frames- While [ARG0 he] [rel reaffirmed] [ARG1 support for the country 's Feb. 25 elections] , Ortega indicated that renewed U.S. military aid to the Contras could thwart the balloting .
- [ARG0 Mr. Gonzalez] also has split with the left in *-1 [rel reaffirming] [ARG1 Spain 's NATO commitment] and in *-1 renewing a defense treaty with the U.S. .
- Peter Laird , a Los Angeles lawyer for Ms. Midler , said , `` We believe that [ARG0 the verdict] [rel reaffirms] [ARG1 her position *RNR*-1 and our position *RNR*-1 that advertisers and advertising agencies can not with impunity imitate the voices of well-known performers] .
- People familiar with Monday 's board meeting said 0 it was [ARG0 the state 's] refusal * to [ARGM-MNR explicitly] [rel reaffirm] [ARG1 the credit guarantees] that *T*-1 led Union Bank and Postipankki to halt lending to Waertsilae Marine .
- [ARG0 He] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel reaffirmed] [ARG1 East Germany 's allegiance to Communist orthodoxy] .
- In [ARG0 *-1] [rel reaffirming] [ARG1 the current monetary policy of * using high interest rates *-2 to fight inflation and shore up the pound] , Mr. Lawson dismissed other approaches to * managing the economy .