frames- Gary Hoffman , a Washington lawyer specializing in intellectual-property cases , said 0 the threat of U.S. retaliation , combined * with a growing recognition that [ARG0 *] [rel protecting] [ARG1 intellectual property] is in a country 's own interest , prompted the improvements made * by South Korea , Taiwan and Saudi Arabia .
- [ARG0 Taiwan] has improved its standing with the U.S. by *-2 initialing a bilateral copyright agreement , amending its trademark law and introducing legislation 0 * to [rel protect] [ARG1 foreign movie producers] from [ARG2-from unauthorized showings of their films] *T*-1 .
- The legislation itself noted that it was introduced *-1 `` by request , '' and in 1983 Mr. Wilder introduced [ARG3 a bill] 0 *T*-2 to [rel protect] [ARG1 rape victims] from [ARG2-from unfounded interrogation] .
- Says 0 *ICH*-3 the organization 's founder , John Cannell , * prosecuting Mrs. Yeargin is `` [ARGM-MNR a way] for 0 [ARG0 administrators] to [rel protect] [ARG1 themselves] *T*-4 and look like they take cheating seriously *T*-4 , when in fact they do n't take it seriously at all *T*-1 . ''
- The warnings , issued * to at least 100 criminal defense attorneys in several major cities in the last week , have led to an outcry by members of the organized bar , who *T*-125 claim 0 [ARG1 the information] is [rel protected] *-1 by [ARG3-by attorney-client privilege] .
- As it went to the conference panel now deliberating , the appropriations bill for the executive office of the president for fiscal 1990 contained some breathtaking attempts *ICH*-1 by [ARG0 Congress] * to rewrite the Constitution under the pretext of * [rel protecting] [ARG1 the public 's money] .
- Another proposed reform is * to have program traders answer to an `` uptick rule '' [ARG3 a reform] instituted * after the Great Crash of 1929 that *T*-1 [rel protects] against [ARG2-against stocks being relentlessly beaten *-2 downward by those seeking * to profit from lower prices , namely short sellers] .
- [ARG3 Almost all new regulation] is introduced *-81 in the interests of * [rel protecting] [ARG1 the little guy] , and he invariably is the one least able * to cope with its consequences .
- [ARG0 Congress] could create a compensation program 0 *T*-1 to help such victims while *-2 [rel protecting] [ARG1 the national interest in * encouraging new drugs] .
- The company said 0 [ARG3 the plan] , *-1 under review for some time , [ARGM-MOD will] [rel protect] [ARG1 shareholders] against `` [ARG2-against abusive takeover tactics] .
- Anxiety is rising over recent government proposals * to eventually lower [ARG3 the strict barriers] that *T*-44 [ARGM-TMP now] separate -- and [rel protect] -- [ARG1 the two industries] from [ARG2-from each other] .
- [ARG3 The golden share] dates from Jaguar 's public offering in 1984 and was designed *-1 to [rel protect] [ARG1 the company] from [ARG2-from takeover] .
- A federal judge ruled that Imelda Marcos was n't brought to the U.S. against her will and that [ARG3 marital privileges] , which *T*-234 [rel protect] [ARG1 spouses] from [ARG2-from *-1 incriminating each other] , do n't apply in her case .
- [ARG3 The second marital privilege cited * by Mrs. Marcos] [rel protects] [ARG1 confidential communications between spouses] .
- But Judge Keenan said 0 [ARG3 that privilege] is meant *-1 to [rel protect] [ARG1 private utterances -- not litigation papers filed * with foreign governments , as Mrs. Marcos 's attorneys maintained] .
- The 1988 tax act created [ARG3 a federal bill] of rights spelling out IRS duties * to [rel protect] [ARG1 taxpayers ' rights] [ARGM-LOC in the assessment and collection of taxes] .
- These include [ARG0 *] trying *-1 to [rel protect] [ARG1 its print advertising] [ARGM-MNR by *-1 invoking the First Amendment] , and wooing blacks by *-1 portraying itself as a protector of civil rights .
- But the promise of at least $ 15 million *U* in new savings helped *-1 to forge a partnership between HUD Secretary Jack Kemp and [ARG0 lawmakers] wanting * to [rel protect] [ARG1 their projects elsewhere] .
- The compromise bill passed the House last week but *-1 has now provoked jurisdictional fights with [ARG0 the Senate Foreign Relations Committee] , which *T*-81 [ARGM-MNR jealously] [rel protects] [ARG1 its prerogatives over operations at the State Department] .
- [ARG0 Republicans] , meanwhile , want *-1 to try *-2 to [rel protect] [ARG1 the measure] by [ARG3-by * combining it with two politically popular issues that Democrats could find *T*-107 hard 0 *-3 to block *T*-4] .
- Rally 's Inc. said 0 [ARG0 it] adopted a shareholders rights plan * to [rel protect] [ARG1 shareholders] from [ARG2-from an inadequately priced takeover offer] .
- `` [ARG0 The ultimate punishment] , '' he declared *T*-2 , `` [ARGM-MOD will] [rel protect] [ARG1 the law-abiding] from [ARG2-from the vicious , cruel individuals who *T*-1 commit these crimes] . ''
- [ARGM-MNR Under Chapter 11] , [ARG1 a company] continues *-1 to operate , but is [rel protected] from [ARG2-from creditor lawsuits] [ARGM-TMP while it tries *-2 to work out a plan * to pay its debt] .
- And it is estimated that more than 20 % of that , $ 70 billion *U* , goes to `` defensive medicine '' -- those measures taken * by [ARG0 doctors] * to [rel protect] [ARG1 themselves] from [ARG2-from the most unlikely possibilities] .
- Indeed , there are legitimate hedging strategies used * by managers of large portfolios such as pension funds that *T*-1 involve [ARG3 program trading] as a means of * [rel protecting] [ARG1 the assets of their pension beneficiaries] . ''
- Western Union had offered *-1 to swap each $ 1,000 *U* face amount of the notes for six shares of common stock and two new debt issues : a $ 500 *U* note paying an interest rate starting at 16.75 % annually and rising in later years , due in 1992 , and a $ 500 *U* note , due in 1997 , paying a fixed rate of 17 % and including [ARG3 rights] [rel protecting] [ARG1 a holder] against [ARG2-against a decline in the trading price of the bond] .
- Allianz said in its statement that [ARG0 it] was acting *-2 to [rel protect] [ARG1 that interest , which *T*-1 ties it to Navigation Mixte as a partner] .
- It said simply that [ARG0 it] will boost its Navigation Mixte stake as it sees fit over the coming days *-1 to [rel protect] [ARG1 itself] , as long as it has French regulatory officials ' approval .
- Munich-based Allianz 's brief explanatory statement said 0 [ARG0 it] is acting *-1 to [rel protect] [ARG1 its own interests as a shareholder of Navigation Mixte] .
- Four people torched three U.S. flags on the central steps of the U.S. Capitol in a bid * to test [ARG3 a new federal law] [rel protecting] [ARG1 the American flag] from [ARG2-from desecration] .
- The paper gave no details of what the restrictions would entail *T*-1 but said 0 [ARG3 the measures] were necessary * to [rel protect] [ARG1 the domestic market] .
- And [ARG0 *-2] to [rel protect] [ARG1 their reduced capital investment] from [ARG2-from *-4 eroding further] , market makers became quicker *-2 to lower price quotes when sell programs are in progress *T*-3 .
- HUD Secretary Jack Kemp backed an unsuccessful effort * to strike such language last week , but received little support from [ARG0 the White House budget office] , which *T*-1 wants *-2 to [rel protect] [ARG1 space-station funding in the bill] and has tended *-2 to turn its eyes from pork-barrel amendments .
- Bausch & Lomb Inc. said 0 it plans *-2 to introduce next year a new line of sunglasses containing melanin , [ARG3 the pigment] that *T*-1 [rel protects] against [ARG2-against damage from ultraviolet rays] .
- Elizabeth Holtzman , district attorney for Brooklyn , N.Y. , said , `` The appellate division has agreed with our view that despite federal worker-safety laws , [ARG0 state prosecutors] have the power * to [rel protect] [ARG1 working people] . ''
- The government retained the single share after * selling its stake in Jaguar in 1984 -- part of a nationalistic practice of [ARG0 *] [rel protecting] [ARG1 former government-owned enterprises] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to deflect criticism of privatization] .
- The recent bids for United and American Airlines have led [ARG0 Congress] to move with supersonic speed *-1 to [rel protect] [ARG1 incumbent airline managements] .
- The Ministry of Health and Welfare is a ministry of doctors and pharmaceutical companies rather than [ARG0 an organization] dedicated * to * [rel protecting] [ARG1 the health of the people] .
- [ARGM-TMP When industries were weak *T*-1] , [ARG0 it] [rel protected] [ARG1 them] .
- [ARGM-ADV Though growers ca n't always keep the worm from the apple] , [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel protect] [ARG1 themselves] against [ARG2-against the price vagaries of any one variety] [ARGM-MNR by *-1 diversifying -- into the recently imported Gala , a sweet New Zealand native ; the Esopus Spitzenburg , reportedly Thomas Jefferson 's favorite apple ; disease-resistant kinds like the Liberty] .
- *-2 Insisting that [ARG1 they] are [rel protected] *-1 by [ARG3-by the Voting Rights Act] , a group of whites brought a federal suit in 1987 *-2 to demand that the city abandon at-large voting for the nine member City Council and create nine electoral districts , including four safe white districts .
- No federal court has ruled that [ARG3 the Voting Rights Act] [rel protects] [ARG1 a white minority] , but in June the Justice Department approved a districting plan for Birmingham that *T*-1 carves out three white-majority districts and six black-majority districts .
- 4 . When a RICO TRO is being sought *-1 *T*-5 , the prosecutor is required , at the earliest appropriate time , *-2 to state publicly that the government 's request for a TRO , and eventual forfeiture , is made *-3 in full recognition of the rights of third parties -- that is *?* , in * requesting the TRO , the government will not seek *-6 to disrupt the normal , legitimate business activities of the defendant ; will not seek through use of the relation-back doctrine *-6 to take from third parties assets legitimately transferred * to them ; will not seek *-6 to vitiate legitimate business transactions occurring between the defendant and third parties ; and will , in all other respects , assist the court in * ensuring that [ARG1 the rights of third parties] are [rel protected] *-4 , through [ARG3-through * proceeding under -LCB- RICO -RCB- and otherwise] .
- In order *-2 to ensure that [ARG1 the rights of all interested parties] are [rel protected] *-1 , the Criminal Division has instituted the following requirements *-2 to control the use of TROs in RICO prosecutions .
- He said 0 ours is supposed *-1 to be `` a government of laws not of men , '' and yet RICO defenders `` tell us that we should rely on [ARG3 prosecutorial discretion] *-2 to [rel protect] against [ARG2-against overbreadth of RICO] . ''
- [ARG0 *-1] To [rel protect] [ARG1 their claims] , some junk-holders want KKR and perhaps Mr. Gillett to invest new money *ICH*-2 in SCI TV , perhaps $ 50 million or more *U* .
- `` It *EXP*-1 is very clear that those buy orders came from people who *T*-2 wanted [ARG1 their franchise] [rel protected] *-3 , '' said *T*-4 one Chicago-based futures trader .
- And [ARG3 federal insurance] [rel protected] [ARG1 the bank 's 631,163 depositors] .
- Moreover , [ARG3 new lubricants] will be needed *-1 *-2 to [rel protect] [ARG1 compressors] from [ARG2-from the new formulations , which , as with CFCs , *T*-3 are solvents] .
- San Francisco lawyer Timothy H. Fine , who *T*-1 represents franchisees , insists 0 [ARG3 California 's cautiousness] helps *-3 [rel protect] [ARG1 franchisees] from [ARG2-from crafty sales negotiators who *T*-2 push unlawful clauses] .
- *-1 Long considered a potential takeover target , Navigation Mixte had hoped 0 [ARG0 Allianz] [ARGM-MOD would] help [rel protect] [ARG1 it] from [ARG2-from raiders] .
- In general , the thrust of the department 's directive is * to encourage prosecutors to limit pretrial asset seizures if there are less intrusive means of [ARG0 *] [rel protecting] [ARG1 assets 0 the government may subsequently be able *-3 to seize *T*-2 after a conviction] , Mr. Runkel said 0 *T*-1 .
- Gemina said in a statement that `` [ARG0 it] reserves the right * to take any action *-1 to [rel protect] [ARG1 its rights] as a member of the syndicate . ''
- A group of shareholders filed suit against Imperial Corp. of America , Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. , First Executive Corp. and others , *-1 charging [ARG0 them] with *-2 artificially inflating Imperial 's stock price *-3 to [rel protect] [ARG1 certain major investors] .
- Regulators , as well , might have quashed the deal if [ARG1 Tiger 's pilots] had [ARGM-NEG n't] been [rel protected] *-1 , he said 0 *T*-2 .
- Instead , they argued that [ARG3 impeachment] aims *-2 to [rel protect] [ARG1 public institutions] from [ARG2-from people who *T*-1 have abused their positions of trust] , irrespective of the outcome of prior criminal or civil cases .
- [ARG0 He] was [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel protecting] [ARG1 the Freedom Marchers] ; he was tailing them as subversives .
- The preamble says that human life begins at conception and that unborn children have [ARG1 rights] [rel protected] * by [ARG3-by the Constitution] .
- Although *-1 government-controlled , Dassault still is run *-1 by the founder 's son , [ARG0 Chairman Serge Dassault] , who *T*-2 has [ARGM-MNR fiercely] [rel protected] [ARG1 his company 's independence] .
- Adm. Goupil said 0 the navy ca n't wait until 1998 , when the naval Rafale becomes available *T*-1 , *-2 to replace [ARG3 its obsolete fleet of American-made Crusaders] , used since the 1950s * to [rel protect] [ARG1 carriers] from [ARG2-from attack] .
- `` We 're confident that [ARG0 it] [rel protects] [ARG1 our route structure , '' he says *T*-2 , `` and our ability * to grow and prosper] .
- AN UNRESOLVED two-year-old dispute stemming from an Alaskan oil spill has helped *-1 spur a drive for [ARG3 tougher federal laws] 0 *T*-2 to [rel protect] [ARG1 victims of such accidents] .
- The question for [ARG0 investors] is , [ARGM-MNR how] * to [rel protect] [ARG1 these returns] and yet reach a little for additional gains *T*-1 .
- He says 0 courts have held that antitrust considerations are outweighed *-1 in such cases by the need [ARG0 *] to [rel protect] [ARG1 consumers] from [ARG2-from deceptive marketing] .
- Stop orders are sometimes called *-1 `` stop-loss '' orders because [ARG3 they] are frequently used *-2 * to [rel protect] [ARG1 profits] or limit losses .
- The Senate rejected a constitutional amendment that [ARG0 President Bush] sought *T*-1 *-2 to [rel protect] [ARG1 the U.S. flag] from [ARG2-from desecration] .
- Mr. Bush said 0 he would allow the bill to become law without his signature , because he said 0 [ARG3 only a constitutional amendment] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel protect] [ARG1 the flag] [ARGM-MNR adequately] .
- In June , the Supreme Court threw out the conviction of a Texas man who *T*-2 set a flag afire during a 1984 demonstration , *-4 saying 0 he was `` engaging in [ARG1 political expression] '' that *T*-3 is [rel protected] *-1 by [ARG0-by the First Amendment] .
- Mr. Carder also goes through periods when [ARG0 he] buys stocks in conjunction with options *-2 to boost returns and [rel protect] against [ARG2-against declines] *T*-1 .
- Those hearings also highlighted how [ARG0 Gen. Noriega] was able *-1 to use his relationships with these agencies *-3 to delay U.S. action against him , and to exploit the administration 's obsession with * overthrowing the Sandinistas *-4 to [rel protect] [ARG1 his own drug-dealing] *T*-2 .
- `` [ARGM-MNR Under Mr. Ngoc] , [ARG0 Van Nghe] [rel protected] [ARG1 the people instead of the government] , '' says *T*-2 Nguyen Duy , a poet who *T*-1 is the paper 's bureau chief for southern Vietnam .
- `` If you 're going *-3 to be consistent and say 0 it is a [ARG0 constitutionally] [rel protected] [ARG1 right] , '' he asks *T*-6 , `` how are you going *-5 to say 0 an upscale woman who *T*-1 can drive to the hospital or clinic in a nice car has a constitutional right and someone who *T*-2 is not in great shape financially does not *?* *T*-4 ? ''
- By [ARG3-By *-1 spreading their wealth among several investment alternatives] , [ARG0 the respondents] have [rel protected] [ARG1 themselves] against [ARG2-against squalls in any one area] , [ARGM-ADV be it stocks , bonds or real estate] .
- Adds *ICH*-2 Robert Juliano , the head lobbyist for [ARG0 a variety] of interests that *T*-1 want *-3 to [rel protect] [ARG1 the tax deduction for travel and entertainment expenses] : `` It appears as though the whole thing is wide open again . ''
- By *-1 buying futures contracts , [ARG0 these companies] attempt *-1 to [rel protect] [ARG1 themselves] from [ARG2-from swings in the price of the corn that they are obligated *-3 to deliver *T*-2] .
- Therefore , engineering firms , construction contractors and developers can be sued *-1 for *-4 not keeping structures up to standard , and [ARG0 government agencies] can be held *-2 accountable for * failing *-5 to properly [rel protect] [ARG1 citizens] from [ARG2-from such a foreseeable disaster] , if negligence can be proven *-3 .
- But if defendants can prove that they met San Francisco 's stringent building codes , `` [ARG3 that] 's probably going *-1 to [rel protect] [ARG1 them] , '' Mr. Ruvolo says 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG1 Government entities] , continues 0 *T*-2 Mr. Ruvolo , [ARGM-MOD could] be [rel protected] *-1 by [ARG3-by the California Government Tort Liability Act] .
- Built *-4 into the statute are *T*-3 [ARG3 so-called design immunities] , which *T*-1 are likely *-5 to [rel protect] [ARG1 government agencies] , according to Mr. Ruvolo and Richard Covert , a lawyer with the California Department of Transportation , which *T*-2 oversees the damaged Bay Bridge .
- [ARG1 The state] is [rel protected] *-1 [ARGM-TMP when plans and designs for public structures were approved *-2 ahead of time *T*-3 or when structures met previously approved standards *T*-4] , says 0 *T*-5 Mr. Covert .
- In January 1988 , the utility filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the federal Bankruptcy Code , * allowing [ARG1 it] to continue *-1 to operate while *-3 [rel protected] *-2 from [ARG2-from creditors ' lawsuits] .
- One reason : efforts [ARG0 *] to [rel protect] [ARG1 the spotted owl] led to restrictions on logging in the Pacific Northwest , * constricting supply and forcing prices up .
- Instead , [ARG0 they] 're scrambling *-1 to [rel protect] [ARG1 the very programs at the heart of the HUD scandal] .
- [ARG1 Investors and traders in Pacific exchange options] `` are [rel protected] *-1 [ARGM-EXT to the extent that they can convert their put and call options into the underlying instrument] , '' Mr. Luthringshausen said 0 *T*-2 .
- It 's sort of a Chapter 11 situation , '' he added *T*-3 , *-2 referring to [ARG3 the U.S. bankruptcy law] that *T*-1 [rel protects] [ARG1 companies] from [ARG2-from creditors] [ARGM-TMP while they restructure] .
- [ARG0 The government] is [ARGM-ADV actually] [rel protecting] [ARG1 avaricious ice-baggers and other profiteers who *T*-1 can not see beyond their own short-term gain] .
- They divert law-enforcement resources at a time 0 [ARG3 they] are most needed *-1 for *-1 [rel protecting] [ARG1 lives and property] *T*-2 .
- It *EXP*-1 is inhumane * to imply that a poor , unemployed woman can not receive immediate relief for her family at fair prices because [ARG0 she] does not have [ARG1 as much] 0 * to [rel protect] *T*-2 as a rich family .
- `` Now , [ARG0 they] 'll have *-1 to increase their coffers *-2 to [rel protect] [ARGM-PNC for the future] and that means rate increases . ''
- Passive Components makes [ARG3 capacitors and filters] used * *-1 to [rel protect] [ARG1 electronics] .
- In addition to * hedging new stock purchases , [ARG3 the married-put technique] can be used *-2 *-3 to [rel protect] [ARG1 stocks that an investor already owns *T*-1] .
- [ARGM-CAU As a result] , [ARG3 the OEX insurance] may *RNR*-1 or [ARGM-MOD may] [ARGM-NEG not] *RNR*-1 [ARGM-MNR fully] [rel protect] [ARG1 an investor 's holdings] [ARGM-TMP in the event of a market decline] .
- [ARGM-CAU As a result] , [ARG3 the OEX insurance] [ARGM-MOD may *RNR*-1] or may not *RNR*-1 [ARGM-MNR fully] [rel protect] [ARG1 an investor 's holdings] [ARGM-TMP in the event of a market decline] .
- [ARGM-CAU Because a put option gives its owner the right *RNR*-1 , but not the obligation *RNR*-1 , * to sell a fixed number of shares of the stock at a stated price on or before the option 's expiration date] , [ARG1 the investor] is [rel protected] *-2 against [ARG2-against a sudden drop in the stock 's price] .
- Moscow claims 0 [ARG3 this] is all needed * to [rel protect] [ARG1 the Kabul regime] against [ARG2-against the guerrilla resistance] .
- The administration also acknowledges that it is n't pursuing Mr. Reagan 's original vision of [ARG3 an `` impenetrable shield ''] [rel protecting] [ARG1 the whole U.S.] , but rather a more modest version .
- His speech criticized the `` idiocy of notions of [rel protected] [ARG1 groups] in society '' as * opposed to individual equality or , as he put it , in `` a common destiny as Americans . ''
- Thus , you do the public a great disservice when Mr. Greve suggests , even facetiously , that the Clean Water Act prohibits the preparation of a scotch and water *T*-1 ; your tippling readers may be led *-2 to believe that [ARG3 nothing but chance or oversight] [rel protects] [ARG1 them] , [ARGM-ADV as they cower in the night with their scotch and waters] , from [ARG2-from the hairyknuckled knock of the Sierra Club at their doors] .
- [ARG0 They] were [rel protecting] [ARG1 his interests] . ''
- Yesterday , Mr. Trump tried *-1 to put the blame for the collapse of the UAL deal on Congress , *-1 saying 0 [ARG0 it] was rushing through a bill * to [rel protect] [ARG1 AMR executives] .
- Some analysts said 0 [ARG0 AMR Chairman Robert Crandall] might seize the opportunity presented * by the stock price drop *-1 to [rel protect] [ARG1 the nation 's largest airline] with [ARG3-with a defensive transaction , such as the sale of stock to a friendly holder or company employees] .
- Underneath the headline `` Diversification , '' it counsels , `` Based on the events of the past week , all investors need *-1 to know 0 their portfolios are balanced *-2 [ARG3 *] to help *-3 [rel protect] [ARG1 them] against [ARG2-against the market 's volatility] . ''
- It also said 0 it would use that two-and-a-half year period *-2 to work toward an international consensus on * freeing up [ARG1 the international steel trade] , which *T*-1 has been notoriously managed , subsidized and [rel protected] *-3 by [ARG0-by governments] .
- But much of [ARG1 what] [ARG0 the Europeans] want *-2 to [rel protect] *T*-1 seems every bit as cheesy as what they are trying *-3 to keep *T*-4 out .
- The main thing was portfolio insurance , '' [ARG3 a mechanical trading system] intended * to [rel protect] [ARG1 an investor] against [ARG2-against losses] . ``
- The privilege , however , has been limited in accordance with its plain language [ARG0 *-1] to [rel protect] [ARG1 the defendant] [ARGM-MNR in criminal matters only] .
- Even before Friday 's events , Harvard University economist Benjamin Friedman was arguing that [ARG0 the Fed] wo n't be able *-1 to live up to its tough words on * eliminating inflation because of its responsibility * to [rel protect] [ARG1 fragile financial markets , banks and highly leveraged corporations] .
- Instead of [ARG0 *] closing ranks * to [rel protect] [ARG1 the firm 's reputation] , the executive 's internal rivals , led * by a loutish American , demand his resignation .
- Opposition to national service from [ARG0 the Pentagon] , which *T*-2 wants *-3 to [rel protect] [ARG1 its own recruitment process] , also led to the military-service option being dropped *-1 .
- The omnibus can be defeated *-1 , the virus controlled *-3 , and [ARG1 real service] [rel protected] *-4 .
- A report by the conservation group presented * at the U.N.-sponsored Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species in Lausanne accused the four of *-1 trading [rel protected] [ARG1 species] ranging from parakeets to orchids .
- And Justin , in a news release , says , `` *-1 Once competitive , [ARG0 Sony] now resorts to strong-arm tactics in American courtrooms *-1 to carve out *RNR*-2 and [rel protect] [ARG1 *RNR*-2] niche markets . ''
- He also insists that [ARG0 Sony] , no less than others , has a legal right * to [rel protect] [ARG1 its `` trade dress , '' in this case , mostly the colors that it claims 0 *T*-1 make My First Sony products distinctive] .