frames- All 0 [ARG1 she] had *-2 to do *T*-1 was put $ 15,000 *U* in a certificate of deposit , or [rel qualify] for [ARG2-for a $ 10,000 *U* personal line of credit] .
- `` We 're pleased 0 the ABA rated [ARG1 him] [rel qualified] , '' David Runkel , the department 's chief spokesman , said *T*-1 in an interview .
- Mr. Neuberger realized that , [ARGM-ADV although of Italian ancestry] , [ARG1 Mr. Mariotta] [ARGM-ADV still] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel qualify] as [ARG2-as a minority person] [ARGM-CAU since he was born *-1 in Puerto Rico] .
- IRA BALANCES could be used *-1 [ARG1 *-1] to [rel qualify] for [ARG2-for bank services] under a bill entered * by Reps. Chandler -LRB- R. , Wash . -RRB- and Andrews -LRB- D. , Texas -RRB- .
- Congress has just made it *EXP*-1 easier for [ARG1 the affluent] * to [rel qualify] for [ARG2-for insured loans from the deficit-ridden Federal Housing Administration] .
- A spokesman said 0 [ARG1 the savings bank] [ARGM-MOD may] [ARGM-NEG not] [rel qualify] for [ARG2-for the capital requirements] [ARGM-CAU because , under the proposed guidelines , its $ 380 million *U* of preferred stock does n't meet the `` core capital '' criteria outlined * under the new Financial Institutions Reform , Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989] .
- Conventional wisdom has long held that [ARG1 anywhere from one-fourth to one-half of all elderly long-term care patients] are obliged *-1 to spend themselves into poverty before *-1 [rel qualifying] for [ARG2-for Medicaid assistance] .
- But in 1986 Congress sharply reduced the number of [ARG1 people] who *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD could] [rel qualify] for [ARG2-for its benefits] and IRA tax-deductions slowed their roaring growth .
- Their debt will be well under [ARG1 the $ 1 million *U* limit] -- on * borrowing *-2 to acquire , build , or improve a home -- that *T*-1 [rel qualifies] for [ARG2-for mortgage-interest deductions] .
- For instance , franchisers no longer must pre-register sales to [ARG1 aspiring franchisees] who *T*-1 [rel qualify] as `` [ARG2-as sophisticated purchasers] . ''
- *-2 Faced *-1 with a $ 40 billion *U* foreign debt and skyrocketing inflation , [ARG1 Poland] must privatize industry and eliminate subsidies *-2 to stabilize its currency and [rel qualify] for [ARG2-for international assistance] .
- `` We believe that there are [ARG1 numerous other candidates] [ARGM-EXT more] [rel qualified] for [ARG2-for this important position] and we encourage you to give them your thorough consideration before * making this key RTC appointment , '' the letter said *T*-1 .
- Paribas said 0 it will bid 1,850 francs a share for [ARG1 Navigation Mixte shares] that *T*-1 [rel qualify] for [ARG2-for a full yearly dividend] , and 1,800 francs for those created * July 1 , which *T*-2 are eligible for partial dividends .
- As for Mr. Sala 's qualifications , `` the snooty attorneys for the state of New York decided 0 [ARG1 Mr. Sala] was [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel qualified] because he did n't have a Harvard degree , '' says *T*-1 Mr. Manion .
- But [ARG1 many others] , who *T*-1 want *-3 to [rel qualify] for [ARG2-for employee benefits and unemployment compensation] , become tipsters for the IRS , says 0 *T*-4 Jerry Lackey , who *T*-2 manages the IRS project 's force of nine agents in north and central Florida from Orlando .
- IF CONTINENTAL Airlines has its way , [ARG1 couples like Marlo Thomas and Phil Donahue] may find it *EXP*-1 a hassle * to [rel qualify] for [ARG2-for some new discounts] .
- But his circumstances are among [ARG1 the few] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD can] [rel qualify] for [ARG2-for the handful of really cheap airline tickets remaining in America] .
- But there still are [ARGM-MNR a few ways] 0 [ARG1 today 's traveler] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel qualify] [ARGM-LOC under the airline 's many restrictions] *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-ADV *-1 No longer innocent] , [ARG1 they] [rel qualified] as [ARG2-as fools] .
- [ARG1 Which types of stocks] *T*-1 are most likely *-2 to [rel qualify] ?
- He said 0 the decision was the first in which a federal appeals court has ruled whether [ARG1 administrative government proceedings] [rel qualify] as [ARG2-as litigation] *T*-1 .
- At these offices , earthquake victims will be helped *-1 in *-1 filling out a one-page form that [ARG1 they] will need *T*-2 *-3 to [rel qualify] for [ARG2-for such federal assistance as home-improvement loans] and to repair houses .
- HUD says 0 [ARG1 the project] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel qualify] , and Mr. Kemp says that rock 'n' roll musicians and the music industry ought *-1 to put up the money .
- The sum is more than double what the House had approved *T*-2 for the program , but the list of [rel qualified] [ARG1 airports] would be cut *-1 by 22 under new distance requirements and limits on the level of subsidy .
- In response to dwindling domestic supplies , Agriculture Secretary Clayton Yeutter last month said 0 the U.S. government would slightly increase the number of acres 0 [ARG1 farmers] [ARGM-MOD can] plant *T*-1 in wheat for next year and [ARGM-ADV still] [rel qualify] for [ARG2-for federal support payments] .
- It follows that [ARG1 proposals like Nunn-McCurdy , whose benefits to enrollees *T*-1 are worth some $ 17,500 *U* a year ,] do [ARGM-NEG not] [rel qualify] .
- The company is also offering a free trial of its computers to [ARG1 consumers] who *T*-1 [rel qualify] for [ARG2-for its credit cards or leases] .