frames- `` What *T*-14 matters is [ARG1 what] [ARG0 advertisers] are [rel paying] *T*-15 per [ARG3-per page] , and in that department we are doing fine this fall , '' said *T*-1 Mr. Spoon .
- [ARG0 Commonwealth Edison] is seeking about $ 245 million *U* in rate increases 0 *T*-1 to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for Braidwood 2] .
- [ARGM-CAU *-25 Regarded *-1 as the father of the supercomputer] , [ARG2 Mr. Cray] was [rel paid] *-25 [ARG1 $ 600,000 *U*] [ARGM-LOC at Cray Research] [ARGM-TMP last year] .
- [ARGM-LOC At Cray Computer] , [ARG2 he] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel paid] *-26 [ARG1 $ 240,000 *U*] .
- That measure could compel [ARG0 Taipei 's growing number of small video-viewing parlors] to [rel pay] [ARG2 movie producers] [ARGM-PNC for * showing their films] .
- [ARG0 The Latin American nation] has [rel paid] [ARG3 very little] on [ARG2-on its debt] [ARGM-TMP since early last year] .
- The company is operating under Chapter 11 of the federal Bankruptcy Code , * giving it court protection from creditors ' lawsuits while [ARG0 it] attempts *-1 to work out a plan * to [rel pay] [ARG2 its debts] .
- It 's probably worth [ARG0 *] [rel paying] [ARG3 a premium] for [ARG1-for funds that *T*-42 invest in markets that *T*-43 are partially closed to foreign investors , such as South Korea] , some specialists say 0 *T*-1 .
- Unlike many U.S. investors , [ARG0 those in Asia or Europe seeking foreign-stock exposure] may be less resistant to * [rel paying] [ARG3 higher prices] for [ARG1-for country funds] .
- That way [ARG0 investors] can essentially buy the funds without *-1 [rel paying] [ARG3 the premium] .
- And then [ARG3-for this television commercial] , [rel paid] for * by [ARG0-by Republican Rudolph Giuliani 's campaign] and produced * by Roger Ailes , the master of negative TV ads , really gets down to business .
- [ARG0 Mr. Dinkins] , the ad charges 0 *T*-2 , [ARGM-DIS also] failed *-1 to report his campaign contributions accurately , hid his links to a failing insurance company and [rel paid] [ARG2 a convicted kidnapper] `` [ARGM-MNR through a phony organization with no members , no receipts and no office] . ''
- [ARG0 The city 's Campaign Finance Board] has refused *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG2 Mr. Dinkins] [ARG1 $ 95,142 *U* in matching funds] because his campaign records are incomplete .
- And , says 0 *T*-1 Mr. Dinkins , he did n't know 0 [ARG2 the man] 0 [ARG0 his campaign] [rel paid] *T*-2 for [ARG3-for a get-out-the-vote effort] had been convicted *-3 of kidnapping .
- [ARGM-TMP In September] , [ARG0 she] pleaded guilty and [rel paid] [ARG1 a $ 500 *U* fine] .
- Critics say 0 [ARG0 South Carolina] is [rel paying] [ARG1 a price] [ARGM-MNR by * stressing improved test scores so much] .
- [ARG0 Heritage Media , which already *T*-1 owns about 51 % of POP Radio ,] proposed *-2 [rel paying] [ARG2 POP Radio shareholders] with [ARG1-with shares of a new class of Heritage Media preferred stock that *T*-122 would be convertible into four shares of Heritage Media 's common] .
- The Internal Revenue Service has threatened criminal sanctions against lawyers who *T*-123 fail *-1 to report detailed information about [ARG0 clients] who *T*-124 [rel pay] [ARG2 them] [ARG1 more than $ 10,000 *U* in cash] .
- Mr. Sonnett said that [ARG0 clients] who *T*-130 [rel pay] [ARG1 cash] may include alleged drug dealers who *T*-131 do n't have domestic bank accounts .
- [ARG0 The city] had expected *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 about 11 million yen -LRB- $ 77,000 *U* -RRB-] , but Fujitsu essentially offered *-2 to do it for free .
- a - [ARG1 Average rate] [rel paid] * [ARGM-TMP yesterday] by [ARG0-by 100 large banks and thrifts] [ARGM-LOC in the 10 largest metropolitan areas] as * compiled *-2 by Bank Rate Monitor .
- The offer follows an earlier proposal *ICH*-1 by NL and Mr. Simmons * to help Georgia Gulf restructure or go private in [ARG0 a transaction] that *T*-179 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel pay] [ARG2 shareholders] [ARG1 $ 55 *U* a share] .
- Mr. Leming was n't surprised *-1 by the lower price cited * by NL , *-1 saying 0 he believes that $ 55 *U* a share is `` [ARG1 the most] 0 [ARG0 you] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel pay] *T*-2 for [ARG3-for Georgia Gulf] [ARGM-TMP before it becomes a bad acquisition] . ''
- At the same time , though , he chastised [ARG0 the media] for * [rel paying] [ARG1 such close attention] to [ARG2-to Japanese investment] [ARGM-TMP when other foreign countries , notably Britain , are acquiring more American assets *T*-1] .
- *-4 A high-balance customer that banks pine for *T*-1 , she did n't give much thought to the rates 0 she was receiving *T*-2 , nor to [ARG1 the fees] 0 [ARG0 she] was [rel paying] *T*-3 .
- Deregulation has effectively removed all restrictions on [ARG1 what] [ARG0 banks] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel pay] *T*-201 for [ARG3-for deposits] , as well as opened up the field for new products such as high-rate CDs .
- For nearly a decade , banks have competed for customers primarily with [ARG1 the interest rates] 0 [ARG0 they] [rel pay] *T*-1 on [ARG3-on their deposits] and charge *T*-1 on their loans .
- * Put *-1 another way , the decline in the yield suggests 0 stocks have gotten pretty rich in price relative to [ARG1 the dividends] 0 [ARG0 they] [rel pay] *T*-2 , some market analysts say 0 *T*-3 .
- Those dividend bulls argue that [ARG0 corporations] are in the unusual position of *-2 having plenty of cash left over * after *-1 [rel paying] [ARG1 dividends] and making capital expenditures .
- The company , which *T*-237 recently said 0 [ARG0 it] lacked the profits and capital 0 * to [rel pay] [ARG1 dividends] on [ARG3-on its Series A convertible preferred stock] *T*-1 , said 0 it has hired an investment banker 0 *T*-2 to help it raise additional cash .
- In addition to the extra privacy of these trades , the transactions can often be less expensive * to execute , because [ARG0 the parties] do n't have *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 a floor brokerage fee or a specialist 's fee] .
- [ARG0 Employers] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel pay] [ARG1 the subminimum] [ARGM-TMP for 90 days] , [ARGM-MNR without restriction] , to [ARG2-to workers with less than six months of job experience] *NOT* , and for another 90 days if the company uses a government-certified training program for the young workers .
- The White House previously insisted on [ARG1 an unrestricted six-month training wage] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD could] be [rel paid] *-165 [ARGM-TMP any time 0 a worker of any age took a new job *T*-2] .
- If a competitor enters the game , for example , [ARG0 Mr. Hahn] could face the dilemma of * [rel paying] [ARG1 a premium] for [ARG3-for Nekoosa] or seeing the company fall into the arms of a rival .
- `` There 's [ARG1-above a price] above which I 'm positive 0 [ARG0 Marshall] has the courage 0 * [ARGM-NEG not] to [rel pay] *T*-1 *T*-3 , '' says *T*-2 A.D. Correll , Georgia-Pacific 's executive vice president for pulp and paper .
- [ARG3-for Its budget $ 184 million *U* --] is [rel paid] for *-30 by [ARG0-by you] .
- For example , Campbell is a distant third in the U.K. frozen foods market , where [ARG0 it] [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel paid] [ARG1 24 times earnings] for [ARG3-for Freshbake Foods PLC] and wound up with far more capacity than it could use *?* *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 Average of top rates] [rel paid] * by [ARG0-by major New York banks] on primary new issues of negotiable C.D.s , [ARGM-TMP usually] on [ARG2-on amounts of $ 1 million and more *U*] .
- Yet Section 605 of the appropriations bill for the executive office provides : `` [ARG1 No part of any appropriation for the current fiscal year contained * in this or any other Act] [ARGM-MOD shall] be [rel paid] *-53 to [ARG2-to any person] for [ARG3-for the filling of any position for which he or she has been nominated *-54 *T*-1] [ARGM-TMP after the Senate has voted *-2 not to approve the nomination of said person] . ''
- The language of the appropriations rider implies that any nomination to any position of a rejected nominee will result in [ARG0 the president] being denied *-55 [ARGM-MNR funding] 0 * to [rel pay] [ARG1 that person 's salary] *T*-1 .
- Hearst said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] provide employees with a placement service and [rel pay] [ARG2 them] [ARGM-TMP for 60 days] .
- [ARG0 A buyer who *T*-58 chooses *-1 to fly to his destination] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel pay] for [ARG3-for his own ticket] but gets a companion 's ticket free if they fly on United Airlines .
- As interest rates rose , municipalities owed the banks more than [ARG0 the banks] were [rel paying] [ARG2 them] .
- If [ARG2 the money manager performing this service] is being [rel paid] by [ARG0-by his clients] [ARG3 *-78 to match or beat the return of the S&P 500 index] , he is likely *-1 to remain fully invested at all times .
- Cost-effective index funds just are n't sexy enough * to justify [ARG1 the high fees and commissions] that [ARG0 retail customers] [ARGM-TMP frequently] [rel pay] *T*-1 , and that institutional customers refuse *-3 to pay *T*-2 .
- Cost-effective index funds just are n't sexy enough * to justify [ARG1 the high fees and commissions] that retail customers frequently pay *T*-1 , and that [ARG0 institutional customers] refuse *-3 to [rel pay] *T*-2 .
- *-1 To offset the reduction , Congress approved [ARG1 a $ 20,000 *U* fee] that [ARG0 investors and companies] will have *-3 to [rel pay] *T*-2 [ARGM-TMP each time 0 they make required filings to antitrust regulators about mergers , acquisitions and certain other transactions *T*-4] .
- [ARG0 Reed] is [rel paying] [ARG1 an interim dividend of 4.6 pence] , [ARGM-ADV up 15 % from 4 pence a year earlier] .
- In a leveraged buy-out , a small group of investors acquires a company in a transaction financed * largely by borrowing , with the expectation that [ARG2 the debt] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel paid] *-1 with [ARG1-with funds generated * by the acquired company 's operations or sales of its assets] .
- The limits to legal absurdity stretched another notch this week when the Supreme Court refused *-2 to hear an appeal from a case that *T*-1 says 0 [ARG0 corporate defendants] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel pay] [ARG1 damages] [ARGM-TMP even after *-3 proving that they could not possibly have caused the harm] .
- The ultimate result came in Hymowitz v. Lilly , where the highest New York court expanded the market-share approach for the first time * to say that [ARG0 drug makers that *T*-1 could prove 0 Mindy Hymowitz 's mother did n't use their pill] [ARGM-MOD must] [ARGM-TMP still] [rel pay] [ARG1 their share of any damages] *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-LOC In the Treasury market] , [ARG0 investors] [rel paid] [ARG1 scant attention] to [ARG2-to the day 's economic reports , which *T*-1 for the most part provided a mixed view of the economy] .
- [ARG0 Primerica , which *T*-1 had owned nearly 70 % of Williams ,] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG1 about 16.7 million shares , currently valued * at almost $ 472 million *U* ,] for [ARG3-for the rest of Williams] .
- [ARG0 The financial-services company] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG1 0.82 share] for [ARG3-for each Williams share] .
- But Mr. Ackerman said 0 the buy-back , and [ARG1 the above-market price] [rel paid] * , prove that Mr. Edelman is running *-1 scared .
- But Equitable said 0 it was unable *-1 to find [ARG0 a buyer] willing * to [rel pay] [ARG1 what it considers *T*-2 `` fair value ''] for [ARG3-for Younkers] [ARGM-CAU because of recent turmoil in the bond and stock markets and in retailing] .
- [ARGM-ADV Under terms of the new proposal] , [ARG0 Equus , managed * by Equus Capital Corp. , Houston ,] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 12 *U* cash and one new preferred share with a liquidation preference of $ 1.65 *U* a share for each of Tony Lama 's 2.1 million shares outstanding] .
- The El Paso , Texas , maker of Western boots and leather accessories said 0 [ARG1 the preferred stock] would accrue dividends at a 12 % rate , but [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-NEG n't] be [rel paid] *-1 [ARGM-TMP for the first two years] .
- [ARG0 Sony] is [rel paying] [ARG1 $ 27 *U* a share , or $ 3.55 billion *U*] , [ARGM-MNR cash] and is assuming $ 1.4 billion *U* of long-term debt .
- Its plans * to be acquired *-1 dashed *-2 , Comprehensive Care Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] plans *-3 to sell most of its psychiatric and drug abuse facilities in California and some other assets *-3 to [rel pay] [ARG1 its debt] and provide working capital .
- `` [ARG0 The SEC] has [ARGM-TMP historically] [rel paid] [ARG1 obeisance] to [ARG2-to the ideal of a level playing field] , '' wrote *T*-1 Clyde S. McGregor of Winnetka , Ill. , in one of the 92 letters 0 the agency has received *T*-3 since the changes were proposed *-2 Aug. 17 .
- Several ridiculous projects *ICH*-1 continue , including the `` New International Economic Order , '' which *T*-27 means [ARG0 redistributionism from the West] 0 *T*-2 to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for everyone else 's statism] .
- Average of [ARG1 top rates] [rel paid] * by [ARG0-by major New York banks] on primary new issues of negotiable C.D.s , [ARGM-TMP usually] on [ARG2-on amounts of $ 1 million *U* and more] .
- Because of their longstanding rivalry , GM just `` wants *-1 to make sure 0 [ARG0 Ford] [rel pays] [ARG1 a huge packet] for [ARG3-for -LRB- Jaguar -RRB-] , '' said 0 *T*-2 John Lawson , an auto analyst at London 's Nomura Research Institute .
- Another person close to the talks said , 0 `` It *EXP*-2 is very hard [ARG0 *] to justify *-3 [rel paying] [ARG1 a silly price] for [ARG3-for Jaguar] if an out-and-out bidding war were *-1 to start now . ''
- Democrats argued that the training wage was a way of * allowing [ARG0 employers] to [rel pay] [ARG1 less than the minimum wage] , [ARGM-ADV while new workers need far less than six months *-1 to be trained *-89 for their jobs] .
- [ARG0 Employers] [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel pay] [ARG1 a subminimum `` training wage ''] [ARGM-TMP for 90 days] to [ARG2-to new workers who *T*-122 are up to 19 years old] *NOT* , and then for another 90 days if the company institutes a specific training program for the newcomers .
- He probably did n't penetrate any top-secret files , but [ARG0 the KGB in East Berlin] was willing *-2 to [rel pay] [ARG2 two of his associates , Peter Carl and Dirk Brezinski ,] [ARG1 $ 15,000 *U*] for [ARG3-for some of the material 0 Hess collected *T*-1] .
- Another fight is brewing between Congress and the Bush administration over how [ARG0 *] to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for the savings-and-loan bailout] [ARGM-MNR without *-2 adding to the federal budget deficit] *T*-1 .
- But [ARG1 higher interest rates] [rel paid] * on [ARG3-on off-budget debt] could add billions to the bailout costs , and would n't be subject to congressional scrutiny , Ways and Means members argued 0 *T*-2 .
- Healthcare International Inc. said 0 it reached a 120-day standstill agreement *ICH*-1 with its HealthVest affiliate calling for [ARG0 Healthcare] to [rel pay] [ARG2 HealthVest] [ARG1 $ 5 million *U*] [ARGM-TMP right away] and additional amounts in the future .
- Under the agreement , Healthcare , a manager of health-care facilities , said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel pay] [ARG2 HealthVest] [ARG1 $ 3.9 million *U* in overdue rent and mortgage payments] and repay $ 1.1 million *U* in funds that HealthVest advanced *T*-150 for construction work on facilities .
- In addition , Healthcare agreed *-4 to make [ARG1 monthly rent and mortgage payments of $ 2.7 million to $ 3 million *U* to HealthVest *ICH*-2] during the standstill period , 0 *T*-3 to be [rel paid] *-125 [ARGM-TMP when Healthcare successfully completes asset sales *T*-1] .
- Because Healthcare actually owes HealthVest $ 4.2 million *U* in rent and mortgage payments each month , the amount due above [ARG1 the amount] [rel paid] * will be added *-126 to the three-year note .
- The funds should help *-1 ease a cash bind at [ARG0 HealthVest] , which *T*-152 has been unable *-2 to [rel pay] [ARG3 its debts] because Healthcare has n't made complete rent and mortgage payments since July .
- A spokesman said 0 [ARG0 HealthVest] has [rel paid] [ARG2 two of the three banks 0 it owed interest to *T*-1 in October] and is in negotiations with the third bank .
- [ARGM-ADV *-2 Appalled] , [ARG0 Mr. Green] [ARGM-TMP never] [rel paid] [ARG1 the money] , he testified 0 *T*-1 .
- Two years later , he wrote *-2 to complain that [ARG1 the interest] 0 [ARG0 he] was [rel paying] *T*-1 on [ARG3-on an unsecured $ 10,000 *U* loan] was `` absolutely onerous . ''
- [ARG0 His seven-bedroom cedar and brick house outside of Johnstown] is up for sale *-1 to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for his lawyers] .
- [ARGM-ADV * Compounding the trouble to Japanese investors] , [ARG0 mortgage securities] [rel pay] [ARG1 interest] [ARGM-TMP monthly] , [ARGM-CAU since most mortgages require homeowners to make monthly payments] .
- [ARGM-LOC In Los Angeles] , Arco Plaza was sold *-179 to Shuwa Corp. for $ 620 million *U* in 1986 , and [ARG0 Sumitomo Life Insurance Co.] [rel paid] [ARG1 $ 300 million *U*] for [ARG3-for Atlanta 's IBM Tower] [ARGM-TMP last year] .
- `` Those who *T*-1 have no money and *T*-1 are n't buying think 0 it *EXP*-3 's right * to refrain , but [ARG0 those with money who *T*-193 want *-4 to buy for themselves] [rel pay] [ARG1 no attention] , '' says *T*-2 an official of the Japan-U.S . Business Council .
- [ARG0 Southern Co. 's Gulf Power Co. subsidiary] pleaded guilty to two felony charges of conspiracy * to make illegal political contributions and tax evasion , and [rel paid] [ARG1 $ 500,000 *U* in fines] .
- [ARG0 Jewelry makers] [ARGM-TMP rarely] [rel pay] [ARG1 commissions] and are n't expected *-1 to *?* anytime soon .
- [ARG0 Manville , a forest and building products concern ,] has offered *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG2 the trust] [ARG1 $ 500 million *U*] for [ARG3-for a majority of Manville 's convertible preferred stock] .
- The union sued the state in November 1985 , *-1 alleging that [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MNR intentionally] segregated job classifications by sex and [rel paid] [ARG2 employees in predominantly female jobs] [ARG1 less than males in comparable jobs] .
- [ARGM-ADV Despite the informal nature of the session and the calculated effort * to hold down expectations] , [ARG0 the meeting] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel pay] [ARG1 significant political dividends] for [ARG2-for both leaders] .
- They say 0 these are [ARG1 small prices] 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel pay] *T*-1 for [ARG3-for * galvanizing action for the all-important cause] .
- Eastern 's creditors committee , along with the company , has consistently opposed [ARG1 the pilots ' claim] , which if *-2 [rel paid] *-5 *T*-1 would have *-2 to come out of money 0 both hope *-6 to use *T*-3 *-4 to pay off other bankruptcy claims .
- More recently , he negotiated `` indemnification '' clauses in which [ARG0 an ad agency] [ARGM-LOC in some cases] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel pay] [ARG2 a client] [ARGM-ADV if it drops the account] *T*-1 .
- Last year , [ARG0 Du Pont] agreed *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 4.5 million *U*] for [ARG3-for rights to superconductor work at the University of Houston] .
- [ARG0 They] [rel pay] [ARG1 interest] [ARGM-TMP only for 115 months] , [ARGM-ADV with principal payments beginning thereafter] .
- [ARGM-LOC In an interest-rate options contract] , [ARG0 a client] [rel pays] [ARG1 a fee] to [ARG2-to a bank] for [ARG3-for custom-tailored protection against adverse interest-rate swings for a specified period] .
- He says 0 his team could n't tell whether [ARG2 accounts receivable] had been [rel paid] *-1 or not .
- But it does that at the cost of * deepening the taxpayer 's exposure if [ARG0 the FHA] is forced *-1 to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for more loans going sour] .
- Chrysler Corp. estimates that health costs add $ 700 *U* *ICH*-1 to the price of each of its cars , about $ 300 to $ 500 *U* more per car than [ARG0 foreign competitors] [rel pay] for [ARG3-for health] .
- Congress still is struggling *-1 to dismantle [ARG0 the unpopular Catastrophic Care Act] of 1988 , which *T*-39 boosted benefits for the elderly and *-2 taxed them *-3 to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for the new coverage] .
- [ARG0 QVC] agreed *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 19 *U* and one-eighth QVC share] for [ARG3-for each of CVN 's 20 million fully diluted shares] .
- But [ARG1 value] , it turns out 0 *T*-1 , is only what [ARG0 a buyer] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] *T*-82 .
- Mr. Meek said 0 his suspicions were aroused *-1 by several foreign investments by Lincoln , including [ARG1 $ 22 million *U*] [rel paid] * to [ARG2-to Credit Suisse of Switzerland] , an $ 18 million *U* interest in Saudi European Bank in Paris , a $ 17.5 million *U* investment in a Bahamas trading company , and a recently discovered holding in a Panama-based company , Southbrook Holdings .
- The company said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] repurchase half of its common shares at $ 70 *U* each , sell an estimated $ 1.1 billion *U* in assets and [rel pay] [ARG1 a special preferred-stock dividend] to [ARG2-to common-stock holders] .
- As part of the agreement , Cilcorp said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG2 Hunter] [ARG1 $ 4 million *U*] in [ARG3-in exchange for agreements * not to compete] .
- [ARG0 Southern 's Gulf Power unit] [rel paid] [ARG1 $ 500,000 *U* in fines] [ARGM-TMP after *-1 pleading guilty to conspiracy * to make illegal political contributions and tax evasion] .
- For at least the next six months , however , [ARG0 Avery] will continue *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 200,000 *U* a month] for [ARG3-for management services] to [ARG2-to a company controlled * by Messrs. Peltz and May] , according to the proxy material .
- [ARG0 Avery] [rel paid] [ARG1 $ 750 million *U* , including various legal and financing fees ,] [ARG3 *-1 to acquire Uniroyal Chemical , Middlebury , Conn. , in 1986] -- a move that *T*-161 burdened Avery with debt .
- [ARG0 Hiroshima] last week held an auction *-1 to pick the contractor , *-1 expecting *-2 to [rel pay] [ARG1 about 11 million yen] for [ARG3-for the project] .
- [ARGM-ADV In addition to *-1 having high price-earnings ratios] , [ARG0 most] [rel pay] [ARG1 puny dividends] , if any .
- Utility stocks , on the other hand , thrive on disinflation , because [ARG1 the fat dividends] 0 [ARG0 utilities] [rel pay] *T*-1 look more attractive when prices are falling -LRB- or rising slowly -RRB- *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Chugai] agreed *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 6.25 *U* a share] for [ARG3-for Gen-Probe 's 17.6 million common shares outstanding] [ARGM-MNR on a fully diluted basis] .
- But rather than *-2 write off home fitness equipment , she traded up : [ARG0 Ms. Igdaloff] [ARGM-TMP just] [rel paid] [ARG1 about $ 900 *U*] for [ARG3-for a fancier stationary bike , with a timer , dials showing average and maximum speeds and a comfortable seat that *T*-1 feels almost like a chair] .
- `` Fast-food jobs are n't popular no matter [ARG1 what] [ARG0 they] [rel pay] *T*-1 , '' says *T*-2 a Tufts official .
- The numbers behind such fears : The average debt of [ARG0 medical school graduates] who *T*-3 borrowed *-2 to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for their education] jumped 10 % to $ 42,374 *U* this year from $ 38,489 *U* in 1988 , says 0 *T*-1 the Association of American Medical Colleges .
- The company complains that [ARG0 it] [rel paid] [ARG1 $ 10 million *U*] to [ARG2-to non-Humana hospitals] [ARGM-TMP in its latest fiscal year] for [ARG3-for services provided * to its insurance plan members] .
- [ARG0 Dow Jones] has offered *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 18 *U* a share , or about $ 576 million *U* ,] for [ARG3-for the remaining Telerate stake] .
- The Lone Star Steel lawsuit also asks the court *-2 to rule that Lone Star Technologies is jointly responsible for [ARG1 a $ 4.5 million *U* Lone Star Steel pension payment] that *T*-1 was due , but was [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel paid] *-3 , [ARGM-TMP in September] and that the parent company ca n't recover the amount from its subsidiary if the parent company makes the payment .
- Under Chapter 11 , a company continues *-1 to operate , but is protected from creditor lawsuits while [ARG0 it] tries *-2 to work out a plan * to [rel pay] [ARG3 its debt] .
- At stake was *T*-3 an $ 80,000 *U* settlement involving [ARG0 who] *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD should] [rel pay] [ARG1 what share of cleanup costs at the site of a former gas station , where underground fuel tanks had leaked and contaminated the soil *T*-2] .
- Its problem , they say *T*-1 , is that [ARG0 management] [rel paid] [ARG1 too much] [ARGM-LOC in the leveraged buy-out] and the current $ 515 million *U* debt load is keeping Revco in the red .
- Also , [ARG1 the premiums] [rel paid] * by [ARG0-by the U.S. government] on [ARG3-on a purchase of copper for the U.S. Mint] were lower than * expected , and acted as a price depressant , analysts said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 the Population Council , a 37-year-old , $ 20 million *U* nonprofit organization that *T*-487 has the backing of the Rockefeller and Mellon foundations and currently subsidizes most U.S. research on contraceptives ,] has [ARGM-TMP recently] been [rel paying] for [ARG3-for U.S. studies of RU-486 on a license from its French developer , Roussel-Uclaf , a joint subsidiary of the German pharmaceutical company Hoechst and the French government] .
- Because the federal pension agency had taken over the old plans , LTV would be responsible only for [ARG1 benefits] [rel paid] * [ARGM-LOC under the new pension plans] .
- Termination means that [ARG0 the agency 's insurance] assumes the liabilities and [rel pays] [ARG1 the pension benefits already owed * under the plans] , but workers do n't accrue new benefits .
- [ARGM-ADV While the campaign was Mr. Gibbons 's idea] , [ARGM-DIS however] , [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD wo] [ARGM-NEG n't] be [rel paying] for [ARG3-for it] : The donations will come out of the chain 's national advertising fund , which *T*-2 is financed *-1 by the franchisees .
- Average of [ARG1 top rates] [rel paid] * by [ARG0-by major New York banks] on primary new issues of negotiable C.D.s , [ARGM-TMP usually] on [ARG2-on amounts of $ 1 million and more *U*] .
- Western Union had said two weeks ago that it might withdraw the pending offer , which *T*-1 would have replaced $ 500 million *U* in [ARG0 so-called reset notes] , [ARGM-TMP now] [rel paying] [ARG1 19.25 % annual interest] and set * to come due in 1992 , with two new issues paying lower interest .
- Western Union had said two weeks ago that it might withdraw the pending offer , which *T*-1 would have replaced $ 500 million *U* in so-called reset notes , now paying 19.25 % annual interest and set * to come due in 1992 , with [ARG0 two new issues] [rel paying] [ARG1 lower interest] .
- Western Union had offered *-1 to swap each $ 1,000 *U* face amount of the notes for six shares of common stock and two new debt issues : [ARG0 a $ 500 *U* note] [rel paying] [ARG1 an interest rate starting at 16.75 % annually and rising in later years] , due in 1992 , and a $ 500 *U* note , due in 1997 , paying a fixed rate of 17 % and including rights protecting a holder against a decline in the trading price of the bond .
- Western Union had offered *-1 to swap each $ 1,000 *U* face amount of the notes for six shares of common stock and two new debt issues : a $ 500 *U* note paying an interest rate starting at 16.75 % annually and rising in later years , due in 1992 , and [ARG0 a $ 500 *U* note] , due in 1997 , [rel paying] [ARG1 a fixed rate of 17 %] and including rights protecting a holder against a decline in the trading price of the bond .
- But dry growing conditions in the Red River Valley of Minnesota and North Dakota are pushing spot prices of potatoes beyond [ARG1 what] [ARG0 Michael] contracted *-2 to [rel pay] *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP last spring] .
- In yesterday 's accord , [ARG0 Quebecor] agreed *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 400 million *U* in cash] for [ARG3-for Maxwell Graphics] , and to give Maxwell Communication a 20 % stake , valued * at $ 100 million *U* , in Quebecor 's new printing subsidiary .
- [ARG0 Caisse de Depot et Placement , the Quebec government pension-fund agency ,] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 112.5 million *U*] for [ARG3-for the remaining 22.5 % stake in the printing operation] .
- Warner , which *T*-2 is in the process of * being acquired *-1 by New York-based Time Warner Inc. , also said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel paid] [ARG2 the two producers] [ARG1 a fixed annual salary of $ 3 million *U*] .
- In a separate matter , the Justice Department yesterday said 0 [ARG0 Boeing] agreed *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG2 the government] [ARG1 $ 11 million *U*] [ARG3 *-2 to settle claims that the company provided inaccurate cost information to the Air Force while *-3 negotiating contracts * to replace the aluminum skins on the KC-135 tanker aircraft] .
- However , since Eastern first filed for Chapter 11 protection March 9 , [ARG0 it] has consistently promised *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG2 creditors] [ARG1 100 cents on the dollar] .
- `` The banks 0 we think 0 *T*-1 would fit into our concept are either government-owned or not for sale , though [ARG0 Deutsche Bank] would be able *-2 to [rel pay] [ARG1 a good price] . ''
- It was the first day of trading following the suspension of Navigation Mixte shares last Monday , when [ARG0 Paribas] announced its plan * to [rel pay] [ARG1 1,850 francs] for [ARG3-for each Navigation Mixte share] *T*-1 .
- The pact calls for [ARG0 the Times] to [rel pay] [ARG2 dealers] [ARG1 $ 3.6 million *U* over six years , as well as other payments in the form of subsidies over three years , based * on the number of `` new customers started * by the dealers and on pricing structures] , '' the Times said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 United Air 's parent] may have *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 as much as $ 53.7 million *U*] to [ARG2-to the labor-management buy-out group] for [ARG3-for fees and expenses incurred * in their failed $ 6.79 billion *U* takeover bid] .
- The company acquired the debt when [ARG0 it] [rel paid] [ARG1 $ 155 million *U*] [ARG3 *-2 to purchase Wilson] [ARGM-TMP last year] *T*-1 .
- What we 're seeing *T*-1 now makes a mockery of the idea of insurance : * collect premiums from the healthy , dump the sick and let [ARG0 them] [rel pay] [ARG2 their own bills] . ''
- As [ARG0 larger companies] increasingly self-insure , or use reserves *-2 to [rel pay] [ARG2 their own workers ' medical bills] , the insurance industry has turned to the small-employer market that *T*-1 was once a backwater for them .
- [ARG0 Small-business people] end up *-1 [rel paying] [ARG1 insurance premiums worth two to three times the cost of one illness] . ''
- During the four-day promotion , [ARG0 shoppers at the Short Hills , N.J. , store] lined up *-1 to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for big-ticket items like coats and suits] .
- The maker of chemical and industrial materials did n't say [ARG1 how much] [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel pay] *T*-3 or when it would make the transactions *T*-2 .
- Under Chapter 11 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code , a company continues *-1 to operate under protection from creditors ' lawsuits while [ARG0 it] works out [ARGM-MNR a plan] 0 * to [rel pay] [ARG1 its debts] *T*-2 .
- Under Chapter 7 , [ARG0 the assets of a company] are sold off *-1 * to [rel pay] [ARG2 creditors] .
- [ARG0 The computing-services concern] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 1,059.04 *U*] for [ARG3-for each $ 1,000 *U* face amount of debt] .
- [ARG0 Air & Water , which *T*-1 provides environmental services and systems ,] [rel paid] [ARG1 about 1.4 million of its shares] for [ARG3-for Falcon] .
- The company 's earnings before interest , taxes and depreciation , which bondholders use *T*-1 a measurement of [ARG0 the chain 's] ability * to [rel pay] [ARG2 its existing debt] , increased 11 % in fiscal 1989 to $ 926.1 million *U* from $ 833.6 million *U* .
- The sale , at a higher price than some analysts had expected *?* , helps [ARG0 the food and tobacco giant] raise funds 0 * to [rel pay] [ARG1 debt] *T*-2 and boosts Nestle 's 7 % share of the U.S. candy market to about 12 % .
- The sale , which *T*-1 had been expected *-2 , is part of [ARG0 KKR 's] program 0 * to [rel pay] down [ARG1 $ 5 billion *U* of a $ 6 billion *U* bridge loan] [ARGM-TMP by February] *T*-3 .
- In addition , Unisys set up an unspecified reserve -- apparently $ 60 million to $ 70 million *U* -- *-1 to cover [ARG1 the minimum amount] 0 [ARG0 it] will have *-2 to [rel pay] [ARG2 the government] *T*-3 [ARGM-CAU because of its involvement in the defense-procurement scandal] .
- Unisys also noted that [ARG0 it] [rel paid] [ARG1 $ 78.8 million *U* in taxes] [ARGM-TMP during the quarter] , [ARGM-ADV even though tax payments normally would be minimal in a quarter that *T*-1 produced such a big loss] .
- That means 0 [ARG0 Unisys] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel pay] [ARG1 about $ 100 million *U* in interest] [ARGM-TMP every quarter] , [ARGM-ADV on top of $ 27 million *U* in dividends on preferred stock] .
- [ARGM-LOC Under the terms] , [ARG0 Milton Roy] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG1 an initial $ 4 million *U* for the operations and additional payments during the next four years based * on the earnings performance of the businesses] .
- *-1 Noting that the company is offering *-2 to buy back $ 154.2 million *U* in [ARG0 senior notes] [rel paying] [ARG1 12 3\/4 %] , he said 0 the response will help *-3 determine future debt-reduction efforts .
- *-1 Underscoring the size of the deficits of the past few years , the Treasury report showed that for the first time [ARG1 interest] [rel paid] * on [ARG2-on the public debt] -- $ 240.86 billion *U* -- exceeded spending on Social Security , the single largest government program .
- CMS Energy Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] would begin *-1 [rel paying] [ARG1 a 10-cent-a-share quarterly dividend , the company 's first since 1984] .
- CMS management said Thursday that they planned *-1 to recommend [ARG0 *-3] [rel paying] [ARG1 a modest dividend] when the board of directors met Friday *T*-2 .
- [ARG1 The dividend] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel paid] *-1 [ARGM-TMP Nov. 22] to [ARG2-to shares of record Nov. 7] .
- [ARG0 Polly Peck , a fast-growing British conglomerate ,] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG1 15.6 billion yen -LRB- $ 110 million *U* -RRB-] for [ARG3-for 39 million new shares of Sansui , a well-known maker of high-fidelity audio equipment that *T*-1 failed *-2 to adjust to changing market conditions] .
- The provision , described * as `` back-end '' protection , would require [ARG0 BellSouth] to [rel pay] [ARG1 a price equivalent to what an outside party might have *-2 to pay *T*-1] .
- The provision , described * as `` back-end '' protection , would require BellSouth to pay a price equivalent to [ARG1 what] [ARG0 an outside party] might have *-2 to [rel pay] *T*-1 .
- *-1 To mollify shareholders concerned * about the long-term value of the company under the BellSouth-LIN agreement , [ARG0 BellSouth] also agreed *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 as much as $ 10 *U* a share , or $ 540 million *U*] , [ARGM-ADV if , after five years , the trading value of the new cellular company is n't as high as the value that shareholders would have realized *T*-2 from the McCaw offer] .
- LIN said 0 [ARG0 it] expects *-2 to borrow [ARG3-MNR the money] 0 * to [rel pay] [ARG1 the dividend] *T*-3 , but commitments from banks still have n't been obtained *-1 .
- The revised LIN-BellSouth agreement boosts the dollar amount of [ARG1 the special dividend] 0 [ARG0 LIN] promises *-2 to [rel pay] [ARG2 shareholders] *T*-1 .
- And * cultivating a luxury image strong enough * to persuade [ARG0 consumers] *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 more than $ 15 *U*] for [ARG3-for lipstick or eye makeup] requires a subtle touch that packaged-goods companies have yet *-2 to demonstrate *T*-3 on their own .
- Moreover , they note 0 *T*-2 , [ARG0 those] who *T*-1 manage *-3 to [rel pay] [ARG3 their own way] often do so only by * selling their homes , using up life savings or drawing heavily on children and other relatives .
- The plaintiffs accused [ARG0 Irving] of *-2 [rel paying] [ARG1 less interest than * promised *?* in a marketing brochure] .
- `` I believe that any good lawyer should be able *-4 to figure out *RNR*-5 and understand *RNR*-5 patent law , '' Judge Mayer says *T*-6 , *-2 adding that `` it *EXP*-3 's the responsibility of [ARGM-ADV highly] [rel paid] [ARG1 lawyers] -LRB- who *T*-1 argue before the court -RRB- * to make us understand -LRB- complex patent litigation -RRB- . ''
- Average of [ARG1 top rates] [rel paid] * by [ARG0-by major New York banks] on primary new issues of negotiable C.D.s , [ARGM-TMP usually] on [ARG2-on amounts of $ 1 million *U* and more] .
- [ARG0 THE YALE POLITICAL UNION] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel pay] [ARG1 an honorarium] to [ARG2-to speakers] .
- In Thursday 's edition , it was incorrectly indicated that [ARG0 the union] had [rel paid] [ARG1 a fee] to [ARG2-to former House Speaker Jim Wright] .
- The individuals said 0 Gulf Power and federal prosecutors are considering a settlement under which [ARG0 the company] [ARGM-MOD would] plead guilty to two felony charges and [rel pay] [ARG1 fines totaling between $ 500,000 and $ 1.5 million *U*] *T*-1 .
- That is n't much compared with what Bill Cosby makes *T*-4 , or even [ARG2 Connie Chung] for that matter -LRB- who *T*-2 is [rel paid] *-1 [ARG1 $ 1.6 million *U* a year] and who *T*-3 recently did a guest shot of her own on the sitcom `` Murphy Brown '' -RRB- .
- The company also changed its dividend policy , under which holders had received an annual 10 cents-a-share payment *T*-2 , by *-4 declaring [ARG1 a four-cents-a-share dividend] , 0 *T*-3 to be [rel paid] *-1 [ARGM-TMP quarterly] on [ARG3-on post-split shares] .
- NBI Inc. said that [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD can] [ARGM-NEG not] [rel pay] [ARG1 the Oct. 31 dividend] on [ARG3-on its Series A convertible preferred stock] , [ARGM-ADV * allowing the stock 's holder to convert the shares into as much as 27.7 % of NBI 's shares outstanding] .
- NBI said that [ARG0 it] has [ARGM-MNR the funds] 0 * to [rel pay] [ARG1 the dividend] *T*-1 , but that it does n't have the surplus or profit required * under Delaware law for payment of the dividend .
- Failure [ARG0 *] to [rel pay] [ARG1 the dividend] allows Yukon to convert all or some of its shares into NBI common after Nov. 30 , at a conversion price based * on NBI 's closing stock price .
- James Snedeker , senior vice president of Gill & Roeser Inc. , a New York-based reinsurance broker , says 0 [ARG0 insurers who *T*-1 took big losses this fall and had purchased little reinsurance in recent years] will be asked *-2 *-3 to [rel pay] [ARG1 some pretty hefty rates] if they want *-4 to buy reinsurance for 1990 .
- [ARG0 The humanitarian assistance] , which *T*-1 [rel pays] for [ARG3-for supplies such as food and clothing for the rebels amassed * along the Nicaraguan border with Honduras] , replaced the military aid cut * off by Congress in February 1988 .
- In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission , DPC Acquisition said 0 it expects 0 [ARG0 it] will need about $ 215 million *U* *-1 to buy the shares and [rel pay] [ARG1 related fees and expenses] .
- [ARG0 Jayark Corp.] agreed *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 4 million *U* in cash , $ 2 million *U* of 12 % convertible debentures , and 1.6 million common shares] [ARG3 *-2 to acquire closely held Kofcoh Imports Inc] .
- There is speculation that property\/casualty firms will sell even more munis as [ARG0 they] scramble *-1 to raise cash 0 * to [rel pay] [ARG1 claims related * to Hurricane Hugo and the Northern California earthquake] *T*-2 .
- The House has voted *-2 to repeal most of the Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988 , however , which *T*-1 would end the monthly catastrophic-care premium , as well as [ARG1 an unpopular income surtax] [rel paid] * by [ARG0-by about 40 % of the wealthier Medicare beneficiaries] .
- [ARG0 Medicare Part B] [rel pays] [ARG1 80 % of a beneficiary 's allowable doctor 's bills] [ARGM-TMP after an annual deductible of $ 75 *U*] .
- The Catastrophic Coverage Act would add a stop-loss provision *ICH*-2 next year 0 *-1 to limit [ARG1 the maximum] 0 [ARG0 beneficiaries] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel pay] *T*-3 for [ARG3-for doctors] .
- If the Senate plan prevails , the premium will be $ 33.90 *U* , with [ARG0 the additional $ 4.90 *U*] going *-1 to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for expanded hospital coverage] [ARGM-LOC under Part A of Medicare] .
- [ARG1 Most of Part A 's costs] are [rel paid] *-1 by [ARG0-by a payroll tax on workers and employers] .
- For [ARG0 an investor] [rel paying] [ARG1 tax] [ARGM-MNR at a 33 % rate] , a seemingly puny 6 % yield on a one-year muni is equivalent to a taxable 9 % .
- It is almost a carbon copy of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange 's Eurodollar contract , which *T*-2 is based *-1 on the three-month Eurodollar rate , [ARG1 the rate] [rel paid] * on [ARG2-on U.S.-dollar deposits] [ARGM-LOC in London banks] .
- Also issued *-2 were *T*-1 10 billion yen of bonds due Dec. 5 , 1994 , priced * at 101 1\/2 , with [ARG1 coupon] [rel paid] * [ARGM-MNR in Australian dollars] , via LTCB International Ltd .
- [ARG1 Interest during first year] [rel paid] *-1 [ARGM-TMP semiannually] [ARGM-MNR at 7.51 %] .
- [ARGM-TMP Thereafter] , [ARG1 interest] [rel paid] *-1 [ARGM-TMP annually] [ARGM-MNR at 7.65 %] .
- Security said 0 [ARG0 it] signed a letter of intent * to purchase La Jolla Bancorp , * agreeing *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 15 *U* of its own stock] for [ARG3-for each share of La Jolla] .
- `` Before futures , '' says *T*-1 New York investor Michael Harkins , `` [ARG0 you] actually had *-2 to [rel pay] [ARG1 attention] to [ARG2-to whether the thing 0 you were buying *T*-3 had any intrinsic value] . ''
- [ARGM-TMP This week] , [ARG0 the U.S. auto giant] [rel paid] [ARG3 for 10 House of Commons members and two House of Lords members to fly to Detroit and tour its operations there] .
- His campaign was caught *-1 flat-footed amid allegations 0 [ARG0 it] [rel paid] [ARG1 almost $ 10,000 *U*] for [ARG3-for what it said 0 *T*-2 was a `` get-out-the-vote '' effort by black activist Sonny Carson , a convicted kidnapper who later *T*-3 said publicly that he is `` anti-white] . ''
- Mr. Hammack is eager *-3 to know [ARG1 what] [ARG0 Aetna] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] *T*-2 for [ARG3-for the house , which *T*-1 has *-4 to come down] .
- It *EXP*-1 suddenly dawns on Mr. Hammack that * rebuilding the house in Los Gatos , an affluent community in Santa Clara County , may cost more than [ARG0 Aetna 's policy] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG1 *?*] .
- Earthquake insurance costs about $ 2 to $ 4 *U* annually for every $ 1,000 *U* of value , and high deductibles mean 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-ADV generally] [rel pays] [ARGM-TMP only when there is a catastrophe *T*-1] .
- If the heavy outflows continue , [ARG0 fund managers] will face increasing pressure * to sell off some of their junk *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG2 departing investors] [ARGM-TMP in the weeks ahead] .
- One analyst said 0 the first ship probably will be delivered *-1 close to schedule , but that [ARG0 Carnival] may have *-2 to [rel pay] [ARG1 up to 25 % more] [ARG3 *-3 to get the second and third ships] .
- At the others , there are going *-3 to be a lot of disappointments , after all those promises and [ARG1 all that big money] that *T*-2 's been [rel paid] *-1 to [ARG2-to people] . ''
- The government is sharpening its newest weapon against white-collar defendants : the power 0 *T*-1 to prevent [ARG0 them] from *-2 [rel paying] [ARG1 their legal bills] .
- And defense lawyers are warning that they wo n't stick around if [ARG2 they] do [ARGM-NEG n't] get [rel paid] *-1 .
- Prosecutors have told Mr. Antar 's attorneys that they believe 0 Mr. Antar 's allegedly ill-gotten gains are so great that [ARG1 any money] 0 [ARG0 he] has used *T*-1 *-2 to [rel pay] [ARG2 attorneys] derives from illegal activities .
- Therefore , they said 0 *T*-3 , the money can be taken *-1 from the lawyers even after [ARG2 they] are [rel paid] *-2 .
- They also worry that if the government applies asset-forfeiture laws broadly , the best defense lawyers will be unwilling *-3 to take criminal cases unless [ARG2 they] are assured *-1 of * being [rel paid] *-2 .
- The issue has come to a boil in Newark , N.J. , where federal prosecutors have warned lawyers for Eddie Antar that if the founder and former chairman of Crazy Eddie Inc. is indicted *-1 , the government may move *-3 to seize the money that [ARG0 Mr. Antar] is using *T*-2 *-4 to [rel pay] [ARG1 legal fees] *T*-5 .
- In those cases , the high court ruled that federal law gives prosecutors broad authority 0 *T*-1 to seize assets of people accused * of racketeering and drug-related crimes , including [ARG1 fees] [rel paid] * to [ARG2-to lawyers] [ARGM-TMP before an indictment] .
- [ARG0 Those companies] are [rel paying] [ARG1 the price for *-1 taking the risk] . ''
- The company wo n't say how much it will save *T*-1 , but during at its interim location , sources say 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-ADV likely] [rel pay] [ARG1 rent of $ 10 to $ 15 *U* per square foot] *T*-2 .
- A one-time write-off for * booking nonexistent revenue was partly *-1 to blame , but so were *T*-2 lower profits from a stingier contract with the Army and delays in [ARG2 *] getting [rel paid] .
- [ARG0 The Dearborn , Mich. , energy company] stopped *-1 [rel paying] [ARG1 a dividend] in the third quarter of 1984 because of troubles at its Midland nuclear plant .
- At a news conference , Mr. Fournier accused [ARG0 Paribas] of *-1 planning *-2 to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for the takeover] [ARGM-MNR by *-3 selling parts of the company , whose interests *T*-4 include insurance , banking , tuna canning , sugar and orange juice] .
- In a study of 250 of the nation 's richest companies , the group found that [ARG0 only seven] managed *-1 to avoid *-2 [rel paying] [ARG1 federal income taxes] last year compared with 40 in 1986 , the last year 0 the old tax rules were in effect *T*-3 , and 16 in 1987 , when some of the new tax provisions went into effect .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-ADV even though companies are paying more taxes] , [ARG0 many] are [ARGM-TMP still] [rel paying] [ARG1 less than the statutory rate] , the report said 0 *T*-1 .
- But even though [ARG0 companies] are [rel paying] [ARG1 more taxes] , many are still paying less than the statutory rate , the report said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARG0 45 companies] [rel paid] [ARG1 effective tax rates of below 10 % of their income] .
- Moreover , [ARG0 41 companies] that *T*-1 paid no federal income tax from 1981 through 1985 -- despite billions of dollars of profits -- ended up *-2 [rel paying] [ARG1 an average of 27.9 % of their income] in [ARG3-in federal taxes] [ARGM-TMP in 1988] .
- [ARGM-DIS Moreover] , [ARG0 41 companies] that *T*-1 [rel paid] [ARG1 no federal income tax] [ARGM-TMP from 1981 through 1985] [ARGM-ADV -- despite billions of dollars of profits --] ended up *-2 paying an average of 27.9 % of their income in federal taxes in 1988 .
- In the corporate realm , the 1986 law abolished the investment-tax credit , scaled back use of an accounting method that *T*-1 allowed large contractors to defer taxes until a project was completed *-1 and strengthened the so-called alternative minimum tax , a levy 0 *T*-2 to ensure 0 [ARG0 all money-making businesses] [rel pay] [ARG1 some federal tax] .
- The combination of lower rates and fewer loopholes has meant that the so-called average effective tax rate -- [ARG1 the rate] [ARGM-ADV actually] [rel paid] * -- of the 250 corporations surveyed * reached 26.5 % in 1988 , compared with 14.3 % in the years from 1981 through 1985 , according to the study .
- [ARG0 Corporate taxes] [rel paid] for [ARG3-for almost 12 % of federal spending] [ARGM-TMP in 1988] -- excluding Social Security -- [ARGM-ADV compared with less than 8 % in the first half of the 1980s] , the study found *T*-1 .
- `` The only way 0 * to reduce the costs *T*-2 is * to say 0 [ARG0 we] do n't want *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 the bill] , '' said *T*-4 Rep. Neal Smith -LRB- D. , Iowa -RRB- , who *T*-3 taunted President Bush 's party to back up his campaign promise of * supporting the claims of $ 20,000 *U* per individual .
- `` If [ARG0 you] 're for * [rel paying] [ARG1 the claims] ... I do n't know how anyone can oppose this *T*-1 . ''
- `` [ARG0 This] is [rel paying] [ARG1 a big price] [ARG3 * to maintain their virility as the world 's leading insurance broker] , '' said *T*-1 Philip Olsen , an analyst at Kitcat & Aitken , a U.K. brokerage firm .
- As if he were still in his old job , Mr. Wright , by *-2 resigning with his title instead of being forced *-1 from his job , by law enjoys a $ 120,000 *U* annual office expense allowance , three [rel paid] [ARG1 staffers] , up to $ 67,000 *U* for stationery and telephones and continued use of the franking privilege .
- Du Pont also announced plans for a 3-for-1 stock split , although [ARG1 the initial higher dividend] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel paid] *-2 on [ARG2-on pre-split shares] .
- [ARG1 The increased dividend] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel paid] *-1 [ARGM-TMP Dec. 14] to [ARG2-to holders of record Nov. 15] .
- [ARG1 The stock split , which *T*-2 is subject to holder approval ,] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel paid] *-1 [ARGM-TMP on a still unspecified date in January] to [ARG2-to holders of record Dec. 21] .
- Moscow has already tacitly admitted that the ruble is n't worth much , *-2 announcing in August that [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG2 Soviet farmers] [ARGM-MNR in hard currency] for [ARG3-for grain and other produce that they grow *T*-1 in excess of state-plan quotas] .
- Geoffrey Kalmus , counsel to the official creditors committee , said that [ARGM-LOC under the United Illuminating plan] , [ARG2 unsecured creditors] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel paid] *-1 [ARGM-MNR in full credits and interest of about $ 855 million *U* , accrued * before PS of New Hampshire 's Jan. 1988 filing for bankruptcy court protection] .
- [ARG0 Other plans] [ARGM-ADV generally] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel pay] [ARG1 unsecured creditors ' interest accrued * since the filing] .
- They are also indirectly subject to approval by the state of New Hampshire , where residents fear [ARG0 soaring rates] 0 * to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for the cost of reorganization] *T*-2 *T*-1 .
- In a separate development , PS of New Hampshire gave 60 managers [ARG0 severance agreements] that *T*-3 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel pay] [ARG1 one to three years ' salary] [ARGM-ADV if their jobs were changed *-1 or they were dismissed *-2 in the wake of a takeover] .
- It *EXP*-2 's ridiculous for [ARG0 a family with taxable income of $ 50,000 *U*] to [rel pay] [ARG1 the same 28 % incremental tax rate] as a family with taxable income of $ 250,000 *U* .
- Little matter for Mr. Vila , who *T*-1 complains that `` [ARG0 public TV] [ARGM-TMP never] [rel paid] [ARG2 me] [ARG1 more than $ 40,000 *U* a year] . ''
- [ARG0 Bond investors] [rel paid] [ARG1 close attention] to [ARG2-to comments by Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan , who *T*-1 was testifying before a congressional hearing] , but were n't able *-2 to extract many clues about the future course of the Fed 's monetary policy .
- [ARG0 *] [rel Paying] [ARG2 players] [ARGM-LOC at SMU] was no casual operation .
- [ARG0 Mercedes-Benz of North America Inc. , a unit of Daimler-Benz AG ,] [rel paid] [ARG2 Massachusetts] [ARG1 $ 9.1 million *U* in taxes] , [ARGM-ADV * bringing to an end a 10-month-long corporate tax chase] .
- [ARG0 Mercedes-Benz] also agreed *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 taxes owed * for the years 1986 through 1988] , Mr. Kidder added 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-LOC Under Massachusetts tax laws] , [ARG0 corporations] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel pay] [ARG1 9.5 % of estimated profits resulting from business transactions in the state] [ARGM-ADV if the company conducts a variety of non-sales activities , including warranties , customer complaints and relations with independent dealerships] .
- [ARG0 Brooks] expects *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG2 Coin Wrap] [ARG1 a total of about $ 20,000 *U* -- a cost that insurance wo n't cover *T*-2] .
- The adoption agency insists on *-1 introducing the adopting parents to the birth mother , so [ARG0 Linda and Michael] [rel pay] for [ARG3-for pregnant Lucy 's -LRB- Ms. Masterson -RRB- bus ticket from Ohio] .
- [ARG0 The card holder] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG1 the modest 1 % fee] [ARGM-MNR only on the amounts actually needed *] .
- Typically , he will be billed only several weeks after the expenditure , and then has another couple of weeks before [ARG0 he] has *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 the bill] .
- [ARG0 MGM Grand Inc.] has agreed *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 93 million *U* and nearly 1.8 million common shares] [ARG3 *-2 to buy 117 acres of land along the Las Vegas , Nev. , Strip as a site for its planned movie-studio and theme-park resort] .
- [ARGM-ADV Of the total purchase price] , [ARG1 $ 50 million *U* cash and $ 30 million *U* in stock -LRB- nearly 1.8 million shares -RRB- *T*-1] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel paid] *-2 [ARG3 * to buy the existing 700-room Marina Hotel & Casino from Southwest Securities , a Nevada limited partnership] .
- Several leveraged funds do n't want *-3 to cut the amount 0 they borrow *T*-1 because it would slash [ARG1 the income] 0 [ARG0 they] [rel pay] [ARG2 shareholders] *T*-2 , fund officials said 0 *T*-4 .
- Average of [ARG1 top rates] [rel paid] * by [ARG0-by major New York banks] on primary new issues of negotiable C.D.s , [ARGM-TMP usually] on [ARG2-on amounts of $ 1 million and more *U*] .
- A black-draped cruise liner sailed into Naples yesterday *-2 bringing 800 Libyans threatening vengeance if [ARG0 Italy] refuses *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 compensation for more than 30 years of colonial rule] .
- Libya 's revolutionary Committees have threatened attacks on Italians if [ARG0 Rome] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel pay] [ARG1 compensation] .
- [ARG0 Troubled SCI Television Inc.] proposed *-1 to restructure much of its $ 1.3 billion *U* in debt * to buy time 0 * to sell assets and [rel pay] [ARG1 its obligations] *T*-2 .
- It also would defer interest and principal on junk bonds that *T*-1 have fallen *-2 due ; the grace period for [ARG0 *] [rel paying] [ARG1 the bill] expires Nov. 16 .
- Yet [ARG0 *] to [rel pay] [ARG1 that interest bill] , analysts say 0 SCI TV will only produce about $ 80 million to $ 90 million *U* of cash flow a year *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 The notes] are zero-coupon securities and [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-NEG not] [rel pay] [ARG1 interest] [ARGM-TMP periodically] .
- [ARG1 Coupon] , [rel paid] * [ARGM-TMP monthly] , is one-month Canadian bankers acceptance rate .
- [ARG2 Many manufacturers] are worried about * being [rel paid] *-1 for [ARG3-for merchandise already shipped * to Campeau stores] .
- `` I 'm buying fabric right now for [ARG3-for clothes] which [ARG2 I] [ARGM-MOD may] [ARGM-NEG not] be [rel paid] *-1 for *T*-2 [ARGM-TMP until April or May] .
- Every day , Mr. Levy checks orders from Campeau department store chains , *-2 trying *-3 to guess if [ARG2 he] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel paid] *-1 .
- `` [ARG2 We] 're being [rel paid] *-1 [ARGM-TMP today] , but we 're worried about tomorrow and will want '' letters of credit , says 0 *T*-4 the sales director at one major dress maker who *T*-3 asked *-5 not to be identified *-2 .
- I 'm going *-1 to ship and hope 0 [ARG2 I] get [rel paid] *-2 .
- Carol Sanger , vice president , corporate communications at Campeau , says that [ARG0 all of the Federated and Allied chains] are [rel paying] [ARG1 their bills] [ARGM-MNR in a timely manner] .
- `` [ARG0 They] continue *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 their bills] and will do so , '' says *T*-2 Ms. Sanger .
- `` We 're confident 0 [ARG0 we] [ARGM-MOD 'll] be [rel paying] [ARG1 our bills for spring merchandise] [ARGM-ADV as well] . ''
- [ARGM-TMP Typically] , [ARG2 manufacturers] are [rel paid] *-1 [ARGM-TMP 10 days after the month in which they ship *T*-2] .
- [ARGM-ADV If goods are shipped *-1 to Bloomingdale 's between Oct. 1 and Oct. 20] , [ARG2 manufacturers] expect *-3 to be [rel paid] *-2 [ARGM-TMP by Nov. 10] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG2 manufacturers now buying fabric for spring season goods] [ARGM-MOD wo] [ARGM-NEG n't] be [rel paid] *-1 [ARGM-TMP until March , April or even May] .
- Some in the market question whether [ARG0 Campeau] will be in [ARGM-MNR a position] 0 * to [rel pay] [ARG1 bills] *T*-1 at that time .
- Mr. Marmalstein adds that [ARG2 his company] is now holding some goods in anticipation of * being [rel paid] *-1 [ARGM-MNR in full] .
- IBM , which *T*-1 said 0 [ARG0 Motorola] is [rel paying] [ARG1 just a nominal fee] [ARG3 * to cover the 21-month agreement] , acknowledged 0 some companies had turned down its invitation * to join in .
- Thus , even investors who *T*-1 are pushing for the board to do [ARG0 a recapitalization] that *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel pay] [ARG2 shareholders] [ARG1 a special dividend] and possibly grant employees an ownership stake acknowledge that the unions are key .
- It has been three years since [ARG0 Mr. Boesky] , * now in prison , agreed *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 a $ 100 million *U* fine] [ARG3 *-2 to settle the government 's charges that he had traded illegally *-3 using insider information] .
- [ARG0 Drexel] agreed *-4 to plead guilty to six felony counts and [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 650 million *U* , of which $ 350 million *U* *T*-5 was set *-1 aside for shareholders and other plaintiffs , including the limited partners , who *T*-3 claim 0 they were injured *-2 by Drexel] .
- [ARGM-LOC Under the new offer] , [ARG0 IMA] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 26.50 *U* a share] for [ARG3-for 63 million shares , or about 86 % of the shares outstanding] .
- [ARG1 The cash dividend] [rel paid] * [ARGM-MNR on the common stock] also will apply to the new shares , the company said 0 *T*-1 .
- `` We were concerned that [ARG0 they] were n't going *-1 to generate enough cash for capital spending and also 0 * to [rel pay] down [ARG1 debt] *T*-2 , '' says *T*-3 a big investor in high-yield debt .
- Its calculations for * meeting cash charges ignore $ 52 million *U* a year in interest on [ARG1 cash-deferred , or zero-coupon debentures] -- which *T*-2 ultimately would have had *-3 to be [rel paid] *-1 .
- [ARG0 The guest] [rel paid] [ARG2 his bill] [ARGM-LOC at the resort hotel] , and as he departed he noticed a sign saying , `` Have You Left Anything ? ''
- CBS will pay an average of $ 82 million *U* more *ICH*-1 each year than [ARG0 ABC and NBC] had [rel paid] [ARG1 *?*] [ARGM-MNR together] -- and those two networks expect losses on baseball this season .
- [ARG0 CBS] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG1 an average of $ 82 million *U* more *ICH*-1] [ARGM-TMP each year] than ABC and NBC had paid *?* together -- and those two networks expect losses on baseball this season .
- -LRB- [ARG0 Turner Broadcasting] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG2 CBS] [ARG1 $ 25 million *U*] [ARG3 *-1 to air 50 hours of CBS coverage plus 50 hours of additional events] . -RRB-
- `` [ARG0 The networks] are [rel paying] [ARG1 too much] for [ARG3-for rights] , '' warns *T*-1 adman Paul Isacsson of Young & Rubicam .
- That 's well over half a billion dollars more than [ARG0 ABC and NBC] were willing *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 *?*] .
- A few months later , CBS 's college and pro football contracts come up for renewal ; they could go for close to $ 100 million *U* more than [ARG0 CBS] [ARGM-TMP now] [rel pays] [ARG1 *?*] , a 40 % to 50 % *U* rise .
- In the mid-1980s , after ABC had just bid a record $ 309 million *U* for the 1988 Winter Games , he sniped at [ARG0 rivals] for *-1 [rel paying] [ARG1 reckless prices] .
- And he is n't the only big spender : [ARG0 NBC] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG1 a record $ 401 million *U*] for [ARG3-for the 1992 Summer Games] , and ESPN , 80%-owned by Capital Cities\/ABC , will shell out $ 400 million *U* for four years of baseball , *-1 airing 175 regular-season games a year .
- [ARG0 Advanced Medical] [rel paid] [ARG1 $ 106 million *U* in cash] for [ARG3-for its share in a unit of Henley 's Fisher Scientific subsidiary] .
- [ARG0 The company] has [ARGM-TMP promptly] [rel paid] [ARG1 all its expenses and obligations] [ARGM-TMP since March 16] , a Maxicare spokesman said 0 *T*-1 .
- Or [ARG0 he] might have *-1 to incur a huge expense of * either buying Mr. Icahn 's stock , possibly at a premium , or [rel paying] [ARG2 stockholders] [ARG1 a special dividend] [ARGM-CAU partly because of Mr. Icahn 's pressure] .
- Right now , the executive adds 0 *T*-1 , `` [ARG0 he] wants *-2 to continue *-3 to focus on *-4 [rel paying] down '' [ARG1 USX 's debt] [ARGM-MNR by *-5 selling assets] .
- 2 -RRB- * Encourage long-term occupancy by *-1 forgiving one month 's payment -LRB- off the tail end of the mortgage -RRB- for [ARG3 every six months] [rel paid] * ; or perhaps * have the down payment deferred *-2 to the end of the mortgage -LRB- balloon -RRB- , but `` forgiven '' *-2 on a monthly pro-rata basis as long as the owner remains the occupant .
- Average of [ARG1 top rates] [rel paid] * by [ARG0-by major New York banks] on primary new issues of negotiable C.D.s , [ARGM-TMP usually] on [ARG2-on amounts of $ 1 million *U* and more] .
- The Ministry of Transportation serves the industry , certainly not [ARG0 the passengers] who *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD must] [rel pay] [ARG1 extraordinarily high prices] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-ADV should they spy one] , [ARG0 the company] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG1 a bonus equal to one-third its value] .
- [ARG0 THE IRS] [ARGM-MOD WILL] [rel PAY] [ARGM-ADV if its error burdens you with bank charges] .
- If the IRS admits its error and [ARG1 the charges] have been [rel paid] *-1 , it will reimburse a taxpayer who *T*-2 has n't refused *-3 to give timely answers to IRS inquiries or *T*-2 has n't contributed to * continuing or compounding the error .
- A claim by Peter Testa of New York that [ARG0 a stranger] [rel paid] [ARG2 him] [ARG1 $ 500 *U*] [ARG3 * to go into a bank and change $ 44,400 *U* in small bills into large bills] `` is unconvincing , '' the Tax Court found 0 *T*-1 .
- He plans *-1 to tell [ARG0 clients] *-2 to [rel pay] [ARG1 certain fees] [ARGM-MNR directly] to the foundation instead of to [ARG2-to him] ; he would omit those fees from income reported * on his return .
- Bernard Leser , president of Conde Nast , added : `` Our research shows 0 we sell more of our heavier issues ... because readers believe 0 they are getting more for [ARG3-for what] [ARG0 they] [rel pay] for *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Families that *T*-1 do not need the loan] can make money simply by *-2 putting the loan in the bank and [rel paying] [ARG1 it] back [ARGM-TMP when the student graduates *T*-3] .
- [ARGM-TMP While the student was in school] , [ARG1 interest costs] [ARGM-MOD would] either be [rel paid] *-1 by [ARG0-by the student] or added *-1 to the loan balance .
- Since the budget measures cash flow , a new $ 1 *U* direct loan is treated *-1 as a $ 1 *U* expenditure , even though [ARG1 at least part of the loan] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel paid] *-2 back .
- Sales of North American-built cars and trucks plunged 20.5 % in mid-October from a year earlier , as [ARG0 domestic manufacturers] [rel paid] [ARG1 the price for heavy incentives earlier this year] .
- `` [ARG0 We] need *-1 to look at how * to maximize our cash flow *T*-2 *-3 to [rel pay] [ARG2 our beneficiaries] . ''
- [ARGM-LOC Under the new Northeast Utilities plan] , [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 1.65 billion *U* in cash] to [ARG2-to creditors] and assume $ 100 million *U* in pollution control bonds .
- `` [ARG0 I] [rel pay] [ARG1 a lot] to [ARG2-to the farmer] and five times the state salary to my employees , '' he says *T*-1 .
- Meanwhile , [ARG0 House-Senate negotiators] have tentatively agreed on a $ 3.18 billion *U* anti-drug and anti-crime intitiative , *-2 cutting other federal spending 0.43 % *-1 to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for it] .
- But this is [ARG3-for a production] designed and directed * by Franco Zeffirelli and [rel paid] for * by [ARG0-by Sybil Harrington , who *T*-1 has no need * to count her pennies , unlike Violetta , down to 20 louis at the opera 's end] .
- Belgium decided that [ARG0 investors who *T*-1 demand the delivery of their securities when they buy shares or domestic bonds *T*-2] will have *-3 to [rel pay] [ARG1 an additional 100 Belgian francs -LRB- about $ 2.60 *U* -RRB-] for [ARG3-for each transaction] , * bringing the total fee to 200 francs .
- While no figures exist , it *EXP*-2 is thought *-1 that [ARG0 many small investors in Belgium] store securities privately , in some cases *-3 to avoid *-4 [rel paying] [ARG1 high inheritance taxes] .
- [ARG0 California legislators] , *-1 searching for ways 0 * to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for the $ 4 billion to $ 6 billion *U* in damages from last week 's earthquake] , are laying the groundwork for a temporary increase in the state 's sales tax .
- But others think 0 [ARG0 property owners] ought *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 a higher portion of the state 's earthquake relief tab] .
- [ARG0 Employers] [ARGM-MOD must] deposit withholding taxes exceeding $ 3,000 *U* within three days after payroll -- or [rel pay] [ARG1 stiff penalties] -- and that 's a big problem for small businesses .
- *-1 To justify their exempt status and avoid penalties , these businesses must show once a year that [ARG2 each and every transaction] on which [ARG0 they] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel pay] [ARG1 sales tax] *T*-2 was a legitimate business expense .
- [ARG0 Inco] [rel paid] [ARG2 Morgan] [ARG1 an advisory fee of about $ 250,000 *U* , a paltry figure by today 's measures] .
- If [ARG0 bluebloods] [ARGM-MOD wo] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel pay] [ARG1 high prices] for [ARG3-for racehorses] [ARGM-TMP anymore] , who *T*-1 will *?* ?
- But that means [ARG0 *] [rel paying] [ARG3 the horse 's maintenance] ; on average , it *EXP*-1 costs $ 25,000 *U* a year * to raise a horse .
- For one , Axa plans *-2 to do away with certain tax credits that *T*-1 have resulted in [ARG1 more than $ 600 million *U*] [rel paid] * to [ARG2-to the Farmers exchanges] [ARGM-TMP during the past few years] [ARG3 * to offset underwriting losses] .
- Those credits result because of [ARG1 taxes] that [ARG0 Farmers] , [ARGM-ADV as the management company] , has [rel paid] *T*-2 , and have `` proved *-1 to be very important for the exchanges , '' a Farmers spokesman said 0 *T*-3 .
- [ARG0 GE] pleaded *-3 guilty and [rel paid] [ARG1 a fine of more than $ 1 million *U*] [ARGM-LOC in the Minuteman case , which *T*-1 involved some of the same individuals and operations that *T*-2 are at the center of the dispute in the Philadelphia court] .
- Last week , [ARG0 Tele-Communications] agreed *-2 to [rel pay] [ARG2 Viacom Inc.] [ARG1 $ 225 million *U*] for [ARG3-for a 50 % stake in its Showtime subsidiary , which *T*-1 is a distant second to Time 's Home Box Office in the delivery of pay-TV networks to cable subscribers] .
- The machinists are reviewing proposals 0 they made *T*-2 in the past for [ARG0 recapitalizations] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel pay] [ARG1 a special shareholder dividend] and give employees a minority stake .
- [ARG0 Citizens First , which *T*-1 controls Citizens First National Bank and is based in Glen Rock , N.J. ,] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG1 a maximum of 40 %] [ARGM-MNR in cash] for [ARG3-for the parent of Lakeland Savings Bank] and the remainder in convertible preferred stock , with a liquidation value of $ 18 *U* a share .
- [ARG0 The convertible preferred] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG1 dividends] [ARGM-MNR at 7.875 %] and be convertible into shares of Citizens First at a rate equal to 20 % above the average closing price of the stock during a 20-day period prior to the transaction 's completion .
- [ARGM-DIS Meanwhile] , [ARG0 SCI TV] [ARGM-MOD can] [ARGM-MNR barely] [rel pay] [ARG1 its cash interest bill] , and *-2 to stay out of bankruptcy court it must soon reschedule a lot of bank loans and junk bonds that *T*-1 have fallen *-3 due .
- SCI TV 's grace period for [ARG0 *] [rel paying] [ARG1 its bills] is due * to expire Nov. 16 .
- Mr. Kravis apparently thinks 0 SCI TV can survive if lenders extend its debt payments until TV stations rise in value again , * allowing [ARG0 SCI TV] to sell assets *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG2 debt] .
- Eurodollar bonds are often issued *-2 by foreign corporations , but [ARG1 interest and principal] are [rel paid] *-1 [ARGM-MNR in dollars] .
- Car and truck sales slid 20.5 % in mid-October as [ARG0 U.S. manufacturers] [rel paid] [ARG1 the price] for [ARG3-for heavy incentives earlier in the year] .
- At most firms , though , it 's the immediate supervisor who *T*-2 decides [ARG1 the merit increases] 0 [ARG2 subordinates] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel paid] *-1 *T*-3 .
- [ARGM-LOC Under the new terms] , [ARG0 New World] [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-TMP still] [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 540 million *U* *ICH*-1] for [ARG3-for Ramada 's hotel business] , subject to adjustment at closing , but Ramada will now reimburse New World for $ 10 million *U* in expenses .
- A few attorneys offer horror stories of jobs botched * by consultants or of overpriced services -- as when [ARG0 one lawyer] [rel paid] [ARG2 a consultant -LRB- not at Litigation Sciences -RRB-] [ARG1 $ 70,000 *U*] [ARG3 *-1 to interview a jury after a big trial] and later read more informative interviews with the same jurors in The American Lawyer magazine .
- With jury verdicts getting bigger all the time , [ARG0 companies] are increasingly willing * to [rel pay] [ARG1 huge sums] for [ARG3-for such advice] .
- Just before the actual closing arguments , the firm put the case to a vote of the five shadow jurors , [ARG2 each of whom] *T*-2 was being [rel paid] *-1 [ARG1 $ 150 *U* a day] .
- That something , whatever it is *T*-2 , could add as much as $ 100 *U* to [ARG1 the $ 600 *U* or so] 0 [ARG0 consumers] [ARGM-TMP now] [rel pay] *T*-1 for [ARG3-for lower-priced refrigerators] .
- [ARG0 Consumers] [rel pay] [ARG1 the bill for all this] [ARGM-MNR in the price of a refrigerator or an air-conditioned car] .
- The Illinois Legislature narrowly passed a parental-leave bill , which Gov. James Thompson vetoed *T*-1 , and Iowa and Tennessee amended laws 0 *T*-2 to require that [ARG0 employers] [rel pay] for [ARG3-for breast-cancer exams] .
- Because the CD had an effective yield of 13.4 % when it was issued *-1 in 1984 *T*-4 , and interest rates in general had declined sharply since then , part of [ARG1 the price] 0 [ARG0 Dr. Blumenfeld] [rel paid] *T*-3 was a premium -- an additional amount on top of the CD 's base value plus accrued interest that *T*-2 represented the CD 's increased market value .
- Several phone calls and a visit to his broker 's office later , the dentist found out that the $ 9,000 *U* drop represented the current value of [ARG1 the premium] 0 [ARG0 he] [rel paid] *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP when he bought the CD *T*-2] , and that the amount was n't insured *-3 .
- The fact sheet , dated * April 1986 , says on page three : `` If [ARG1 the price] [rel paid] * for [ARG3-for a CD purchased * in the secondary market] ... is higher than the accreted value in the case of zero-coupon CDs , the difference ... is not insured *-1 ... .
- Dr. Blumenfeld says 0 he does n't remember the paragraph about premiums in the fact sheet 0 he received *T*-2 and did n't realize 0 part of [ARG1 what] [ARG0 he] [rel paid] *T*-1 was a premium .
- Nevertheless , Merrill Lynch has agreed that if the thrift that *T*-2 issued Dr. Blumenfeld 's CD , Peoples Heritage Federal Savings & Loan Association in Salina , Kan. , is liquidated *-1 and the CD terminated *-4 , the brokerage firm would cover [ARG1 the premium] 0 [ARG0 Dr. Blumenfeld] [rel paid] *T*-3 .
- -LRB- [ARG0 Federal deposit insurance] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel pay] [ARG1 principal and interest accrued * to the date of liquidation , to a maximum of $ 100,000 *U*] . -RRB-
- Because of the tax consequences of zero-coupon investments -- income tax is payable in the year 0 interest is accrued *-1 *T*-2 , although [ARG1 interest] is [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-ADV actually] [rel paid] *-3 [ARGM-TMP until maturity] -- zero-coupon CDs are usually sold for tax-advantaged accounts *-4 to finance things like retirement and children 's education .
- Yields on five-year CDs at major banks were averaging about 7.45 % , and [ARG0 10-year Treasury notes] were [rel paying] [ARG1 less than 8 %] .
- [ARG0 People] who *T*-1 [rel paid] [ARG1 a premium] for [ARG3-for standard CDs purchased * on the secondary market] could also find that those premiums are n't insured *-3 if the institutions that *T*-2 issued the CDs failed .
- However , those premiums are usually far smaller than on zero-coupon CDs , and the simpler pricing structure of a standard CD makes it more apparent when [ARG1 a premium] is [rel paid] *-3 *T*-1 .
- `` The others will probably be delivered *-1 as well , but [ARG0 Carnival] will likely have *-2 to [rel pay] [ARG1 a higher price] for [ARG3-for them] . ''
- She said 0 [ARG0 the company] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel pay] [ARG1 as much as 25 % more] for [ARG3-for the ships] .
- [ARGM-TMP Normally] , [ARG0 a company] [rel pays] [ARG1 a portion of the total cost of a ship] [ARGM-TMP as it reaches various stages of construction] .
- [ARG0 Carnival] , [ARGM-DIS for example] , has [ARGM-TMP already] [rel paid] [ARG1 about $ 160 million *U* of the total cost for Fantasy] .
- [ARG0 Jerell] [rel paid] [ARG2 Ms. Garratt] [ARG1 royalties for the line known * as Multiples by Sandra Garratt , which *T*-2 are sold *-1 primarily through department stores] .
- Conference participants saw these effects as *-3 flowing directly from -LRB- a -RRB- Marxist devaluation of environmental resources , which *T*-2 are not produced *-4 by labor ; -LRB- b -RRB- planned economies ' inability * to control pollution where enterprises are state-owned and [ARG1 penalties] are [rel paid] *-1 by [ARG0-by the government] *T*-5 ; and -LRB- c -RRB- the continuing Stalinist emphasis on heavy industry for economic development , producing a far heavier and more wasteful use of energy and natural resources than in the West .
- Among takeover stocks , Jefferson Smurfit jumped 1 1\/4 to 42 1\/2 after SIBV-MS Holdings said 0 [ARG1 the price] 0 *T*-3 to be [rel paid] *-2 to [ARG2-to Jefferson Smurfit 's minority holders] has been raised *-1 to $ 43 *U* a share .
- Some analysts say 0 [ARG0 investors] will begin *-1 [rel paying] [ARG1 more attention] to [ARG2-to earnings] , partly in response to the latest round of disappointments .
- Under Chapter 11 , a company operates under protection from creditors ' lawsuits while [ARG0 it] works out a plan * to [rel pay] [ARG1 debts] .
- `` August is [ARGM-TMP a month] when [ARG0 people] are [rel paying] [ARG1 school tuition] *T*-1 , '' he said *T*-2 .
- As [ARG1 interest rates] [rel paid] [ARG2 depositors] * were lowered *-1 , thrift withdrawals exceeded deposits by $ 5.1 billion *U* , not including interest credited * to accounts .
- The first of three major sources of error is the use of labor input estimates -LRB- mainly employment or hours -RRB- instead of output estimates for those sectors , such as governments , [rel paid] [ARG1 household] services and private non-profit institutions , where there are difficulties in * assembling output data *T*-1 .
- The question , she said 0 *T*-2 , is whether [ARG0 Drexel] should be allowed *-3 to [rel pay] and move on , or `` whether you should -LRB- simply -RRB- revoke the license when someone is convicted *-1 of a felony *T*-4 . ''
- Mr. Cohen said 0 [ARG1 more than $ 2.8 million *U*] has been [rel paid] *-1 to [ARG2-to 26 states] and that Drexel still expects *-2 to pay out a total of $ 11.5 million *U* .
- It *EXP*-2 could take six months for [ARG1 a claim] to be [rel paid] *-1 .
- Some analysts said 0 Inco , which *T*-1 had cash reserves of $ 272 million *U* as of Sept. 30 , could still announce a special dividend in the next few months , though it would be smaller than [ARG1 the $ 10-a-share special dividend] 0 [ARG0 it] [rel paid] *T*-2 [ARGM-TMP last year] .
- [ARG0 They] [rel paid] [ARG1 $ 15 million *U*] for [ARG3-for a 1 % stake] and received an additional 9 % of the company at no additional cost .
- A federal judge in Manhattan has entered a judgment requiring [ARG0 a Chicago organized crime figure] to [rel pay] [ARG2 the government] [ARG1 $ 250,000 *U* , representing alleged profits 0 he gained *T*-1 from his involvement with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Lombardo , the last of the defendants 0 *T*-1 to settle the suit ,] agreed *-2 to [rel pay] [ARG2 the government] [ARG1 the $ 250,000 *U*] [ARGM-TMP within one week] .
- In September , [ARG0 Ashland] settled the long-simmering dispute by *-1 agreeing *-2 to [rel pay] [ARG2 Iran] [ARG1 $ 325 million *U*] .
- `` We 're saying 0 [ARG0 companies] have *-2 to [rel pay] [ARG1 increasing attention] to [ARG2-to balance sheets] , '' said *T*-1 Mr. Kerschner .
- Goodson has accused [ARG0 Ingersoll] of *-1 [rel paying] less attention to its properties and [ARG1 more] to [ARG2-to such ventures as the recent launch of the St. Louis Sun] .
- [ARGM-LOC Under the terms of the accord] , [ARG0 Ingersoll] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG1 about $ 255 million *U*] for [ARG3-for the Register , a daily that Goodson bought *T*-1 for about $ 170 million *U* in 1986] .
- [ARG0 Goodson] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG1 the additional $ 20 million *U*] [ARGM-LOC in settlement of the management contract] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel paid] [ARG1 an immense fine] and was lucky , according to a local wag , *-1 to escape the gas chamber .
- [ARG0 It] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel pay] [ARG1 a dividend] , and this trust needs income .
- Robins has been in proceedings under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code since August 1985 ; such proceedings give it protection from creditor lawsuits while [ARG0 it] works out a plan for * [rel paying] [ARG2 its debts] .
- Interstate banking is scheduled *-1 to begin in California in 1991 , and [ARG0 larger California banks , such as Wells Fargo & Co. ,] have been [rel paying] [ARG1 fat premiums] [ARG3 *-2 to buy smaller banks *-3 to control markets before any out-of-state banks enter the fray] .
- Enviropact said 0 [ARG0 the proceeds] will be used *-1 as working capital for expansion and * to [rel pay] [ARG1 its existing tax liability of about $ 1.5 million *U* that *T*-2 was due Sept. 15] .
- Average of [ARG1 top rates] [rel paid] * by [ARG0-by major New York banks] on primary new issues of negotiable C.D.s , [ARGM-TMP usually] on [ARG2-on amounts of $ 1 million and more *U*] .
- [ARG0 Qintex Australia] [rel paid] [ARG2 the management company] [ARG1 A$ 32.6 million *U*] [ARGM-TMP in the latest fiscal year] .
- He notes that some `` revolving credit-card credit is actually convenience credit '' being used simply as a handy way of [ARG0 *] [rel paying] [ARG2 bills] rather than a handy way of * borrowing .
- [ARGM-PNC *-1 To reinforce employees ' dedication] , [ARG0 Mr. Smith] [rel pays] [ARGM-MNR well] .
- Federal Express officials acknowledge mistakes in their drive overseas but say 0 [ARG1 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] off [ARGM-TMP eventually] .
- The White Plains , N.Y. , oil company said Friday that it had acquired Tana Production Corp. , a subsidiary of TRT Energy Holdings Inc. , for $ 95.1 million *U* in cash , with [ARG1 the rest] 0 *T*-2 to be [rel paid] *-1 [ARGM-MNR in shares of a new , non-voting issue of preferred stock] .
- `` [ARG0 One team] [rel pays] [ARG1 so much] and the other pays more .
- `` One team pays so much and [ARG0 the other] [rel pays] [ARG1 more] .
- Mr. Jones , whose twangy voice and folksy ways *T*-2 belie an intense businessman who *T*-3 works 16-hour days , is resigned *-1 to [ARG1 the hefty salaries] 0 [ARG0 he] [rel pays] [ARG2 his players] *T*-4 [ARGM-TMP these days] .
- Besides *-1 signing Mr. Aikman to a sizable contract , [ARG0 Mr. Jones] has agreed *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG2 rookie quarterback Steve Walsh] [ARG1 $ 4.1 million *U*] [ARGM-TMP over the next four years] .
- Details of the plan , which *T*-2 would go into effect in 1993 , are sketchy , but [ARG2 each player] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-ADV apparently] be [rel paid] *-1 [ARG1 a base salary keyed * to his position and ability] .
- [ARG1 Bonuses] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel paid] [ARGM-MNR * based on playing time and performance] .
- The NFL Players Association , meanwhile , contends that [ARG2 athletes] are [rel paid] *-1 [ARG1 a wage commensurate with their ability * to draw fans] , and that some owners are in financial trouble because of poor business management , not players ' salaries .
- [ARG0 Most of the owners] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel pay] [ARG1 up to 10 % of gross ticket sales] for [ARG3-for leases on stadiums 0 they say 0 *T*-1 are either too small or too old] .
- [ARG0 The current contract] [rel pays] [ARG2 the NFL] [ARG1 $ 1.4 billion *U*] .
- [ARG0 Qintex Australia] was `` going *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 more than $ 1 billion *U*] for [ARG3-for MGM\/UA] and then they could n't come up with the far smaller sum of $ 5.9 million *U* . ''
- Instead of [ARG0 *-2] [rel paying] for [ARG3-for parking] [ARGM-MNR by * putting money in the existing machines , which *T*-1 deliver little paper receipts] , drivers would be able *-2 to buy electronic cards in local tobacco shops .
- The Rafale project is the result of France 's inability jointly * to develop a plane with other countries , and French officials question whether [ARG0 the state] can continue *-1 [rel paying] for [ARG3-for expensive independent programs] .
- Average of [ARG1 top rates] [rel paid] * by [ARG0-by major New York banks] on primary new issues of negotiable C.D.s , [ARGM-TMP usually] on [ARG2-on amounts of $ 1 million *U* and more] .
- However , since [ARG0 these centers] appear *-1 to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for themselves] , there is nothing * to prevent state and local governments from *-2 enacting legislation with similar provisions .
- For [ARG3-For each $ 1,000 *U* of notes] , [ARG0 the maker of specialty metals , industrial fasteners and consumer products] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 1,026.46 *U* plus $ 8.68 *U* of interest accrued * from Dec. 1] .
- Eventually , he believes 0 *T*-1 , [ARG0 investors] will be willing *-2 to [rel pay] [ARG1 higher prices] for [ARG3-for companies with proven track records of earnings growth] .
- The only thing 0 a lot of these lenders can get *T*-1 out of their mouth now is : ` [ARG0 *] [rel Pay] [ARG2 me] [ARGM-TMP in 60 days] . ' ''
- [ARG0 DREXEL BURNHAM LAMBERT Inc.] agreed *-3 to [rel pay] [ARG1 a $ 50,000 *U* fine] to [ARG2-to Delaware , the 26th state 0 *T*-2 to settle with Drexel in the wake of the firm 's guilty plea to federal insider-trading charges] .
- The firm has said 0 [ARG0 it] expects *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 11.5 million *U*] [ARGM-MNR overall] [ARG3 * to settle with states] .
- But while the merits of diversification shine through when times are tough *T*-1 , there 's also [ARG1 a price] 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel pay] *T*-2 : A diversified portfolio always underperforms an undiversified portfolio during those times when the investment in the undiversified portfolio is truly hot *T*-3 .
- [ARG0 The Dinkins campaign] [rel paid] [ARG2 Mr. Carson] [ARG1 close to $ 10,000 *U*] [ARG3 *-1 to get out the vote on primary-election day] .
- It began in 1973 , when he was being considered *-1 for deputy mayor , and a routine check unearthed the extraordinary fact that [ARG0 he] had [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel paid] [ARG1 his income tax] [ARGM-TMP for the previous four years] *T*-2 .
- He says 0 [ARG0 his son] has [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel paid] for [ARG3-for the shares] .
- [ARG0 The Vatican , which *T*-1 denies any wrongdoing ,] [rel paid] [ARG1 $ 250 million *U*] to [ARG2-to the Milan bank 's creditors] [ARGM-PNC as a `` goodwill gesture ''] [ARGM-TMP in 1985] .
- [ARG0 Comsat Video] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 17 million *U*] for [ARG3-for a 62.5 % interest] , [ARGM-ADV with Messrs. Lee and Bynoe putting up $ 8 million *U* for a 37.5 % stake in the team] .
- [ARGM-TMP Each year] , [ARG0 nearly a million people] [rel pay] [ARG1 about $ 3 *U*] [ARG3 * to make the spiral climb up 294 steps to the top of the 800-year-old marble tower] .
- `` [ARG0 It] has difficulties *-3 [rel paying] [ARG2 its foreign debts] , '' says *T*-2 a Hong Kong executive who *T*-1 is familiar with Sitco 's business .
- These have been among the country 's leading imports , particularly last year when there were shortages that *T*-1 led [ARG0 many traders] to buy heavily and [rel pay] [ARGM-MNR dearly] *T*-2 .
- It claims 0 [ARG0 the Coast Guard] failed *-1 to chart the rock and refuses *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 damages] .
- That means 0 [ARG0 the fund] is n't obligated *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 anything] , at least so far .
- The Oil Pollution Act , scheduled * to come up for a vote in Congress this fall , would provide that if [ARG2 claimants] are [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel paid] [ARGM-TMP within 90 days of a spill] , the liability fund would compensate them and seek reimbursement from the owner or operator of the vessel , says 0 *T*-1 a spokesman for Rep. George Miller -LRB- D. , Calif. -RRB- , a sponsor of the bill .
- The fund was created *-1 by the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Act , which *T*-2 provides that [ARG0 the owner or operator of a vessel involved * in an oil spill] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel pay] [ARG1 the first $ 14 million *U* in damages] .
- [ARG0 The fund] is required *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 claims] up to an additional $ 86 million *U* .
- Planar President James Hurd says 0 [ARG0 he] has *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 tariffs as high as 15 %] *-1 to sell his display panels in Japan and South Korea , while panels from those countries enter the U.S. duty-free .
- However , it said 0 examiners found a variety of insider dealings at the thrift , including `` [ARG1 extraordinary loan commissions] '' [rel paid] * to [ARG2-to a firm associated * with Vision Banc officials] , and loans diverted * through borrowers back to the thrift officials .
- Comair said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel paid] [ARG1 cash] but declined *-1 to disclose the price .
- Frank Gallagher , an analyst with Phoenix Capital Corp. in New York , estimates that [ARG0 the arbs] [rel paid] [ARG1 an average of about $ 280 *U* a share] for [ARG3-for their UAL positions] .
- Now we are starting *-1 to see real freight-rate increases as [ARG0 carriers] replace equipment , [rel pay] [ARG1 higher fuel costs] and pay more for labor .
- Now we are starting *-1 to see real freight-rate increases as [ARG0 carriers] replace equipment , pay higher fuel costs and [rel pay] [ARG1 more] for [ARG3-for labor] .
- The Tucson , Ariz. , operator of addiction-treatment centers said 0 [ARG0 proceeds] will be used *-1 for expansion , * to [rel pay] [ARG1 debt] and for general corporate purposes .
- This is [ARGM-TMP the 11th consecutive quarter] in which [ARG0 the company] has [rel paid] [ARG2 shareholders] [ARG1 an extra dividend of five cents] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Mr. Davis] had [rel paid] [ARG1 $ 6 million *U*] for [ARG3-for Citicorp 's backing of his last bid] .
- Despite the buy-out group 's failure * to obtain financing , [ARG0 UAL] remains obligated *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 26.7 million *U* in investment banking and legal fees] to [ARG2-to the group 's advisers , Lazard Freres & Co. , Salomon Brothers Inc. , and Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison] .
- [ARG0 Remaining proceeds] were used *-1 *-2 to [rel pay] [ARG2 other debt] and to finance the company 's capital spending program .
- [ARG0 The company] [rel paid] [ARG1 five cents a share] [ARGM-TMP in April] .
- Earlier this year , [ARG0 Cordis , a maker of medical devices ,] agreed *-1 to plead *-2 guilty to felony and misdemeanor charges related to the pacemakers and to [rel pay] [ARG2 the government] [ARG1 about $ 5.7 million *U* in fines and other costs] .
- Mr. Morrissey , the Kentucky Fried Chicken franchisee , notes that most franchise owners must absorb increases in expenses without any cut in [ARG1 the royalties , or portion of sales] , that [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel pay] [ARG2 franchisers] *T*-1 .
- Limit Order : Limit orders are used *-1 when investors want *-3 to restrict [ARG1 the amount] 0 [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD will] receive or [rel pay] *T*-2 for [ARG3-for an investment] *T*-4 .
- Investors do this by *-4 specifying a minimum price at which the investment may be sold *-1 *T*-5 or [ARG1 the maximum price] that *T*-3 [ARGM-MOD may] be [rel paid] *-2 for [ARG3-for it] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 investors who *T*-2 are preoccupied *-1 with short-term fluctuations] [ARGM-MOD may] be [rel paying] [ARG1 too little attention] to [ARG2-to another big risk -- * not generating enough money * to meet long-term financial and life-style goals] .
- By *-1 retreating to the apparent security of , say , money-market funds , [ARG0 investors] may not be earning enough investment return * to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for a comfortable retirement] .
- But [ARG1 one price] [rel paid] * for [ARG3-for the higher expected return] is greater short-term volatility , as * reflected *-2 in the higher standard deviation that Seidman estimates *T*-1 for the younger couple 's portfolio .
- `` [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel pay] [ARG1 a price] [ARGM-TMP 10 or 20 years in the future] . ''
- [ARG0 Those investments] [rel paid] [ARG1 big commissions *ICH*-3] to [ARG2-to First Meridian] , payments 0 investors were never told *-2 about *T*-1 , the attorney general alleged 0 *T*-4 .
- One suit , filed * by more than three dozen investors , charges that [ARG0 Mr. Peterson] misused much of the $ 9.7 million *U* put * into a limited partnership that he operated and promoted *T*-1 , *-2 spending some of it *-3 to [rel pay] [ARG1 his own legal bills] and to invest in other companies in which he had an interest *T*-4 .
- [ARG0 Those companies] , [ARGM-DIS in turn] , [rel paid] [ARG2 Mr. Peterson] [ARG1 commissions and fees] , the suit alleges 0 *T*-1 .
- *-1 Using it , would n't [ARG0 a proessional] hesitate *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 tens of thousands of dollars] [ARGM-ADV just] for [ARG3-for a chance * to invest witha planner] ?
- [ARG0 Certificates of deposit] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel pay] [ARG1 23 % a year] , [ARGM-DIS for example] , but that did n't give pause to clients of one Alabama planner .
- '' -LRB- Investigators stress that building owners are victims , too , since [ARG0 boiler rooms] often leave without *-1 [rel paying] [ARG1 rent] . -RRB-
- Or [ARG0 the zero-coupon bonds] turn out *-1 not to have been discounted *-2 deeply enough * to [rel pay] [ARG1 your kid 's tuition] .
- *-2 To build [ARG0 a nest egg] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel pay] for [ARG3-for Stanford] [ARGM-TMP when a current first-grader reaches college age *T*-3] , parents would need *-2 to set aside $ 773.94 *U* a month -- for 12 years .
- That way , [ARG0 parents] will reduce borrowings and outlays from current income when [ARGM-TMP the time *ICH*-3] comes 0 * to [rel pay] [ARG1 tuition] *T*-2 *T*-1 .
- In June , Virginia sold [ARG0 bonds] for $ 268.98 *U* that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 1,000 *U*] [ARGM-TMP in 2009] .
- Had zeros been available in 1972 and had parents bought a face amount equal to four years ' tuition at the time , *-2 aiming for their children 's 1988 enrollment , [ARG0 they] would have been left *-3 with only enough * to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for two years] , Mr. Anderson figures 0 *T*-1 .
- What *T*-1 happens if [ARG0 the sponsors] do n't have the cash 0 *T*-2 to [rel pay] [ARG1 the tuitions] ?
- If you start *-1 saving for your child 's eduction on Jan. 1 , 1990 , here 's *T*-2 the monthly sum 0 [ARG0 you] will need *-3 to invest *T*-4 *-3 to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for four years at Yale , Notre Dame and University of Minnesota] .
- [ARG2 The number of misclassified workers] may be in the millions , *-2 [ARGM-ADV mostly] [rel paid] *-1 by [ARG0-by small firms] .
- [ARG0 Firms] that *T*-1 are [rel paying] [ARG1 employment taxes] also provide leads to competitors that *T*-2 are n't *?* , he says 0 *T*-3 .
- They are obviously also more susceptible when they need money *T*-1 - retirees , for instance , trying * to bolster their fixed income or [ARG0 parents] fretting over how * to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for a child 's college expenses] *T*-2 .
- Amex said 0 [ARG0 it] would charge me $ 576 *U* a year for $ 100,000 *U* of coverage -- and [ARGM-MOD would] [rel pay] [ARG2 me] back [ARG1 all the premiums 0 I put *T*-1 in] [ARGM-ADV if I canceled the policy after 10 years] .
- Third and most important , Amex would charge me a far higher premium than other reputable companies would *?* on a straight term policy for the same amount ; [ARG0 I] [ARGM-MOD 'd] be [rel paying] [ARGM-MNR so heavily *ICH*-2] [ARG3 *-1 just to have the option of * getting my premiums back] that I 'd almost have *-3 to cancel *-3 to make the whole thing worthwhile .
- That 's because [ARG0 you] have *-1 to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for the insurance portion of the policy and the effort required * * to sell and service the whole package] .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARGM-LOC in most cases] , [ARG0 a huge hunk of your premium in the initial year or two of the the policy] is , [ARGM-ADV in effect] , [rel paying] [ARG1 the salesman 's commission] [ARGM-DIS as well] ; investment returns on most policies are actually negative for several years , largely because of this .
- [ARG0 You] [rel pay] [ARG1 a set premium] for [ARG3-for a set amount of coverage] , the company invests that premium in a portfolio of its choosing , and your cash value and dividends grow over the years .
- One newer wrinkle , so called single-premium life -LRB- [ARG0 you] [rel pay] for [ARG3-for the whole policy] [ARGM-TMP at once] -RRB- , has been immensely popular in recent years for tax reasons ; the insured could extract cash value in the form of policy `` loans , '' and none of the proceeds were taxable even though they included gains on investment .
- I can adjust the amount of insurance 0 I want *T*-1 against the amount going into investment ; [ARG0 I] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel pay] [ARG1 more or less than the so-called target premium] [ARGM-TMP in a given year] ; and I can even skip payments if my cash reserves are enough * to cover the insurance portion of the policy .
- At a back-yard barbecue , for example , a friend boasts that [ARG0 she] 'll only have *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 premiums] on [ARG2-on her John Hancock policy] [ARGM-TMP for seven years] and that her death benefits will then be `` guaranteed *-2 . ''
- Some provisions would let [ARG0 me] collect a percentage of the policy 's face value *-1 to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for long-term care such as nursing-home stays] ; others would allow payments for catastrophic illnesses and conditions such as cancer , heart attarcks , renal failure and kidney transplants .
- And considering the extra cost of such provisions , some figure that [ARG0 people] interested in , say , * [rel paying] for [ARG3-for extended nursing-home care] would be better off *-2 just buying a separate policy that *T*-1 provides it .
- At age 65 , when [ARG0 I] 'd stop *-2 [rel paying] [ARG1 premiums] *T*-1 , the Ameritas offering would have a projected cash value $ 14,000 *U* higher than the other , even though the Equitable 's policy illustration assumed a fractionally higher interest rate .
- * Imagine a widow who *T*-1 wants *-3 to maintain her standard of living at the same level 0 she had *T*-2 before [ARG0 she] had *-4 to [rel pay] [ARG1 the catastrophic surtax] .
- Perhaps an arrangement *ICH*-2 could be worked *-1 out * to `` sponsor '' El Espectador journalists and staff by [ARG0 *-3] [rel paying] for [ARG3-for added security] [ARGM-PNC in exchange for exclusive stories] .
- This means that [ARG1 the maximum yearly Social Security tax] [rel paid] * by [ARG0-by workers and employers each] will rise $ 250.80 *U* next year to $ 3,855.60 *U* .
- They can ignore the S&P 500 stocks altogether and focus on particular types of stocks , such as smaller companies , [ARG0 those] [rel paying] [ARG1 high] dividends or companies in a particular industry , state or country .
- Here [ARG0 a fund] may promise *-1 to [rel pay] back , [ARGM-DIS say] , [ARG1 $ 95 *U* of every $ 100 *U* invested * for a year] , [ARGM-ADV even if the market goes much lower] .
- And [ARG1 the fees] 0 [ARG0 investors] [rel pay] *T*-1 for [ARG3-for indexing] run a few pennies for each $ 100 *U* of assets -- a fraction of the cost of active managers .
- The heart of the business is the purchase of rice and other commodities , such as corn and coffee , from farmers in the south , [ARG0 *] [rel paying] [ARGM-MNR with fertilizer , farm tools and other items] .
- A similiar proposal has been made *-1 in the W. Herbert Hunt case although he and the IRS are at odds over the size of [ARG1 the non-dischargable debt] 0 [ARG0 he] would have *-3 to [rel pay] *T*-2 to [ARG2-to the government] [ARGM-MNR from future earnings] .
- [ARGM-ADV *-1 Going into the 1990s] , [ARG0 the GOP] is [rel paying] [ARG1 a price] for [ARG3-for the same conservative social agenda that it used *T*-2 *-3 to torment Democrats in the past] .
- In an open electronic system , [ARG0 any investor] wishing * to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for real-time access to the trading arena through a registered broker-dealer] would be able *-1 to see the entire supply-demand curve -LRB- buy and sell orders at each price -RRB- entered * by dealers and investors alike , and to enter and execute orders .
- They are worth more because [ARG0 they] [rel pay] [ARG1 higher interest than newly issued bonds do *?*] .
- As times get tougher , investors fret about whether [ARG0 companies] will have enough money 0 *T*-1 to [rel pay] [ARG3 their debts] .
- That means that [ARG0 a corporation] , after a specified amount of time has passed , can buy back its bonds by *-1 [rel paying] [ARG2 investors] [ARG1 the face value -LRB- plus , in some cases , a sweetener -RRB-] .
- If the refinancing plan clears Congress , there could be fairly heavy prepayments on the premium securities , * hurting [ARG0 any investor] [rel paying] [ARG1 much above par] for [ARG3-for them] .
- By [ARGM-TMP the time] 0 [ARG0 it] [rel paid] [ARG1 its expenses] *T*-1 it only had $ 120,000 *U* left * -- not enough * to treat even one child .
- [ARG0 Enforcers] [rel pay] [ARG1 special attention] to [ARG2-to operators using sweepstakes prizes as an additional inducement * to give] .
- For example , the chief executive himself now pays 20 % of the cost of his health benefits ; [ARG0 the company] used *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 100 %] .
- [ARGM-DIS For example] , [ARG0 the chief executive himself] [ARGM-TMP now] [rel pays] [ARG1 20 % of the cost of his health benefits] ; the company used *-1 to pay 100 % .
- Separately , Gillette said 0 its third-quarter earnings rose 2 % to $ 65.2 million *U* , or 57 cents a share , from $ 63.9 million *U* , or 57 cents a share , in the year-earlier period ; per-share earnings remained flat despite an increase in net income in part because [ARG0 the company] [rel paid] [ARG1 a $ 10.4 million *U* dividend] on [ARG2-on the new preferred stock] [ARGM-TMP in the period] .
- [ARG0 Sony] is [rel paying] [ARG1 a hefty price] for [ARG3-for a company that *T*-1 had revenue of only $ 42 million *U* last year] .
- [ARGM-TMP Ultimately] , [ARG0 they] [rel paid] [ARG1 more than $ 1 million *U*] for [ARG3-for the rights] .
- [ARG0 Thousands of us] had [rel paid] [ARG1 $ 5 *U*] for [ARG3-for the official souvenir book with its historical essays on Series trivia , its historical photographs of great moments in Series past , and its instructions , in English and Spanish , for * filling in the scorecard] .
- One sign of a possible easing of credit policy was the decision *ICH*-3 this week of [ARG0 People 's Bank of China , the central bank ,] * to allocate $ 5.4 billion *U* in short-term loans *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG2 farmers] for [ARG3-for the autumn harvest] , the official China Daily reported 0 *T*-2 .
- The main obstacle is finding a way 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for them] [ARGM-MNR *T*-1] .
- The House seriously considered *-1 raising [ARG1 the top tax rate] [rel paid] * by [ARG0-by individuals with the highest incomes] .
- Revenue was reduced *-1 $ 33 million *U* by three extraordinary items : a California Public Utilities Commission refund for an American Telephone & Telegraph Co. billing adjustment ; a provision for [ARG1 productivity sharing] 0 *T*-3 to be [rel paid] *-2 to [ARG2-to customers] [ARGM-TMP in 1990] and a one-time accrual for a toll settlement with long-distance telephone companies .
- Undoubtedly Mr. Bush will be praised *-1 by [ARG0 some Latin leaders] prone * to [rel pay] [ARG1 lip service] to [ARG2-to nonintervention] , while they privately encourage more assertive U.S. action 0 *T*-2 to remove Gen. Manuel Noriega and safeguard their countries from a Sandinista onslaught .
- [ARG0 Proceeds] will help [rel pay] for [ARG3-for a planned buy-back of 10 % , or about 153 million , of its shares and a 50 % dividend increase] .
- Only a month ago he 'd warned [ARG0 Congress] not to pass legislation * to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for abortions in cases of rape or incest] .
- [ARG1 Interest] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel paid] *-1 [ARGM-TMP semi-annually] .
- A New York Stock Exchange arbitration panel ordered [ARG0 Dean Witter] *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 404,294 *U* in back bonuses] to [ARG2-to William Kelly , the company 's former head of high-yield , high-risk junk-bond trading and sales] .
- The sums awarded * to Messrs. Kelly and Newcomb represent [ARG1 bonuses] 0 the two men said 0 they deserved *T*-3 from the first half of 1988 , but which *T*-2 were [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel paid] *-1 [ARGM-CAU because of a dispute over an incentive contract] .
- Dean Witter lost a separate case involving a former bond executive earlier this year ; [ARGM-TMP in August] [ARG0 it] [rel paid] [ARG1 $ 666,666 *U* in back pay and a bonus] to [ARG2-to a former corporate-bond trading chief , Harold Bachman] .
- [ARG0 The company , which *T*-1 went public in May ,] intends *-2 to [rel pay] [ARG1 dividends] [ARGM-MNR from available cash flow] ; the amount may vary from quarter to quarter .
- The judge ordered that a hearing be held *-1 Nov. 17 * to determine [ARG1 how much] [ARG0 the city] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel pay] [ARG2 Mr. Hoelzer] *T*-2 for [ARG3-for his services] .
- The suit alleges that Ms. Levine was fired *-1 after she refused *-2 to accept a [rel-MNR lower] [rel paying] , less visible [ARG0 job] upon *-3 reaching her sixth month of pregnancy .
- Some of the lawyers say 0 they would continue *-1 to represent their clients if [ARG0 the government] [rel pays] [ARG1 their tab] as [ARG3-as court-appointed lawyers] .
- Third , the theory suggests why [ARG0 legislators] who *T*-1 [rel pay] [ARG1 too much attention] to [ARG2-to national policy making] [ARGM-MNR relative to local benefit-seeking] have lower security in office *T*-2 .
- To the extent that the primary duty of personal staff involves local benefit-seeking , this indicates that political philosophy leads [ARG0 congressional Republicans] to [rel pay] [ARG1 less attention] to [ARG2-to narrow constituent concerns] .
- The measure provides no money for the promised payments until then , but beginning in fiscal 1991 , the government would be committed to *-1 meeting annual payments of as much as $ 500 million *U* until [ARG1 the total liability of approximately $ 1.25 billion *U*] is [rel paid] *-2 .
- Fireman 's is part of [ARG0 a $ 38 million *U* syndicate] that *T*-3 supplies business interruption insurance *ICH*-1 *PPA*-2 to the city *PPA*-2 on the Bay Bridge , which *T*-4 [ARGM-MOD must] [rel pay] [ARG2 employees] [ARGM-TMP during the three weeks or more 0 it is expected *-6 to be out of service and deprived *-7 of toll income *T*-5] .
- NATIONWIDE HEALTH PROPERTIES , Pasadena , Calif. , said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel pay] [ARG1 its fourth-quarter dividend] , [ARGM-ADV despite a 44 % increase in third-quarter earnings , to $ 3.5 million *U* , or 42 cents a share] .
- Nationwide Health said that although it has the cash 0 *T*-1 to cover the 25-cent-a-share dividend , [ARG0 its banks] have denied the company 's request * to [rel pay] [ARG1 it] because the trust has n't met certain terms .
- Since the preferred stock is cumulative , Amdura said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG1 all omitted dividends , which *T*-2 range from $ 1.19 to $ 4.88 *U* a share ,] [ARGM-TMP when debt-reduction requirements have been met *-1 *T*-3] .
- [ARG0 The newly chartered bank] [ARGM-MOD will] assume about $ 125.7 million *U* in 10,300 deposit accounts and [rel pay] [ARG2 the FDIC] [ARG1 a purchase premium of $ 2.9 million *U*] .
- Already the firm has paid $ 211,666 *U* of the fine , the suit said 0 *T*-2 , and [ARG0 it] will have *-1 to liquidate additional assets in order *-3 to [rel pay] [ARG1 the rest] .
- [ARGM-TMP Already] [ARG0 the firm] has [rel paid] [ARG1 $ 211,666 *U* of the fine] , the suit said 0 *T*-2 , and it will have *-1 to liquidate additional assets in order *-3 to pay the rest .
- After [ARG0 *-1] completing the sale and [rel paying] [ARG2 debts] , the trust and corporation will consider a number of options including a stock repurchase , payment of special dividend or investment in more gaming properties .
- Eugene Sit , president of Sit Investment Associates in Minneapolis , says , `` When we bought it *T*-2 , we thought 0 the growth rate was going *-3 to accelerate '' because of computerized tax filing and instant refunds -LRB- [ARG0 the customer] gets a refund immediately but [rel pays] [ARG1 extra] to [ARG2-to the tax preparer , which *T*-1 waits for Uncle Sam 's check] -RRB- .
- [ARG0 The 282 members] had [rel paid] [ARG1 $ 10,000 *U*] apiece for [ARG3-for seats] .
- Average of [ARG1 top rates] [rel paid] * by [ARG0-by major New York banks] on primary new issues of negotiable C.D.s , [ARGM-TMP usually] on [ARG2-on amounts of $ 1 million and more *U*] .
- HealthVest , an Austin , Texas , real estate investment trust , said that Chemical Bank , the lead bank under its domestic bank agreement , told it that if [ARG1 $ 3.3 million *U* owed * to the bank group] is [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel paid] *-2 [ARGM-TMP by today] , the group will call the $ 120 million *U* that HealthVest has *T*-1 outstanding under the credit line .
- McCaw is seeking 50.3 % of the cellular and broadcasting concern ; the revised offer includes a feature requiring McCaw to begin an auction process *ICH*-2 in July 1994 that *T*-1 would buy out remaining holders at a per-share price roughly equivalent to [ARG1 what] [ARG0 a third party] might then have *-4 to [rel pay] *T*-3 for [ARG3-for all of LIN] .
- [ARG0 I] [ARGM-TMP never] [rel pay] [ARG2 my bills] [ARGM-TMP Till the very last day] ; I lose far less interest By *-1 proceeding that way .
- But it all evens out , It 's so easy 0 * to see *T*-2 : [ARGM-TMP Not till the last moment] Am [ARG2 I] [rel paid] *-3 [ARG1 what *T*-1 's due me] .
- `` If you think 0 earnings will grow at 20 % a year , it *EXP*-2 's all right [ARG0 *] to [rel pay] [ARG1 20 times earnings] , '' he says *T*-1 .
- `` [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 *] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel pay] [ARG1 30 times earnings] for [ARG3-for a company that *T*-1 's expected *-2 to grow at 15 % a year] . ''
- The 4.52 % net interest margin , or the difference between the yield on a bank 's investments and [ARG1 the rate] 0 [ARG0 it] [rel pays] *T*-1 for [ARG3-for deposits and other borrowings] , was still markedly higher than the 3.91 % ratio a year earlier , and is among the best in the industry , analysts said 0 *T*-2 .
- But that drop was caused entirely *-1 by a decline in [ARG1 Brazilian interest] [rel paid] * , to $ 5 million *U* from $ 54 million *U* the second quarter .
- He said 0 he `` did n't argue with '' the company 's decision * to seek his resignation because *-3 contemplating outside business ventures can distract an executive from *-4 performing his best `` at [ARG3 the job] 0 [ARG2 he] is [rel paid] *-2 to do *T*-1 . ''
- a - [ARG1 Average rate] [rel paid] * [ARGM-TMP yesterday] by [ARG0-by 100 large banks and thrifts in the 10 largest metropolitan areas] [ARGM-ADV as * compiled *-1 by Bank Rate Monitor] .
- He said 0 the original proposal is dead , and all aspects of a revised version are up for change , in light of the changes in UAL 's market price , the amount of debt 0 banks are willing *-2 to fund *T*-1 , and [ARG1 the price] 0 [ARG0 British Air] would be willing *-4 to [rel pay] *T*-3 .
- [ARG0 British Air] was originally attracted *-1 to the chance of *-1 obtaining a 15 % stake in the company , but was n't particularly happy with *-1 [rel paying] [ARG1 $ 750 million *U*] .
- [ARG0 UAL management] was to [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 15 million *U*] for [ARG3-for 10 %] , and British Air was to receive a 15 % stake .
- The action in Pennsylvania , for example , will follow last week 's collapse of a special session of the Florida legislature 0 *T*-2 to enact restrictions on abortions in that state , and the vote *ICH*-3 here in Washington by the House * to permit [ARGM-MNR federally] [rel paid] [ARG1 abortions] for poor women who *T*-1 are victims of rape or incest .
- [ARG1 Proceeds] will help *-1 [rel pay] for [ARG3-for a planned buy-back of 10 % of its shares and a 50 % dividend increase] .
- [ARG0 The company] , which *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP last month] [rel paid] [ARG1 # 50.7 million *U*] for [ARG3-for regional British brewer Boddington Group PLC] , has about 13 % of the British beer market .
- The real estate limited partnership also said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG1 a special year-end cash distribution of 10 cents a unit] .
- When Disney offered *-1 to pay Mr. Steinberg a premium for his shares *T*-2 , the New York investor did n't demand 0 [ARG0 the company] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel pay] [ARG1 a premium] to [ARG2-to other shareholders] .
- When [ARG0 Disney] offered *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG2 Mr. Steinberg] [ARG1 a premium] for [ARG3-for his shares] *T*-2 , the New York investor did n't demand 0 the company also pay a premium to other shareholders .
- COMPANIES SEEKING * to make [ARG0 insurers] [rel pay] for [ARG3-for pollution cleanup] win court victory .
- The term greenmail refers to [ARGM-LOC a situation] where [ARG0 a company] [rel pays] [ARG1 a premium over market value] *T*-1 [ARG3 *-2 to repurchase a stake held * by a potential acquirer] .
- But some attorneys who *T*-2 are familiar with the matter said 0 the $ 6.5 million *U* payment will be shared *-1 by Bally and Mr. Trump , with [ARG0 the casino and hotel concern] [ARGM-ADV probably] [rel paying] [ARG1 the bulk of the money] .
- The amount 0 Bally and Mr. Trump will pay *T*-1 *-2 to settle the class-action suit pales in comparison to [ARG1 the $ 45 million *U*] 0 [ARG0 Walt Disney Co. and Saul Steinberg 's Reliance Group Holdings Inc.] agreed *-3 to [rel pay] *T*-4 [ARG3 *-5 to settle a similar suit] in July .
- [ARG1 The amount] 0 [ARG0 Bally and Mr. Trump] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] *T*-1 [ARG3 *-2 to settle the class-action suit] pales in comparison to the $ 45 million *U* 0 Walt Disney Co. and Saul Steinberg 's Reliance Group Holdings Inc. agreed *-3 to pay *T*-4 *-5 to settle a similar suit in July .
- A second provision passed * by the Senate and House would eliminate a rule allowing companies that *T*-1 post losses resulting from LBO debt to receive refunds of [ARG1 taxes] [rel paid] * [ARGM-TMP over the previous three years] .
- For example , if a company posted a loss of $ 100 million *U* from buy-out interest payments , the existing rule would allow the concern to be able *-2 to receive a refund from [ARG1 the tax] 0 [ARG0 it] [rel paid] *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP from 1986 through 1989 , when it may have been a profitable public company *T*-3] .
- `` [ARG0 We] [ARGM-MOD would] have [rel paid] [ARG1 more] [ARGM-ADV if we thought 0 that law was n't going *-2 to pass] , '' he said *T*-1 .
- The House version of the bill would make debt non-deductible if [ARG0 it] [rel pays] [ARG1 five percentage points above Treasury notes] , has at least a five-year maturity and does n't pay interest for at least one year out of the first five .
- The House version of the bill would make debt non-deductible if [ARG0 it] pays five percentage points above Treasury notes , has at least a five-year maturity and does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel pay] [ARG1 interest] [ARGM-TMP for at least one year out of the first five] .
- The Senate bill would only deny the deduction until [ARG1 interest] is [ARGM-ADV actually] [rel paid] *-1 .
- Currently , even though [ARG0 the issuer] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel pay] [ARG1 tax] , the debt holder is taxed *-1 on the accrued interest .
- But those holders are often foreign investors and [ARG0 tax-exempt pension funds] that *T*-1 do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel pay] [ARG1 taxes] on [ARG3-on their holdings] .
- Such high-yield debt is similar to a zero-coupon bond in that it is sold *-1 at a discount to face value , with [ARG1 interest] accruing instead of being [rel paid] *-3 to [ARG2-to the holder] .
- As a result , [ARG1 prices] [rel paid] * to [ARG2-to farmers] for [ARG3-for the commodities , which *T*-2 are used *-1 in products as diverse as bubble gum and chicken feed ,] plummet 20 % to 33 % .
- The judge dismissed the suit and ordered [ARG0 Mr. Maynard 's company] *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 over $ 100,000 *U* in legal fees] to [ARG2-to the defendants ' lawyers] .
- [ARG0 International Proteins Corp.] definitively agreed *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 49 million *U* and 2,850,000 of its shares] for [ARG3-for Hanson PLC 's Ground Round restaurant subsidiary] .
- Carat will receive its WCRS stake as part of payment for the 50 % Carat stake that WCRS is buying *T*-1 , while Eurocom said 0 [ARG0 it] expects *-2 to [rel pay] [ARG1 about # 32 million *U*] for [ARG3-for its WCRS stake] .
- [ARGM-ADV According to terms] , [ARG0 WCRS] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG1 2.02 billion French francs -LRB- $ 318.6 million *U* -RRB-] for [ARG3-for the 50 % 0 it does n't already own *T*-3 of Carat Holding S.A. , one of Europe 's largest media buyers] .
- [ARGM-TMP Meanwhile] , [ARG0 Eurocom , which *T*-1 had held 20 % of WCRS 's ad unit ,] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG1 # 43.5 million *U* -LRB- $ 68.5 million *U* -RRB-] [ARG3 *-2 to raise its stake to 60 %] .
- Many in Washington say 0 [ARG0 President Bush] will have *-1 to raise taxes *-2 to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for his war on drugs] .
- We have a better idea : [ARG0 *] Dismantle HUD *-1 to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for the war on drugs] .
- [ARG0 Valley National] had been [rel paying] [ARG1 a quarterly dividend of 36 cents a share] .
- After *-2 expanding rapidly during the bull-market years up to the 1987 crash , [ARG0 retail brokerage operations] these days are getting barely enough business * to [rel pay] [ARG1 the overhead] .
- [ARG0 $ 200 million *U* of floating-rate notes] [ARGM-ADV due November 1994] , [rel paying] [ARG1 six-month London interbank offered rate plus 3\/16 point] and priced * at par via Credit Suisse First Boston Ltd .
- The Roth plan would create a new , non-deductible IRA from which money could be withdrawn *-1 tax-free not only for retirement , but also for the purchase of a first home and [ARG0 *] to [rel pay] [ARG1 education and medical expenses] *T*-2 .
- Mr. Byrne says 0 [ARG0 Fireman 's Fund] [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-ADV probably] [rel pay] [ARG1 hundreds of millions in primary claims] , but , after taxes and use of its reinsurance lines , the company 's fourthquarter charge against earnings should n't top $ 50 million *U* .
- [ARG0 Fireman 's Fund] had claims adjusters on the streets of San Francisco right after sunrise yesterday and was [rel paying] [ARG1 as many claims as it could *?*] [ARGM-LOC right on the spot] .
- In addition to [ARG0 *-1] [rel paying] for [ARG3-for earthquake and fire damage] , the insurer must cover worker-compensation claims and also losses due to businesses being shut *-2 down by lack of power or phone service .
- But many Californians may not have [ARG0 adequate insurance coverage] 0 * to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for damages to their property] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Congress] authorized $ 50 billion *U* 0 *T*-1 to be borrowed *-2 *PPA*-3 * to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for the thrift bailout] .
- Since [ARG0 those bonds] [ARGM-TMP already] [rel pay] [ARG1 a slightly higher yield , an extra premium for the earthquake risk ,] they were n't materially affected *-1 .
- But some bond market analysts said 0 that could quickly change if [ARG0 property casualty insurance companies] scramble *-1 to sell portions of their municipal portfolios * to raise cash 0 * to [rel pay] [ARG1 damage claims] *T*-2 .
- Dealers said 0 there was some concern that [ARG0 insurance companies] might be forced *-1 to sell mortgage securities *-3 to help *-4 [rel pay] [ARG1 earthquake-related claims] , but no selling materialized .
- Early in 1987 , [ARG0 Mr. Honecker and his team] stopped *-1 [rel paying] [ARG1 thin compliments] to [ARG2-to Mr. Gorbachev] and joined with Romania in * rejecting any necessity for adjustments in their systems .
- Average of [ARG1 top rates] [rel paid] * by [ARG0-by major New York banks] on primary new issues of negotiable C.D.s , [ARGM-TMP usually] on [ARG2-on amounts of $ 1 million *U* and more] .
- Per-share figures have been adjusted *-2 for [ARG1 a 4-for-1 stock split] [rel paid] * [ARGM-TMP earlier this month] .
- The Minneapolis-based retailer said 0 [ARG0 it] expects *-1 to [rel pay] for [ARG3-for the seven million shares] [ARGM-TMP next Thursday] .
- [ARGM-TMP In the year-ago quarter] , [ARG0 Viacom] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel paid] [ARG1 preferred stock dividends of $ 17 million *U*] ; Viacom exchanged its preferred stock for debt in March .
- Florio Fiorini , managing director of Geneva-based Sasea , said 0 [ARG0 the investors] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel pay] [ARG1 only a symbolic one lira] for [ARG3-for the station] , `` but we have agreed *-2 to raise the capital that *T*-1 will enable the company to continue *-3 operating .
- Georgia Gulf had 24.9 million shares outstanding *ICH*-1 on average in the quarter , compared with 28.6 million in the third quarter of 1988 , adjusted * for [ARG1 a stock split] [rel paid] * [ARGM-TMP in January 1989] .
- The sale price of McCall 's -- twice [ARG1 what] [ARG0 Mr. Lang] [ARGM-TMP originally] [rel paid] *T*-1 for [ARG3-for it] -- will finance Lang Communications ' buy-back of Time Warner 's 50 % interest in Working Woman and Working Mother .
- Arkla said 0 its initial offering of 18 % of Arkla Exploration Co. is expected *-2 to result in a net gain of [ARG0 about $ 90 million *U*] , which *T*-1 will be used *-3 *-4 to [rel pay] down [ARG1 Arkla debt] .
- If the investment bank can sell the securities at a higher price than [ARG0 it] [rel paid] [ARG2 the issuer] [ARG1 *?*] , it makes a profit .
- Should [ARG0 they] be required *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 claims based on exorbitant costs for labor and materials] ?
- Then , if the stocks fell sharply , he planned *-3 to begin *-4 buying them aggressively , on the theory that the companies that *T*-1 insure against property damage and accidents will have *-5 to raise rates eventually *-6 to compensate for [ARG1 the claims] 0 [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] *T*-2 to [ARG2-to earthquake victims and victims of last month 's Hurricane Hugo] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Taft] [rel paid] [ARG1 an average of $ 28.43 *U*] for [ARG3-for each share] .
- [ARG2 Four Bear Stearns executives besides the 62-year-old Mr. Greenberg] were [rel paid] *-1 [ARG1 $ 3 million *U* or more before dividends] for [ARG3-for the 14 months ended in June] .
- `` Just because a particular element of the firm *ICH*-1 is down , '' such as stockbrokerage , `` does n't mean 0 [ARG2 the executive committee] [ARGM-MOD should] be [rel paid] *-3 [ARG1 less] , '' he said *T*-2 .
- [ARG2 Mr. Greenberg himself] was [rel paid] *-1 [ARG1 $ 4.5 million *U* *ICH*-2] , [ARGM-TMP before an estimated $ 1.5 million *U* in dividends] , up from $ 2.4 million *U* the year before .
- We have as much nostalgia as anyone for those leafy , breezy days in Washington when honorable men and women dickered over budgets and even log-rolled a bit *-2 to see that the bridges got build *-3 , roads paved *-4 , [ARG2 soldiers] [rel paid] *-5 or that the desperately poor were cared for *-1 *T*-7 .
- [ARG0 AVX , a New York-based maker of passive electronic products ,] [rel paid] [ARG1 $ 11 million *U* in cash] to [ARG2-to Unitrode , a Lexington-based maker of semiconductor products] .
- Though * not reflected *-3 in the table , an investor should know that the cost of the option insurance can be partially offset *-1 by [ARG1 any dividends] that [ARG0 the stock] [rel pays] *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-DIS For example] , [ARG0 Tenneco Inc.] [rel pays] [ARG1 a quarterly dividend of 76 cents , which *T*-1 would be received *-2 before the February option expires and , thus , reduce the cost of * using the technique by that amount] .
- These calculations exclude the effect of [ARG1 commissions] [rel paid] * and dividends received * from the stock .
- The hard drive , which *T*-1 is the storage device of choice for virtually every desktop computer user , also now will supplement Next 's futuristic optical device if [ARG0 buyers] [rel pay] [ARG1 full price] .
- Average of [ARG1 top rates] [rel paid] * by [ARG0-by major New York banks] on primary new issues of negotiable C.D.s , [ARGM-TMP usually] on [ARG2-on amounts of $ 1 million *U* and more] .
- At another point he intones : `` Publicity is [ARG1 a small price] 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel pay] *T*-1 for [ARG3-for secrecy] . ''
- [ARG0 A handful of the New Crowd operators] have crossed the line from the immoral to the illegal , and have ended up in the slammer or *-2 [rel paying] [ARG1 huge fines] :
- [ARG0 United] [rel paid] [ARG2 him] [ARG1 a $ 375,000 *U* bonus] [ARG3 *-3 to lure him away from American Airlines] , and he was paid *-2 a salary of $ 342,122 *U* *ICH*-1 last year with a $ 280,000 *U* bonus .
- United paid him a $ 375,000 *U* bonus *-3 to lure him away from American Airlines , and [ARG2 he] was [rel paid] *-2 [ARG1 a salary of $ 342,122 *U* *ICH*-1] [ARGM-TMP last year] [ARGM-MNR with a $ 280,000 *U* bonus] .
- Although [ARG0 the jobs] [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-ADV probably] [rel pay] [ARG1 between $ 70,000 and $ 80,000 *U* a year] , IRS officials are confident that they can attract top-notch candidates from the private sector .
- He insisted , as he has *?* before , that [ARG2 creditors] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel paid] *-1 [ARGM-MNR in full] [ARGM-LOC under the plan] .
- The method of * calculating [ARG1 the 20 % tax] , [rel paid] * [ARGM-ADV if it exceeds tax figured * the regular way] , is due for a change in 1990 , thanks to 1986 's tax act .
- Interest will be imposed *-1 on unpaid taxes , but late-payment penalties on the returns will be waived *-2 if [ARG1 the balance] due and [rel paid] is 10 % or less of the liability .
- Among the provisions : Fiscal-year taxpayers with returns due last Monday wo n't be penalized *-1 if [ARG0 they] file -- or request an extension -- and [rel pay] [ARG1 tax due by Nov. 15] .
- USED-CAR BUYERS who *T*-1 try *-2 to avoid sales tax by * understating [ARG1 prices] [rel paid] * [ARGM-LOC in private deals] are the targets of a New York drive .
- In April 1987 , evidence *ICH*-2 surfaced that [ARG1 commissions] were [rel paid] *-3 .
- Swedish National Radio reports that [ARG1 about $ 40 million *U* -- nearly 3 % of the total contract --] was [rel paid] *-1 by [ARG0-by Bofors] [ARGM-MNR as commissions to middlemen] .
- The disclosures state that [ARG1 commissions] were [rel paid] *-1 by [ARG0-by Bofors] to [ARG2-to an Indian agent of the arms company] .
- [ARGM-TMP Meanwhile] , [ARGM-TMP for the second straight day] , [ARG0 the bond market] [rel paid] [ARG1 little attention] to [ARG2-to the Federal Reserve 's open market operations] .
- Moody 's said 0 the proposed recaptilization may `` limit the company 's ability * to realize its profit potential '' and that [ARG0 *] [rel paying] [ARG1 dividends] [ARGM-MNR from a new series of preferred] could squeeze `` basic business operations . ''
- Beatrice , which *T*-1 went private in an $ 8.2 billion *U* leveraged buy-out in 1986 , said last month that [ARG0 it] might borrow again * to help [rel pay] [ARG2 investors] [ARG1 as much as $ 983 million *U* in preferred stock and debt securities] .
- On Monday , for instance , Howard Ward , a principal at Scudder , Stevens & Clark , found that `` [ARG0 you] could n't buy blue-chips at quoted prices without * [rel paying] up . ''
- And when [ARG0 many firms] had *-2 to `` [rel pay] up *T*-3 , '' Monday 's sudden rally was sparked *-1 .
- `` Why should I risk money for [ARG0 a guy] for who *T*-1 's [rel paying] [ARG2 me] [ARG1 five cents a dance] ?
- The electronics concern said 0 [ARG0 it] already has paid $ 2 million *U* of the settlement to National Semiconductor , Santa Clara , Calif. , and [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG1 the remaining $ 1 million *U*] [ARGM-MNR in equal installments] [ARGM-TMP over the next eight quarters] .
- The electronics concern said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-TMP already] has [rel paid] [ARG1 $ 2 million *U* of the settlement] to [ARG2-to National Semiconductor , Santa Clara , Calif.] , and will pay the remaining $ 1 million *U* in equal installments over the next eight quarters .
- Unilab said 0 [ARG0 its wholly owned MetWest Inc. unit] [rel paid] [ARG1 $ 25 million *U* in cash] , provided $ 30 million *U* in notes and $ 30 million *U* in preferred stock [ARG3 * to acquire Central 's labs in the Western U.S.] .
- In his statement , Mr. Wolf said , `` We continue *-1 to believe 0 our approach is sound , and that it is far better for all employees than the alternative of * having an outsider own the company with [ARG0 employees] [rel paying] for [ARG3-for it] [ARGM-ADV just the same] . ''
- Macmillan said 0 [ARG0 Berlitz] intends *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 quarterly dividends on the stock] .
- The company said 0 [ARG0 it] expects *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 the first dividend , of 12.5 cents a share ,] [ARGM-TMP in the 1990 first quarter] .
- [ARG0 Proceeds from the borrowings under the credit agreement] will be used *-1 *-2 to [rel pay] [ARG1 an $ 80 million *U* cash dividend] to [ARG2-to Macmillan] and to lend the remainder of about $ 128 million *U* to Maxwell Communications in connection with a promissory note .
- Nearly half of U.S. consumers say 0 [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD 'll] [rel pay] [ARG1 up to 5 % more] for [ARG3-for packaging that *T*-1 can be recycled *-2 or is biodegradable] , according to a survey commissioned * by the Michael Peters Group , a design consultant .
- So [ARG0 the U.S.] found itself *-1 [rel paying] [ARG1 about $ 2 billion *U* in baksheesh] to [ARG2-to various Arab potentates] for [ARG3-for basing rights around the Indian Ocean] .
- And where were *T*-2 all our [ARGM-MNR handsomely] [rel paid] [ARG2 Indian] Ocean allies last year when our convoys were being attacked *-1 *T*-3 ? ''
- That is , he is being compelled *-2 to put them on the market too soon , and has already gotten offers that *T*-1 are less than [ARG0 he] [rel paid] [ARG1 *?*] for [ARG3-for some of the art works] .
- `` [ARGM-TMP On occasion] , [ARG0 he] [rel paid] [ARG1 a high price] , '' Mr. Wachter concedes 0 *T*-3 , but he says 0 those who *T*-1 bid less and dropped out were dealers who *T*-2 would then have marked up the paintings *-4 to resell them at a profit to collectors .
- Late last week federal regulators ordered [ARG0 the thrift institution] *-2 to stop *-3 [rel paying] [ARG1 dividends on its preferred stock] -- a move that *T*-1 suggests deep concern about an institution .
- -LRB- Trouble is , [ARG0 Mr. Bond] has yet *-1 to [rel pay] up , and until he does , Sotheby 's has the painting under lock and key . -RRB-
- [ARG0 He] [rel paid] [ARG1 $ 2.2 million *U*] , [ARGM-DIS for instance] , for [ARG3-for a still life by Jan Jansz. den Uyl that *T*-1 was expected *-2 to fetch perhaps $ 700,000 *U*] .
- [ARG1 The price] [rel paid] * was a record for the artist .
- *-1 Adding to Mr. Paul 's problems , dealers -LRB- some with vested interests -RRB- insist that [ARG0 he , relying rather too heavily on Sotheby 's advice ,] [rel paid] [ARG1 much too much] for [ARG3-for several pieces in the CenTrust collection] .
- `` The feeling among many experts on the commercial side is that [ARG1 the price] [rel paid] * [ARGM-TMP at the time] was excessive in any event , '' Mr. Tunick says *T*-1 .
- Victor Wiener , the executive director of the Appraisers Association of America , agrees that [ARG0 Mr. Paul] [rel paid] [ARGM-MNR very dearly] for [ARG3-for the Rubens] and adds that * getting rid of it any time soon for a similar sum would be quite a feat .
- Bankers believed in the greater-fool theory that *T*-1 says 0 [ARG0 somebody else] is always willing *-2 to [rel pay] [ARG1 more] .
- However , the lower prices 0 these retail chains are now expected *-1 to bring *T*-2 should make it easier for [ARG0 managers] to raise the necessary capital and [rel pay] back [ARG1 the resulting debt] .
- [ARG0 The Dallas real estate investment trust] [ARGM-TMP last] [rel paid] [ARG1 a dividend] [ARGM-TMP on Dec. 31 , 1987 , when shareholders received $ 1 *U* a share *T*-1] .
- NATIONAL INCOME REALTY TRUST said 0 it will resume dividend payments with [ARG1 a 12-cent-a-share dividend] 0 *T*-2 to be [rel paid] *-1 [ARGM-TMP Nov. 6] to [ARG2-to shares of record Oct. 25] .
- [ARG0 The mortgage and equity real estate investment trust] [ARGM-TMP last] [rel paid] [ARG1 a dividend] [ARGM-TMP on Aug. 1 , 1988 , when holders received 75 cents a share *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 China 's top film actress , Liu Xiaoqing ,] [rel paid] [ARG1 $ 4,555 *U* in back taxes and fines] [ARGM-LOC in Shandong province] , the People 's Daily reported 0 *T*-1 .
- When the market stabilized *T*-1 , he added 0 *T*-2 , [ARG0 the firm] sold the bonds and [ARGM-MNR quickly] [rel paid] [ARG1 the loans] [ARGM-ADV back] .
- [ARG0 Aeroflot] [ARGM-DIS thus] [rel pays] [ARG1 its landing fees , ground-handling and catering bills] [ARGM-MNR with fuel] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 preserving its hard currency] .
- New , efficient and sophisticated processes make it *EXP*-2 easier for smaller , less cash-rich companies to make steel at a fraction of [ARG1 what] [ARG0 Big Steel] [rel paid] *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP decades ago] .
- Most have read the pre-trial documents , however , and estimate 0 [ARG0 Kodak] will be ordered *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 1 billion to $ 1.5 billion *U*] for [ARG3-for * infringing on seven Polaroid patents] .
- The highest patent damage award to date was in 1986 , when [ARG0 Smith International Inc.] was ordered *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 205 million *U*] to [ARG2-to Baker Hughes Inc.] for [ARG3-for * infringing on a patent on an oil drilling bit seal] .
- The dividend represents the balance of its regular quarterly payout of 10 cents a share , of which [ARG1 half *T*-2] was [rel paid] *-1 [ARGM-TMP July 17] [ARGM-MNR in a final distribution] [ARGM-TMP prior to its merger with B.B. Real Estate Investment Corp. , also in July] .
- [ARG0 Some companies , including Heinz ,] [ARGM-ADV even] [rel pay] [ARG1 part of the fee] .
- And even though [ARG0 employees] [rel paid] [ARG1 the bill] , taxpayers grumbled .
- But in a letter sent * in August to Asia Development , Schroders said 0 the loan was terminated *-1 because [ARG0 the developer] had failed *-2 to deliver adequate financial data and [rel pay] [ARG1 certain fees] to [ARG2-to the loan-management committee] [ARGM-TMP on time] , according to officials close to the project .
- But some analysts contend 0 [ARG0 K mart] has agreed *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 too much] for [ARG3-for Pace] .
- `` [ARGM-DIS In my opinion] , [ARG0 you] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-ADV only] [rel pay] [ARG1 that kind of price] [ARGM-ADV if you were getting a premier player in the industry] . ''
- [ARG0 Shoppers , many of whom operate small businesses ,] [rel pay] [ARG1 annual membership fees , which *T*-1 provide an income base for the stores] .
- Last month , Mr. Friend says 0 *T*-1 , Mr. Alexander 's associate agreed that [ARG0 Derr] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 50,000 *U*] [ARGM-ADV as part of an overall settlement] .
- `` I never agreed to it , '' Mr. Alexander says *T*-2 , *-3 adding that `` it *EXP*-1 's not necessary [ARG0 *] to [rel pay] [ARG1 these nuisance settlements] . ''
- And * assuming 0 their first investment is successful , [ARG0 investors] will have *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 taxes on their gains] .
- * Assuming that [ARG0 he] [rel paid] [ARG1 a rough average price of $ 80 *U* a share] , and assuming 0 he did n't sell before his announcement reached the market , Mr. Trump could be sitting with a modest loss with the stock at $ 76.50 *U* .
- But other banks balked at [ARG1 the low interest rate and banking fees] 0 [ARG0 the UAL group] was willing *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG2 them] *T*-2 .
- Officials familiar with the bank talks said 0 [ARG0 the UAL buy-out group -- UAL pilots , management , and British Airways PLC --] is now willing *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 higher bank fees and interest] , but is n't likely *-1 to boost its $ 965 million *U* equity contribution .
- `` [ARG0 The RTC] is going *-1 to have *-2 to [rel pay] [ARG1 a price of prior consultation on the Hill] if they want that kind of flexibility . ''
- Another $ 20 billion *U* would be raised *-1 through [ARG0 Treasury bonds] , which *T*-2 [rel pay] [ARG1 lower interest rates] .
- Why not [ARG0 *] extend the same harsh standards to the sales force , and [rel pay] [ARG2 brokers] [ARG1 a base salary with annual bonus based * on how much money they made *T*-1 for their clients during the year] *T*-2 ?
- [ARG1 The higher rates] [rel paid] * on [ARG3-on deposits] also helped *-1 squeeze NCNB 's net interest margin in the Southeast to 3.38 % from 3.80 % a year earlier .
- *-3 Excluding the $ 2 billion *U* provision and allowing for [ARG1 the taxes] 0 [ARG0 Morgan] [rel paid] *T*-1 , earnings were about 65 cents a share , Mr. Salem said 0 *T*-2 .
- McCaw 's revised tender offer would require McCaw to begin an auction process *ICH*-1 in July 1994 that *T*-2 would buy out remaining holders at a per-share price roughly equivalent to [ARG1 what] [ARG0 a third party] might then have *-4 to [rel pay] *T*-3 for [ARG3-for all of LIN] .
- [ARG0 *] To spend a carefree , idle day , When duty calls *T*-2 , to [rel pay] [ARG1 no heed] , To while the precious hours away -- Character is what you need *T*-1 .
- MRA Staffing Systems signs up nurses for [rel paid] [ARG1 travel] , *-1 promising annual income up to $ 50,000 *U* and free or subsidized housing .
- [ARG0 RJR Nabisco] [rel pays] [ARG1 up to $ 30,000 *U* of losses , including improvements] .
- [ARG0 Not only Californians but all Americans] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel pay] [ARGM-ADV if this thing passed] .
- The impact of the changes is * to eliminate many of the most excessive cases where [ARG0 the government] has been [rel paying] [ARG1 more than $ 200 *U*] for [ARG3-for each passenger] [ARGM-MNR in subsidies] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Waterford] has decided against *-1 [rel paying] [ARG1 an interim dividend] .
- A spokesman for Laidlaw declined *-2 to disclose [ARG1 the price] 0 [ARG0 the Toronto transportation and waste services concern] [rel paid] *T*-1 for [ARG3-for the additional shares , which he said 0 *T*-3 were acquired `` over the last couple of weeks . '']
- Average of [ARG1 top rates] [rel paid] * by [ARG0-by major New York banks] on primary new issues of negotiable C.D.s , [ARGM-TMP usually] on [ARG2-on amounts of $ 1 million *U* and more] .
- At the same time , its annual payments on long-term debt will more than double from a year ago to about $ 240 million *U* , largely because of debt taken * on [ARG0 *] to [rel pay] [ARG1 a $ 50-a-share *U* special dividend] [ARGM-TMP earlier this year] .
- A spokesman for Information International said 0 the lawsuit by two units of Morris Communications Corp. seeks restitution of the system 's about $ 3 million *U* purchase price and cancellation of a software license provided * by the Morris units to [ARG0 Information International] for alleged failure * to [rel pay] [ARG1 royalties] .
- Gulf Resources & Chemical Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] agreed *-2 to [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 1.5 million *U*] [ARGM-ADV as part of an accord with the Environmental Protection Agency regarding an environmental cleanup of a defunct smelter 0 the company formerly operated *T*-1 in Idaho] .
- In addition , Ms. Consolo says 0 *T*-3 , [ARG0 tenants] usually can negotiate *-2 to [rel pay] [ARG1 rents that *T*-1 are about one-quarter lower than landlords ' initial asking price] .
- [ARG0 NCNB Texas National Bank] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG2 the RTC] [ARG1 a premium of $ 129 million *U*] for [ARG3-for $ 3.5 billion *U* in deposits] .
- [ARGM-ADV As a measure of the depths to which the Texas real estate market has sunk *T*-1] , [ARG0 the RTC] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 3.8 billion *U*] to [ARG2-to NCNB] [ARG3 *-2 to take $ 750 million *U* of bad assets] .
- [ARG0 NCNB] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG2 the RTC] [ARG1 a premium of $ 40.4 million *U*] for [ARG3-for $ 1.1 billion *U* in deposits] .
- [ARG0 Meridian] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG1 a premium of $ 30.5 million *U*] [ARG3 *-1 to assume $ 2 billion *U* in deposits] .
- [ARG0 Royal Trustco] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel pay] [ARG2 the RTC] [ARG1 $ 25 million *U*] [ARG3 *-1 to assume $ 989 million *U* in deposits] .
- [ARG0 Acquirers] [rel paid] [ARG1 premiums ranging from 1.5 % to 3.7 % *ICH*-2] for [ARG3-for the deposits and branch systems] , roughly in line with what analysts were expecting *T*-1 .
- After that , the buyers may repudiate [ARG1 the rates] [rel paid] * by [ARG0-by the former thrifts] .
- `` It *EXP*-2 's terrific for advertisers to know 0 [ARG0 the reader] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel paying] [ARG1 more] , '' said 0 *T*-1 Michael Drexler , national media director at Bozell Inc. ad agency .
- [ARG0 It] is [rel paying] [ARG1 higher salaries] -- [ARGM-TMP after years of scrimping] -- [ARG3 *-1 to lure and keep experienced staffers] .
- The thrifts ' lawyers claim that the suits , numbering 700 to 1,000 in Texas alone , should be dismissed *-1 as moot because [ARG0 neither the S&Ls nor the extinct Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp.] has the money 0 * to [rel pay] [ARG1 judgments] *T*-2 .
- In the same month , the Office of Thrift Supervision ordered [ARG0 the institution] *-1 to stop *-2 [rel paying] [ARG1 common stock dividends] until its operations were on track .
- [ARG0 Mr. Burt] [ARGM-DIS nonetheless] [rel paid] [ARG1 the penalty] [ARGM-ADV as if he had lost] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 agreeing *-2 to spend a day with West German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher *-3 frying and selling their combined weight in potato pancakes] .
- Also missing from the Senate bill is *T*-2 the House 's repeal of a law , called * Section 89 , that *T*-1 compels companies to give rank-and-file workers comparable health benefits to [ARG3 top] [rel paid] [ARG2 executives] .
- It also drops a provision that *T*-1 would have permitted [ARG0 corporations] to use excess pension funds *-2 to [rel pay] [ARG1 health benefits] for [ARG3-for current retirees] .
- -- Require mutual funds to include in their taxable income [ARG1 dividends] [rel paid] * to [ARG2-to them] [ARGM-TMP on the date that the dividends are declared rather than received *-4 *T*-2] , effective the day after the tax bill is enacted *-5 .
- [ARG1 Average of top rates] [rel paid] * by [ARG0-by major New York banks] on primary new issues of negotiable C.D.s , [ARGM-TMP usually] on [ARG2-on amounts of $ 1 million *U* and more] .
- The principal-only securities pay the principal from the underlying Freddie Mac 8 % securities , while [ARG0 the interest-only securities] [rel pay] [ARG1 only interest] .
- [ARG0 The principal-only securities] [rel pay] [ARG1 the principal] [ARGM-MNR from the underlying Freddie Mac 8 % securities] , [ARGM-ADV while the interest-only securities pay only interest] .
- Of [ARG1 the total $ 5.5 billion *U*] 0 *T*-4 to be [rel paid] *-3 to [ARG2-to Hoylake] by [ARG0-by Axa] , about $ 1 billion *U* *T*-1 will come from available resources of Axa 's parent , Axa-Midi Group , $ 2.25 billion *U* *T*-1 will be in the form of notes issued * by Axa , and the remaining $ 2.25 billion *U* *T*-1 will be in long-term bank loans .
- It is back with us again , in the form of legislation [ARG0 *] to [rel pay] [ARG2 volunteers] [ARGM-LOC under a `` National and Community Service Act , '' a proposal with a serious shot at congressional passage this fall] .
- To the extent 0 we lack manpower 0 *T*-3 to staff menial jobs in hospitals *T*-2 , for example , we should raise pay , pursue labor-saving technology , or allow more legal immigration , rather than overpay high school graduates as short-term workers and cause resentment among [ARG2 permanent workers] [rel paid] * [ARG1 lesser amounts] [ARG3 *-1 to do the same jobs] .
- Nonetheless , Senate Democrats are organizing a roll of supporting `` associations , '' `` societies '' and `` councils , '' some of which *T*-1 may hope *-2 to receive the [rel paid] `` [ARG2 volunteers] . ''
- If [ARG0 the market] [ARGM-MOD wo] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel pay] for [ARG3-for it] , they argue , it ca n't be worth its cost .
- Even if it *EXP*-1 is cheaper * to build playgrounds or paint apartments or plant dune-grass with [rel paid] [ARG2 professionals] , the effects on the young people providing those services alter the calculation .
- People eager * to have [ARG0 youth] `` [rel pay] [ARG1 their dues] to [ARG2-to society] '' favor service proposals -- preferably mandatory ones .
- But [ARG0 investors] should keep in mind , before * [rel paying] [ARG1 too much] , that the average annual return for stock holdings , long-term , is 9 % to 10 % *U* a year ; a return of 15 % is considered *-1 praiseworthy .
- [ARG0 *] [rel Paying] , [ARGM-DIS say] , [ARG1 10 %] for [ARG3-for insurance against losses] takes a deep bite out of the return .
- [ARG0 The brokerage firm] [ARGM-MOD wo] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel pay] [ARG1 a dividend on the stock] .
- Mr. Kaye says 0 [ARG0 he] has [rel paid] [ARG1 more than $ 70,000 *U* in legal fees] [ARGM-TMP so far] .
- But the Peugeot breakthrough came as a nationwide dispute by Finance Ministry employees disrupted border checkpoints and threatened [ARG0 the government 's] ability * to [rel pay] [ARG2 its bills] .
- Ministry employees complain that [ARG2 they] are [ARGM-MNR poorly] [rel paid] *-1 [ARGM-CAU because of a complex job-rating system 0 they say 0 *T*-2 fails *-3 to take into account their education and level of technical expertise] .
- Naturally , neither General Dynamics nor Dassault could be expected *-1 to hamper its prospective future dealings by *-2 making disclosures of [ARG1 sums] [rel paid] * -LRB- [ARGM-DIS or] [ARGM-NEG not] -RRB- to [ARG2-to various Greek officials] for [ARG3-for services rendered *] .
- Naturally , neither General Dynamics nor Dassault could be expected *-1 to hamper its prospective future dealings by *-2 making disclosures of [ARG1 sums] [rel paid] * -LRB- or not -RRB- to [ARG2-to various Greek officials] for [ARG3-for services rendered *] .
- [ARG0 NFL] ORDERED *-1 to [rel pay] [ARG1 $ 5.5 million *U* in legal fees] to [ARG2-to defunct]
- Douglas R. Pappas of Myerson & Kuhn says 0 about $ 5.3 million *U* of the award goes directly to the USFL * to reimburse it for [ARG1 fees] [ARGM-TMP already] [rel paid] .
- But at 2.3 million weekly [rel paid] [ARG1 circulation] , U.S. News still ranks *-2 third *T*-1 behind Time Warner Inc. 's Time magazine , with 4.4 million circulation , and Washington Post Co. 's Newsweek , with 3.3 million circulation .
- Donaldson 's statement is n't merely an idle boast , because those bonds will have *-2 to be sold *-1 before [ARG1 Donaldson 's bridge loan] [ARGM-MOD can] be [rel paid] *-3 [ARGM-ADV back] .
- McCaw is offering $ 125 *U* a share for 22 million LIN shares , *-1 thereby challenging [ARG0 LIN 's] proposal * to spin off its television properties , [rel pay] [ARG2 shareholders] [ARG1 a $ 20-a-share *U* special dividend] and combine its cellular-telephone operations with BellSouth 's cellular business .