frames- Her Pa -LRB- Howard Duff -RRB- is [ARG0 the kind] of guy who , [ARGM-TMP while *-3 saying grace at the supper table] , *T*-4 [rel pauses] [ARGM-LOC at the word `` sin ''] and glares at the daughter 0 he has n't seen *T*-2 for two decades , [ARGM-CAU because he knows in his heart that she enjoyed what *T*-1 happened in the cold-storage room , and has been indulging the same taste ever since in the fleshpots of Chicago] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Perry , who *T*-1 runs Unilever Group 's world-wide personal-care business ,] [rel paused] [ARGM-PNC *-2 to scan the crowd] .
- [ARG0 They] [rel pause] [ARGM-PNC only *-1 to register little whimpers of distress and sighs of satisfaction] , [ARGM-MNR like tourists cataloging the sights 0 they 've seen *T*-2 from the window of a bus] .
- `` Parties are rather a state of mind , '' [ARG0 she] said *T*-2 , *-3 [rel pausing] [ARGM-PNC only *-4 to taste *RNR*-1 and pass judgment on *RNR*-1 the Georgian shashlik -LRB- `` a little well done , but very good '' -RRB-] .
- [ARGM-DIS Instead] , [ARG0 the rally] [ARGM-ADV only] [rel paused] [ARGM-TMP for about 25 minutes] and then steamed forward as institutions resumed buying .
- Over the next year that grand agenda was whittled *-1 down to a series of steps 0 * to soften big stock drops by * interrupting trading * to give [ARG0 market players] time 0 * to [rel pause] and reconsider positions *T*-3 *T*-2 .
- -- [ARGM-ADV If S&P futures fall 5 points at opening] , [ARG0 contract trading] [rel pauses] [ARGM-TMP for 10 minutes] .
- -- [ARGM-ADV If Dow Industrials fall 25 points at opening] , [ARG0 contract trading] [rel pauses] [ARGM-TMP for 10 minutes] .