frames- `` The effect will be [ARG0 *] to [rel pull] [ARG1 Asia] [ARG2 together] [ARGM-MNR not as a common market but as an integrated production zone] , '' says 0 *T*-1 Goldman Sachs 's Mr. Hormats .
- Ten shirt-sleeved ringers stand in a circle , one foot ahead of the other in a prize-fighter 's stance , [ARG0 each] [rel pulling] [ARG1 a rope that *T*-225 disappears through a small hole in the high ceiling of the ringing chamber] .
- [ARGM-LOC In the tower] , [ARG0 five men and women] [rel pull] [ARGM-MNR rhythmically] on [ARG1-on ropes attached * to the same five bells that *T*-220 first sounded here in 1614] .
- In China , [ARG0 a great number of workers] are engaged *-18 in *-2 [rel pulling] [ARG2-DIR out] [ARG1 the male organs of rice plants] [ARGM-MNR *-3 using tweezers] , and one-third of rice produced * in that country is grown *-19 from hybrid seeds .
- Back in the chase car , we drove around some more , got stuck *-1 in a ditch , enlisted the aid of [ARG0 a local farmer] 0 *T*-2 to get out the trailer hitch and [rel pull] [ARG1 us] [ARG2-DIR out of the ditch] .
- That meeting sent shivers through the Western alliance because [ARG1 Mr. Reagan] was [rel pulled] *-230 into [ARG2-into * discussing the possible elimination of nuclear weapons without *-1 consulting American allies] .
- [ARG0 Geraldo or Phil] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-ADV probably] [rel pull] [ARG2-DIR up] [ARG1 another camera] and interview the chained protesters .
- On military alternatives if [ARG0 the U.S.] [rel pulls] [ARG2-DIR back] : `` The Soviets already are present .
- Meanwhile , another big Wall Street brokerage firm joined [ARG0 others] that *T*-138 have been [rel pulling] [ARG2-DIR back] [ARGM-DIR from program trading] .
- First Boston is one of [ARG0 the few major Wall Street firms] that *T*-139 have [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel pulled] [ARG2-DIR back] [ARGM-DIR from program trading] [ARGM-TMP in recent days] .
- It 's an activity 0 she feels 0 she can do *T*-1 for life , and by [ARG0 *-2] [rel pulling] [ARG1 a golf cart] , she still gets a good workout .
- [ARG0 Investors] [rel pulled] [ARG2-DIR back] [ARGM-DIR from bond funds] [ARGM-TMP in September] , [ARGM-DIS too] .
- But if reinvested dividends are excluded *-1 , investors put in only $ 340 million *U* more than [ARG0 they] [rel pulled] out [ARGM-TMP for the month] .
- [ARG0 Most Wall Street firms] , in *-1 [rel pulling] [ARG2-DIR back] , have merely stopped such trading for their own accounts .
- And Mr. Straszheim conceded after a recent drop in manufacturing jobs that `` it *EXP*-3 may prove *-2 to be the case that we got whipsawed *-1 -- that [ARG0 we] [rel pulled] [ARG1 the recession forecast] [ARGM-TMP at just the wrong time] . ''
- [ARG0 We] [rel pulled] [ARG1 that forecast] , '' he begins matter-of-factly *T*-1 in a meeting with Piper , Jaffray & Hopwood Inc. officials in Minneapolis , the first stop .
- But even that niche is under attack , as [ARG0 several Wall Street firms] [rel pulled] [ARG2-DIR back from program trading] [ARGM-TMP last week] [ARGM-ADV under pressure from big investors] .
- A Kellogg officer , who *T*-2 asked not *-3 to be named *-1 , said 0 [ARG1 the Memphis project] was `` [rel pulled] *-4 [ARG2-DIR in] [ARGM-PNC for a reconsideration of costs] , '' [ARGM-ADV an indication that the ambitious plans might be scaled *-5 back in any future construction] .
- [ARG0 Toni Johnson] [rel pulls] [ARG1 a tape measure] across [ARG2-across the front of what *T*-1 was once a stately Victorian home] .
- [ARGM-CAU Because of the difficulty of * assessing the damages caused * by the earthquake] , [ARG0 Aetna] [rel pulled] [ARG2 together] [ARG1 a team of its most experienced claims adjusters] [ARGM-DIR from around the country] .
- [ARG0 Compaq Computer] nose-dived $ 8.625 *U* a share , to $ 100 *U* , and [rel pulled] [ARG1 other technology issues] [ARG2 lower] [ARGM-TMP after *-1 reporting lower-than-expected earnings after the stock market closed Wednesday] .
- [ARG0 Richard Secord , the retired Air Force general felled * in the Iran-Contra scandal ,] is all but ruined -- *-1 forced *-2 to sell his Virginia home and [rel pull] [ARG1 his kids] out of [ARG2-of college] , according to a recent fund-raising appeal sent * out on his behalf .
- Each time 0 a new scandal hits *T*-1 , he says 0 *T*-2 , `` [ARG0 it] [rel pulls] [ARG1 the scabs] off [ARG2-off your knees] . ''
- -- Give [ARG0 the EPA] [ARGM-MNR more flexibility] 0 * to declare a pesticide an imminent hazard and [rel pull] [ARG1 it] from [ARG2-from the marketplace] *T*-8 .
- [ARGM-DIS Yet] [ARG0 some funds] have [rel pulled] [ARG2-DIR in] [ARG1 their horns] .
- [ARG0 Conference negotiator Rep. Bill Hefner] [rel pulled] [ARG2-DIR down] [ARG1 $ 40 million *U* in military bases for North Carolina] and graciously allowed Senator James Sasser $ 70 million *U* for bases in Tennessee .
- `` [ARGM-TMP Sometimes] , '' he says *T*-1 , `` [ARG0 we] [ARGM-MOD 'll] [rel pull] [ARG1 someone] off [ARG2-off the phones] [ARGM-PNC for more training] . ''
- While [ARG0 a decline in orders for cars and civilian airplanes] [rel pulled] [ARG2-DIR down] [ARG1 the orders total] , an enormous jump in orders for heavy military equipment propped it up .
- But [ARG0 Mr. Wolf] faces a monumental task in *-1 [rel pulling] [ARG1 the company] [ARG2 back together] [ARGM-TMP again] .
- It comes real gentle before [ARG0 it] [rel pulls] .
- [ARG0 Even Drexel] is [rel pulling] [ARG2-DIR back] .
- [ARGM-LOC Amid the market disorder] , [ARG0 even Drexel , which *T*-1 has the widest and most loyal following of junk bond investors ,] is [rel pulling] [ARG2-DIR in] [ARG1 its horns] .
- Now , the 55-year-old car shopper is zeroing in on a full-sized van , *-1 figuring that it 's [ARG0 just the thing] 0 *T*-2 to haul nine grandchildren and [rel pull] [ARG1 a boat] [ARGM-TMP at the same time] .
- [ARGM-ADV *-1 Asked *-2 *-3 to say a few words] , [ARG0 he] [rel pulls] [ARG2-DIR out] [ARG1 his crumpled piece of paper] and tries *-1 to talk , but he 's too choked up 0 *T*-4 to get the words out .
- [ARG0 The Dallas Cowboys] are looking at a long-yardage situation , *-1 struggling *-2 to [rel pull] [ARG2-DIR ahead of the Atlanta Falcons] .
- `` The -LCB- ministry -RCB- wants *-2 to see [ARG0 the Japanese banks] [rel pull] [ARG2-DIR in] [ARG1 their horns] '' [ARGM-ADV on leveraged buy-outs] , he added 0 *T*-1 .
- And [ARG0 Beijing] has [rel pulled] [ARG2-DIR back] on [ARG1-on domestic loans and subsidies] , * leaving many domestic buyers and export-oriented plants strapped for cash .
- He also noted that [ARG0 the Japanese , who *T*-1 had been buying at prices just above the $ 1.25 *U* level ,] [ARGM-ADV apparently] [rel pulled] [ARG2-DIR back from the market] [ARGM-TMP on Friday] .
- [ARG0 Individual investors , represented * in the general-purpose and broker-dealer fund categories ,] [rel pulled] [ARG1 money] from [ARG2-from the stock market] [ARGM-TMP after its big drop last Friday] and put the money into funds , said 0 *T*-1 Jacob Dreyer , vice president and chief economist of the Institute .
- [ARG0 Energy costs , which *T*-1 drove wholesale prices up sharply during the month ,] continued *-2 to decline at the retail level , *-2 [rel pulling] [ARG2-DIR down] [ARG1 transportation] and helping *-3 to ease housing costs .
- A run-up in world oil prices last winter sent consumer prices soaring at a 6.7 % annual rate in the first five months of this year , but [ARG0 the subsequent decline in energy prices] has [rel pulled] [ARG1 the annual rate] [ARG2-DIR back down to 4.4 %] .
- But Mr. Rivkin insists that [ARG1 the 10 pages] were [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel pulled] *-1 [ARGM-CAU because they were too bullish] .
- Now that [ARG0 Vietnam] appears *-1 to have [rel pulled] out [ARG1 its occupation army] , the State Department is talking again about *-2 accepting an `` interim '' coalition government in the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh .
- It says 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel pull] [ARG1 its clients ' ads] from [ARG2-from those magazines] .
- [ARGM-LOC Down the street] , [ARG0 a car] [rel pulls] into [ARG2-into the Shell station] and is surrounded *-1 by black attendants .
- Program traders were publicly castigated *-1 following the 508-point crash Oct. 19 , 1987 , and [ARG1 a number of brokerage firms] [rel pulled] [ARG2-DIR back] [ARGM-DIR from *-2 using this strategy] [ARGM-TMP for a while] .
- The slack absorbs the [rel pulling] [ARG0 strain] generated * by an earthquake .
- Despite heavily subsidized consumer industries , East Germans have for years watched [ARG1 the West] [rel pull] [ARG2-DIR farther out ahead] .
- In this scenario it *EXP*-2 's hard * to imagine that [ARG1 a pale imitation of the Federal Republic] could avoid *-1 being [rel pulled] *-3 into [ARG2-into some kind of tie -- economic , federal or stronger -- with West Germany] .
- Child care was one of [ARG1 the many `` extraneous '' bills] [rel pulled] * out of [ARG2-of the Senate 's reconciliation bill] [ARGM-TMP last Friday] .
- All this stuff still is in the House 's 1,878-page reconciliation bill , and many Members say 0 [ARG0 they] 're reluctant *-1 to [rel pull] out [ARG1 cherished bills] , [ARGM-PNC * just to see them die] .
- [ARG1 West German government bond prices] took a wild roller-coaster ride , * [rel pulled] [ARG2-DIR down] by [ARG0-by Monday 's U.S. stock market gains] then up by a wider-than-expected U.S. trade deficit and falling U.S. stock prices .
- `` They either pick it up , '' he says *T*-1 , `` or [ARG0 they] start *-2 [rel pulling] from [ARG2-from a fresh direction] . ''
- `` [ARG0 I] [rel pull] [ARG1 my hair] [ARG2-DIR back] , wear a little makeup and look corporate , '' says *T*-2 Ms. Byler , who *T*-1 has been visiting Emerson since January .
- Among Big Board specialists , the cry was `` [ARG0 *] [rel Pull] [ARG1 your offers] '' -- * meaning that specialists soon expected *-1 to get higher prices for their shares .
- `` [ARG0 Futures] were [rel pulling] [ARG1 the stock market] [ARG2-DIR higher] , '' said *T*-1 Donald Selkin , head of stock-index futures research at Prudential-Bache Securities Inc .
- Another analyst thought that [ARG0 India] [ARGM-MOD may] have [rel pulled] [ARG2-DIR back] [ARGM-CAU because of the concern over the stock market] .
- Among Big Board specialists , the cry was `` [ARG0 *] [rel Pull] [ARG1 your offers] '' -- *-2 meaning that specialists soon expected *-1 to get higher prices for their shares .
- A plan currently under study gives [ARG0 Damascus] [ARGM-TMP two years] 0 * to [rel pull] [ARG2-DIR back to eastern Lebanon] *T*-1 , starting from the time 0 Beirut 's legislature increases political power for Moslems *T*-2 .
- At the investment firm of Smith Barney , Harris Upham & Co. , [ARG0 the commodity-chemical segment] is seen *-1 [rel pulling] [ARG2-DIR down] [ARG1 overall profit for 20 companies representative of the whole industry] by [ARG3-by 8 % to 10 % *U*] .
- [ARG0 Readers] who *T*-1 [rel pull] [ARG2-DIR off] [ARG1 a piece of tape] and press a switch will hear a tiny -- but distinctly human-sounding -- voice announce , `` I am the talking chip , '' as it launches into a 15-second discourse on its own attributes .