frames- Second , it can be used *-1 * to unwind positions before U.S. trading begins , but at [ARG1 prices] [rel pegged] * to [ARG2-to the previous session 's Big Board close] .
- While [ARG1 the minimum wage] had [ARGM-TMP traditionally] been [rel pegged] *-164 at [ARG2-at half the average U.S. manufacturing wage] , the level of $ 4.25 *U* an hour in 1991 will still be less than 35 % of average factory pay , Mr. Williams said 0 *T*-1 .
- But small-business lobbyists say 0 they support the idea , included * in the Kennedy-Waxman bill , of new laws or regulations requiring greater use of [ARG0 community rating] , which *T*-2 [rel pegs] [ARG1 rates] to [ARG2-to the use of health care by a community or other large group] , and *T*-2 is designed *-3 *-1 to prevent insurance companies from *-4 taking only low-risk small companies as clients .
- *-2 To keep [ARG1 the exchange rate] [rel pegged] *-1 , Mr. Lawson tightened monetary policy and pushed interest rates up to 15 % .
- This change in the British capital account required an offsetting change in the trade account , a change that *T*-2 could not be prevented *-1 by [ARG0 *] [rel pegging] [ARG1 the currency] .
- Even though [ARG1 the currency] is [rel pegged] *-1 to [ARG2-to the U.S. dollar] , [ARGM-MNR with a fixed exchange rate of HK$ 7.8 *U* to the American currency] , the U.S. and Hong Kong economies do n't always move in lock step , * making it *EXP*-3 difficult * to predict where interest rates in the colony will go *T*-2 .
- Bob Chandross , chief economist at Lloyds Bank in New York , also noted that [ARG1 the pound 's sharp decline] is [rel pegged] *-1 more to [ARG2-to uncertainty in the market] [ARGM-ADV than a vision of altered United Kingdom economic policies] .
- [ARG0 Analysts] [rel peg] [ARG1 the dollar 's recent weakness] to [ARG2-to an underlying slowdown in the U.S. economy , highlighted * by recent economic data , particularly a surprisingly sharp widening in the August U.S. trade gap] .
- [ARG1 The trade surplus with Europe] was [rel pegged] *-1 at [ARG2-at $ 414 million *U*] , [ARGM-ADV down 57 % from a year ago] .
- [ARG1 Its resilience around these levels] is [rel pegged] *-1 to [ARG2-to persistent investor demand for the greenback , especially in Japan] .
- Sarah Hall , an analyst at James Capel -LRB- Far East -RRB- Ltd. , says 0 there is n't much 0 Cathay can do *T*-3 about rising costs for jet fuel , Hong Kong 's tight labor market , or the strengthening of [ARG1 the local currency] , which *T*-2 is [rel pegged] *-1 to [ARG2-to the U.S. dollar] .
- Pemex officials would n't say how much money the new contract would save the company *T*-1 , but [ARG0 one previous government estimate] [rel pegged] [ARG1 savings] at [ARG2-at around $ 500 million *U* a year] .
- They and other top executives signed long-term employment contracts and Mr. Della Femina will receive [ARG1 an additional multimillion-dollar sum] , which [ARG0 some industry executives] [rel pegged] *T*-1 at [ARG2-at about $ 10 million *U*] .
- [ARG0 It] would like *-2 to [rel peg] [ARG1 the ceiling on Federal Housing Administration mortgage guarantees] to [ARG2-to 95 % of the median price in a particular market] , instead of *-3 limiting it to $ 101,250 *U* ; reduce *RNR*-1 -LRB- or even eliminate *RNR*-1 -RRB- FHA down-payment requirements and increase the availability of variable-rate mortgages ; expand the Veterans Affairs Department loan guarantee program ; provide `` adequate '' funding for the Farmers Home Administration -LRB- FmHA -RRB- ; increase federal funding and tax incentives for the construction of low-income and rental housing , including $ 4 billion *U* in block grants to states and localities ; and `` fully fund '' the McKinney Act , a $ 656 million *U* potpourri for the homeless .
- [ARG1 SHV , which *T*-2 last year merged its North Sea oil and gas operations with those of Calor Group PLC ,] has been [rel pegged] *-1 by [ARG0-by speculators] as [ARG2-as a possible suitor for Burmah Oil] [ARGM-TMP in recent weeks] .
- Zenith holders will vote in December on the proposed $ 635 million *U* sale , a price that *T*-2 could slip because [ARG1 it] is [rel pegged] *-1 to [ARG2-to Zenith 's share and sales] .