frames- [ARGM-TMP While *-1 sipping a beer after practice] , [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MNR vividly] [rel recounts] [ARG1 *-1 getting the Red Sox 's Carl Yastrzemski to pop out *-2 to end the 1975 World Series , and repeating the feat against the Yankees ' Roy White in 1976] .
- Other ads do n't bother with the fundraising ; a touching , if self-congratulatory , American Telephone & Telegraph ad that *T*-1 aired Sunday intermixed footage of the devastation in San Francisco and Charleston , S.C. , with interviews of [ARG0 people] [rel recounting] [ARG1 how AT&T helped *T*-2] .
- `` [ARG1 Thomson took a called strike ,] '' [ARG0 Mr. Engelken] [rel recounts] *T*-1 .
- His morning paper , the Washington Post , even carries a sports column called * [ARG0 `` Jurisprudence ''] that *T*-1 [rel recounts] [ARG1 the latest arrests and convictions of players and team managers] .
- [ARG0 One article] [rel recounted] [ARG1 a decade-long struggle *ICH*-1 by a wounded soldier * to prove , officially , 0 he was alive] .
- [ARG0 The book] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel recounts] [ARG1 the not dissimilar maneuvers surrounding the changing of the guard at Lehman Bros. and other grand old firms] .
- As [ARG1 *] [rel recounted] *-4 [ARGM-LOC in a stipulation that *T*-1 summarized government documents released * for the North trial] , Mr. Noriega offered *-2 to assassinate the Sandinista leadership in exchange `` for a promise * to help *-3 clean up Noriega 's image and a commitment * to lift the -LCB- U.S. . -RCB- ban on military sales to the Panamanian Defense Forces . ''