frames- [ARG0 Premark International Inc.] , [ARGM-DIS for example] , [rel peddles] [ARG1 the M8.7sp Electronic Cycling Simulator , a $ 2,000 *U* stationary cycle] .
- [ARG0 His daughter] turns to dressmaking , then to * [rel peddling] [ARG1-REC herself] for [ARG3-for a few piasters] .
- After the HUD and S&L stories broke , some Congressmen began *-1 to worry that their [ARG1 influence] [rel peddling] at executive-branch and independent agencies might some day get them in trouble .
- Like many young recruits in Japanese securities firms , [ARG0 he] began his career *-1 [rel peddling] [ARG1 stock] to [ARG2-to individual investors] .
- The Tax Reform Act of 1986 , which *T*-1 eliminated [ARG1 many tax shelters] [rel peddled] * by [ARG0-by planners] , and the stock market crash the next year did cause a sharp slump in such demand , and many planners had *-2 to make an unplanned exit from the business .
- `` [ARG0 People] are [ARGM-ADV basically] [rel peddling] [ARG1 a lot of fear] , '' says *T*-1 Arthur Hauptman , a consultant to the American Council on Education in Washington .
- [ARG0 He] used *-1 to be a boiler-room salesman , *-2 [rel peddling] [ARG1 investments in oil and gas wells and rare coins] .
- It is a competence and expertise that some brokers themselves , *-2 overwhelmed *-3 by [ARG1 all the new things] being dreamed up * 0 for [ARG0 them] to [rel peddle] *T*-4 , do n't feel *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Boys on busy street corners] [rel peddle] [ARG1 newspapers of every political stripe] .