frames- Modifications *ICH*-3 had been made *-80 to the Souper Combo product at the time 0 the issue was printed *-81 *T*-1 , he says 0 *T*-2 , *-80 making [ARG1 it] less an offender than * was [rel portrayed] *-4 .
- [ARG0 The program traders] , [ARGM-DIS on the other hand] , [rel portray] [ARG1 old-fashioned stock pickers] as [ARG2-as the Neanderthals of the industry] .
- `` I 'm outraged because [ARG0 this company] is [rel portraying] [ARG1 itself] at [ARG2-at the heart of American culture and political freedom] and in fact it 's a killer , '' says *T*-1 Michael Pertschuk , former chairman of the Federal Trade Commission and a tobacco-industry critic .
- These include [ARG0 *] trying *-1 to protect its print advertising by *-1 invoking the First Amendment , and wooing blacks by *-1 [rel portraying] [ARG1 itself] as [ARG2-as a protector of civil rights] .
- In a riveting day of hearings before the House Banking Committee , the examiners described * finding shredded documents , a mysterious Panamanian subsidiary , millions of dollars funneled * into a Swiss bank , and a complacent attitude by Mr. Wall 's deputies , [ARG1 one of whom] *T*-1 was [rel portrayed] *-2 as [ARG2-as * acting more like a public-relations man for the thrift than a federal regulator] .
- [ARG0 Your] were on target regarding industry problems , but wide of the mark in * [rel portraying] [ARG1 the financial health of this company] .
- [ARG0 The British press] , *-2 making a mountain out of a molehill , precipitated an unnecessary economic crisis by *-2 [rel portraying] [ARG1 Mrs. Thatcher] as [ARG2-as an autocrat who *T*-1 had thrown economic policy into confusion by *-3 driving a respected figure from her government] .
- Since its premiere Sept. 16 , the show on which Ms. Chung appears *T*-1 has used [ARG0 an actor] *-2 to [rel portray] [ARG1 the Rev. Vernon Johns , a civil-rights leader ,] and one *-4 to play a teenage drug dealer .
- The network deals a lot with unknowns , including [ARG0 Scott Wentworth] , who *T*-1 [rel portrayed] [ARG1 Mr. Anderson] , and Bill Alton as Father Jenco , but the network has some big names 0 * to contend with *T*-2 , too .
- [ARG0 Ned Beatty] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel portray] [ARG1 former California Gov. Pat Brown] [ARGM-LOC in a forthcoming epsiode on Caryl Chessman , the last man 0 *T*-2 to be executed *-1 in California , in 1960] .
- Older movies have plenty of violence , though [ARG1 it] is [rel portrayed] *-1 [ARGM-MNR in keeping with the more restrictive social conventions of the time] .
- After all , this is the industry that *T*-1 has a hard enough time getting any respect , that *T*-2 is the butt of so many jokes that [ARG0 television 's `` L.A. Law ''] [rel portrays] [ARG1 direct-mail-mogul David] as [ARG2-as short , bald , intensely nerdy , and unremittingly boring] .
- Early in the day , bonds rose modestly on economists ' forecasts that [ARG0 this week 's slate of economic data] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel portray] [ARG1 an economy headed * for trouble] .
- Wells Rich first popularized the Benson & Hedges brand more than 20 years ago with [ARG0 ads] [rel portraying] , [ARGM-DIS among other things] , [ARG1 an elevator door closing on a passenger 's cigarette] .
- Yet the heavy-handedness of the satire also can be effective in a book like this : If [ARG1 the head of AIW] were [ARGM-NEG not] [rel portrayed] *-2 as [ARG2-as an utterly contemptible , malicious dolt] , we would not much care whether his schemes were defeated *-1 , and would not be so diverted in the process .
- And , the attorney general added 0 *T*-1 , [ARG0 First Meridian 's president , Roger V. Sala ,] [rel portrayed] [ARG1 himself] as [ARG2-as a `` financial expert ''] [ARGM-TMP when his qualifications largely consisted of a high-school diploma , work as a real-estate and insurance salesman , and a stint as supervisor at a highway toll booth *T*-2] .
- The lyric chosen * -- `` long strange night '' -- may be an apt footnote to [ARG0 television spots] by both candidates intended * to [rel portray] [ARG1 each other] as [ARG2-as a liar] .
- Mary E. Sommer , corporate counsel for Stamford , said 0 the city has discussed several possible plans for * displaying [ARG0 the mural] , which *T*-1 [rel portrays] [ARG1 various scenes from the Great Depression] .
- But proponents believe 0 they may be able *-1 to shake enough votes *ICH*-2 loose * to override the veto if [ARG0 they] are successful in *-3 [rel portraying] [ARG1 the legislation] as [ARG2-as a matter of parents ' rights] .
- Meanwhile , [ARG0 the Kabul regime] is increasingly successful at * [rel portraying] [ARG1 the resistance] as [ARG2-as bloody-minded fanatics] .
- [ARG0 Sen. Cranston , who *T*-1 had already volunteered his help to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in any investigation of Mr. Keating ,] [rel portrayed] [ARG1 his role in 1987] as [ARG2-as * prodding regulators to act] .