frames- Traders said that [ARG0 statements] made * over the weekend * to [rel quell] [ARG1 concern about the stability of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher 's government and the future of her economic program] largely failed *-2 to reassure investors and bolster the flagging British unit .
- The sales are an attempt [ARG0 *] to [rel quell] [ARG1 investor concern about Black & Decker 's increased debt burden from the Emhart purchase] .
- Then , in May 1988 , [ARG0 Mr. Tisch] urgently needed *-1 to make a bold statement *-1 to [rel quell] [ARG1 rumors that he might sell the network] .
- [ARG0 The so-called circuit breakers] devised * by the Big Board and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange * to [rel quell] [ARG1 free falls in stock and futures prices] were n't triggered *-1 yesterday because the markets were higher for most of the day .