frames- [ARG0 Money managers] [rel ranked] [ARG1 IBM 's offering] as [ARG2-as the most significant investment-grade sale of the year] [ARGM-CAU because large issues of long-term debt by companies with triple-A credit are infrequent] .
- In the Senate , Edward Kennedy -LRB- D. , Mass. -RRB- , chairman of the Labor Committee , and Pete Domenici , -LRB- R. , N.M . -RRB- [rel ranking] minority [ARG1 member] of the Budget Committee , have been working on a compromise , and their soundings showed that the Senate appeared *-2 to be heading toward enough strength * to override another Bush veto , a Democratic staff official said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 Japan] [rel ranks] as [ARG2-as only the fourth largest foreign investor in Mexico] , [ARGM-MNR with 5 % of the total investments] .
- [ARG1 Nekoosa *ICH*-1] [rel ranked] [ARG2 11th] [ARGM-PNC with sales of $ 3.59 billion *U*] .
- Surveys repeatedly show that [ARG0 small-business owners] [rel rank] [ARG1 the availability *RNR*-1 and rising cost *RNR*-1 of health insurance] as [ARG2-as one of their biggest concerns] .
- Without *-1 becoming overly contentious , * allow me to suggest that [ARG1 several recent champions of the world according to us -LRB- as in U.S. -RRB-] [ARGM-MOD might] [ARGM-NEG not] have [rel ranked] [ARG2 No. 1] [ARGM-LOC in many polls] .
- [ARGM-TMP Through the first nine months of the year] , [ARG1 Kidder] [rel ranks] [ARG2 a distant 10th] [ARGM-LOC among underwriters of U.S. stocks and bonds] , [ARGM-ADV with a 2.8 % market share , up slightly from 2.5 % in the year-earlier period] , according to Securities Data Co .
- [ARG0 The consolidated firm] , which *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel rank] among [ARG2-among the 10 largest in Texas] , would operate under the name Jackson & Walker .
- [ARGM-MNR With an audience totaling more than 400,000] , `` [ARG1 Batibot] '' [ARGM-MNR consistently] [rel ranks] in [ARG2-in the country 's top-four most-watched daytime programs] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Falco] continues *-1 to [rel rank] [ARG1 the stock] [ARG2 a longterm buy] .
- [ARG1 The U.S.] [rel ranks] [ARG2 fourth of countries that *T*-1 have concluded joint ventures] , behind West Germany , Finland and Italy .
- [ARGM-MNR In terms of sheer brutality] , [ARG1 the Somali regime of Siad Barre] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel rank] as [ARG2-as No. 1 in the world] .
- [ARG1 Rowland] , [ARGM-TMP meanwhile] , has expanded aggressively , and [ARGM-TMP now] [rel ranks] as [ARG2-as the fifth-largest U.S. public relations firm] , according to O'Dwyer's Directory of Public Relations Firms .
- Since then , UAL stock has fallen 33 % in [ARG1 what] *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD may] [rel rank] as [ARG2-as the largest collapse of a takeover stock ever] .
- [ARG0 Nearly 36 %] [rel ranked] [ARG1 housing problems] as [ARG2-as their most serious unmet legal need] .
- [ARG1 Yuba City , Calif.] , [ARGM-TMP meanwhile] , [rel ranked] [ARG2 *-1 dead last] [ARGM-LOC among 329 metro areas] .
- [ARG1 Della Femina] had billings of just $ 660 million *U* last year and [rel ranked] as [ARG2-as the U.S. 's 24th-largest ad agency] .
- [ARG1 The French group] [ARGM-TMP currently] [rel ranks] [ARG2 second after Barilla Group of Italy , whose sales *T*-1 are chiefly in the Italian market] .
- [ARG0 That] [rel ranks] [ARG1 Canada] as [ARG2-as the fourth-largest source of imported crude , behind Saudi Arabia , Nigeria and Mexico] .
- But [ARGM-MNR at 2.3 million weekly paid circulation] , [ARG1 U.S. News] [ARGM-TMP still] [rel ranks] [ARG2 *-2 third] *T*-1 behind Time Warner Inc. 's Time magazine , with 4.4 million circulation , and Washington Post Co. 's Newsweek , with 3.3 million circulation .