frames- Regular TV series ratings have slumped in the past five years , and [ARG0 *] [rel premiering] [ARG1 new shows] is `` a crap shoot , '' Mr. Pilson says 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 It] was promoted *-1 on cable services , including MTV , Nick at Night and VH-1 , and [rel premiered] [ARGM-MNR as the No. 22-rated show for the week] .
- In July , Viacom Inc. formed Viacom Pictures 0 *T*-2 to produce [ARG1 12 low-budget movies] a year that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD will] [rel premiere] [ARGM-LOC on Showtime network] and be distributed *-3 later in various markets , including foreign theaters .
- The operator of cable-television networks said 0 the new Turner Pictures unit will produce [ARG1 movies] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD will] [rel premiere] [ARGM-LOC on Turner Broadcasting 's Turner Network Television channel , or TNT ,] and then will be released *-2 internationally in movie theaters .
- [ARGM-TMP Tonight] , [ARGM-PNC *-1 to kick off the effort] , [ARG0 CNN] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel premiere] [ARG1 its first prime-time newscast in years , an hourlong show at 6 p.m . Eastern time 0 *T*-2 to air head-to-head against the network newscasts] .
- `` Capital City '' is [ARG1 a weekly series] that *T*-1 [rel premiered] [ARGM-LOC here] [ARGM-TMP three weeks ago] [ARGM-LOC amid unprecedented hype by its producer , Thames Television] .