frames- On weekends , [ARG0 she] came to work *-1 to prepare study plans or [ARGM-TMP sometimes] , [ARGM-DIS even] *-1 to [rel polish] [ARG1 the furniture in her classroom] .
- Thanks to centuries of [rel polishing] by [ARG0-by Mother Nature] -- first in the gentle current of the Orange River that *T*-1 carried the stones from South Africa 's interior , then in the cold surf of the ocean , and finally in the coarse sands of the desert -- 98 % of the diamonds uncovered * are of gem quality .
- The reluctance of some states 0 * to let Drexel off the hook could hamper [ARG0 the firm 's] attempts * to [rel polish] [ARG1 its image] [ARGM-TMP after its guilty plea to six felonies last month] , say 0 *T*-1 several people familiar with the discussions .
- * SPRUCING UP THE DIGS : [ARG0 About 200 employees of the Maryland Department of Economic and Employment Development] [ARGM-TMP for four months] painted walls , [rel polished] and carpeted [ARG1 floors] , bought plants , cleaned windows and blinds , and hung pictures [ARGM-LOC at the agency 's Baltimore office] .