frames- Michael Ross , a New York lawyer who *T*-132 heads the ABA 's grand jury committee , said that [ARG1 lawyers] are [rel prohibited] *-1 by [ARG0-by the ABA 's code of ethics] from [ARG2-from *-1 disclosing information about a client] [ARGM-ADV except where a court orders it *T*-3 or *-1 to prevent the client from *-4 committing a criminal act that *T*-2 could result in death] .
- [ARG0 A Department of Health and Human Services rule adopted * in 1988] [rel prohibits] [ARG1 the use of so-called Title X funds for programs that *T*-136 assist a woman in *-1 obtaining an abortion , such as abortion counseling and referrals] .
- [ARG0 The rule] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel prohibits] [ARG1 funding for activities that `` *T*-137 encourage , promote or advocate abortion] . ''
- The president could probably not avoid this restriction by *-1 choosing people willing * to serve without pay , because [ARG0 the Anti-Deficiency Act] [rel prohibits] [ARG1 voluntary service to the government] .
- There is something inherently suspect about [ARG0 Congress 's] [rel prohibiting] [ARG1 the executive] from [ARG2-from *-1 even studying whether public funds are being wasted *-57 in some favored program or other] .
- Gulf Power had been under investigation for *-1 violating [ARG0 the Utility Holding Company Act] , which *T*-210 [rel prohibits] [ARG1 public utilities] from [ARG2-from *-2 making political contributions] .
- Even after-hours drag ; [ARG1 `` karaoke '' bars , where Japanese revelers sing over recorded music *T*-1 ,] are [rel prohibited] *-2 by [ARG0-by Mexico 's powerful musicians union] .
- The campaign , a patriotic celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Bill of Rights , does n't mention cigarettes or smoking ; [ARG1 cigarette ads] have been [rel prohibited] on [ARG2-on television] [ARGM-TMP since 1971] .
- Congress temporarily halted Mr. Thornburgh 's effort with [ARG0 an appropriation resolution] that *T*-1 [rel prohibited] [ARG1 him] from [ARG2-from *-2 using budgeted funds *-3 to implement his plan] .
- But first on the list of priorities , says 0 *T*-2 the National Federation of Independent Business , is *T*-1 [ARG0 *] to [rel prohibit] [ARG1 state laws requiring the inclusion of specialty items , such as psychiatric care , in basic health plans] .
- Under current copyright laws , it *EXP*-3 is considered *-1 `` fair use '' * to reproduce copyrighted material for one 's personal use or for use by one 's family or friends , while [ARG1 * copying for purposes of resale or profit] is [rel prohibited] *-2 .
- For example , 66 % of the 18 to 24 year olds in the four latest surveys favored [ARG0 an `` open housing '' law] [rel prohibiting] [ARG1 homeowners] from [ARG2-from *-2 refusing on racial grounds *-1 to sell to prospective buyers] .
- The grand jury has also been investigating whether Gulf Power executives violated [ARG0 the federal Utility Holding Company Act] , which *T*-1 [rel prohibits] [ARG1 certain utilities] from [ARG2-from *-2 making political contributions] .
- Under terms of the stock , the Yukon ESOP can demand that the stock be redeemed *-1 for $ 4,090,000 *U* on Nov. 30 , but NBI said 0 [ARG1 it] is [ARGM-MNR legally] [rel prohibited] *-2 from [ARG2-from *-3 making the redemption] .
- Should we focus on the region 's infant-mortality rate when [ARG0 the vocal right-wingers and the school boards , mayors and legislators] [rel prohibit] [ARG1 schools] from [ARG2-from *-1 teaching the two ways -LRB- abstinence or contraceptives -RRB- of * decreasing teen pregnancy] ?
- [ARG0 The ordinance] , [ARGM-LOC in Moon Township] , [rel prohibits] [ARG1 * locating a group home for the handicapped within a mile of another such facility] .
- Mr. Fournier said that [ARGM-MNR as Navigation Mixte chairman] , [ARG1 he] is [rel prohibited] *-1 by [ARG0-by takeover regulations] from [ARG2-from *-2 organizing his own defense or doing anything besides * managing current company business] .
- [ARGM-ADV Among other provisions] , [ARG0 the NIH guidelines] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel prohibit] [ARG1 researchers and members of their immediate families] from [ARG2-from *-3 holding stock in any company that *T*-2 is affected *-1 by the outcome of their research] .
- This follows [ARG0 earlier new guidelines] from the Tax Division [rel prohibiting] [ARG1 Princeton\/Newport-like tax cases] from [ARG2-from * masquerading as RICO cases] .
- [ARGM-ADV While U.S. makers of vodka , rum and other spirits compete against powerhouses abroad] , [ARG0 trade agreements] [rel prohibit] [ARG1 any other country] from [ARG2-from * making bourbon] .
- According to the NHTSA , [ARG0 the new regulations] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel prohibit] [ARG1 anyone other than an importer that *T*-1 has registered with the U.S. government , or a person who *T*-2 has a contract with a registered importer ,] from [ARG2-from *-4 permanently importing a vehicle that *T*-3 does n't meet the U.S. auto safety standards] .
- UPS wo n't discuss its labor practices , but , according to Mr. Cleveland , a former UPS employee , and others , [ARG0 union work rules] [rel prohibit] [ARG1 UPS drivers] from [ARG2-from *-1 doing more than * carrying packages between customers and their vans] .
- They are officially considered *-2 `` strategic , '' and [ARG1 their privatization] is [rel prohibited] *-1 by [ARG0-by the Mexican Constitution] .
- [ARG0 Malaysia 's Banking Secrecy Act] [rel prohibited] [ARG1 the bank] from [ARG2-from *-1 identifying delinquent borrowers] , said 0 *T*-2 Tan Sri Basir .
- [ARGM-ADV Among other things] , [ARG0 the law] [rel prohibits] [ARG1 discrimination on the basis of sex and pregnancy] .
- The Senate rejected a constitutional amendment sought * by Bush [ARG0 0] *T*-1 to [rel prohibit] [ARG1 desecration of the U.S. flag] .
- [ARG0 New York State law] [rel prohibits] [ARG1 insurance brokerages] from [ARG2-from *-1 deriving more than 10 % of revenue from *-2 insuring affiliated companies] .
- I think 0 [ARG0 these regulations] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel prohibit] [ARG1 well-operated programs] [ARGM-LOC in areas across this country] would be wrong 0 * to change *T*-2 ... .
- It has been waging an all-out campaign * to beat back a proposal *ICH*-1 , pushed * by Utah bike groups , * to allow the cycles in [ARGM-LOC federally designated wilderness areas] , where [ARG1 they] are [ARGM-TMP now] [rel prohibited] *T*-2 .
- [ARG1 Sale of the solution in concentrated form to Communist countries] is [rel prohibited] *-1 by [ARG0-by Japanese law] and by international agreement .
- [ARG1 Sale of the solution in concentrated form to Communist countries] is [rel prohibited] *-1 by Japanese law and by [ARG0-by international agreement] .
- Thus , you do the public a great disservice when Mr. Greve suggests , even facetiously , that [ARG0 the Clean Water Act] [rel prohibits] [ARG1 the preparation of a scotch and water] *T*-1 ; your tippling readers may be led *-2 to believe that nothing but chance or oversight protects them , as they cower in the night with their scotch and waters , from the hairyknuckled knock of the Sierra Club at their doors .
- [ARG0 The House 's bill] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel prohibit] [ARG1 dual trading] [ARGM-LOC in markets with daily average volume of 7,000 contracts or more , comprising those considered * too difficult 0 * to track *T*-1 without a sophisticated computer system] .
- One of the major concerns expressed * by the dissenters was that [ARG1 large airlines] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel prohibited] *-1 from [ARG2-from *-2 divesting themselves of smaller entities and producing independent spin-off companies] .
- They hope 0 the foreign deals will divide the Hollywood opposition and prod Congress to push for * ending [ARG0 federal rules] that *T*-1 [rel prohibit] [ARG1 the networks] from [ARG2-from *-3 grabbing a piece of rerun sales and owning part of the shows 0 they put *T*-2 on the air] .