frames- At the opposite end of the market , Nissan launches its luxury Infiniti division on Nov. 8 -- three years after [ARG0 Honda] [rel pioneered] [ARG1 Japanese luxury cars] and two months after Toyota 's Lexus went on sale .
- The general public may not know his name , but he 's famous -- * make that infamous -- in advertising circles : *-1 A marketing consultant , [ARG0 he] [rel pioneered] [ARG1 *-1 slashing ad agency commissions] , [ARGM-ADV to the delight of advertising clients and the dismay of agencies] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 Mr. Achenbaum] [rel pioneered] [ARG1 negotiated fees , which *T*-293 often worked out to less than 15 %] .
- Though [ARG0 Lloyd 's] [rel pioneered] [ARG1 such now-standard policies as worker 's compensation insurance , burglary insurance for homeowners and businesses , and bankers ' liability insurance] , competitors now underwrite most of that business .