frames- The dispute has hampered [ARG0 the administration 's] efforts * to [rel recruit] [ARG1 prominent doctors 0 *T*-1 to fill prestigious posts at the helm of the NIH and the Centers for Disease Control] .
- Not included on the most-likely-successor list are [ARG1 Joni Evans] , [rel recruited] * [ARGM-TMP two years ago] [ARG2 * to be publisher of adult trade books for Random House] , and Sonny Mehta , president of the prestigious Alfred A. Knopf unit .
- Hours after the announcement , [ARG0 representatives of the Orange County Register] were in a bar across the street *-1 [rel recruiting] .
- `` The big word around Specialized is passion , '' says *T*-1 Erik Eidsmo , [ARG1 a former ski-industry executive] whom [ARG0 Mr. Sinyard] [rel recruited] *T*-190 from [ARG3-from Citicorp] [ARG2 *-2 to run marketing and sales] .
- [ARGM-TMP In recent months] , [ARG0 California 's Transportation Department] has been [rel recruiting] [ARGM-LOC in Pennsylvania , Arizona and Texas] for [ARG1-for engineers experienced in road and bridge design] .
- [ARG0 WHITMAN & RANSOM] [rel recruits] [ARG1 lawyers] from [ARG3-from disbanding firm] :
- Top executives at Continental *ICH*-1 have n't lasted long , [ARG1 especially those] [rel recruited] * from [ARG3-from outside] .
- [ARG0 CHICAGO LAW FIRM] [rel recruits] [ARG1 American Express Co. vice president] :
- `` [ARG0 I] 've been [rel recruiting] [ARGM-TMP every single day] [ARGM-TMP since it *ICH*-2 's been identified *-1 that many AIDS patients come from the inner city] , '' she says *T*-3 .
- Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas says 0 [ARG0 it] has n't had any problem *-1 [rel recruiting] , even after a nurse contracted the virus while *-2 injecting an AIDS patient .
- The two executives are among a number of [ARG1 outsiders] [rel recruited] * by [ARG0-by Reebok] [ARGM-TMP in the past few years] [ARG2 *-1 to help it make the transition from a small start-up company to a marketing giant with sales last year of $ 1.79 billion *U*] .
- Crime was the reason that [ARG0 26 %] reported difficulty * [rel recruiting] [ARG1 personnel] and that 19 % said 0 they were considering moving .
- [ARG0 He] had worked with Mr. McDonough on an earlier project and [rel recruited] [ARG1 him] as [ARG2-as architect for the trade center] .
- [ARG1 *-1] [rel Recruited] from [ARG3-from New York University 's MBA program] , he rose within two years to head of production , *-1 overseeing such films as `` The Way 0 We Were *T*-2 , '' `` Taxi Driver , '' `` Tommy '' and `` Shampoo . ''
- Some 70 % of graduates who *T*-3 recently earned an M.B.A. degree say 0 they 'd prefer *-1 to work in *RNR*-2 or own *RNR*-2 a small company , yet most take jobs with large concerns , says 0 *T*-4 a survey by the Foster McKay Group , a New York [rel recruiting] [ARG0 firm] ... .