frames- If he does not , [ARG0 he] will help *-1 [rel realize] [ARG1 Madison 's fear in The Federalist No. 48 of a legislature `` everywhere extending the sphere of its activity and drawing all powers into its impetuous vortex] . ''
- Net advanced to $ 94.2 million *U* , or 89 cents a share , from $ 85 million *U* , or 83 cents a share , including net [rel realized] [ARG1 investment] gains of $ 31 million *U* , up from $ 10 million *U* a year ago .
- [ARG0 Its cereal division] [rel realized] [ARG1 higher operating profit] on [ARG2-on volume increases] , but also spent more on promotion .
- Paramount , which *T*-25 agreed *-1 to sell the unit in July , said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel realize] [ARG1 net proceeds from the sale of $ 2.6 billion *U* , with an after-tax gain of $ 1.2 billion *U*] .
- But he said that [ARGM-LOC even under those conditions] , [ARG0 the company] [ARGM-TMP still] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel realize] [ARG1 a savings of tens of millions of dollars] [ARGM-TMP in the first year following a merger] .
- But [ARG0 Santa Fe , currently trading at 18 7\/8 ,] is n't likely *-1 to [rel realize] [ARG1 private market values] [ARGM-MNR by *-2 selling assets] , because the tax against it would be onerous .
- And what about the cost , and risk , of [ARG0 *] waiting *-1 to [rel realize] [ARG1 the hypothetical private market values] ? ''
- And why should [ARG0 holders] expect *-1 to [rel realize] [ARG1 that presumed `` worth] ? ''
- In a statement , the company said : `` [ARG0 Both parts] [ARGM-MOD can] [ARGM-DIS only] [rel realize] [ARG1 their full potential] and be appropriately valued *-1 by the market [ARGM-ADV if they are separately quoted companies] .
- Mr. Bergsma said 0 Akzo is likely *-1 to see strong profit growth from coatings as [ARG0 it] [rel realizes] [ARG1 cost savings and other benefits from its greater scale] .
- Third-quarter results included net [rel realized] [ARG1 capital] gains of $ 48 million *U* , which *T*-1 included $ 27 million *U* from the sale of Federated Investors in August and a $ 15 million *U* tax credit .
- Mr. Guber , in his affidavit , says that when he advised Warner President Terry Semel of the Sony offer at lunch on Sept. 25 *T*-3 , Mr. Semel `` hugged and congratulated me , and expressed joy that [ARG0 we] had [ARGM-TMP finally] [rel realized] [ARG1 our long-term ambition of * running *RNR*-1 and having an equity position in *RNR*-1 a major entertainment company] . ''
- *-1 To mollify shareholders concerned * about the long-term value of the company under the BellSouth-LIN agreement , BellSouth also agreed *-1 to pay as much as $ 10 *U* a share , or $ 540 million *U* , if , after five years , the trading value of the new cellular company is n't as high as [ARG1 the value] that [ARG0 shareholders] [ARGM-MOD would] have [rel realized] *T*-2 from [ARG2-from the McCaw offer] .
- The estimated $ 40 million *U* from the new pre-merger notification fee would be divided *-1 between the Justice Department 's Antitrust Division and the Federal Trade Commission , which *T*-2 both face serious cuts if [ARG1 the income] is [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel realized] * .
- [ARG0 This case] [rel realizes] [ARG1 that concern] . ''
- Maxicare also will guarantee that [ARG0 the banks] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel realize] [ARG1 at least $ 7 million *U*] on [ARG2-on certain notes pledged * to them] .
- The market makers say 0 they are n't comfortable *-1 carrying big positions in stocks because [ARG0 they] [rel realize] [ARG1 0 prices can tumble quickly] .
- The purpose of education is * to encourage [ARG0 young men and women] to [rel realize] [ARG1 their full academic potential] .
- Mr. Dozen is taking over the reins of [ARG0 a securities company] that *T*-1 does very well in its domestic market but that *T*-2 is still seeking *-3 to [rel realize] [ARG1 its potential] [ARGM-LOC in global investment banking and securities dealing] .
- However , Raymond C. Kurzweil , chairman and chief executive , said `` [ARG0 The company] continues *-1 to require additional funding *-2 to [rel realize] [ARG1 the potential of its technology] . ''
- Property Capital Trust said 0 it dropped its plan * to liquidate because [ARG0 it] was n't able *-2 to [rel realize] [ARG1 the value 0 it had expected *T*-1] .
- [ARG1 Profits] [rel realized] * from [ARG2-from these trades] would then be shared *-1 by the conspiring brokers .
- [ARG0 Westmoreland Coal Co.] , *-1 [rel realizing] [ARG1 benefits of a sustained effort * to cut costs and boost productivity] , reported sharply improved third-quarter results .
- -- If the stock stays at the same price between now and the put 's expiration date , the investor 's loss will be limited *-1 to the cost of the put , less [ARG1 any amount] [rel realized] * from [ARG2-from a closing sale of the put] .
- So [ARG0 an investor] who *T*-1 wanted *-2 to [rel realize] [ARG1 a profit on OEX puts] [ARGM-TMP after the trading suspension] would have been out of luck .
- In a prepared statement , the company said 0 [ARG0 it] expects *-1 to [rel realize] [ARG1 those gains] [ARGM-TMP before year end] .
- Including Monday 's plunge , that has given the two executives paper losses of $ 49.5 million *U* , based * on [ARG1 what] [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD would] have [rel realized] *T*-1 had the pilots and management-led buy-out of UAL gone through at $ 300 *U* a share .
- [ARG1 This hope] , [ARGM-DIS however] , [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-TMP never] be [rel realized] *-1 [ARGM-ADV if we use levamisole and 5-fluorouracil as a stopping point] .
- Moody 's said 0 the proposed recaptilization may `` limit [ARG0 the company 's] ability * to [rel realize] [ARG1 its profit potential] '' and that * paying dividends from a new series of preferred could squeeze `` basic business operations . ''
- Britain 's Blue Arrow PLC intends *-1 to change its name to Manpower PLC and write off a chunk of the nearly $ 1.2 billion *U* in [ARG1 good will] [rel realized] * [ARGM-LOC in the takeover of U.S.-based Manpower Inc] .
- The company said 0 a portion of [ARG1 the $ 32 million *U*] [rel realized] * from [ARG2-from the sales] will be used *-1 *-2 to repay its bank debt and other obligations resulting from the currently suspended air-charter operations .
- Mr. Pierce said 0 [ARG0 Elcotel] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel realize] [ARG1 a minimum of $ 10 *U* of recurring net earnings] [ARGM-PNC for each machine] [ARGM-TMP each month] .
- [ARG0 Financial Corp.] purchased the bonds in at least 70 different transactions in 1984 and [ARGM-TMP since then] has [rel realized] [ARG1 $ 11 million *U* in losses] on [ARG2-on them] , the company said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-TMP During the quarter] , [ARG0 the company] [rel realized] [ARG1 a pretax gain of $ 60.4 million *U* from the sale of its First Chicago Investment Advisors unit] .