frames- The [rel purchasing] [ARG0 managers] , however , also said that orders turned up in October after four months of decline .
- Only 19 % of the [rel purchasing] [ARG0 managers] reported better export orders in October , down from 27 % in September .
- For the fifth consecutive month , purchasing managers said 0 prices for [ARG1 the goods] 0 [ARG0 they] [rel purchased] *T*-1 fell .
- For the fifth consecutive month , [rel purchasing] [ARG0 managers] said 0 prices for the goods 0 they purchased *T*-1 fell .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-TMP in 1988] , [ARG0 McGraw-Hill] [rel purchased] [ARG1 the Random House unit that *T*-108 publishes Scoring High , which *T*-109 later became part of Macmillan\/McGraw] .
- The management group owns about 18 % of the stock , [ARG1 most] [rel purchased] * at [ARG3-at nominal prices] , and would stand *-1 to gain millions of dollars if the company were sold *-115 .
- On Tuesday , the House approved a labor-backed amendment that *T*-1 would require the Transportation Department to reject airline acquisitions if [ARG0 the person] seeking * to [rel purchase] [ARG1 a carrier] had run two or more airlines *ICH*-4 previously that *T*-2 have filed for protection from creditors under Chapter 11 of the federal Bankruptcy Code .
- `` Unemployment continues at a relatively low level , * providing a sense of job security , and a low inflation rate has kept the [rel purchasing] [ARG0 power] of the weekly paycheck reasonably strong . ''
- The [rel purchasing] [ARG0 managers] index of economic activity rose in October , although it remains below 50 % .
- Futures Contracts -- Obligations * to buy -LRB- for [ARG0 those] who *T*-1 have [rel purchased] [ARG1 a contract] -RRB- or deliver -LRB- for those who *T*-2 sold one -RRB- a quantity of the underlying commodity or financial instrument at the agreed-upon price by a certain date .
- That designation would , among other things , provide [ARGM-MNR more generous credit terms] under which [ARG0 the Soviets] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel purchase] [ARG1 grain] *T*-1 .
- The October survey of corporate [rel purchasing] [ARG0 managers] , as * expected , provided evidence that economic growth remains subdued .
- Factory orders and construction outlays were largely flat in September , while [rel purchasing] [ARG0 agents] said 0 manufacturing shrank further in October .
- Also contributing to the firmness in copper , the analyst noted 0 *T*-4 , was *T*-3 a report by Chicago [rel purchasing] [ARG0 agents] , which *T*-1 precedes the full purchasing agents ' report that *T*-2 is due out today and gives an indication of what the full report might hold *T*-5 .
- Also contributing to the firmness in copper , the analyst noted 0 *T*-4 , was *T*-3 a report by Chicago purchasing agents , which *T*-1 precedes the full [ARG0 purchasing] agents ' report that *T*-2 is due out today and gives an indication of what the full report might hold *T*-5 .
- New Brunswick Scientific Co. , a maker of biotechnology instrumentation and equipment , said 0 it adopted an anti-takeover plan giving [ARG0 shareholders] the right * to [rel purchase] [ARG1 shares] at [ARG3-at half price] [ARGM-TMP under certain conditions] .
- [ARG1 Four of the planes] were [rel purchased] *-79 by [ARG0-by International Lease] from [ARG2-from Singapore Airlines] [ARGM-LOC in a previously announced transaction] .
- Healthcare , which *T*-153 has been in a severe liquidity bind , said 0 it is able *-3 to make the payments because it completed a transaction with Greenery Rehabilitation Group Inc. in which [ARG0 Greenery] [rel purchased] [ARG1 stock and warrants] for [ARG3-for $ 500,000 *U*] and loaned Healthcare $ 9 million *U* *T*-2 .
- For Mitsubishi Estate , the Rockefeller purchase will catapult it firmly into the overseas real estate business , the one area where it has lagged notably behind Japanese competitors such as [ARG0 Mitsui] , which *T*-198 had [rel purchased] [ARG1 the Exxon Building] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Repeat customers] [ARGM-DIS also] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel purchase] [ARG1 luxury items] at [ARG3-at reduced prices] .
- Under the debt-equity program , potential investors will submit sealed bids on the percentage of [ARG3-at discount] 0 [ARG0 they] are willing *-2 to [rel purchase] [ARG1 the debt] at *T*-1 , and the bids will be allocated *-202 based on these discount offers .
- More importantly , the volume of options written * exceeded [ARG1 those] [rel purchased] * by almost 2-to-1 .
- StatesWest , which *T*-52 has a 7.25 % stake in Mesa , said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel purchase] [ARG1 more Mesa stock] or make a tender offer directly to Mesa shareholders .
- But some anti-smoking activists disagree , *-1 expressing anger at what they see *T*-64 as [ARG0 the company 's] attempt * to [rel purchase] [ARG1 innocence] [ARGM-MNR by association] .
- The Dallas oil and gas concern said that [ARG0 $ 10 million *U* of the facility] would be used *-1 *-3 to consolidate the company 's $ 8.1 million *U* of existing bank debt , to repurchase 4 million of its 4.9 million shares outstanding of Series D convertible preferred stock , and to [rel purchase] [ARG1 a 10 % net-profits interest in certain oil and gas properties] from [ARG2-from one of its existing lenders , National Canada Corp] .
- Separately , Cilcorp said 0 [ARG0 it] plans *-1 to [rel purchase] [ARG1 as many as 1.4 million shares , or 10 % of its common stock outstanding] [ARGM-TMP from time to time] [ARGM-MNR on the open market and through privately negotiated transactions] .
- Because of the early settlement , [ARG0 the Federal Reserve] was unable *-1 to [rel purchase] [ARG1 bills for its system account] .
- The food company , which *T*-1 has 720,000 warrants and about 2.9 million common shares outstanding , said 0 [ARG0 it] may increase the offer *-3 to [rel purchase] [ARG1 any or all warrants that *T*-2 are properly tendered] .
- [ARG1 Quotron] , which [ARG0 Citicorp] [rel purchased] *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP in 1986] , provides price quotations for securities , particularly stocks .
- Of course , * simply buying computers does n't always solve problems , and [ARG0 many American companies] have erred by *-2 [rel purchasing] [ARG1 technology 0 they did n't understand *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 Their museum] had [rel purchased] [ARG1 an Attic black-figured column krater] and shipped it from London .
- Earlier this year , the Fed denied an application *ICH*-1 by [ARG0 Continental Bank Corp.] * to [rel purchase] [ARG1 Grand Canyon State Bank in Scottsdale , Ariz. ,] on grounds that Continental had n't fully complied with the Community Reinvestment Act .
- Analog Devices Inc. said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel purchase] [ARG1 as many as one million of its common shares] [ARGM-TMP over the next several months] .
- The company acquired the debt when [ARG0 it] paid $ 155 million *U* *-2 to [rel purchase] [ARG1 Wilson] last year *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-LOC Under a program approved * by the company in 1987 that *T*-1 did n't specify a share amount] , [ARG0 Nashua] had [rel purchased] [ARG1 481,000 shares] [ARGM-TMP through Sept. 29] .
- Somewhere in between there must be a golden mean , perhaps measured * by M-Whatever , but perhaps measured * by [rel purchasing] [ARG0 power] parity .
- Under the agreement , [ARG0 Westinghouse] will be able *-1 to [rel purchase] [ARG1 smaller combustion turbines] from [ARG2-from its Japanese partner] , and package and sell them with its own generators and other equipment .
- Milton Roy disclosed in May that it was approached *-1 for a possible acquisition by [ARG0 Thermo Electron] , which *T*-2 agreed *-3 to [rel purchase] [ARG1 Milton Roy 's liquid-chromatography line] for [ARG3-for $ 22 million *U*] in February .
- The media company said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel purchased] [ARG1 Cable USA Inc. , a privately held cable television system in Carroll County , Ga. , a suburb of Atlanta] .
- As we queasily start The search for replacements , we know 0 [ARG1 The new one] 0 [ARG0 we] [rel purchase] *T*-2 [ARGM-PNC in hopes 0 it will do] , Despite every wonder that *T*-1 's stated *-3 , Means more speed , more graphics , more memory , too , But also more quickly out - dated !
- The bank says 0 [ARG0 it] 's interested in *-1 [rel purchasing] [ARG1 banks] [ARGM-LOC in Morocco , Portugal and Puerto Rico] .
- Wednesday 's report from the [rel purchasing] [ARG0 agents] will be watched *-1 * to see if the index maintains a level below 50 % , as it has *?* for the past couple of months .
- It does n't have an internal floppy disk drive , although [ARG1 a snap-on drive] [ARGM-MOD can] be [rel purchased] *-1 [ARGM-MNR separately] .
- Kerr-McGee Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] will spend $ 42 million *U* *-1 to [rel purchase] [ARG1 land] and relocate its ammonium perchlorate storage facility to Clark County , Nev. , from Henderson , Nev .
- Kerr-McGee said 0 [ARG0 it] has [rel purchased] [ARG1 3,350 acres] from [ARG2-from the federal government] [ARGM-LOC in Clark County] and plans *-1 to begin construction early next year .
- James Snedeker , senior vice president of Gill & Roeser Inc. , a New York-based reinsurance broker , says 0 [ARG0 insurers] who *T*-1 took big losses this fall and had [rel purchased] [ARG1 little reinsurance] [ARGM-TMP in recent years] will be asked *-2 *-3 to pay some pretty hefty rates if they want *-4 to buy reinsurance for 1990 .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 some large insurers , such as State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. ,] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel purchase] [ARG1 reinsurance] , but fund their own program .
- In a Securities and Exchange Commission filing , Mr. Petrie said that on Oct. 26 [ARG0 Petrie Stores] agreed *-1 to [rel purchase] [ARG1 Mr. Petrie 's 2,331,100 Deb Shops shares] .
- The filing said 0 [ARG0 Petrie Stores of Secaucus , N.J. ,] is [rel purchasing] [ARG1 Mr. Petrie 's Deb Shops stake] [ARGM-PNC as an investment] .
- The market also was hurt *-1 by rumors that Nippon Kangyo Kakumaru , a Japanese brokerage firm , was unloading some of [ARG1 the 30-year bonds] 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel purchased] *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 The firm] is thought *-3 to have [rel purchased] [ARG1 up to $ 3 billion *U* of 30-year bonds] [ARGM-MNR in a buying spree] [ARGM-TMP on Wednesday and the previous Thursday] .
- The dollar has a `` natural base of support '' around 140 yen because [ARG1 the Japanese currency] has [ARGM-NEG n't] been [rel purchased] *-1 [ARGM-MNR heavily] [ARGM-TMP in recent weeks] , says 0 *T*-2 Ms. Soares-Kemp of Credit Suisse .
- The yen 's softness , she says 0 *T*-1 , apparently stems from [ARG0 Japanese investors '] interest in * buying dollars against the yen *-2 to [rel purchase] [ARG1 U.S. bond issues] and persistent worries about this year 's upheaval in the Japanese government .
- Security said 0 [ARG0 it] signed a letter of intent * to [rel purchase] [ARG1 La Jolla Bancorp] , * agreeing *-1 to pay $ 15 *U* of its own stock for each share of La Jolla .
- The company said 0 [ARG0 it] is n't *-1 making a commitment *-2 to [rel purchase] [ARG1 a specific number of shares] .
- Mr. Dorfman states that [ARG0 an investor] who *T*-1 invested $ 100,000 *U* a year ago in the first four stocks selected * by your pros and then sold those one month later , *-2 [rel purchasing] [ARG1 the four new pro picks] , and repeated this process for the year would have accumulated $ 166,537 *U* , excluding account dividends , taxes and commissions .
- [ARG0 GM] sought U.S. antitrust clearance *ICH*-1 last week * to [rel purchase] [ARG1 more than $ 15 million *U* worth of Jaguar shares] but does n't own any yet , according to GM officials here and at the company 's Detroit headquarters .
- *-2 To mop up some of the 300 billion rubles in circulation , the government should encourage home ownership , including * issuing bonds that *T*-1 guarantee [ARG0 holders] the right * to [rel purchase] [ARG1 an apartment] .
- [ARG0 IMA Holdings Corp.] completed its $ 3 billion *U* acquisition of American Medical International Inc. , *-1 [rel purchasing] [ARG1 63 million shares , or 86 % , of the Los Angeles-based health-care services concern] for [ARG3-for $ 26.50 *U* a share] .
- [ARG0 Rep. Traxler] [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel purchased] [ARG1 an unimproved building lot on the island] .
- [ARGM-TMP Last month] , [ARG0 Mr. Morishita 's new gallery , Aska International Ltd. ,] [rel purchased] [ARG1 6.4 % of Christies] for [ARG3-for # 33 million *U* -LRB- $ 53.3 million *U* -RRB-] .
- [ARGM-ADV As part of the move] , [ARG0 its affiliated U.S. company , International Components Technology Corp. ,] [rel purchased] [ARG1 a Mexican plant formerly belonging to KSI Disc Products Inc] .
- [ARGM-TMP During the third quarter] , [ARG0 Compaq] [rel purchased] [ARG1 a former Wang Laboratories manufacturing facility in Stirling , Scotland , which *T*-2 will be used *-1 for international service and repair operations] .
- Quantum said 0 [ARG0 it] has agreed *-1 to [rel purchase] [ARG1 as much as $ 50 million *U* in equity in the new company] , [ARGM-ADV if necessary] , for [ARG4-for the confirmation of the plan] .
- Businessland Inc. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel purchased] [ARG1 a major regional computer retailer , Data Systems Computer Centre Inc. , Springfield , New Jersey] .
- [ARG0 The Soviet Union] has [rel purchased] [ARG1 roughly eight million tons of grain] [ARGM-TMP this month] , and is expected *-1 to take delivery by year end , analysts said 0 *T*-2 .
- Floor traders also said that the market could have been helped *-2 by rumors , which *T*-1 have been circulating for the past two days , about [ARG0 China] [rel purchasing] [ARG1 cotton] .
- [ARG0 The company] offered *-2 to [rel purchase] [ARG1 $ 500 million *U* of convertible preferred stock] from [ARG2-from the trust that *T*-1 handles its payments to asbestos victims] .
- Each of the Class C warrants will enable [ARG0 the holders] to [rel purchase] [ARG1 one share of common stock] at [ARG3-at $ 5.50 *U*] .
- Advanced Medical Technologies Inc. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel purchased] [ARG1 93 % of a unit of Henley Group Inc] .
- [ARG1 The stock] , 0 *T*-3 to be [rel purchased] *-2 [ARGM-MNR on the open market or through privately negotiated transactions] , will be held *-1 as treasury shares for stock options or other general corporate purposes .
- [ARG0 It] has [rel purchased] [ARG1 about 19 million of them] .
- It said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel purchase] [ARG1 the stock] at [ARG3-at market price] .
- Based on Manville 's closing price yesterday of $ 9.25 *U* a share , [ARG0 Manville 's offer] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel purchase] [ARG1 about 5.4 million of its preferred shares , or about 75 % of the trust 's preferred stock holding] .
- But previous sales have often been sales of [ARG1 shares] [rel purchased] * [ARGM-MNR through the exercise of stock options] and sold six months later , as soon as * allowed *-2 , said 0 *T*-1 Robert Gabele , president of Invest\/Net .
- Mr. Miles 's [ARGM-TMP newly] [rel purchased] [ARG1 shares] are now worth $ 1,068,000 *U* , based on Philip Morris 's closing price of $ 44.50 *U* , up 62.5 cents , in composite trading on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday .
- Last March , this newspaper reported on widespread allegations that the company misled [ARG0 many customers] into * [rel purchasing] [ARG1 more credit-data services than * needed] .
- The Tokyo maker of ceramic capacitors said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel purchased] [ARG1 a plant in Plymouth] .
- [ARGM-LOC Under the rules adopted * by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange] , the futures contract can not drop below the limit , but [ARG0 buyers] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel purchase] [ARG1 futures] .
- CONTROL DATA Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] is offering *-3 to [rel purchase] [ARG1 the $ 154.2 million *U* amount of its 12 3\/4 % senior notes due June 15 , 1991 *ICH*-2] , at [ARG3-at par] , plus accrued *ICH*-1 interest to the Dec. 8 purchase date .
- A trader at a Japanese firm estimated that [ARG0 the Japanese] [rel purchased] [ARG1 no more than 10 % of the two-year notes] .
- The government contract required [ARG0 Meredith Relocation Corp.] to [rel purchase] [ARG1 employees ' homes] [ARGM-MNR based on independent appraisals] .
- [ARGM-DIS More important] , [ARG1 the CD] was [rel purchased] *-1 [ARGM-LOC on the secondary , or resale , market] .
- The fact sheet , dated * April 1986 , says on page three : `` If the price paid * for [ARG1 a CD] [rel purchased] * [ARGM-LOC in the secondary market] ... is higher than the accreted value in the case of zero-coupon CDs , the difference ... is not insured *-1 ... .
- Zero-coupon CDs are only a small portion of the $ 1 trillion-plus *U* in CDs outstanding , and [ARG1 those] [rel purchased] * [ARGM-LOC on the secondary market] are an even smaller part of the total .
- People who *T*-1 paid a premium for [ARG1 standard CDs] [rel purchased] * [ARGM-LOC on the secondary market] could also find that those premiums are n't insured *-3 if the institutions that *T*-2 issued the CDs failed .
- Market-based pollution control may consume [ARG0 some capital] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-DIS otherwise] [rel purchase] [ARG1 state industries] .
- [ARGM-DIS In addition] , [ARG0 a Norfolk affiliate , York Capital Inc. ,] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel purchase] [ARG1 all of the interests of Eagle 's secured lenders , which *T*-1 total $ 11.5 million *U* ,] and guarantee as much as $ 8.2 million *U* in payments to Eagle 's unsecured creditors .
- [ARGM-LOC Under a previous buyback program] , [ARG0 Inco] has [rel purchased] [ARG1 1.7 million of its shares] [ARGM-TMP since April] .
- [ARGM-TMP During the third quarter] , [ARG0 Exxon] [rel purchased] [ARG1 8.34 million shares of its stock] at [ARG3-at a cost of $ 373 million *U*] .
- [ARG1 The New Jersey paper , like the New Haven , Conn. , paper ,] was [rel purchased] *-1 by [ARG0-by Ingersoll] [ARGM-ADV on Goodson 's behalf] [ARGM-ADV as part of the management contract] .
- In addition , he noted 0 *T*-1 , the issue would normally be [ARG1 the type] [rel purchased] * by [ARG0-by property and casualty insurers] , but recent disasters , such as Hurricane Hugo and the Northern California earthquake , have stretched insurers ' resources and damped their demand for bonds .
- Itel bought a 17 % stake in Sante Fe Pacific last year and [ARG0 Olympia & York] [ARGM-TMP later] [rel purchased] [ARG1 about a 20 % stake] ; they would have interests in the new realty company in line with their holdings in Sante Fe Pacific .
- [ARG0 It] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel purchases] [ARG1 data systems products] from [ARG2-from a manufacturer based * in Monterrey] .
- First Executive Corp. said 0 about 96 % of the rights [ARG0 *] to [rel purchase] [ARG1 its depositary shares and warrants] have been exercised *-1 .
- Remaining units will be sold *-1 to the underwriters , [ARG0 Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. and Kidder , Peabody & Co.] , which *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel purchase] [ARG1 an over-allotment of 2.3 million additional units] .
- Each of the units consists of two warrants , [ARG0 each of which] *T*-1 could be used *-2 * to [rel purchase] [ARG1 a half-share of common stock] , and one depositary preference share .
- Young consumers prefer luxury cars by a 37 % to 28 % *U* margin -- even though [ARG0 older buyers] , because of their incomes , are more likely *-1 to [ARGM-ADV actually] [rel purchase] [ARG1 a luxury car] .
- [ARG0 Texaco Inc.] has [rel purchased] [ARG1 an oil-producing company in Texas] for [ARG3-for $ 476.5 million *U*] , its first major acquisition since its legal brawl with Pennzoil Co. began more than four years ago .
- Since June , [ARG0 Rochester Telephone] signed letters of intent * to [rel purchase] [ARG1 three other Wisconsin firms] .
- [ARGM-LOC Under the offer] , [ARG0 shareholders] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel purchase] [ARG1 one Enfield share] at [ARG3-at C$ 6.27 *U* for each five shares held *] .
- [ARG0 Chicago businessmen Bertram M. Lee and Peter Bynoe] signed a new agreement * to [rel purchase] [ARG1 the Denver Nuggets basketball team] , but not as principal owners .
- On Saturday , the partners said 0 [ARG1 the team] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel purchased] *-1 for [ARG3-for $ 54 million *U*] by [ARG0-by a new group including Comsat Video Enterprises Inc. , a unit of Communications Satellite Corp. based * here] .
- Chambers Development Co. said 0 [ARG0 its Security Bureau Inc. unit] [rel purchased] [ARG1 two security concerns in Florida that *T*-1 will add $ 2.1 million *U* of annual revenue] .
- [ARG0 Texaco] has [rel purchased] [ARG1 an oil-producing company in Texas] for [ARG3-for $ 476.5 million *U*] .
- But their value as investments can be decimated *-1 by inflation , which *T*-2 erodes the [rel purchasing] [ARG0 power] of bonds ' fixed-dollar interest payments .
- [ARG1 The assortment] of expensive children 's toys that [ARG0 I] have [rel purchased] *T*-2 [ARGM-MNR wisely] [ARGM-LOC at a host of discount-toy brokerage firms] -LRB- Figure 4 -RRB- has increased handsomely in total asset value far beyond any personal investment except , perhaps , for my record collection , whose worth , I think 0 it *EXP*-3 's safe * to say *?* , *T*-1 is incalculable .
- The other suit was filed *-3 by two men in a dispute over $ 100,000 *U* investments 0 each says 0 [ARG0 he] made *T*-1 with Mr. Peterson as part of an effort * to [rel purchase] [ARG1 the Bank of Scottsdale in Scottsdale , Ariz] .
- Harley-Davidson 's complaint claims that [ARG0 the group , led * by investor Malcolm I. Glazer ,] violated securities laws by *-2 failing *-3 to disclose plans * to [rel purchase] [ARG1 15 % of the company 's shares outstanding] and that when the required Hart-Scott-Rodino filing eventually was made *-1 *T*-4 , it did n't disclose the group 's alleged earlier violation of the so-called prior-notice requirements of the law .
- As a result , while [ARG0 any one customer] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel purchase] [ARG1 immediacy] [ARGM-MNR by *-2 selling to a market maker -LRB- which *T*-1 is micro-liquidity for the investor -RRB-] , the market as a whole remains in the same circumstances 0 it was *T*-3 before the transaction : The unwanted position is still an unwanted position ; only the identity of the seller has changed .
- [ARG0 Chase Manhattan Corp.] , after *-1 trying unsuccessfully *-2 to sell its interest in its lower Manhattan operations building , has exercised its option * to [rel purchase] [ARG1 the 50-story office tower] .
- [ARG0 Chase] had [rel purchased] [ARG1 an option * to buy the building at One New York Plaza for an undisclosed sum] from [ARG2-from the late Sol Atlas] [ARGM-MNR as part of its original lease] [ARGM-TMP in 1970] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 Mr. Powers] has [rel purchased] [ARG1 asset-backed issues] for [ARG4-for individuals with tax-deferred accounts , such as retirement plans] .
- In an unusually direct statement , the bureau spokesman recommended that state banks extend more credit to shopkeepers so that [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel purchase] [ARG1 manufacturers ' goods] .
- MCA owns WWOR in New York and [ARG0 Paramount] last month agreed *-1 to [rel purchase] [ARG1 a 79 % stake in the TVX Broadcast Group] from [ARG2-from Salomon Inc.] in a deal valued * at $ 140 million *U* .
- The agreement also called for [ARG0 Reebok] to receive warrants * to [rel purchase] [ARG1 400,000 shares of CML common] at [ARG3-at $ 31.25 *U* a share] , exercisable at any time before July 1 ,
- [ARG0 Mattel] has [rel purchased] [ARG1 a new headquarters building in El Segundo , Calif. , which it will occupy by the end of next year] .
- In recent days , however , there has been increased [rel purchasing] of [ARG1-of copper] [ARGM-LOC in London] , an analyst said 0 *T*-1 .
- That pace is causing some analysts to speculate that [ARG0 the Soviet Union] [ARGM-MOD might] [ARGM-TMP soon] [rel purchase] [ARG1 as much as another two million metric tons] .
- B.A.T said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel purchased] [ARG1 2.5 million shares] at [ARG3-at 785] .
- If [ARG1 LIN] is put *-1 up for sale rather than [rel purchased] *-1 by [ARG0-by McCaw] [ARGM-TMP in five years] , McCaw wo n't submit a bid unless the independent directors request it , and the independent directors will run the bidding .
- The directors would be able *-1 to sell particular assets *-2 to enable [ARG0 such buyers as the regional Bell operating companies] to [rel purchase] [ARG1 the company 's interests] .
- * Say 0 [ARG0 you] [rel purchased] [ARG1 a stock] [ARGM-CAU because of a new product that *T*-1 was in the works] .
- [ARG0 First City] , which *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel purchased] [ARG1 three small Texas banking concerns] , said 0 it would use the proceeds *-2 to pursue additional expansion opportunities in the Southwest and elsewhere .
- State Farm said 0 [ARG0 about 25 % of its policyholders in California] have [ARGM-DIS also] [rel purchased] [ARG1 earthquake insurance] .
- He suspects 0 [ARG0 some insurers] who *T*-2 had [rel purchased] [ARG1 reinsurance] [ARGM-PNC *-3 to limit their exposure to catastrophes] will discover 0 that reinsurance was used *-1 up by Hurricane Hugo .
- In addition , Hunter said 0 [ARG0 it] will use proceeds from a private placement of $ 8 million *U* of preferred shares *-2 to [rel purchase] [ARG1 an interest in a start-up company 0 *T*-1 to underwrite environmental impairment insurance] .
- But their potential quake exposure is seen *-1 as small given that they require a financial cushion on [ARG1 all the loans] 0 [ARG0 they] [rel purchase] *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Poland] plans *-1 to start negotiations *ICH*-3 soon on * [rel purchasing] [ARG1 natural gas] from [ARG2-from Iran] , the official Islamic Republic News Agency reported 0 *T*-2 .
- The agency said 0 Polish Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki told Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Mahmoud Vaezi of [ARG0 Poland 's] willingess * to [rel purchase] [ARG1 the gas] during Mr. Vaezi 's current visit to Warsaw .
- [ARG1 Tendered shares] [ARGM-NEG not] [rel purchased] * will be returned *-1 to holders .
- In November 1987 , Sotheby 's essentially offered a Wall Street-style `` bridge loan '' of about $ 27 million *U* to Australian businessman Alan Bond *-1 to enable [ARG0 him] to [rel purchase] [ARG1 Vincent van Gogh 's `` Irises ''] for [ARG3-for $ 53.9 million *U*] .
- [ARGM-LOC At last night 's sale] , [ARG1 13 of 44 works that *T*-2 sold] were [rel purchased] *-1 by [ARG0-by Aska International Gallery , the art-acquisition unit of Aichi Financial , a Japanese conglomerate that *T*-3 owns 7.5 % of Christie 's] .
- A corporation that *T*-1 wants *-3 to sell stock or bonds goes to [ARG0 a Wall Street firm] , which *T*-2 [rel purchases] [ARG1 the securities] [ARGM-MNR outright] , [ARGM-ADV *-4 accepting the financial risk of *-5 finding buyers] .
- National Patent Development Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] plans *-1 to [rel purchase] [ARG1 as many as 200,000 common shares of its 81%-controlled Interferon Sciences Inc. unit] [ARGM-MNR in periodic , open-market purchases] .
- [ARG0 They] can do this by *-3 [rel purchasing] [ARG1 `` index puts , '' which *T*-1 are simply put options on indexes that *T*-2 match broad baskets of stocks] .
- *-2 Called *-1 a `` married put , '' the technique is carried *-2 out by [ARG0 *] [rel purchasing] [ARG1 a stock] and simultaneously buying a put option on that stock .
- Ultimately , whether the insurance provided * by [ARG0 *] [rel purchasing] [ARG1 puts] is worthwhile depends on the cost of the options .
- [ARG0 Commercial customers] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel purchase] [ARG1 the same system] [ARGM-MNR through Businessland Inc. , a computer retailer based * in San Jose , Calif. ,] for [ARG3-for roughly $ 3,000 *U* more] .
- *-2 To get around the delays caused * by the optical device , Businessland , which *T*-1 is Next 's exclusive dealer to corporations , has for months been advising [ARG0 customers] *-3 to [rel purchase] [ARG1 hard drives] [ARGM-ADV with the machines] .
- Universities , however , say 0 Next 's prices must go even lower before [ARG0 large numbers of students] [rel purchase] [ARG1 the machine] .
- Each of the 1,075,000 warrants entitle [ARG0 the holders] to [rel purchase] [ARG1 one share of Apogee common stock] for [ARG3-for $ 2.25 *U*] .
- In 1986 , [ARG0 India] signed a $ 1.4 billion *U* contract with AB Bofors , a unit of Nobel Industries Sweden AB , * to [rel purchase] [ARG1 400 artillery pieces] .
- [ARGM-TMP After Mr. Ackerman announced 0 he was soliciting consents from shareholders in order * to wrest control of Datapoint from Mr. Edelman] , [ARG0 the corporate raider] [rel purchased] [ARG1 30 % of Datapoint 's shares] .
- Clifford Stahl , president *RNR*-4 and chief investment officer *RNR*-4 of C-S Capital Advisors Inc. , two weeks ago sold his Cincinnati firm 's 107,100 Jaguar ADRs at about 10 each , * making a tidy profit on [ARG1 a holding] [rel purchased] * at [ARG3-at 4 7\/8] [ARGM-TMP in early May] .
- The curbs prevent [ARG0 a buyer] from * [rel purchasing] [ARG1 more than 15 % of Jaguar shares] [ARGM-MNR without permission] .
- Last week another potential buyer , [ARG0 Whitehall Financial Group] -- which *T*-1 had agreed in August *-2 to [rel purchase] [ARG1 most of Integrated 's core companies] for [ARG3-for $ 310 million *U*] -- ended talks with Integrated .
- Integrated said that it would continue *-1 to pursue `` other alternatives '' *-2 to sell the five core companies and that [ARG0 a group of senior executives] plans *-3 to make a proposal * to [rel purchase] [ARG1 three of the companies -- Integrated Resources Equity Corp. , Resources Trust Co. and Integrated Resources Asset Management Corp] .
- Naomi Bernhard Levinson , a fine-arts appraiser at Bernhard Associates in San Francisco , considers it *EXP*-2 `` definite conflict of interest for an auction house to both advise a client on purchases and to set price estimates on [ARG1 the paintings] 0 *T*-3 to be [rel purchased] *-1 . ''
- [ARG1 The painting , attributed * to Flemish artist Peter Paul Rubens ,] was [rel purchased] *-1 [ARGM-MNR privately through Sotheby 's] , [ARGM-NEG not] [ARGM-LOC at auction] .
- Last week , the banking company said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel purchased] [ARG1 both Freedom Savings & Loan Association , Tampa , Fla. , and University Federal Savings Association of San Antonio , Texas ,] for [ARG3-for $ 169.4 million *U*] .
- Mrs. Hills said 0 the U.S. wo n't accept any delays after Nov. 13 because [ARG0 U.S. fish-processing firms] enter into contracts *ICH*-1 in the fall * to [rel purchase] [ARG1 the next season 's catch] .
- Seafirst Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] signed an agreement *ICH*-1 with builder Martin Selig * to [rel purchase] [ARG1 its headquarters building , the Columbia Seafirst Center ,] for [ARG3-for $ 354 million *U*] .
- A spokesman said 0 [ARG1 2.6 million shares] have been [rel purchased] *-1 [ARGM-TMP since then] .
- Hughes Aircraft Co. , a unit of General Motors Corp. , said 0 [ARG0 it] agreed *-1 to [rel purchase] [ARG1 the Electro-Optics Technology division of Perkin-Elmer Corp] .
- [ARG1 The land] 0 *T*-2 to be [rel purchased] *-1 by [ARG0-by the joint venture] has n't yet received zoning and other approvals required * for development , and part of Kaufman & Broad 's job will be * to obtain such approvals .
- The RJR spokesman said 0 the company moved the 11 employees to New York last month because [ARG0 the group] had then been in the midst of *-1 [rel purchasing] [ARG1 ad time for the networks ' upcoming season] .
- Quest Medical Inc. said 0 it adopted a shareholders ' rights plan in which rights [ARG0 *] to [rel purchase] [ARG1 shares of common stock] will be distributed *-1 as a dividend to shareholders of record as of Oct. 23 *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 @ Charles H. Tenney II , chairman of Unitil Corp. ,] [rel purchased] [ARG1 34,602 shares , or 4.9 % , of Unitil 's common] , [ARGM-ADV according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission] .
- Mr. Rocha Garza has said 0 [ARG0 he] wants *-1 to [rel purchase] [ARG1 more shares] .
- Production at the mill has exceeded the ability *ICH*-2 of Keystone 's casting operation * to supply it , he said 0 *T*-3 , which *T*-1 will force [ARG0 Keystone] *-4 to [rel purchase] [ARG1 billet , or unfinished steel bars ,] from outside [ARG2-outside the company] [ARGM-TMP during the fourth quarter and next year] .