frames- [ARG0 It] would ease jail overcrowding while *-1 [rel preserving] [ARG1 historic structures] , the company says 0 *T*-2 .
- Besides , Eggers says 0 *T*-1 , [ARG1 grain elevators] are worth * [rel preserving] [ARGM-PNC for aesthetic reasons] -- one famed architect compared them to the pyramids of Egypt .
- So far , [ARG0 no ally] has complained openly , * [rel preserving] [ARG1 the impression that NATO is in line with the Bush position that a quick agreement bringing Soviet conventional forces down to parity with NATO is the West 's top bargaining priority] .
- On U.S. military presence in Asia : *-3 Asked *-4 if [ARG0 his offer * to allow the American military to use facilities in Singapore] [ARGM-MOD would] help [rel preserve] [ARG1 America 's presence] [ARGM-LOC in the region] [ARGM-LOC at bases in the Philippines] , he said , `` What we have done *T*-302 is * make it *EXP*-1 easier for the Philippines to continue *-5 to host American bases without it being said 0 they are lackeys of the imperialists and the only ones in Asia or in Southeast Asia .
- For example , paralyzed car-crash victims occasionally have [ARG1 some intact spinal tissues] that *T*-1 , if *-2 [rel preserved] *-3 by [ARG0-by emergency surgery] , enable partial recovery .
- [ARG0 Sen. Pete Domenici -LRB- R. , N.M. -RRB- , the ranking Republican on the Senate Budget Committee ,] used his influence *-1 to [rel preserve] [ARG1 more than $ 132,000 *U* in subsidies for air service to Sante Fe , N.M. ,] and more than $ 2.1 million *U* would go for service to eight communities in the western Nebraska district of GOP Rep. Virginia Smith on the House Appropriations Committee .
- *-2 To ensure the loyalty of the business sector , Mr. Gorbachev may offer concessions and powers that *T*-1 will allow [ARG0 the business community] to [rel preserve] [ARG1 its own interests] , [ARGM-MNR probably by * restricting competition] .
- [ARG0 Krenz] , however , vowed *-1 to [rel preserve] [ARG1 the Communist Party 's hold on political power] and said 0 East Germans should n't destabilize the nation with unrealistic demands .
- [ARG0 The consortium of scientists and companies] was set *-1 up by Italy *-1 to help *-2 [rel preserve] [ARG1 the fabled city of canals] .
- He notes that , as a lawmaker from the San Francisco area , [ARG0 he] fights each year *-1 to [rel preserve] [ARG1 federal funds for the Bay Area Rapid Transit system] .
- Jaguar officials have indicated 0 they are close to *-3 wrapping up [ARG0 a friendly alliance with GM] that *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel preserve] [ARG1 Jaguar 's independence] , but no deal has been announced *-1 .
- However , as * is common with sweeping legislation , the proposal contains many provisions that *T*-1 could destroy important parts of [ARG1 the system] 0 [ARG0 it] sets out *-3 to [rel preserve] *T*-2 .
- When a House-Senate conference on yesterday 's bill rescinded $ 11.8 million *U* in unexpended funds for a Fort Worth , Texas , economic development project backed * by former Speaker James Wright *T*-1 , Sen. Phil Gramm -LRB- R. , Texas -RRB- insisted last week that [ARG1 the money] be [rel preserved] *-2 .
- And by *-1 substituting yet another landscape architect , Nicholas Quennell , he insists 0 [ARG0 he] can achieve that and other accommodations to gardening reality while *-2 [ARGM-TMP still] [rel preserving] [ARG1 the `` artistic vision '' of a `` truly great artist] . ''
- [ARGM-DIS However] , [ARG0 Atlantic Richfield] [rel preserved] [ARG1 its twopoint advance in the previous session] and added 1\/8 to 103 7\/8 .
- Under -LCB- RICO -RCB- , [ARG0 the government] may seek a temporary restraining order -LRB- TRO -RRB- upon the filing of a RICO indictment , in order *-2 to [rel preserve] [ARG1 all forfeitable assets] [ARGM-TMP until the trial is completed *-1 and judgment entered *-3] .
- The prosecutor must show that [ARG0 less-intrusive remedies -LRB- such as bonds -RRB-] are not likely *-1 to [rel preserve] [ARG1 the assets] [ARGM-PNC for forfeiture] [ARGM-TMP in the event of a conviction] .
- 2 . In *-2 seeking approval of a TRO , the prosecutor must articulate any anticipated impact that forfeiture and the TRO would have *T*-1 on innocent third parties , balanced * against [ARG0 the government 's] need * to [rel preserve] [ARG1 the assets] .
- Two Japanese scientists said 0 they discovered [ARG0 an antibody] that , in laboratory test-tube experiments , *T*-1 kills AIDS-infected cells while *-2 [rel preserving] [ARG1 healthy cells] .
- [ARG0 They] were willing *-2 to trade important provisions in the bailout legislation *-3 to [rel preserve] [ARG1 Mr. Wall 's job] and to avoid a reconfirmation hearing in which he would be called upon *-1 *-5 to testify about Lincoln S&L *T*-4 .
- `` In the next few weeks , [ARG0 I] will be consulting with my political advisers and with the Democratic leaders about the best way of * [rel preserving] [ARG1 the interests of my constituents] , '' said 0 *T*-1 Mr. Garcia , 56 years old .
- At least , that 's a theme emerging among [ARG0 many money managers] who *T*-1 are anxious both *-3 to [rel preserve] [ARG1 the handsome stock-market gains 0 they have already achieved *T*-2 this year] and to catch the next wave of above-average performers .
- So throughout the decade [ARG0 I] have maintained my share of individual retirement accounts and CDs , and tinkered with stocks , bonds and mutual funds , as well as *-1 [rel preserving] [ARG1 my necessary position in the residential real-estate market] .
- His base in South Jersey and on the House Energy and Commerce Committee helped him sustain [ARG0 a network] of political-action committees 0 *T*-1 to [rel preserve] [ARG1 his edge] .
- But for [ARG0 individuals] who *T*-1 buy much smaller amounts and care less *ICH*-2 about relative performance than in * [rel preserving] [ARG1 what they have *T*-3] , that margin is meaningless .
- She said 0 [ARG0 the mural] `` [rel preserves] [ARG1 an era in Stamford and in our country when this type of work was being done *-1 *T*-2] .
- [ARGM-LOC Elsewhere in the Commerce Department] , [ARG1 nearly $ 191.2 million *U* *ICH*-2] is [rel preserved] *-1 for [ARG2-for assistance programs under the Economic Development Administration] .
- The most striking example yesterday may have been in community development funds , where the two houses had separately approved a total of 27 projects valued * at $ 20 million *U* , and [ARG0 the conference] added 15 more valued * at $ 8 million *U* * to [ARGM-ADV ostensibly] [rel preserve] [ARG1 `` balance '' between the House and Senate] *T*-1 .
- The same issue threatens *-2 to spill over to the foreign aid debate , and Mr. Bush also is threatening *-3 to veto [ARG0 any agreement] that *T*-1 [rel preserves] [ARG1 Senate-passed provisions renewing U.S. support for the United Nations Fund for Population Activities] .
- By an 11-2 margin , [ARG0 Senate negotiators] voted *-1 to [rel preserve] [ARG1 the 235 mortgage refinancing plan] , and despite powerful allies , the opposition found itself undercut by an unusual alliance of liberals and conservatives .
- [ARG0 Legitimate ranchers] , who *T*-1 have an interest in * [rel preserving] [ARG1 the herds] , would go out of business .
- Stevens 's dutiful conflation of the public and private realms -- like his beloved master 's -- destroys [ARG1 all] 0 [ARG0 it] was designed *-1 to [rel preserve] *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Aeroflot] thus pays its landing fees , ground-handling and catering bills with fuel , *-1 [rel preserving] [ARG1 its hard currency] .
- Supporters of the legislation view [ARG0 the bill] as an effort * to add stability and certainty to the airline-acquisition process , and * to [rel preserve] [ARG1 the safety and fitness of the industry] .
- Though smaller in total dollars , [ARG0 the conference] agreed *-1 to [rel preserve] [ARG1 an estimated $ 30.6 million *U* in controversial subsidies to carriers serving rural or isolated airports] .
- Friday , 42 franchisees announced the formation of [ARG0 an association] -- called * A.P. Association Inc. -- 0 *T*-1 to `` [rel preserve] [ARG1 the integrity of the Arby 's system] . ''
- But Mr. Valenti , who *T*-1 represents the studios , asserts : `` 0 [ARG0 The whole production industry , to a man ,] is on the side of * [rel preserving] '' [ARG1 the rules] .