frames- [ARGM-ADV If all goes well] , [ARGA it] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel parachute] [ARG0 a probe] into [ARG1-into the dense Jovian atmosphere] [ARGM-TMP in July 1995] [ARGM-PNC *-4 to pick up detailed data about gases that *T*-3 may be similar to the material from which the solar system was formed *-2 *T*-1 4.6 billion years ago] .
- With airline deals in a tailspin , [ARG0 legendary Wall Street trader Michael Steinhardt] could have trouble *-2 [rel parachuting] out of [ARG1-of USAir Group] , traders say 0 *T*-1 .
- `` It *EXP*-1 does n't make sense [ARG0 *] to [rel parachute] [ARG1-DIR out] [ARGM-MNR at this price] , '' Mr. Steinhardt says *T*-2 , though he has stopped his takeover talk and now commends USAir managers ' `` operating skills . ''