frames- [ARG0 Sen. John Danforth -LRB- R. , Mo . -RRB-] [rel praised] [ARG1 the department 's actions] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 noting that rollover crashes account for almost half of all light-truck deaths] .
- But [ARG0 Rep. Marge Roukema -LRB- R. , N.J . -RRB-] [ARGM-DIS instead] [rel praised] [ARG1 the House 's acceptance of a new youth `` training '' wage , a subminimum that GOP administrations have sought *T*-1 for many years] .
- [ARG0 A song] by American singer Tracy Chapman [rel praising] [ARG1 jailed black leader Nelson Mandela] was banned *-203 from South African state radio and television .
- [ARG0 Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell -LRB- D. , Maine -RRB- , who *T*-259 has been the most prominent Democratic critic of Mr. Bush 's handling of the Soviet relationship ,] [rel praised] [ARG1 the president] for [ARG2-for *-1 arranging the meeting] .
- [ARG0 Analysts and consultants] had mixed reactions to yesterday 's announcements , *-1 [rel praising] [ARG1 Mr. Rifenburgh 's efforts] but questioning whether the company can survive in a highly competitive marketplace .
- [ARG0 Big Board traders] [rel praised] [ARG1 the Jacobson specialists] for [ARG2-for * getting through yesterday without a trading halt] .
- [ARG0 Private-sector leaders] [rel praised] [ARG1 the Conasupo restructuring] .
- [ARG0 Securities regulators] [rel praise] [ARG1 Drexel] for [ARG2-for its energetic effort , led * by government-approved general counsel Saul S. Cohen , 0 *T*-1 to settle its legal problems with the states] .
- A month later , Mr. Jefferies was spared *-1 a jail term by [ARG0 a federal judge] who *T*-2 [rel praised] [ARG1 him] for [ARG2-for *-3 helping the government] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Sloan] [rel praises] [ARG1 the company] as [ARG2-as recession resistant] and notes that it has an annual earnings growth rate of 32 % a year over the past five years .
- [ARG0 Mr. Krenz] is not only closely identified *-1 with his mentor , Mr. Honecker , but also blamed *-1 for *-2 ordering violent police action against protesters this month and for *-2 [rel praising] [ARG1 China] for [ARG2-for *-3 sending tanks against student demonstrators] .
- Undoubtedly [ARG1 Mr. Bush] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel praised] *-1 by [ARG0-by some Latin leaders prone * to pay lip service to nonintervention] , [ARGM-ADV while they privately encourage more assertive U.S. action 0 *T*-2 to remove Gen. Manuel Noriega and safeguard their countries from a Sandinista onslaught] .
- [ARGM-ADV *-1 Visiting Nicaragua] , [ARG0 he] [rel praised] [ARG1 the Sandinistas] for [ARG2-for their electoral system] and chided the Bush administration for *-2 not rewarding the Sandinistas .
- [ARGM-LOC At a news conference] [ARGM-TMP after the close of trading] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] , [ARG0 the Big Board 's Mr. Phelan and other exchange officials] [rel praised] [ARG1 the performance of their computers and personnel] .
- [ARGM-TMP Meanwhile] , [ARG0 Peter DaPuzzo , Shearson 's head of retail equity trading ,] [rel praised] [ARG1 institutional investors in the OTC market , who *T*-1 were heavy buyers of the Nasdaq 's biggest technology issues yesterday amid a flood of selling by other investors] .
- [ARG1 The company] is [rel praised] *-1 by [ARG0-by analysts] for [ARG2-for *-1 sharply lowering its costs in recent years and shedding numerous companies with low profit margins] .
- [ARG1 The only thing] 0 [ARG0 Robert Goldberg] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel praise] *T*-1 about CBS 's new show `` Island Son '' -LRB- Leisure & Arts , Sept. 25 -RRB- was the local color ; unfortunately neither he nor the producers of the show have done their homework .