frames- During the past 25 years , the number of balloonists -LRB- [ARG1 those] who *T*-85 have [rel passed] [ARG2 a Federal Aviation Authority lighter-than-air test] -RRB- have swelled from a couple hundred to several thousand , with some estimates running *-1 as high as 10,000 .
- It also provides teachers with a superior self-definition as a `` profession , '' since [ARG1 they] [ARGM-MOD will] have [rel passed] [ARG2 courses in educational psychology and educational philosophy] .
- It requires [ARG1 financial planners] to register with states , [rel pass] [ARG2 competency tests] and reveal to customers any conflicts of interest .
- It may also stipulate that [ARG1 the insured] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel pass] [ARG2 another medical exam] [ARGM-TMP before renewal] ; if you flunk -- which *T*-1 means 0 you need insurance more than ever -- you may not be able *-2 to buy it .
- Even the president 's doctor , Burton Lee , has said on the record that [ARG1 he] 'd love *-1 to be surgeon general but [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel pass] [ARG2 the pro-life test] .
- In the past , writes 0 *T*-3 Houston Chronicle columnist Jim Barlow , [ARG1 outlanders] were accepted *-1 only after *-1 [rel passing] [ARG2 a series of tests 0 *T*-4 to prove 0 they had the `` right '' Texas attitudes] and `` of course they had *-5 to be dipped *-2 for parasites . ''