frames- [ARGM-DIS Moreover] , [ARG0 the Japanese government , now the world 's largest aid donor ,] is [rel pumping] [ARG2 far more assistance *ICH*-2] into [ARG1-into the region] than the U.S. is *?* .
- [ARG0 Asia 's other cash-rich countries] are following Japan 's lead and [rel pumping] [ARG2 capital] into [ARG1-into the region] .
- Osamu Nagayama , deputy president of Chugai , which *T*-1 spends about 15 % of its sales on research and development , was unable *-3 to pinpoint [ARG2 how much money] [ARG0 Chugai] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel pump] *T*-2 into [ARG1-into Gen-Probe] .
- A mile and a half away looms [ARG0 the 150-foot-tall rig of the Sniper] , due * to be [rel pumping] [ARGM-TMP by December] .
- It will go for work ranging from refinery modification to changes in the distribution system , including [ARGM-MNR the way] 0 [ARG0 service stations] [rel pump] [ARG2 fuel] into [ARG1-into cars] *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-TMP In 1987] , [ARG0 it] [rel pumped] [ARG2 billions] into [ARG1-into the markets] [ARGM-MNR through open market operations and the discount window] .
- [ARG2 Gases containing CFCs] are [rel pumped] *-1 into [ARG1-into polyurethane] [ARGM-PNC * to make the foam used * in pillows , upholstery and insulation] .
- [ARG0 Integrated] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pump] [ARG2 $ 3.5 million to $ 4 million *U*] into [ARG1-into Royal Alliance] [ARGM-MNR as initial funding] .
- `` I think 0 the ship is now righted *-1 , [ARG1 the bilges] are [rel pumped] *-2 and we are on course , '' Mr. Hutchinson said *T*-3 of the restructuring program .
- But with industrial growth stagnant and inflation showing signs of easing , some voices may call for [ARG0 measures] 0 *T*-1 to [rel pump] [ARG2 new life] into [ARG1-into the economy] .
- But while [ARG0 *] [rel pumping] [ARG2 more money] into [ARG1-into the economy] would bring relief to many industries , it also runs the risk of * triggering another period of runaway growth and steep inflation .
- From a helicopter a thousand feet above Oakland after the second-deadliest earthquake in U.S. history , a scene of devastation *ICH*-1 emerges : a freeway crumbled * into a concrete sandwich , [ARG0 hoses] [rel pumping] [ARG2 water] into [ARG1-into once-fashionable apartments] , abandoned autos .
- [ARGM-TMP Two weeks ago] , [ARG0 Citicorp and Mr. Lang] [rel pumped] [ARG2 $ 800,000 *U*] into [ARG1-into Matilda] [ARGM-PNC just *-1 to keep the doors open] .
- [ARG0 Texas] [ARGM-ADV simply] [rel pumped] [ARGM-MNR harder] .
- At the hearing , Mr. Seidman said 0 [ARG0 the RTC] has [ARGM-TMP already] [rel pumped] [ARG2 $ 729 million *U*] into [ARG1-into Lincoln] [ARGM-PNC for liquidity] .
- [ARGM-LOC In an apparent attempt * to keep a lid on short-term interest rates] , [ARG0 the Fed] [ARGM-TMP once again] [rel pumped] [ARG2 money] into [ARG1-into the banking system] .
- [ARG0 The federal government] has had *-1 to [rel pump] in [ARG2 $ 2.28 billion *U*] into [ARG1-into the VA housing program] [ARGM-TMP since 1984] [ARGM-PNC *-2 to keep the fund afloat] and the VA requested an additional $ 120 million *U* for the fiscal year just ended .
- [ARG0 The Fed] , of course , knows that very well -- hence its readiness * to [rel pump] [ARG2 credit] into [ARG1-into the economy] [ARGM-TMP this morning] .