frames- [ARGM-TMP When] [ARG1 test booklets] were [rel passed] *-1 out [ARGM-TMP 48 hours ahead of time] *T*-2 , she says 0 she copied questions in the social studies section and gave the answers to students .
- [ARG0 The oil magnate] , who *T*-1 spent his later years *-3 [rel passing] out [ARG1 dimes] [ARGM-PNC *-4 to counter his penny-pinching image] , `` is n't terribly amusing , '' says 0 *T*-5 Barry Olson , creative director at Innis-Maggiore-Olson , Canton , Ohio , which *T*-2 is producing the ads .
- There are of course good reasons 0 the U.S. should n't get into the assassination business *T*-1 , but * rescinding the executive order is not the same thing as * saying 0 [ARG0 the U.S.] should start *-2 [rel passing] out [ARG1 exploding cigars] .