frames- [ARG0 Wall Street] [rel reacted] [ARGM-MNR favorably] to [ARG1-to Mr. McGovern 's departure and its implications] .
- `` [ARG0 The major banks] have [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-ADV even] [rel reacted] to [ARG1-to sharp rises in the three-month Treasury bill rates '' in the past two weeks] .
- For his part , [ARG0 Mr. Bush] has been criticized *-225 regularly at home for *-1 moving too slowly and cautiously in *-2 [rel reacting] to [ARG1-to Mr. Gorbachev 's reforms and the historic moves away from communism in Eastern Europe] .
- But predictions that central banks of the Group of Seven -LRB- G-7 -RRB- major industrial nations would continue their massive dollar sales went astray , as [ARG0 the market] drove the dollar downward on its own , *-1 [rel reacting] to [ARG1-to Wall Street 's plunge and subsequent price volatility , lower U.S. interest rates and signs of a slowing U.S. economy] .
- [ARG0 Great Northern Nekoosa] [rel reacted] [ARGM-MNR coolly] to [ARG1-to Georgia-Pacific 's takeover bid of $ 58 *U* a share , or $ 3.19 billion *U* ,] [ARGM-ADV though the suitor said 0 all terms are negotiable] .
- [ARG0 Revco] [rel reacted] [ARGM-MNR cautiously] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 saying 0 the plan would add $ 260 million *U* of new debt to the highly leveraged company] .
- [ARG0 The drugstore chain] [rel reacted] [ARGM-MNR cautiously] , [ARGM-ADV *-2 saying 0 the plan would further swell its huge debt , which *T*-1 forced the company into Chapter 11 protection last year] .
- He said 0 traders should be on the lookout for how [ARG0 metals producers] [rel react] to [ARG1-to this rally] *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-DIS For instance] , [ARG0 tired flight attendants] [ARGM-MOD might] [ARGM-NEG not] [rel react] [ARGM-MNR quickly enough] [ARGM-TMP during an emergency evacuation] .
- [ARG0 New York authorities , informed * yesterday about the move ,] [rel reacted] with [ARG2-with concern and even some anger] to [ARG1-to the idea of the nation 's third-largest corporation leaving without * giving them an opportunity * to accommodate it] .
- But [ARG0 the EC] [rel reacted] [ARGM-MNR defiantly] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 arguing that the proposal 's main aim is * to destroy the Common Agricultural Policy , the EC 's $ 28 billion-a-year *U* price support program] .
- One reason : [ARG0 banks -- likely * to [rel react] to [ARG1-to any new UAL deal] [ARGM-MNR with even more caution than the first time around] --] probably will insist on labor harmony before they agree *-1 to put up cash for any new bid or even a less-ambitious recapitalization plan .
- `` On the contrary , it shows [ARG0 a corporation] [rel reacting] [ARGM-MNR swiftly and aggressively] to [ARG1-to very difficult issues in largely uncharted waters] . ''
- Dealers said 0 [ARG0 the market] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel react] [ARGM-MNR substantially] to [ARG1-to Ford Motor Co. 's disclosure *ICH*-2 to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that it will seek 100 % of Jaguar 's shares outstanding when U.K. government share regulations are lifted *-1 at the end of next year *T*-3] .
- STOCK PRICES SWUNG wildly as [ARG0 the market] [rel reacted] to [ARG1-to an initial plunge by UAL shares , followed * by a sharp rebound in the afternoon] .
- `` The essence of * being a trial lawyer is * understanding how [ARG0 people of diverse backgrounds] [rel react] to [ARG1-to you and your presentation] *T*-2 , '' says *T*-3 Barry Ostrager of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett , who *T*-1 recently won a huge case on behalf of insurers against Shell Oil Co .
- [ARGM-DIS Thus] , he asserts 0 *T*-1 , [ARG0 Lloyd 's] [ARGM-MOD ca] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel react] [ARGM-MNR quickly] to [ARG1-to competition] .
- Prices closed mixed as [ARG0 contracts] [rel reacted] to [ARG1-to largely offsetting bullish and bearish news] .
- He says 0 these bonds should appreciate in value as [ARG0 some investors] , [rel reacting] to [ARG1-to the recent turmoil in the stock and high-yield junk bond markets] , seek safer securities .
- [ARG0 The administration] has [rel reacted] to [ARG1-to criticism that it mishandled the latest coup attempt by *-1 seeking *-2 to blame Congress for restrictions 0 the White House said 0 *T*-3 have hampered its freedom of action] .
- Bernard Savaiko , senior commodities analyst at PaineWebber Inc. , said that when traders saw 0 [ARG0 the market] was [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel reacting] [ARGM-MNR positively] to [ARG1-to the forecasts of lower LME stocks] *T*-1 , they perceived a bearish sign .
- The difference lies in how [ARG0 the two entrepreneurial furriers] [rel reacted] to [ARG1-to the foreign competition and transformation of their industry over the past 10 years] *T*-1 .
- `` [ARG0 Those who *T*-1 manage ideology and a large number of writers] [rel reacted] [ARGM-MNR badly] '' to [ARG1-to the restyled paper] , says 0 *T*-2 Lai Nguyen An , a literary critic .
- He said 0 [ARG0 Western Digital] has [rel reacted] [ARGM-MNR swiftly] to [ARG1-to the movement to video graphics array , VGA , graphics technology from the old enhanced graphics adapter , EGA , which *T*-1 has a lower resolution standard , technology] and now is one of the leading producers of these newer units .
- `` [ARG0 Insitutional investors] , [ARGM-DIS on the other hand] , [rel reacted] to [ARG1-to the steep decline in yields on direct money-market instruments following the stock-market decline last Friday] , '' Mr. Dreyer said *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 BanPonce] [rel reacted] [ARGM-MNR cooly] [ARGM-TMP at first] , but appeared *-1 to be won over *-2 , analysts said 0 *T*-3 , by Banco Popular 's assurances that it wanted only a friendly transaction .
- [ARG0 The stock market] [rel reacted] [ARGM-MNR strongly] to [ARG1-to the news] .
- The package helps [ARG0 carriers] solve pricing problems , such as how * to [rel react] to [ARG1-to discounts offered * by competitors] *T*-2 or what *T*-1 would be the optimum number of seats 0 * to offer *T*-3 at a given price .
- However , [ARG0 many institutional investors] are [rel reacting] to [ARG1-to the stock market 's plunge] as `` [ARG2-as a great buying opportunity] , '' said 0 *T*-1 Charles I. Clough , chief investment strategist at Merrill Lynch Capital Markets .
- [ARG0 Wall Street] [rel reacted] [ARGM-MNR swiftly] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] to [ARG1-to the disaster] by [ARG2-by *-1 bidding up stocks of construction and related companies] .
- Traders said 0 [ARG0 investors] were [rel reacting] to [ARG1-to recent negative news on the city 's finances] and are nervous ahead of the Nov. 7 election .
- [ARG0 The stock market] [rel reacted] [ARGM-MNR as Mr. Rahn did *?*] , [ARGM-ADV *-2 crumbling as it absorbed the news that Mr. Darman 's strategy had been abandoned *-1] .
- [ARG0 General Motors Corp. 's Chevrolet division] , *-1 [rel reacting] to [ARG1-to slow sales] , said 0 it will offer $ 800 *U* rebates on its 1990 Beretta , the two-door version of its core compact-car line .
- [ARGM-DIS Still] , says John Sullivan , a management recruiter with Daniel Roberts Inc. of Boston , who *T*-1 has held senior sales positions at Polaroid and Atari : `` [ARG0 The customer] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel react] to [ARG1-to strength] .
- `` [ARG0 The dollar] has [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel reacted] [ARGM-EXT much] to [ARG1-to it] , so gold has n't *?* either , '' he said *T*-1 .
- Amex issues with big percentage price gains included [ARG0 two Eastern Air Lines preferred stocks] , * [rel reacting] to [ARG1-to the news about improved recovery in flight schedules after the company filed for bankruptcy protection] .
- But a crucial point is how [ARG0 Ford] [rel reacts] [ARGM-TMP when GM , the world 's largest auto maker , firms up its proposed deal with Jaguar *T*-1] *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Investors] [ARGM-MOD may] have [rel reacted] [ARGM-MNR so strongly] to [ARG1-to Friday 's U.S. stock market loss] [ARGM-CAU because they had vivid memories of the Frankfurt exchange 's * losing 35 % of its value in the 1987 crash and its wake] .
- [ARG0 Investors] have [rel reacted] by *-1 ignoring recent efforts * to float junk bonds by Ohio Mattress and by [ARG2-by *-1 forcing Ramada to postpone indefinitely its planned junk-bond sale and restructuring] .
- [ARG0 Investors] have [rel reacted] by [ARG2-by *-1 ignoring recent efforts * to float junk bonds by Ohio Mattress] and by *-1 forcing Ramada to postpone indefinitely its planned junk-bond sale and restructuring .
- Brokers and fund managers said 0 [ARG0 the region 's markets] were [rel reacting] to [ARG1-to Friday 's Wall Street plunge] [ARGM-ADV even though that decline was due to local factors such as failed corporate buy-outs and a deteriorating junk-bond market] .
- For one thing , last Friday , precious metals markets closed before the stock market went into its late-in-the-day nose dive , so [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel react] to [ARG1-to it] .
- Later , however , it became more of an undercurrent than a dominating force as [ARG0 individual markets] [rel reacted] [ARGM-ADV more] to [ARG1-to their own factors] .
- Indeed , after [ARG0 *-1] [rel reacting] [ARGM-TMP early in the trading day] to [ARG1-to Friday 's plummet] , futures prices firmed up again as traders took note of the stock market 's partial recovery yesterday .
- [ARG0 Copper and crude oil] [rel reacted] [ARGM-MNR sharply] to [ARG1-to the concern that a crash yesterday could have a potentially devastating effect on the economy] .
- [ARG0 Shares of UAL , the parent of United Airlines ,] were extremely active all day Friday , *-1 [rel reacting] to [ARG1-to news and rumors about the proposed $ 6.79 billion *U* buy-out of the airline by an employee-management group] .
- [ARG0 Investors] [ARGM-ADV -- *-2 taking this as a sign that a broad industry slump was in the offing --] [rel reacted] by [ARG2-by *-2 selling the company 's stock , which *T*-1 lost $ 3.25 *U* that day * to close at $ 52 *U* in national over-the-counter trading] .
- `` The last crash taught institutional investors that they have *-2 to be long-term holders , and that [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD ca] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel react] to [ARG1-to short-term events , good or bad] , '' said *T*-1 Stephen L. Nesbitt , senior vice president for the pension consultants Wilshire Associates in Santa Monica , Calif .
- [ARG0 Not everyone] is [rel reacting] [ARGM-MNR so calmly] , [ARGM-DIS however] , and many wonder about the long-term implications of what *T*-2 is widely viewed *-1 as the cause of Friday 's slide , reluctance *ICH*-3 by banks * to provide financing for a buy-out of UAL Corp. , parent of United Airlines .
- [ARG0 Treasurys] opened lower , * [rel reacting] [ARGM-MNR negatively] to [ARG1-to news that the producer price index -- a measure of inflation on the wholesale level -- accelerated in September] .