frames- I mean , 0 these folks are so uptight that they blame pretty Kate for the fact that when she was a teen-ager *T*-1 , [ARG0 someone] tied her hands behind her back , thrust her head into a gunny sack , [ARGM-MNR brutally] [rel raped] and beat [ARG1 her] , and then left her to die in a cold-storage room .
- Because the show has acquired a sense of place by * being filmed *-1 on location in Georgia , [ARGM-LOC this episode] -- in which [ARG1 Althea] gets [rel raped] *-2 by [ARG0-by an arrogant white schoolteacher] *T*-3 -- does a decent job of *-4 tracing the social repercussions of the crime .
- This tale of a Chicago policewoman returning home * to find [ARG0 the man] who *T*-2 [rel raped] [ARG1 her] [ARGM-TMP 20 years earlier] is supposed *-3 to be set *-1 in the Ozarks .
- Last week , a young black girl claimed 0 [ARG1 she] had been [rel raped] *-1 by [ARG0-by a white police officer] -LRB- a la Tawana Brawley -RRB- .
- [ARG0 *] Beheading small children , stabbing elderly people to death , [rel raping] and shooting [ARG1 women] , and burying people alive are just a few of the grisly activities that the Somali armed forces have been engaged *-2 in *T*-3 over the past two years .