frames- Construction spending is believed *-1 to have slipped about 0.5 % from August levels , although economists noted 0 [ARG1 the rate] [ARGM-ADV probably] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pick] up [ARGM-TMP in the months ahead] [ARGM-CAU in response to hurricane and earthquake damage] .
- Auto makers , who *T*-1 began *-2 deferring some equipment purchases last spring , can be expected *-3 to remain cautious about spending if [ARG1 their sales] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel pick] up , machine tool builders say 0 *T*-4 .
- But traders said 0 [ARG1 the market 's tone] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel pick] up [ARGM-TMP this week] [ARGM-ADV if New York City 's $ 787 million *U* bond offering goes well] .
- Out in the oil fields , if [ARG1 activity] [rel picks] up [ARGM-EXT much more] , shortages could appear because so many roughnecks , roustabouts and others left after the crash .
- Mr. Darby called it a `` disappointment '' but predicted 0 [ARG1 exports] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pick] up [ARGM-TMP again] .
- If [ARG1 sales] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel pick] up , the cuts will go deeper and incentives will sprout again .
- [ARGM-DIS Worse] , every week it suffers audience drop-off from `` Murphy Brown '' and [ARG1 viewership on CBS] [rel picks] up [ARGM-TMP again] [ARGM-TMP once `` Teddy Z '' is over and is followed *T*-1 by `` Designing Women] . ''
- Mr. Lothson of PaineWebber said 0 [ARG1 the company 's sales pace] has been [rel picking] up [ARGM-CAU largely because the effect of unfavorable exchange rates has been easing -- a pattern continuing this quarter] .
- [ARG1 Interest] [rel picks] up , [ARGM-DIS though] , [ARGM-TMP when Mr. Gould gets around to * discussing the meaning of the Burgess oddities for the theory of evolution *T*-1] .
- It said 0 sales of such properties were slower than * anticipated *-1 in the third quarter , but it expects [ARG1 sales] to [rel pick] up [ARGM-TMP in the rest of the year] .
- The New York market made its high for the day on the opening and [ARGM-TMP when it dropped below the $ 1.23-a-pound level *T*-1] , [ARG1 selling] [rel picked] up [ARGM-ADV as previous buyers bailed out of their positions and aggressive short sellers -- *-2 anticipating further declines -- moved in] .
- [ARG1 Fund selling] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel picked] up [ARGM-TMP at that point] .
- In the corporate bond market , traders said 0 [ARG1 the new-issue market for junk bonds] is likely *-1 to [rel pick] up following Chicago & North Western Acquisition Corp. 's $ 475 million *U* junk bond offering Friday .
- `` I think 0 [ARG1 inflation] is going *-2 to [rel pick] up [ARGM-TMP through the fall] , '' said *T*-3 Joel Popkin , a specialist on inflation who *T*-1 runs an economic consulting firm here .
- Abortion-rights advocates won last week 's battles , but [ARG1 the war over the nation 's most-contentious social question] is about *-2 to [rel pick] up [ARGM-TMP again] [ARGM-ADV on turf that *T*-1 favors those seeking * to restrict abortions] .
- Refiners say 0 [ARG1 margins] [rel picked] up [ARGM-TMP in September] , and many industry officials believe 0 gasoline profits will rebound this quarter , though still not to the level of 1988 's fourth quarter .