frames- Dresdner Bank this month moved *-1 to acquire Banque Internationale des Placements , [ARG1 a small French merchant bank] that [ARG0 Deutsche Bank] had looked at *T*-2 and [rel passed] *T*-2 over .
- [ARG1 The 1974 budget `` reform] , '' *-1 [rel passed] [ARGM-MNR over President Nixon 's veto] , took away the presidential impoundment power , * thereby introducing monstrous CRs and eviscerating the presidential veto .
- Other conservatives thought * to be on the administration 's short list include [ARG1 Washington lawyer Michael Uhlmann] , who *T*-1 was [rel passed] over [ARGM-ADV for the No. 2 job at the Justice Department] , and Marshall Breger , chairman of a U.S. agency on administration .
- [ARG1 Two reform-minded party leaders favored * by Moscow as possible successors to Mr. Honecker , Dresden party secretary Hans Modrow and Politburo member Guenter Schabowski ,] were [rel passed] *-1 over .