frames- [ARG0 Composer Marc Marder , a college friend of Mr. Lane 's who *T*-66 earns his living *-1 playing the double bass in classical music ensembles ,] has [rel prepared] [ARG1 an exciting , eclectic score that *T*-67 tells you what the characters are thinking *T*-2 and feeling *T*-2 far more precisely than intertitles , or even words , would *?*] .
- On weekends , [ARG0 she] came to work *-1 to [rel prepare] [ARG1 study plans] or sometimes , even *-1 to polish the furniture in her classroom .
- `` We would like *-2 to apologize for *-3 having caused huge trouble , '' Fujitsu President Takuma Yamamoto , read *T*-1 from a [rel prepared] [ARG1 statement] as he stood before a packed news conference at his company 's downtown headquarters .
- `` Each day that Congress fails *-1 to act *T*-2 ... will cause additional disruption in our borrowing schedule , * possibly resulting in higher interest costs to the taxpayer , '' Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady said *T*-3 in [ARG1 a speech] [rel prepared] * for [ARG3-for delivery last night to a group of bankers] .
- The company 's [rel prepared] [ARG1 statement] quoted him as *-1 saying , `` The CEO succession is well along and I 've decided for personal reasons *-2 to take early retirement . ''
- In [ARG1 a monthly report] [rel prepared] * for [ARG3-for use at the Fed 's next Federal Open Market Committee meeting on Nov. 14.] , the nation 's central bank found that price increases have moderated and economic activity has grown at a sluggish pace in recent weeks .
- `` I 'm not going *-1 to look stupid , '' vows *T*-2 former Pittsburgh Pirate second baseman Rennie Stennett , sweat dotting his brow as [ARG0 he] [rel prepares] for [ARG3-for some practice swings] .
- Unocal said 0 the venture would enable [ARG0 it] to recover more of its refining and marketing investment and [rel prepare] for [ARG2-for expected growth in exploration , production , chemicals and other areas] .
- [ARGM-DIS Also] , [ARG0 CS First Boston Inc. 's First Boston Corp. unit , the fifth-biggest program trader in September ,] is `` [rel preparing] [ARG1 a response '' to the program-trading outcry] , officials of the firm said 0 *T*-1 .
- He explained , in part , that [ARG0 *] restructuring *-1 to [rel prepare] for [ARG2-for the Common Market expansion due in 1992] `` has become more of a strategic priority , both for companies inside and outside the European Community . ''
- Mr. Phelan 's meeting with the floor brokers comes as [ARG0 he] [rel prepares] [ARG2 *-1 to explain the exchange 's position on program trading to key congressional regulators in a closed session tomorrow] , according to exchange officials .
- As [ARG0 the country 's new leader , Egon Krenz ,] [rel prepared] [ARG2 *-1 to travel to Moscow today for talks with Soviet leader Gorbachev] , hundreds of thousands of East Germans massed in the streets of Leipzig , Halle and Schwerin *-2 to call for internal freedoms and the legalization of the New Forum opposition group .
- Only four months have passed since the Beijing massacre , and [ARG1 few] are [rel prepared] *-1 [ARG2 to predict its ultimate impact] .
- In [ARG1 a statement] [rel prepared] * by [ARG0-by lawyers] for [ARG3-for the university and Connaught] , the parties said 0 they agreed that as a result of * reaching a C 415 million *U* research accord , `` It *EXP*-1 is unnecessary that there be a judgment on the merits -LCB- of the case -RCB- at this time . ''
- That 's the conclusion of [ARG1 an independent report] [rel prepared] * by [ARG0-by the Office of Technology Assessment] [ARGM-CAU at the request of the House and Senate judiciary committees] .
- Its chairman told [ARG0 the union] *-1 to [rel prepare] for [ARG2-for the worst] [ARGM-LOC in next year 's confrontation with employers over a new three-year wage deal] .
- The Merc received considerable criticism in 1987 when it was discovered that its compliance director , Kevin P. Conway , who *T*-4 then was responsible for * policing the exchange 's busy oil and metal pits , `` was engaged *-3 in other personal business activities *ICH*-1 on Exchange time , '' including out-of-state trips , according to [ARG1 a New York Merc report] [rel prepared] * [ARGM-TMP last year] *T*-6 .
- Dr. Toseland , a toxicologist , said 0 [ARG0 he] was [rel preparing] [ARG1 an article] for [ARG3-for a British forensic medical journal] *-2 raising the possibility that the deaths may have occurred after human insulin blunted critical warning signs indicating hypoglycemia , or low blood sugar , which *T*-1 can kill diabetics .
- The next day , as [ARG0 she] [rel prepares] [ARG1 a $ 10,000 *U* check for the Hammacks , which *T*-1 will cover the cost of * demolishing the house and clearing away the debris] , she jumps at the slightest noise .
- But as [ARG0 Congress] [rel prepares] [ARG1 a fresh package of sanctions against Beijing] , the already-tense relationship could get worse .
- Congress inserted the following into the Interior appropriation : `` [ARG0 None of the funds available under this title] may be used *-1 * to [rel prepare] [ARG1 reports on contacts between employees of the Dept. of the Interior and Members and committees of Congress and their staff] . ''
- Executives involved * in * plotting Time 's defense say 0 [ARG0 it] is [ARGM-TMP now] [rel preparing] [ARG1 a countersuit naming both Viacom and Tele-Communications as defendants] .
- Their `` secret '' is that [ARG0 they] gather a small group of advisers around them , listen to what they have *-1 to say *T*-2 , [rel prepare] [ARG1 a business plan] and they are on their way .
- [ARG1 The estimates of real gross national product] [rel prepared] * by [ARG0-by the Bureau of Economic Analysis in the Department of Commerce] significantly understate the rate of economic growth .
- UAL , which *T*-1 had risen $ 9.875 *U* to $ 178.375 *U* in composite trading on the New York Stock Exchange on reports of [ARG1 a new bid] being [rel prepared] *-2 by [ARG0-by the group] , reversed course and plummeted in off-exchange trading after the 5:09 p.m. EDT announcement .
- [ARG0 Santa Fe Pacific Corp.] is [rel preparing] [ARG1 a plan * to sell a 20 % stake in its large real estate unit to a California public employee pension fund for $ 400 million *U* , after which it would spin off the realty operation to shareholders *T*-1] .
- [ARGM-ADV *-2 Worried by European Community directives that *T*-1991 will remove many of the barriers to cross-border insurance services , * starting in mid-1990] , [ARG0 insurers] are rushing *-2 to find partners and [rel preparing] for [ARG2-for price wars] .
- Saturday night she dined in an emergency shelter on [ARG1 salmon steaks] [rel prepared] * by [ARG0-by chefs from one of the city 's four-star restaurants] .
- [ARG0 A labor-management group] is [rel preparing] [ARG1 a revised buy-out bid for United Airlines parent UAL Corp. that *T*-1 would transfer majority ownership to employees while *-2 leaving some stock in public hands] , according to people familiar with the group .
- And [ARG0 you] thought 0 the only reason 0 * to save your canceled checks *T*-1 was * to [rel prepare] for [ARG2-for an IRS audit] .
- The Direct Selling Association , a trade group , points out that [ARG0 its members , which *T*-1 include Amway Corp. ,] cooperate with the IRS *-2 to distribute tax-compliance material to sales people and are helping *-2 to [rel prepare] [ARG1 a public-service television program on the subject] .
- In [ARG1 a speech] [rel prepared] * for [ARG3-for delivery to London 's financial community] , Mr. Lawson summed up current economic policy as a battle * to wring inflation out of the British economy , *-1 using high interest rates as `` the essential instrument '' 0 * to carry out the campaign *T*-2 .
- In [ARG1 a separate speech] [rel prepared] * for [ARG3-for delivery at the dinner] , Robin Leigh-Pemberton , Bank of England governor , conceded that `` demand pressures were even more buoyant than * had been appreciated *-1 '' when the British economy was heating up last year *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 The agency] is [rel preparing] [ARG1 a report , 0 *T*-2 to be issued *-1 today , on the earthquake 's impact on the property- and casualty-insurance industry] .
- [ARG0 The Westin staff] had , [ARGM-MNR kindly] , set out lighted candles in the ballroom , [rel prepared] [ARG1 a cold-cuts buffet] and passed around pillows and blankets .
- [ARG0 Vista Chemical Co. , with three chemical plants in and near Lake Charles , La. ,] `` [rel prepares] for [ARG2-for every hurricane that *T*-1 enters the Gulf of Mexico] , '' says 0 *T*-2 Keith L. Fogg , a company safety director .
- When the company last considered *-2 adding the equipment two years ago *T*-1 , it estimated the cost at $ 21 million *U* to $ 22 million *U* , but [ARG0 a task force] will have *-3 to [rel prepare] [ARG1 a detailed plan] before the company can predict the current cost .
- [ARGM-TMP When she is n't performing for an audience *T*-1] , [ARG0 she] [rel prepares] for [ARG2-for a song] [ARGM-MNR by *-2 removing the wad of gum from her mouth] , and indicates that she 's finished by *-2 sticking the gum back in .
- In [ARG1 a speech] [rel prepared] * for [ARG3-for delivery in New York yesterday] , retired Justice Lewis Powell contested the notion that the last Supreme Court term marked a turn toward conservatism : `` Commentators who *T*-1 agreed on little else unanimously proclaimed a ` shift in direction ' on the court ... .
- [ARG1 His meals] are [ARGM-TMP most often] [rel prepared] by [ARG0-by women 0 he trusts *T*-1 -- his full-time mistress , Vicky Amado , and her mother , Norma] .
- [ARG0 You] talk of times of peace for all , and [ARGM-TMP then] [rel prepare] for [ARG2-for war] . ''
- [ARG0 Fidelity] , [ARGM-DIS for example] , [rel prepared] [ARG1 ads] [ARGM-TMP several months ago] [ARGM-ADV in case of a market plunge] .
- [ARG0 Oil company refineries] ran flat out *-2 to [rel prepare] for [ARG2-for a robust holiday driving season in July and August that *T*-1 did n't materialize] .
- In August , Intel warned that third-quarter earnings might be `` flat to down '' from the previous period 's because of slowing sales growth of its 80386 microprocessor , start-up costs associated * with a line of computers and costs of [ARG0 *] [rel preparing] for [ARG2-for mass shipments of the company 's new 80486 chip in the current quarter] .