frames- Integra-A Hotel & Restaurant Co. said 0 [ARG0 its planned rights offering] 0 *T*-1 to [rel raise] [ARG1 about $ 9 million *U*] was declared *-103 effective and the company will begin *-2 mailing materials to shareholders at the end of this week .
- ROGERS COMMUNICATIONS Inc. said 0 [ARG0 it] plans *-1 to [rel raise] [ARG1 175 million to 180 million Canadian dollars -LRB- US$ 148.9 million to $ 153.3 million *U* -RRB-] [ARGM-MNR through a private placement of perpetual preferred shares] .
- [ARG0 It] [rel raised] [ARG1 financing of 300 billion lire] [ARGM-PNC for the purchase this summer by another Agnelli-related group of the food concern Galbani S.p . A.] , [ARGM-MNR by *-1 selling a chunk of its IFI shares to Mediobanca S.p . A.]
- [ARG0 Gov. George Deukmejian and key legislators] agreed *-1 to back a temporary one-quarter-cent increase in the state sales tax *-2 to [rel raise] [ARG1 $ 800 million *U* for repairs and relief associated * with last month 's earthquake] .
- The publishing concern said 0 it retained [ARG0 the investment banking firm] of Donaldson , Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Inc. 0 *T*-1 to act as its financial adviser , *-2 assisting in the evaluation of various financial and strategic alternatives , including debt refinancing , * [rel raising] [ARG1 capital] , recapitalization , a merger or sale of the company .
- Under the firm 's original bank credit agreement , [ARG0 it] was required *-1 to [rel raise] [ARG1 $ 250 million *U* of subordinated debt 0 *T*-2 to be used *-3 *-4 to repay some of the bank borrowings drawn * to redeem $ 526.3 million *U* of increasing rate debentures in August] .
- The head of British Satellite Broadcasting Ltd. said 0 [ARG0 he] hopes *-1 to [rel raise] [ARG1 about # 450 million *U* -LRB- $ 711 million *U* -RRB-] [ARGM-TMP before the satellite-TV venture makes its delayed debut next spring] -- [ARGM-ADV with a major chunk coming from new investors] .
- The bankers also insist that the loans depend on [ARG0 the consortium] [rel raising] [ARG1 more money] from [ARG2-from new and existing backers] .
- [ARG0 British Satellite] , which [ARGM-TMP already] *T*-200 has [rel raised] [ARG1 # 423.5 million *U*] from [ARG3-from 10 backers] , initially expected *-1 to seek an additional # 400 million *U* .
- However , unpaid distributions on the acquisition preferred * are cumulative and would total $ 23 million *U* a year , * hurting [ARG0 NRM] 's financial flexibility and its ability * to [rel raise] [ARG1 capital] , NRM said 0 *T*-1 .
- The sale , at a higher price than some analysts had expected *?* , helps [ARG0 the food and tobacco giant] [rel raise] [ARG1 funds 0 * to pay debt *T*-2] and boosts Nestle 's 7 % share of the U.S. candy market to about 12 % .
- But now , with [ARG1 large amounts] being [rel raised] *-1 from [ARG2-from investors] , the government 's dawdling on regulation and disclosure requirements has a more dangerous aspect .
- [ARGM-ADV Although Larsen & Toubro had n't raised money from the public in 38 years] , [ARG0 its new owners] [ARGM-TMP frequently] [rel raise] [ARG1 funds] [ARGM-LOC on the local market] .
- [ARG0 Many funds in recent weeks and months] have been selling their highest-quality junk issues , such as RJR Nabisco , *-1 to [rel raise] [ARG1 cash] [ARGM-PNC *-2 to meet expected redemptions] .
- Hudson 's Bay Co. announced terms of [ARG0 a previously proposed rights issue] that *T*-1 is expected *-2 to [rel raise] [ARG1 about 396 million Canadian dollars -LRB- US$ 337 million *U* -RRB- net of expenses] .
- BLOCKBUSTER ENTERTAINMENT CORP. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel raised] [ARG1 $ 92 million *U*] from [ARG3-from an offering of liquid yield option notes] .
- The company said 0 its acquisition of Ross Catherall will be covered *-1 largely by [ARG1 cash] [rel raised] * [ARGM-LOC in its July disposal of Howson-Algraphy for # 241.7 million *U*] .
- [ARG0 Financing plans] include * [rel raising] [ARG1 $ 170 million *U* in debt secured * by the company 's holdings in New Jersey] .
- [ARG0 The sales] are expected *-1 to [rel raise] [ARG1 more than 600 million Australian dollars -LRB- US$ 462.2 million *U* -RRB-] , Mr. Skase said 0 *T*-2 .
- ENFIELD Corp. said in Toronto that [ARG0 it] hopes *-1 to [rel raise] [ARG1 56 million Canadian dollars -LRB- US$ 47.7 million *U* -RRB-] [ARGM-MNR through a rights offering to shareholders] .
- SIERRA TUCSON Cos. said 0 it completed [ARG0 its initial public offering] of 2.5 million common shares , which *T*-1 [rel raised] [ARG1 $ 30 million *U*] .
- [ARG0 The privatization program] is designed *-1 to rid the government of hundreds of assets and to [rel raise] [ARG1 critically needed funds] .
- He said 0 [ARG0 Rorer] opted *-1 to sell Asilone and Thrombinar *-2 to [rel raise] [ARG1 revenue that *T*-3 would `` kick start '' its increased marketing efforts behind Maalox , still its top-selling product with about $ 215 million *U* in world-wide sales in 1988] .
- While the vast bulk of it was indeed spent *-3 by reputable organizations on [ARGM-PNC the good works] 0 [ARG1 it] was [rel raised] *-1 for *T*-4 , it *EXP*-5 's equally true that a sizable hunk was consumed *-2 in `` expenses '' claimed * by other operators , including fraudulent expenses .
- Michael Burns , president of Telesystems , says 0 his concern has only benefited from the publicity surrounding the case , *-2 noting that three other charities have signed on as clients because they were impressed *-1 with [ARG1 the amount] 0 [ARG0 he] [rel raised] *T*-3 [ARGM-PNC for National Children 's] .
- [ARG0 A couple in Rockford , Ill. ,] [rel raised] [ARG1 $ 12,591 *U*] [ARGM-TMP earlier this year] [ARGM-MNR *-1 using the name and logo of Mothers Against Drunk Driving , without permission from the group] .
- The Illinois Attorney General won a court order * to prevent [ARG0 the couple] from *-1 [rel raising] [ARG1 further funds] [ARGM-MNR without MADD 's permission] .
- Analysts estimate that [ARG0 sales of the two businesses] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel raise] [ARG1 roughly $ 2 billion *U*] .
- His initial offer indicated 0 [ARG0 he] needed *-1 to [rel raise] [ARG1 as much as 80 % of the takeover financing] [ARGM-MNR through the debt markets] .
- A spokesman for Hallwood said 0 [ARG0 the 12 limited partnerships , which *T*-2 were marketed *-1 by brokerage firms and financial planners between 1979 and 1984 ,] [rel raised] [ARG1 several hundred million dollars] from [ARG2-from investors] .
- And any strong surge in redemptions could force [ARG0 some funds] to dump stocks *-1 to [rel raise] [ARG1 cash] , as some did *?* during Black Monday .
- The roller-coaster stock market is making life tougher for [ARG0 small companies] trying * to [rel raise] [ARG1 money] .
- As in other jittery times , [ARG0 many small businesses] expect a particularly rough time *-1 [rel raising] [ARG1 funds] as investors shun risky deals , *-2 seeking safety in bigger companies .
- The first UAL deal unraveled after [ARG0 Citibank and Chase] [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel raise] [ARG1 $ 7.2 billion *U*] .
- Citibank and Chase had agreed *-1 to commit $ 3 billion *U* , and said 0 [ARG0 they] were `` highly confident '' of * [rel raising] [ARG1 another $ 4.2 billion *U*] .
- *-1 Together , [ARG0 Citicorp and Chase] received $ 8 million *U* in fees *-1 to [rel raise] [ARG1 the rest of the financing] .
- Dresdner Bank last month said 0 [ARG0 it] hoped *-1 to [rel raise] [ARG1 1.2 billion marks -LRB- $ 642.2 million *U* -RRB-] [ARGM-MNR by *-2 issuing four million shares at 300 marks each] .
- [ARG0 NCNB] [rel raised] [ARG1 some $ 1.9 billion *U* in new capital] [ARGM-TMP during the quarter] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to complete the NCNB Texas purchase , and to acquire several small failed thrifts *-2 to fill out its regional franchise] .
- The S&L bailout agency would be restricted *-1 by a new bill in [ARGM-MNR how] [ARG0 it] [rel raises] [ARG1 capital] *T*-2 .