frames- American Express also represents [ARG1 the upscale image] 0 `` [ARG0 we] 're trying *-2 to [rel project] *T*-1 , '' she adds *T*-3 .
- Barbara Donovan , an expert on East Germany at Radio Free Europe in Munich , says 0 [ARG0 Mr. Krenz] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel project] [ARG1 a smooth image] , but she doubts 0 he 's a true reformer .
- And his relative youth could help [ARG0 him] [rel project] [ARG1 a more vibrant image , contrasting with the perception of Mr. Honecker as an out-of-touch old man] .
- [ARG0 *-1] [rel Projecting] [ARG1 the latter] over [ARG2-over several decades] , I find 0 my cash buildup is impressive -- but can any high interest rate prevail for that long ?
- In recent days , [ARG0 Mr. Krenz] has sought *-1 to [rel project] [ARG1 a kinder image] .
- Some of it was necessary * to get federal help flowing to victims , but [ARG0 some] seemed designed *-1 mostly *-2 to [rel project] [ARG1 an image of a White House in action] .