ADV Not including thrifts under government conservatorship] , [ARG0 S&Ls] [rel reduced] [ARG1 their assets] by [ARG2-by $ 10.1 billion *U*] [ARGM-TMP from the previous month] , and deposit outflows totaled $ 3.9 billion *U* .
- Thrifts raised capital mostly by *-3 selling [ARG1 mortgages and mortgage-backed securities] , which *T*-2 were [rel reduced] *-1 by [ARG2-by $ 7.8 billion *U*] [ARGM-TMP in August] [ARGM-TMP from the prior month] .
- [ARGM-TMP As thrifts sell assets *-1 to improve their capital-to-asset ratio , as * required under the new law passed * in August] , [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD must] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel reduce] [ARG1 liabilities , such as deposits] .
- This forecast was based *-1 on the apparent reversal of most of [ARG0 the negative forces] -- such as demographic changes , the oil shock and accelerating inflation -- that *T*-2 had [rel reduced] [ARG1 productivity gains] [ARGM-TMP in the 1970s] .
- By next year , all underwriters will be linked *-1 to [ARG0 a communications network] that *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD could] [rel reduce] [ARG1 paper work on claims] .
- [ARGM-LOC In an economic slowdown] , [ARG0 heavy debt loads] [rel reduce] [ARG1 the flexibility of companies] [ARGM-CAU because cash that *T*-2 would normally be used *-3 * to keep the company buoyant must be diverted *-1 to interest payments] .
- It also reflects the broader pressure *ICH*-1 on companies in Europe * to keep up as [ARG0 the European Community] prepares *-2 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 internal trade barriers] [ARGM-TMP by 1992] .
- Ikegai-Goss , which *T*-1 has about 200 employees , is among the industry leaders in [ARG0 keyless inking technology] , which *T*-2 [rel reduces] [ARG1 time and materials waste when * preparing a press for printing *T*-3] .
- [ARG0 That] would help [rel reduce] [ARG1 Santa Fe Pacific 's remaining debt] to [ARG4-to about $ 600 million *U*] from [ARG3-from a high of $ 3.7 billion *U* in early 1988] .
- [ARGM-ADV On the chairman 's motion] , [ARG1 the California package] was [ARGM-TMP subsequently] [rel reduced] *-1 to [ARG4-to less-binding report language] , and even when this was accepted *-2 as such on a voice vote *T*-3 , Mr. Whitten pointedly opposed it .
- Secretary of State Baker , in his first major arms-control speech , called for a new military relationship with Moscow [ARG0 *] to [rel reduce] [ARG1 `` first strike '' nuclear arms] .
- The newspaper and television owner said 0 it expects [ARG0 the tax adjustment] to [rel reduce] [ARG1 its net income for the full year] by [ARG2-by 14 cents , or approximately $ 2.8 million *U*] based on its 20.2 million shares outstanding .
- Detrex Corp. said 0 [ARG0 a reserve 0 it is establishing *T*-1 *-2 to cover expected pollution cleanup costs at an Ohio plant] [rel reduced] [ARG1 its third-quarter net income] by [ARG2-by $ 1.9 million *U*] .
- Detrex is setting aside $ 3.1 million *U* for the cleanup , but said 0 [ARG0 the reserve] [rel reduced] [ARG1 its quarterly income] by [ARG2-by only $ 1.9 million *U*] [ARGM-CAU because of tax considerations] .
- In the statement , Mr. Skase said that [ARGM-ADV on the basis of current interest rates in Australia] , [ARG0 the company 's asset sales] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel reduce] [ARG1 interest expense] by [ARG2-by about A$ 120 million *U* a year] [ARGM-ADV in addition to *-1 eliminating certain liabilities] .
- He said 0 [ARG0 the move] [ARGM-MOD will] `` [ARGM-MNR significantly] [rel reduce] [ARG1 administrative and operating costs] , '' but he did n't provide details of the merger .
- The company said 0 earnings would have increased if [ARG0 it] had n't been actively repurchasing its shares , [ARGM-DIS thus] increasing its interest expense and [rel reducing] [ARG1 its interest income] .
- And , Deltec said 0 *T*-3 , [ARG1 buying] has been [ARG2-MNR severely] [rel reduced] *-1 [ARGM-CAU because savings and loans have been restricted *-2 in their junk purchases by recently passed congressional legislation] .
- [ARG0 Imperial] is in the midst of *-1 [rel reducing] [ARG1 its junk-bond holdings] and getting out of the investment banking business [ARGM-PNC in order *-2 to return to traditional thrift activities] .
- CRI Inc. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel reduced] [ARG1 the estimated cash distribution for its Capital Housing and Mortgage Partners Inc. trust] to between [ARG4-between 71 cents and 74 cents a share] , from between [ARG3-between 75 cents and 80 cents] , [ARGM-TMP for the year ending June 9 , 1990] .
- [ARG0 The ceiling] would be lifted *-1 to 21.5 million barrels *-1 to provide Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates much higher official quotas while *-2 [rel reducing] [ARG1 percentage shares of some others] .
- These security costs are kept *-1 off-budget because [ARG1 the centers ' site acquisition , construction , and financing costs] were [rel reduced] *-2 by [ARG0-by such programs as Urban Development Action Grants , Economic Development Administration Grants , Community Development Block Grants , tax-free Industrial Development Bonds , Enterprise Zone tax write-offs , city infrastructure grants , and tax increment financing] .
- The number one proposal for [ARG0 *] [rel reducing] [ARG1 crime] in the New York survey was * to put more police on foot or scooter patrol , * suggested by more than two-thirds of the respondents .
- The holding company said 0 [ARG0 the rights offering] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel reduce] [ARG1 its C$ 171 million *U* debt] to [ARG4-to `` more manageable levels ''] [ARGM-TMP before Dec. 31] and allow it to finance future investments with equity capital .
- To [rel reduce] [ARG1 it] [ARGM-LOC at the fund 's building] , workers rubbed beeswax instead of polyurethane on the floors in the executive director 's office .
- Ferranti has said that [ARG0 it] would be forced *-1 to write off # 185 million *U* against the phantom contracts , * [rel reducing] [ARG1 its net asset value] by [ARG2-by more than half] .
- [ARG0 East Germany] pledged *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 alcohol consumption] [ARGM-MNR by *-2 boosting production of soft drinks and fruit juices] .
- Trade and Supply Minister Gerhard Briksa said in a letter published * in the youth daily Junge Welt that the rise in alcohol consumption in East Germany had been halted *-1 ; but [ARG0 *] to [rel reduce] [ARG1 it] [ARG2-MNR further] , he said *T*-3 , production and supply of other beverages , including fruit juices , should be stepped *-2 up .
- He added that [ARG0 shops] will have *-1 to continue *-2 [rel reducing] [ARG1 their stocks of liquor] and avoid *-2 displaying them too prominently in the window .
- A group of senior Conservative legislators , complaining 0 the House of Commons was like a sauna , demanded that the experiment be stopped *-1 unless [ARG1 the intensity of the lights] is [rel reduced] *-2 .
- The plan , proposed * by U.S. Secretary of State Nicholas Brady , calls for [ARG0 banks] either to make new loans or to [rel reduce] [ARG1 the principle on existing loans] or to cut the interest rate on those existing loans .
- Mr. Stein said 0 tighter operating controls have enabled [ARG0 Ekco] to [rel reduce] [ARG1 inventory levels] [ARG2-EXT 25 % to 30 % *U*] ; improve on-time delivery of orders to about 95 % from around 70 % ; and to lower the number of labor hours required * *-1 to produce a unit .
- A group including ESL Partners Ltd. , a Fort Worth , Texas , investment partnership , and Richard E. Rainwater , a former adviser to the Fort Worth Bass family , said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel reduced] [ARG1 its stake in Anacomp Inc.] to [ARG4-to 3.6 % of the common shares outstanding] .
- It said 0 the [rel reduced] [ARG1 dividend] reflects the low price for precious metals .
- Mr. Dillow said 0 the data show 0 the economy `` is still quite strong , '' but [ARG0 suggestions that much of the spending went on services rather than consumer goods] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel reduce] [ARG1 fears of more import rises] .
- Only 10 % of the 250 shippers polled * expected their freight-transport costs to decrease , compared with [ARG0 30 %] who *T*-1 had looked to freight transport *-2 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 costs] [ARGM-TMP in past years] .
- It reduces lawsuits from disgruntled employees and ex-employees , with all 0 that means *T*-1 for [rel reduced] [ARG1 legal] costs and better public relations .
- [ARG0 It] [rel reduces] [ARG1 lawsuits from disgruntled employees and ex-employees] , [ARGM-ADV with all 0 that means *T*-1 for reduced legal costs and better public relations] .
- [ARG1 Management 's total] [ARGM-MOD could] be [rel reduced] *-1 , and the public could get more than the 15 % control that *T*-2 had been earmarked *-3 for British Air .
- Daniel J. Terra , a director of First Illinois Corp. , said that [ARGM-TMP in August] [ARG0 he] [rel reduced] [ARG1 his stake in First Illinois] to [ARG4-to 26.48 % of the common shares outstanding] .
- Jerry Junkins , chairman , president and chief executive officer , said 0 [ARG0 sluggish consumer-electronics sales] [rel reduced] [ARG1 demand for semiconductors] .
- In addition , cost increases related to fixed-price defense contracts and [ARG0 a $ 10 million *U* charge] 0 *T*-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 the work force of Texas Instruments ' defense-electronics division] also reduced net .
- [ARGM-DIS In addition] , [ARG0 cost increases related to fixed-price defense contracts and a $ 10 million *U* charge 0 *T*-1 to reduce the work force of Texas Instruments ' defense-electronics division] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel reduced] [ARG1 net] .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD can] [ARG2-MNR further] [rel reduce] [ARG1 the monthly amount] [ARGM-ADV if they start saving earlier -- when mother and child come home from the hospital *T*-1] .
- He takes issue with projections that *T*-1 do n't factor in [ARG0 students ' own contribution] , which *T*-2 [rel reduces] [ARG1 most parents ' burden] [ARG2-MNR substantially] .
- [ARGM-MNR That way] , [ARG0 parents] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel reduce] [ARG1 borrowings and outlays from current income] [ARGM-TMP when the time *ICH*-3 comes 0 * to pay tuition *T*-2 *T*-1] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 the new category] does [ARGM-NEG not] replace or [rel reduce] [ARG1 Berkeley 's broad racial preferences] .
- Mr. Cawthorn attributed the decline in third-quarter operating profit to [ARG0 the stronger dollar] , which *T*-2 [rel reduces] [ARG1 the value of overseas profit when it is translated *-1 into dollars *T*-4] ; to accelerated buying of Rorer products in the second quarter because of a then-pending July 1 price increase , and to higher marketing expenses for Rorer 's Maalox antacid , whose sales and market share in the U.S. *T*-3 had slipped in the first half of 1989 .
- [ARG0 * Eliminating the earnings limit] [ARGM-MOD would] greatly help seniors and [rel reduce] [ARG1 the deficit] .
- He contends that [ARG0 * chasing consumers with low-priced imports] will harm the industry in the long run by *-1 [rel reducing] [ARG1 the prestige of furs] .
- Some analysts add that third-party pressures [ARG0 *] to [rel reduce] [ARG1 health costs] will continue *-1 to bedevil companies ' bottom lines .
- The Maynard , Mass. , company is in a transition in which [ARG0 it] is trying *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 its reliance on mid-range machines] and establish a presence in workstations and mainframes *T*-2 .
- [ARG1 The latest period 's net] was [rel reduced] *-1 [ARG2-EXT $ 102 million *U* , or nine cents a share ,] [ARGM-PNC for a change in depreciation method and concurrent changes in estimates of depreciable lives and net salvage for certain telecommunications equipment] .
- Instead of *-2 hiring one of the many active managers specializing in growth stocks , indexers can design a portfolio around the same stocks ; the portfolio will be maintained *-1 by computer , [ARG0 *] [rel reducing] [ARG1 both fees and , in theory , risk] -LRB- [ARGM-CAU because of the large number of stocks] -RRB- .
- A federal judge has issued a preliminary injunction against the purchase because of Federal Trade Commission concerns that [ARG0 the transaction] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel reduce] [ARG1 competition in the production of two kinds of rivets] .
- According to some analysts familiar with the negotiations , [ARG0 the 10 % of equity] would come directly from Donaldson Lufkin and a fund affiliated * with the investment bank Blackstone Group , which *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel reduce] [ARG1 their CNW equity holdings] by [ARG2-by 5 % each] .
- [ARG0 A core group of six or so Democratic senators] has been working behind the scenes *-1 to develop a proposal * to [rel reduce] [ARG1 the tax on the gain from the sale of assets] .
- As an alternative , [ARG0 taxpayers] could chose *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 their gains] [ARGM-MNR by an inflation index] .
- [ARG1 The size of the company 's board] has been [rel reduced] *-1 to [ARG4-to eight directors] from [ARG3-from 13] .
- [ARG1 Even perks] have been [rel reduced] *-1 .
- It said 0 the reduction reflects impaired business prospects and [rel reduced] [ARG1 financial] flexibility caused * by continuing losses at the maker of Winchester disk drives .
- The company said 0 [ARG1 per-share earnings] were [ARG2-MNR slightly] [rel reduced] *-1 by [ARG0-by the sale of 4.1 million shares of treasury stock to the company 's newly formed Employee Stock Ownership Plans] .
- [ARG1 Revenue] was [rel reduced] *-1 [ARG2-EXT $ 33 million *U*] by [ARG0-by three extraordinary items : a California Public Utilities Commission refund for an American Telephone & Telegraph Co. billing adjustment ; a provision for productivity sharing 0 *T*-3 to be paid *-2 to customers in 1990 and a one-time accrual for a toll settlement with long-distance telephone companies] .
- Fina blamed lower chemical prices , [rel reduced] [ARG1 gasoline] margins and refinery maintenance shutdowns .
- The merger should also allow [ARG0 the companies] to [rel reduce] [ARG1 costs] [ARGM-MNR by *-1 combining operations in many locations in Puerto Rico] .
- The Little Rock , Ark. , department-store retailer said 0 [ARG0 proceeds] will be used *-1 * to [rel reduce] [ARG1 short-term debt] .
- Other news that *T*-1 weighed on the market : Initial unemployment claims rose by 62,000 last week ; [ARG0 American Telephone & Telegraph Co.] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel reduce] [ARG1 its managerial staff] by [ARG2-by 15,000] [ARGM-MNR through attrition] ; the oil market turned weaker ; there was n't any investor demand for bullion ; and the dollar strengthened during the day , * putting pressure on gold .
- [ARG0 That contract] fell a total of 5.75 cents during the first three days of this week , mostly in reaction to last Friday 's stock market plunge , which *T*-1 prompted concern that it might signal a similar sharp slowing of the U.S. economy and [ARGM-DIS thus] [rel reduced] [ARG1 demand for copper , a leading industrial metal] .
- Some of this buying was by Japan , which *T*-1 has had [ARG1 its supplies] [ARG2-MNR sharply] [rel reduced] *-3 by [ARG0-by long production stoppages at the Bougainville mine in Papua New Guinea , Highland Valley mine in British Columbia , and the Cananea mine in Mexico , which *T*-2 are major shippers to Japan] .
- The sale of the company 's cable franchise brought an after-tax gain of $ 193.3 million *U* , [ARG0 part of which] *T*-1 will be used *-2 * to [rel reduce] [ARG1 debt] .
- But the economy `` is slowing enough 0 *T*-1 to give [ARG0 the Federal Reserve] leeway 0 * to [rel reduce] [ARG1 interest rates] *T*-2 . ''
- TransAtlantic Holdings PLC , a British-based , South African-controlled financial services investment group , and France 's Societe Centrale Union des Assurances de Paris reached [ARG0 an accord] [ARGM-ADV effectively] [rel reducing] [ARG1 chances of an unfriendly takeover for Sun Life Assurance Society PLC] .
- In a joint statement , the two companies , whose combined holdings *T*-2 equal 52.7 % of Sun Life 's ordinary shares , said 0 their agreement is aimed *-1 at [ARG0 *] [rel reducing] `` [ARG1 the uncertainty and instability for Sun Life that *T*-3 has resulted from two major shareholders owning '' a controlling interest in the company] .
- [ARG0 Proceeds from those sales] will be used *-1 * to [rel reduce] [ARG1 debt] .
- The study said 0 Japan 's carbon-dioxide emissions would slightly more than double by 2010 unless [ARG0 the nation] [rel reduced] [ARG1 its dependence on fossil fuels] .
- Combustion Engineering Inc. , Stamford , Conn. , said 0 it sold *RNR*-2 *RNR*-5 and agreed *-1 to sell *RNR*-2 *RNR*-5 several investments and nonstrategic businesses for [ARG0 about $ 100 million *U*] , which *T*-4 will be used *-3 for * [rel reducing] [ARG1 debt] and general purposes .
- Per-share earnings were enhanced *-1 by [ARG0 the company 's share buy-back program] , which *T*-2 [rel reduced] [ARG1 the average shares outstanding] to [ARG4-to 87.5 million in the quarter] from [ARG3-from 95.8 million] in the same quarter of 1988 .
- The secretary would be required *-1 to block an acquisition if he concluded that it would so weaken an airline financially that [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] hurt safety or [rel reduce] [ARG1 the carrier 's ability * to compete] , or if it gave control to a foreign interest .
- The company said 0 [ARG0 the dollar 's continued strengthening] [rel reduced] [ARG1 world-wide sales growth] by [ARG2-by three percentage points] .
- Also , because of its reduced capital budget , [ARG0 Pemex] has phased out about 50,000 transitory construction workers , * [rel reducing] [ARG1 the work force] to [ARG4-to about 140,000] , the union leader says 0 *T*-1 .
- Also , because of its [rel reduced] [ARG1 capital] budget , Pemex has phased out about 50,000 transitory construction workers , * reducing the work force to about 140,000 , the union leader says 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 New management] can take several steps * to [rel reduce] [ARG1 dishonesty] .
- Derek Stevens , British Air 's chief financial officer , told Dow Jones Professional Investor Report 0 a price of $ 230 *U* a share is `` certainly not too low , '' and indicated 0 [ARG0 his company] would like *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 the size of its $ 750 million *U* cash investment] .
- [ARG0 UAL 's management] agreed *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 the seniority of those pilots] [ARGM-PNC in exchange for the support of the United pilot union for the buy-out proposal] .
- [ARG0 Corporate efforts * to control health-care costs by *-1 requiring evaluations prior to planned hospitalization and surgery] have n't been sweeping enough *-2 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 the long-term rate of cost increases] , according to a study by the Institute of Medicine .
- `` There 's pretty good evidence that [ARG0 utilization management] has [rel reduced] [ARG1 inappropriate hospitalization] , '' he said *T*-1 .
- David Rahill of A. Foster Higgins & Co. said that clients of his consulting firm report that [ARG0 utilization management] [rel reduces] [ARG1 their hospital care bills] by [ARG2-by about 5 %] , but he agreed that for the health-care system as whole , some of these savings are offset *-1 by administrative and outpatient care costs .
- The panel urged greater efforts [ARG0 *] to [rel reduce] [ARG1 the complexity , paperwork and cost of utilization review] .
- `` Utilization management needs *-1 to better demonstrate that [ARG0 it] [rel reduces] [ARG1 the wasteful use of resources] , improves the appropriateness of patient care and imposes only reasonable burdens on patients and providers , '' the panel concluded *T*-2 .
- `` Although [ARG0 it] [ARGM-ADV probably] has [rel reduced] [ARG1 the level of expenditures] [ARGM-ADV for some purchasers] , utilization management -- like most other cost containment strategies -- does n't appear *-1 to have altered the long-term rate of increase in health-care costs , '' the Institute of Medicine , an affiliate of the National Academy of Sciences , concluded *T*-2 after a two-year study .
- While [ARG0 utilization management] [ARGM-TMP frequently] [rel reduces] [ARG1 hospitalization costs] , these savings are often offset *-1 by increases in outpatient services and higher administrative costs , according to the report by a panel of health-care experts .
- A House-Senate conference reached agreement Oct. 5 on virtually all major provisions of the bill , but final settlement has been stalled *-5 because of differences between the two men over the fate of a modest Arkansas-based program 0 *T*-1 to provide technical information to [ARG0 farmers] seeking * to [rel reduce] [ARG1 their dependence on chemical fertilizers and pesticides] .
- The 79-year-old Mississippian takes a more orthodox , entrenched view of agriculture policy than those in the movement [ARG0 *] to [rel reduce] [ARG1 chemical use] , but as a master of pork-barrel politics , he is believed *-1 to be annoyed as well that the project moved to Arkansas from a Tennessee center near Memphis and the northern Mississippi border .
- United Parcel Service , Greenwich , Conn. , said 0 [ARG1 its operations in the San Francisco area] have been [rel reduced] *-1 to [ARG4-to 40 % of normal] .
- That would force [ARG0 the buy-out firm and the target company 's management] to *-1 [rel reduce] [ARG1 their level of ownership] .
- At General Dynamics , [ARG0 factors] [rel reducing] [ARG1 earnings in the military aircraft segment] included higher levels of cost-sharing in development of the Advanced Tactical Fighter , and the high cost of an advanced version of the F-16 fighter .
- [ARG0 The strong dollar] , which *T*-2 [rel reduces] [ARG1 the value of overseas earnings and revenue] [ARGM-TMP when they are translated *-1 into dollars *T*-3] , is expected *-4 to knock 80 to 85 cents off IBM 's per-share earnings for the full year .
- [ARGM-DIS In addition] , [ARG1 earnings] were [rel reduced] *-1 by [ARG0-by rate reductions in Florida , Kentucky , Alabama , Tennessee and Louisiana] .
- [ARG0 The refinancing of $ 481 million *U* in long-term debt] [rel reduced] [ARG1 net income] by [ARG2-by $ 22 million *U* , or five cents a share ,] but in the long run will save more than $ 250 million *U* in interest costs .
- As an alternative , he said 0 *T*-2 , [ARG0 taxpayers] could chose *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 their gains] by [ARG2-by an inflation index] .
- [ARG0 The earthquake] is likely *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 GNP] [ARG2-MNR negligibly] [ARGM-TMP in the near term] and then could raise it a bit as rebuilding begins .
- For the rest of 1989 , Mr. Hagen said 0 *T*-2 , Conrail 's traffic and revenue `` will reflect the sluggish economy , but [ARG0 Conrail] will continue *-1 to take steps * to control and [rel reduce] [ARG1 costs] . ''
- EXXON Corp. , New York , oil company , NYSE , said 0 its refinery northeast of San Francisco was operating at a [ARG2-EXT slightly] [rel reduced] [ARG1 rate] as a precaution in case of aftershocks .
- Analysts said 0 [ARG0 the additional liquidity] should tend *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 the federal funds rate] .
- Researchers could n't estimate the cost of the drug when it reaches the market *T*-1 , but they said 0 [ARG0 FK-506] [ARGM-MOD will] enable patients to cut hospital stays by 50 % and [rel reduce] [ARG1 the number of blood tests used * to monitor the dosage of cyclosporine and other drugs among transplant recipients] .
- But researchers say 0 [ARG0 the drug , called * FK-506 ,] could revolutionize the transplantation field by * [rel reducing] [ARG1 harmful side effects] and by * lowering rejection rates .
- [ARGM-DIS Also] , [ARGM-ADV rather than *-1 increase supplies] , [ARG0 they] [rel reduce] [ARG1 them] and encourage hoarding .
- [ARG0 It] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel reduce] [ARG1 spending] [ARGM-MNR in a very effective fashion] . ''
- The investor will be out the cost of the put , which *T*-2 is called *-1 the `` premium , '' and [ARG0 this loss] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel reduce] [ARG1 the stock-market profit] .
- For example , Tenneco Inc. pays [ARG0 a quarterly dividend] of 76 cents , which *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] be received *-2 before the February option expires and , [ARGM-DIS thus] , [rel reduce] [ARG1 the cost of * using the technique] by [ARG2-by that amount] .
- That 's because [ARG0 it] [rel reduces] [ARG1 the cost of the stock] by [ARG2-by the amount of premium received * from the sale of the call] .
- House leaders had hoped *-2 to follow the Senate 's lead by *-3 getting an agreement from House committee chairmen under which they would drop [ARG0 items] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel reduce] [ARG1 the fiscal 1990 budget deficit] from the House-passed bill before the negotiations with the Senate began *T*-4 .
- `` If there is any support for [ARG0 *] [rel reducing] [ARG1 the bill] , it is conditioned *-1 on their desire * to see them passed *-2 in another form . ''
- Earlier rate reductions in Texas and California reduced the quarter 's revenue and operating profit $ 55 million *U* ; a year earlier , [ARG1 operating profit in telephone operations] was [rel reduced] *-1 by [ARG2-by a similar amount] [ARGM-CAU as a result of a provision for a reorganization] .
- [ARG0 Earlier rate reductions in Texas and California] [rel reduced] [ARG1 the quarter 's revenue and operating profit] [ARG2-EXT $ 55 million *U*] ; a year earlier , operating profit in telephone operations was reduced *-1 by a similar amount as a result of a provision for a reorganization .
- [ARG0 A stronger U.S. dollar] [rel reduced] [ARG1 third-quarter and first-nine-month sales growth] [ARG2-EXT 2 % and 3 % *U* , respectively] .
- [ARGM-MNR With this treatment] [ARG0 we] have [rel reduced] [ARG1 deaths in high-risk colon cancer] by [ARG2-by one-third] -- but this leaves the two-thirds who *T*-1 are dying of cancer .
- Officials of the Big Three auto makers and 14 petroleum companies said 0 they are setting out *-1 to find the most cost-effective fuel for [ARG0 *] [rel reducing] [ARG1 cities ' air-pollution problems] , with no bias toward any fuel in particular .
- Some analysts predict that disappointment in [ARG0 Mr. Gandhi 's] spent pledge * to [rel reduce] [ARG1 corruption and heavy-handed local government] will crest at the polls .
- `` [ARG0 Underwriters of the TVA bonds] [rel reduced] [ARG1 their market risk] [ARGM-MNR by * selling Treasurys * to cover at least part of their -LCB- TVA -RCB- holdings] , '' said *T*-1 James R. Capra , a senior vice president at Shearson Lehman Government Securities Inc .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-TMP as soon as the accords were signed *-1] , [ARG0 American officials] [ARG2-MNR sharply] [rel reduced] [ARG1 aid] .
- [ARGM-TMP When they did *T*-1] , [ARG0 the firm] [rel reduced] [ARG1 those stock holdings] to [ARG4-to about 70 %] .
- A spokesman for the engineers said 0 the company asked [ARG0 the union] *-2 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 its demands , which *T*-1 included a 19 % pay hike in the first year and 8 % in the second and third years] .
- [ARG0 It] [ARGM-DIS also] [ARGM-MOD would] have [rel reduced] [ARG1 mandatory overtime] .
- It warns that [ARG0 the AIDS epidemic] `` [ARGM-MOD may] [rel reduce] [ARG1 the rate of growth of the work force] , curb productivity gains and slow economic growth . ''
- Polyvinyl chloride capacity `` has overtaken demand and we are experiencing [rel reduced] [ARG1 profit] margins as a result , '' said 0 *T*-1 John D. Ong , chairman and chief executive .
- Honeywell previously said 0 [ARG0 it] intended *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 its holding in the Japanese concern] [ARGM-PNC as part of a restructuring plan which also *T*-2 calls for a reduction of dependence on weapons sales] .
- The comptroller 's office eventually extended the deadline to six months but broadened its demands , *-1 ordering that [ARG1 the `` book value of the collection] -LCB- be -RCB- [rel reduced] to [ARG4-to zero] . ''
- [ARGM-ADV Among other things] , [ARG0 the restructured facilities] [ARGM-MOD will] [ARG2-MNR substantially] [rel reduce] [ARG1 the group 's required amortization of the term loan portion of the credit facilities] [ARGM-TMP through September 1992] , MLX said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 The new technology , which *T*-1 creates a very thin piece of steel ,] [ARG2-MNR radically] [rel reduces] [ARG1 the costs of * making flat-rolled sheets] .
- But while the Merc reopened a half hour later , the CBOE remained closed , * leaving many options traders unable *-2 to make [ARG0 trades] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD might] have [rel reduced] [ARG1 the losses] .
- [ARG0 That] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel reduce] [ARG1 returns] by [ARG2-by a third or more] , [ARGM-TMP once local taxes are included *-1] , Mr. Lipper says 0 *T*-2 .
- But if the board rejects a [rel reduced] [ARG1 bid] and decides *-2 to explore other alternatives , it could transform what *T*-1 has been a harmonious process into an adversarial one .
- The firm 's drop in net reflected weaker revenue in transactions for its own account -- a decline of 19 % to $ 314.6 million *U* on [rel reduced] [ARG1 revenue] from * trading fixed-income securities .
- [ARG0 It] would like *-2 to peg the ceiling on Federal Housing Administration mortgage guarantees to 95 % of the median price in a particular market , instead of *-3 limiting it to $ 101,250 *U* ; [rel reduce] [ARG1 *RNR*-1] -LRB- or even eliminate *RNR*-1 -RRB- FHA down-payment requirements and increase the availability of variable-rate mortgages ; expand the Veterans Affairs Department loan guarantee program ; provide `` adequate '' funding for the Farmers Home Administration -LRB- FmHA -RRB- ; increase federal funding and tax incentives for the construction of low-income and rental housing , including $ 4 billion *U* in block grants to states and localities ; and `` fully fund '' the McKinney Act , a $ 656 million *U* potpourri for the homeless .
- Kent Colton , NAHB executive vice president , argues that the U.S. faces a multifaceted housing crisis -- [rel reduced] [ARG1 affordability] of homes for first-time buyers , increased homelessness , and lower apartment construction rates -- that *T*-1 will be `` very difficult '' * to solve `` without expanded federal resources . ''
- But while the NAHB has suggested actions that [ARG0 states and localities] should take *T*-1 *-3 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 regulatory barriers] , the association has proposed no activist legislative program -- comparable to , * say , its detailed request for more federal subsidies -- 0 *T*-2 to eliminate counterproductive controls .
- [ARGM-ADV If *-2 passed *-1 by the voters] , [ARG0 the recently announced initiative] [ARGM-MOD would] phase out major pesticides , [rel reduce] [ARG1 carbon dioxide emissions] by [ARG2-by 40 %] , ban new offshore drilling , ban chemicals thought * to deplete the ozone layer , and create a new state environmental officer armed * with a $ 40 million *U* budget 0 * to sue any firm or agency 0 he thinks 0 *T*-4 is being too dirty *T*-3 .
- Contributing to the selling pressure were *T*-2 dispatches by several investment firms advising [ARG0 clients] *-1 to boost their stock holdings and [rel reduce] [ARG1 the size of their cash or bond portfolios] .
- Moody 's Investors Service Inc. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel reduced] [ARG1 its rating on $ 281 million *U* of senior and subordinated debt of this thrift holding company] , to [ARG4-to C] from [ARG3-from Ca] , *-1 saying 0 it believes 0 bondholders will recover only `` negligible principal . ''
- [ARG0 The rating agency] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel reduced] [ARG1 the ratings] for long-term deposits to B-3 from Ba-3 and for preferred stock to [ARG4-to Ca] from [ARG3-from Caa] .
- [ARG0 The rating agency] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel reduced] [ARG1 the ratings for long-term deposits] to [ARG4-to B-3] from [ARG3-from Ba-3] and for preferred stock to Ca from Caa .
- The i860 , introduced * earlier this year , is Intel 's entry in the crowded market for [rel reduced] [ARG1 instruction] set computing , or RISC , computers .
- Finally , according to Mr. Cardillo , the impact of the strong dollar should be reflected *-1 in [rel reduced] [ARG1 exports] in the August merchandise trade deficit , when the figures are released *-2 today *T*-3 .
- Environmental Systems Co. said 0 [ARG0 it] is restating its results *-2 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 its reported net income for the first nine months of its fiscal year] after *-2 discovering 0 it took tax credits that *T*-1 already had been taken *-3 last year .
- The Little Rock , Ark. , hazardous-waste services company said 0 [ARG0 the restatement] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel reduce] [ARG1 its net for the nine months ended July 31] to [ARG4-to $ 2.5 million *U* , or 17 cents a share ,] from [ARG3-from $ 3.7 million *U* , or 26 cents a share] .
- They expected a new barrage of demands that [ARG0 Japan] do something quickly *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 its trade surplus with the U.S.] .
- He said 0 such results should be `` measurable in dollars and cents '' in [ARG0 *] [rel reducing] [ARG1 the U.S. trade deficit with Japan] .
- The gasoline picture may improve this quarter , but chemicals are likely *-1 to remain weak , industry executives and analysts say 0 *T*-2 , [ARG0 *] [rel reducing] [ARG1 chances that profits could equal their year-earlier performance] .
- The exchange said 0 it feared that some members would n't be able *-2 to find enough soybeans * to deliver and would have *-2 to default on their contractual obligation to [ARG0 the Italian conglomerate] , which *T*-1 had refused requests * to [rel reduce] [ARG1 its holdings] .
- [ARG0 Unseasonably hot , dry weather across large portions of the Great Plains and in wheat-growing areas in Washington and Oregon] is threatening *-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 the yield from this season 's winter wheat crop] , said 0 *T*-2 Conrad Leslie , a futures analyst and head of Leslie Analytical in Chicago .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARGM-ADV if rain does n't fall soon across many of the Great Plains ' wheat-growing areas] , [ARG1 yields in the crop now being planted *] [ARGM-MOD could] be [rel reduced] *-1 , [ARGM-ADV * further squeezing supplies] .
- [ARG0 GM officials] want *-1 to get their strategy 0 * to [rel reduce] [ARG1 capacity and the work force] *T*-2 in place before those talks begin .
- Also , the company 's hair-growing drug , Rogaine , is selling well -- at about $ 125 million *U* for the year , but [ARG1 the company 's profit from the drug] has been [rel reduced] *-1 by [ARG0-by Upjohn 's expensive print and television campaigns for advertising] , analysts said 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Time magazine] , in a move 0 *T*-1 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 the costs of * wooing new subscribers] , is lowering its circulation guarantee to advertisers for the second consecutive year , increasing its subscription rates and cutting back on merchandise giveaways .
- [ARG0 The dismissal of the pending suits] could go a long way toward * clearing court dockets in Texas and [rel reducing] [ARG1 the FSLIC 's massive legal bills , which *T*-1 topped $ 73 million *U* last year] .
- CenTrust , however , touts the branch sale , *-1 saying 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] bring in $ 150 million *U* and [rel reduce] [ARG1 the thrift 's assets] to [ARG4-to $ 6.7 billion *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 9 billion *U*] .
- CenTrust said 0 [ARG0 the branch sale] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel reduce] [ARG1 the company 's large amount of good will] by [ARG2-by about $ 180 million *U*] .
- The Senate also dropped a plan by its Finance Committee that *T*-1 would have increased the income threshold beyond which senior citizens have [ARG1 their Social Security benefits] [rel reduced] *-2 *T*-3 .
- It no longer includes a plan that *T*-2 would have repealed what *T*-3 remains of the completed-contract method of accounting , which *T*-4 is used *-1 by [ARG0 military contractors] *-5 to [rel reduce] [ARG1 their tax burden] .
- -- [ARG0 Removal of the U.S. Postal Service 's operating budget from the federal budget] , * [rel reducing] [ARG1 the deficit] by [ARG2-by $ 1.77 billion *U*] .