frames- [ARG0 *] [rel Probing] [ARGM-MNR with the stimulators] , National Institutes of Health scientists recently showed how the brain reorganizes motor-control resources after an amputation *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Dr. Vogelstein and a doctoral student , Eric Fearon ,] began months of [ARGM-MNR tedious and often frustrating] [rel probing] of [ARG1-of the chromosomes] *-1 searching for signs of genetic damage .
- [ARG0 He] fusses endlessly over economic statistics , *-1 dissecting them in dozens of ways , *-1 [rel probing] [ARGM-TMP for hours] [ARGM-PNC in search of potential problems] .
- [ARG0 Mechanized vacuum cleaners] [rel probe] [ARG1 the sand] [ARGM-MNR like giant anteaters] ; a whirring ferris wheellike excavator , with buckets instead of seats , chews through layers of compacted sand ; tracks and conveyor belts , *-1 shuttling sand to the screening plants , criss-cross the beach .
- [ARG0 Federal officials] who *T*-1 had been [rel probing] [ARG1 the bank] [ARGM-TMP for months] arranged a merger with European-American Bank & Trust , owned * by six foreign banks , 0 *T*-2 to avert the closedown .
- After the sixth congress , [ARG0 journalists] seized the opportunity provided * by the liberalization *-1 to [rel probe] [ARG1 previously taboo subjects] .
- So [ARG0 Campbell] is talking to its `` brand enthusiasts , '' *-1 [rel probing] [ARG1 their psychological attachment to its soup] .