frames- The rule also prohibits funding for [ARG0 activities] that `` *T*-137 encourage , [rel promote] or advocate [ARG1 abortion] . ''
- `` Today 's action , '' Transportation Secretary Samuel Skinner said *T*-1 , `` represents another milestone in [ARG0 the ongoing program] 0 *T*-2 to [rel promote] [ARG1 vehicle occupant safety in light trucks and minivans] [ARGM-MNR through its extension of passenger car standards] . ''
- The concept begot a slew of copycats , but [ARG0 the banks] stopped *-1 [rel promoting] [ARG1 the packages] .
- Phillip Riese , an American Express executive vice president , says 0 the promotion with Buick is his company 's first with an auto maker , but `` hopefully -LCB- will be -RCB- the first of many '' in [ARG0 the company 's] effort * to [rel promote] [ARG1 its green card] [ARGM-MNR as `` the total car-care card] . ''
- The Nicaraguan president , *-1 citing attacks by the U.S.-backed rebels , suspended a 19-month-old cease-fire and accused [ARG0 Bush] of `` * [rel promoting] [ARG1 death] . ''
- This is [ARG0 the U.N. group] that *T*-26 managed *-1 to traduce its own charter of * [rel promoting] [ARG1 education , science and culture] .
- Seagram says 0 [ARG0 the promotion] is designed *-1 to build brand loyalty rather than [rel promote] [ARG1 heavy drinking] .
- Later , Nissan borrowed other Honda practices , including [ARG0 an engineering `` idea contest ''] 0 *T*-1 to [rel promote] [ARG1 inventiveness] .
- There are [ARGM-MNR better ways] 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel promote] [ARG1 a cause] *T*-1 .
- It might be alleged that [ARG0 TV] has done more than its share * to popularize and [rel promote] [ARG1 non-violent civil disobedience] , so the second situation hypothesized * above would be simply a case of `` chickens coming home * to roost . ''
- Some say 0 the best hope for [ARG0 the Mexicans] is * catching the eye of Japan by *-2 [rel promoting] [ARG1 the one industry 0 the Japanese clearly like *T*-1 -- the border assembly plants , known * as `` maquiladoras , '' which *T*-5 are open to 100 % foreign control] .
- Until now , [ARG0 its corporate ads] , [ARGM-ADV mainly] [rel promoting] [ARG1 its sponsorship of the arts] , have appeared almost exclusively in newspapers and magazines .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-ADV according to David Jones , Humana 's chief executive] , [ARG0 it] [rel promotes] [ARG1 technology monopolies] , stifles innovation and raises prices .
- A Genentech spokeswoman said 0 the agreement calls for [ARG0 Hoechst] to [rel promote] [ARG1 TPA] for [ARG2-for heart patients] and streptokinase for other clot-reducing purposes .
- A Genentech spokeswoman said 0 the agreement calls for [ARG0 Hoechst] to [rel promote] TPA for heart patients and [ARG1 streptokinase] for [ARG2-for other clot-reducing purposes] .
- But Mr. Levine had said 0 [ARG0 the p53 gene] caused cancer by *-2 [rel promoting] [ARG1 growth] , whereas the Johns Hopkins scientists were looking for a gene that *T*-1 suppressed growth .
- Even at the Basic Chemicals , Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Export Promotion Council , [ARG0 the government agency] that *T*-1 [rel promotes] [ARG1 the seed] , the psyllium boom is distant thunder .
- If [ARG0 it] [rel promotes] [ARG1 fashion] [ARGM-MNR too much] , the shop risks *-1 alienating its old-line customers ; by *-2 emphasizing `` value , '' it risks *-2 watering down its high-minded mystique .
- But [ARG0 it] is high enough * to prod the search for future supplies , low enough * to [rel promote] [ARG1 consumption] and , most important , steady enough for both producers and users to believe in *?* .
- Democrats argue that [ARG0 Costa Rica] deserves more assistance for the same reason that Mr. Bush is attending the celebration this weekend : * to reward the country for its stability in a region wracked * with turmoil and for its efforts * to [rel promote] [ARG1 peace] [ARGM-LOC in Nicaragua] .
- The success of `` Batibot '' stands in marked contrast to many academic and government attempts [ARG0 *] to [rel promote] [ARG1 Filipino] [ARGM-MNR as a national language] .
- [ARG0 The OAS] , which *T*-1 tries *-2 to [rel promote] [ARG1 peace and economic development] [ARGM-LOC within the Americas] , is attempting *-3 to find a settlement of the current Panama political crisis .
- U.S. Trust , a 136-year-old institution that *T*-2 is one of the earliest high-net worth banks in the U.S. , has faced intensifying competition from [ARG0 other firms] that *T*-3 have established *RNR*-1 , and [ARGM-MNR heavily] [rel promoted] [ARG1 *RNR*-1] , private-banking businesses of their own .
- His other agreements [ARG0 *] to [rel promote] [ARG1 products] have expired .
- [ARG0 *-2] To [rel promote] [ARG1 its new strategy] , National Convenience said 0 it plans *-1 to spend about $ 12 million *U* on advertising for the year ending June 30 , up from about $ 10 million *U* in fiscal 1989 .
- Seagram will run [ARG0 two interactive ads] *ICH*-4 in December magazines [rel promoting] [ARG1 its Chivas Regal and Crown Royal brands] .
- In addition to *-1 supporting the landmark Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion , Mr. Bush said 0 he opposed [ARG1 the constitutional ban] on abortion that [ARG0 Mr. Reagan] was promising *-2 to [rel promote] *T*-3 .
- Far from [ARG0 *] [rel promoting] [ARG1 a commonality of interests among black , white , Hispanic and other minority voters] , * drawing the district lines according to race suggests that race is the voter 's and the candidate 's most important trait .
- [ARG1 It] was [rel promoted] *-1 [ARGM-LOC on cable services , including MTV , Nick at Night and VH-1 ,] and premiered as the No. 22-rated show for the week .
- `` It 's just a matter of [ARG0 *] marketing and [rel promoting] [ARGM-REC ourselves] , '' says *T*-1 Headley Bell , a fifth-generation horse breeder from Lexington .
- Teleflora will run [ARG0 TV ads] *ICH*-1 at Valentine 's Day [rel promoting] [ARG1 its `` Snoopy 's Love Bouquet] . ''
- [ARG0 Ralston Purina] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel promote] [ARG1 its Chex Party Mix 's three new flavor packets named * for Charlie Brown , Lucy and Linus] .
- `` [ARG0 We] 're not interested in *-3 [rel promoting] [ARG1 every single product that *T*-1 comes along] , '' Mr. Shore says *T*-2 .
- Typically , these measures include [ARG0 reforms] 0 *-1 to downsize the role of government and parastatals in the economy , to open up inward-looking economies to international competition and to [rel promote] [ARG1 the development of a vigorous private sector] .
- [ARGM-LOC In Japan] , [ARG0 the wineries] are [rel promoting] [ARG1 their products ' Pacific roots] and courting restaurant and hotel chefs , whose recommendations *T*-1 carry weight .
- [ARG0 *-1] To [rel promote] [ARG1 Jack Daniel 's] [ARGM-LOC overseas] , Brown-Forman uses the same photos of front porches from Lynchburg , Va. , and avuncular old men in overalls and hightops .
- The investment bank has previously announced that as part of its punishment it would create [ARG0 an independent foundation] 0 *T*-1 to [rel promote] [ARG1 ethical behavior in the securities industry] .
- `` No , darling , '' [ARG0 she] said *T*-1 recently in her fluent , slightly affected English , during [ARGM-TMP a trip] East 0 * to [rel promote] [ARG1 Movieline 's national expansion] *T*-2 .
- He talked about it in every speech 0 he made *T*-2 as [ARG0 he] roamed the country *-3 [rel promoting] [ARG1 his books , which *T*-1 dispense handy how-to advice on * using government information for fun and profit] .
- [ARG0 Cathay] is working *-1 to [rel promote] [ARG1 Hong Kong] as [ARG2-as a destination worth * visiting on its own merits , rather than just a stopover] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Eddington] regards * [rel promoting] [ARG1 Hong Kong] as an important part of * attracting visitors from Japan , South Korea and Taiwan , where the number of people looking * to travel abroad has surged *T*-1 .
- One suit , filed * by more than three dozen investors , charges that Mr. Peterson misused much of the $ 9.7 million *U* put * into [ARG1 a limited partnership] that [ARG0 he] operated and [rel promoted] *T*-1 , *-2 spending some of it *-3 to pay his own legal bills and to invest in other companies in which he had an interest *T*-4 .
- `` We had underfunded Maalox for a year , '' he said 0 *T*-1 , because [ARG0 the company] was concentrating on research and development and * [rel promoting] [ARG1 other drugs] .
- `` [ARG0 People] are [rel promoting] [ARG1 furs] [ARGM-MNR in various ways] and taking the glamour out of the fur business , '' says Stephen Sanders , divisional merchandise manager for Marshall Field 's department store in Chicago .
- [ARG0 More than 200 catalog outfits] are [rel promoting] [ARG1 a low-cost Federal Express service that *T*-1 guarantees pre-Christmas delivery of orders made * by a certain date] .
- Prior to this episode , [ARG0 Sen. Christopher Dodd -LRB- D. , Conn. -RRB-] , *-1 sensing an open field , undertook [ARGM-MNR a personal diplomatic mission] through Central America 0 * to [rel promote] [ARG1 an early disbanding of the rebels] *T*-2 .
- Mr. Conway said 0 [ARG1 the Fox shows appearing on nights when Paramount-MCA shows would n't be offered *-2 *T*-3] [ARGM-MOD could] be [rel promoted] *-1 [ARGM-LOC on the programs produced * by Paramount-MCA] .
- As for Sassy , which *T*-1 competes directly with News Corp. 's Seventeen magazine , Mr. Lang says that in the next two years [ARG0 he] will spend $ 6 million *U* *-2 [rel promoting] and improving [ARG1 the magazine] .
- [ARG0 Sotheby 's] has been [ARGM-MNR aggressively] [rel promoting] [ARG1 the Dorrance sale] .
- Mr. Krenz may need a bit of time *-2 to consolidate his empire , [ARG0 which] *T*-1 would do a lot 0 *T*-3 to [rel promote] [ARG1 Reunification Scenario One] .
- `` Non-smoking should be established *-1 as the norm of social behavior '' around the world , the editorial says 0 *T*-3 , through the enactment of [ARG0 laws] that *T*-2 limit advertising , boost tobacco prices and [rel promote] [ARG1 anti-smoking education] .
- `` [ARG0 They] 're out there * [rel promoting] [ARGM-MNR like crazy] , * trying * to get prices up by promotion , '' said *T*-1 Roy Burry , an analyst with Kidder , Peabody & Co .
- But David Hawkins , an environmental lawyer with the Natural Resources Defense Council , said 0 [ARG0 the research] appears merely *-1 to be [ARGM-MNR a way] 0 * to [rel promote] [ARG1 reformulated gasoline] *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 These and other modern trading methods] `` tend *-1 to [rel promote] [ARG1 dramatic shifts in assets] , '' says 0 *T*-2 George Douglas , first vice president at Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc .
- After * letting aluminum-makers take the recycling lead , a group of the nation 's largest steelmakers started [ARG0 a recycling institute] *-2 to [rel promote] [ARG1 steel cans] to [ARG2-to an environmentally conscious nation] .
- [ARG0 Hospitals] have signed up *-1 to use the messages *-2 to [rel promote] [ARG1 fundraisers] , and Equitable Gas Co. is considering the format *-3 to offer energy tips to consumers .
- `` [ARG0 Our intent] is * to [rel promote] [ARG1 the best alternative] , '' he says *T*-1 .
- But [ARG0 her main thrust] was * to [rel promote] [ARG1 the importance of world-wide free trade and open competition] .
- In [ARG0 *] producing and [rel promoting] [ARG1 `` Capital City] , '' Thames has spent about as much as Shane Longman loses on a good day .
- [ARGM-TMP A quarter of a century ago] [ARG1 national service] was [rel promoted] *-1 [ARGM-MNR as a way of * curing the manifest inequities of the draft -- by , of all things , * expanding the draft] .
- -LRB- In court papers , [ARG0 Sony] says 0 it has spent more than $ 3 million *U* *-1 to [rel promote] [ARG1 the line] , with resulting sales of over a million units . -RRB-