frames- When , however , [ARG0 Claudio 's sister , Isabella , a novitiate in a convent ,] goes to Angelo *-1 to [rel plead] [ARG1 her brother 's case] *T*-2 , the obdurate ruler immediately falls in love with her and , in a supreme act of hypocrisy , demands that Isabella yield up her virtue to him in exchange for her brother 's life .
- One of them , a daughter Ariel , died a year ago at age seven after [ARG0 her parents] [ARGM-MNR unsuccessfully] [rel pleaded] for [ARG2-for the drug] .
- [ARGM-TMP After prodding from Mr. Sanford] , [ARG0 U.S. Attorney Jack Eskenazi] [rel pleaded] with [ARG1-with Justice Department officials in Washington] [ARG2 * to let the indictment proceed] .