frames- [ARG0 Mr. Moon] has agreed *-1 to [rel put] up [ARG1 $ 10 million *U* a year] [ARGM-TMP for 25 years] and keep the profits in China .
- During the takeover , Mr. Hahn said 0 [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel put] [ARG1 his account] up [ARGM-PNC for review] [ARGM-ADV if WPP 's bid were successful] , but he did n't *?* .
- [ARG0 The company] [rel put] up [ARG1 `` virtually all '' of its oil and gas properties] [ARGM-PNC as collateral] , he said 0 *T*-1 .
- As part of the drive , [ARG0 the first 50,000 viewers] who *T*-202 [rel put] up [ARG1 # 10 *U* each] will get a package valued * at # 170 *U* -- including a satellite receiving dish , equipment installation and a three-month subscription to its pay-movie service .
- Indeed , Morgan Stanley 's president , Richard B. Fisher , said 0 [ARG0 the firm] is [rel putting] up [ARG1 money 0 * to form a group of regulators , investors and investment banks *T*-2 *-1 to find out if stock-index arbitrage artificially induces stock-market volatility] .
- Current rules permit [ARG0 investors] to [rel put] up [ARG1 less cash for futures than for stocks] .
- But last June 's annnouncement that [ARG0 Westinghouse] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel put] up [ARG1 all of the $ 70 million *U* 0 * to build a new 55-megawatt plant *T*-1] could herald a new age .
- He says 0 the big questions -- `` Do [ARG0 you] really need this much money *-2 to [rel put] up [ARG1 these investments] ? Have you told investors what *T*-1 is happening in your sector ? What about your track record ? -- `` are n't asked *-3 of companies coming to market .
- [ARGM-DIS By contrast] , [ARG0 an investor in stocks] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel put] up [ARG1 50 % in cash] .
- [ARGM-TMP The following month] , [ARG0 the company] [rel put] [ARG1 itself] up for [ARG2-for sale] .
- Margins are [ARG1 the amount] of money 0 [ARG0 an investor] needs *-2 to [rel put] *T*-1 up *-2 to buy or sell a futures contract .
- The Japanese industrialist has coughed up at least $ 2 million *U* , [ARG0 the Japanese government] has [rel put] up [ARG1 just about as much] , or so it is reported *T*-2 and at least one estimate puts the total tab at $ 7 million *U* .
- One reason : banks -- likely * to react to any new UAL deal with even more caution than the first time around -- probably will insist on labor harmony before [ARG0 they] agree *-1 to [rel put] up [ARG1 cash] for [ARG2-for any new bid or even a less-ambitious recapitalization plan] .
- The hastily drafted measure could hurt California by *-2 requiring [ARG0 it] to [rel put] up [ARG1 more matching funds for emergency highway assistance than * otherwise would be required *-1] .
- Mr. Whitten 's package appears *-1 to accomplish this purpose , but [ARG0 the state] faces more resistance in its bid for an extended waiver on * having *-2 to [rel put] up [ARG1 any matching funds] [ARGM-PNC on repairs completed * in the next six months] .
- However , investment bankers say that banks are n't likely *-2 to lend the almost $ 5 billion *U* that *T*-1 would be necessary for a takeover even at a lower price without [ARG0 someone] [rel putting] up [ARG1 a hefty wad of cash -- probably even greater than the 17 % in cash put up * by investors in the leveraged takeover of Northwest Airlines parent NWA Corp. in July] .
- Banks want *-1 to see [ARG0 someone] [rel putting] up [ARG1 real cash at risk , that is , subordinate to the bank debt in any deal] .
- If [ARG1 LIN] is [rel put] *-1 up for [ARG2-for sale] rather than purchased *-1 by McCaw in five years , McCaw wo n't submit a bid unless the independent directors request it , and the independent directors will run the bidding .
- [ARG0 Canadian Pacific] [rel put] [ARG1 its 56 % stake in Soo Line] up for [ARG2-for sale] [ARGM-TMP last year] but could n't find any takers .
- `` If the -LCB- new -RCB- deal had [ARG0 us] [rel putting] up [ARG1 less money] but still having 15 % , that would be a point in our favor , '' he said *T*-1 .
- Under the original buy-out approved * by the UAL board Sept. 14 , [ARG0 UAL 's pilots] planned *-1 to [rel put] up [ARG1 $ 200 million *U* in cash] and make $ 200 million *U* in annual cost concessions for [ARG2-for a 75 % stake] .
- HUD says 0 the project does n't qualify , and Mr. Kemp says that [ARG0 rock 'n' roll musicians and the music industry] ought *-1 to [rel put] up [ARG1 the money] .
- [ARG0 The CBOE , American Stock Exchange , Options Clearing Corp. and Stephen Fossett , owner of Fossett ,] joined in *-1 [rel putting] up [ARG1 $ 50 million *U*] [ARGM-PNC *-2 to guarantee the accounts at First Options] .
- [ARG0 Whitbread of Britain] [rel put] [ARG1 its spirits division] up for [ARG2-for sale] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 setting off a scramble among distillers] .
- Park Tower General Counsel Matthew Mayer said 0 [ARG0 the development team] will have *-1 to review two additional lawsuits before *-2 [rel putting] up [ARG1 a $ 155 million *U* letter of credit 0 *T*-3 to cover condemnation costs] .
- But [ARG1 art that *T*-2 has fallen sharply in value] is [ARGM-TMP rarely] [rel put] *-1 up for [ARG2-for sale] .
- [ARGM-DIS Thus] , [ARGM-LOC in an unprecedented arrangement underscoring the seriousness of the transfer] , [ARG0 the CBOE , the American Stock Exchange and the Options Clearing Corp. , as well as the firm 's owner , Stephen Fossett ,] [rel put] up [ARG1 a total of $ 50 million *U*] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to guarantee the customer positions being transferred * to the bank holding company subsidiary in case the market plunged again yesterday] .
- But CBOE and Amex officials said that Options Clearing Corp. contributed $ 20 million *U* to the guarantee , [ARG0 the CBOE] [rel put] up [ARG1 $ 8 million *U*] , the Amex added $ 4 million *U* and $ 18 million *U* came from Mr. Fossett 's own assets .